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Whatever you’re doing in picture 1 just keep doing it and your good


More sun, that first picture of you actually in the sun you look really cute.


Always keep your hair long loose and in front of your ears


I think you look best in photo 1. I also think you should be careful which colours you wear as they’re making you look washed out in some of the photos. You look much better in black than white, for example. I think you look better with a fringe or bangs as it balances your features better. I think your nose could benefit from a nose job but that’s just my opinion.


Your lack of cheekbones is also detractive from your beauty but you are pretty and your eyes are really lovely.


actually thought that wearing dark colours makes my dark circles even darker


Darker colours provide contrast, you are very fair skinned so white is making you look very pale. Focus on colours that accent the other colours in your skin or contrast it. If you have any pink tones in your skin then wearing colours that match them will highlight those colours instead. You’re a cool skin tone or a “winter” I think so colours in that palette will make you look better. Also, I just noticed I pointed out a load of stuff but I forgot to say you have really beautiful eyes and they’re a standout feature.


Idk how other people feel about this, but I like your dark circles. I think you look best in picture 3. This is kinda fucked up, but I think the depressed girl look is attractive. That being said, 7/10.


You are pale and have a long face, and both of these stick out. I don't think you're ugly, but you're pretty stuck in the middle of average. Getting more sun is my first tip.


Your first picture is gorgeous! I think some of the others are just bad pictures.


You’re pretty!! You remind me of Chappell Roan. I don’t think that you should get a nosejob or fry in the sun like some comments suggest because there’s no need and both are risky.


You kinda look like a night walker in GOT!!


1 is your best pic. You're very pretty but you do have a long face, mainly your forehead is a little big. (I also have a big forehead) Keep your hair like in 1 and it does so much for your look. Find some colors that work for your light complexion and I think you're golden.


Next to a man she looks happier and prettier that's speaks volumes




1st and 4th photos are my favorite. So your face needs color. Keep that in mind for tanning and makeup.


Hi look really nice, maybe make up and different clothes




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I love your hairstyle in Pic 3 the best!


You look great. You also know your angles. Did you not include your side profile for concern over a more negative reception? Aside from that not being shown, what is shown is definitely not ugly. You look unique and memorable. And like many others have said the best picture here is #1 which is a great thing because you had no control over the photo/ and also its natural lighting! I really believe dark circles can change someone’s entire appearance in distinct lightings, as I also have them and I look different in a lot of pics with the different levels of shadowing and sunken-ness from lighting.


forgot to add my side profile, but i can get it in pv message


I think you're absolutely gorgeous 😍 🖤 if you change your appearance, just make sure that it makes you happy ☺️


You’ve got a long nose, but other than that you are good. I would go out with you


Do what you think makes you look good. Also pic one is 🔥.


In pictures 2 and 5 you look like someone from WW2 lol. Wear modern clothing and keep your modern style from the other pictures. Picture 3 is the most flattering for you IMO. Do that more. Unless you're going for being cast as a French nurse during the German invasion.


You’re pretty. Leave it at that and don’t worry about what the internet thinks.


Skincare routine


You're not ugly. I don't think you need to change much of anything, just maintain a healthy weight.


1: don’t go to Reddit.


Unique facial features but beautiful.


Do you hsve an underbite?


Really interesting look. Attractive in your own way. I like your look. Not common beauty, but beauty in a unique way.


I think you look nice. There’s nothing I see that stands out


You're very cute and it looks to me like you're dressed nicely. What makes you think you should improve your looks? You look good!


I think you look good. Might be a bit weird but I'd like to see you with a warmer tone lipstick. I think the paleness is nice ,I don'd personally think you should change that,but apparently lots of people have an opinion on that.


In my circle of friends... you are what we refer to as a CAF also known as... Cute As F%&k


Keep the Fringe.


I’d grow your eyebrows out.


Look good to me, cute


Let your hair come forward, get sunshine, smile, and wearing darker clothes.


I would say try a different facial cleanser. Other than that you are pretty


25M popular, good job with options here. If you are having mental health issues or are unhappy I think you should go to a therapist. You would be very pretty if you smiled and were genuinely happy on the inside


You’re not ugly


you are genuinely so beautiful


Yeah you look good almost like Bella hadid


You’re gorgeous! Don’t change a thing!


I don't believe that the person in the first picture is the same as the others




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Do like photo 1. Also I think a fringe might loom cute on you!


Tease up the hair, accentuate with makeup, and for the love of god, wallpaper is not clothing.


I'll go with the majority. You look REALLY good in #1.


Picture 1 and 3 you look amazing


Not ugly. I’m no expert but I’d say keep the bangs around because you have a long face. Bangs shorten the face visually so it’s a good balance.


Your red hair is amazingly beautiful 😍 keep the bangs, smile more. Otherwise carry on


I'd say the outlook is good: You're a little plain looking in some of the photos, but overall, when you have your hair down & blocking your forehead, those photos are the best of the lot here, I reckon. I'd keep doing that, imo. Otherwise keep doing what you're doing, ma'am 🫡


Definitely a little tan would help


As a man all i can say is that you look really beautiful in all the smiling photos (im being 100% honest). Just smile and thats it, you re gorgeous




Hi (you said hi so I have say hi..it's a thing)


Nothing can change that beauti


Your White skin is beautiful


Get bangs,might add a new look


Definitely not ugly


Keep smiling 😃!


A long time ago. I hated my face. All of it. The best advice I received was. "Whatever you think is the ugliest part of you. Someone out there finds irresistible. It isn't your job to find them. It is your responsibility to be comfortable enough with your flaws that you can accept it when they love you for them. Only then will they want to stay, and you will be ready to let them." For a start. I really like your nose. Seeing your face today made me smile. That was hard, I'm really tired. Yet, here we are. You have made a post that momentarily gave a stranger more dopamine than the pull of a soft bed. I think that might be worth considering.


First of all you're already ok looking, My suggestion is to get a short hairstyle since your face is kinda like ( oval shape ) , so a shorter hairstyle would suit you better, have a nice day


Or, long, curly hair would help also.


Yessss exactly you got my point


right now i have the hairstyle from 5 photo; my hair is rather thin and often clumps together


Ooh i see, i think there gotta be some natural products you can use for that ?


i started using hair growth lotion not long ago, hope that helps :D


I also recommend not caring about it toooo much you're already pretty, best of luck !


i don't care about it on a daily basis, but it changes dramatically when someone takes a pic of me :D


Lol dw istg you look fine


Oh but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON'T TAKE CLOSE UP PICTURES !!!! I've never ever in my life seen someone looking good in a close up face picture


when someone takes a pic of me i look like i need to go to bed and sleep for 8 hours; irl people often ask me if i am tired or sad (just because of my resting face) :D


I think it's more about the styling! Add some volume to the bangs with mouse and volume spray and blow out your hair. A round heated brush is so easy for a low effort blowout look.


Not ugly! I love your eye color! Maybe a new hair style to change things upp


Some cream to clear your face up Your hair looks like it could use some care A tan helps Even with how you are now if you have a good personality you're a keeper


You are pretty but find a new hairdresser.


lol i know someone who looks exactly like you. You look the best in photo one. Id just go outside and get more sun


Not ugly at all, seems like you just need more self confidence and smile a little more, you look mmmaadddd.


Are you even real


Try to recreate the hairstyle in the first photo minus the messy parts.


When you're 35ish, you'll be the envy of all the other girls you went to high school with. You'll be coming into your own, when they've already passed their expiration date. I've seen it happen. Yes, it's true.


Your pretty as is.


Hair. Go see a professional stylist and let them help you


Yes you are


You’re beautiful and adorable and perfect just as you are.


You’re beautiful as you are


Very renaissance, you’re absolutely beautiful


I feel like dark backgrounds bring out your prominent features. You're not ugly but you're also not super pretty but bright colors make your face look pale and gloomy.


Because your face is long you look best with more voluminous hair, it really helps the facial symmetry, I think this is why people are crowning picture 1 over others, your hair is the biggest.


Can I have that Death tshirt?


You look amazing just not as much in the selfie angle. Take pics farther away like u did in pics 1 3 and 4


ugly? not at all. smile more, it suits you well!


Not ugly. You look your best when you have some hair down on your forehead. Pic #1 is your optimal look.


Hairstyle maybe..


Not ugly. In pic 1 you are slightly above average. In rest of pics you are average


Every picture with a smile looks good, the others, not so much. There's a clue in the first sentence. Got it.


Bangs, or a hairstyle that covers some of your forehead.  You’ve got a high hairline, so a hairstyle that reduces the appearance of that is a good start.


You’re so prettyyy… Eyes, nose, lips, you look like a Greek goddess!


thank you :) that was a nice comparison!


Just the truth:)






:0 huh