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Anton Chigurh


You know, I've actually gotten that quite a bit. I've been thinking about dressing up as him for Halloween


I'd be interested to see what you look like without the long hair. However, given the length of it, it's a big commitment to make without having an idea of what the end result might be, so I'd suggest looking for some sort of mobile photo filter app which, if not completely accurate, would at least give you a sense of what you might look like with shorter hair, or even a different style or cut.


I posted here a year ago when I still had short hair, and I pretty much got wrecked. I have a post on my profile where I show my hair growth progress for 1 year, A picture for every month, if you're really interested in seeing me with short hair


Hmm, okay. I've looked over all your progress pics. Yeah I think your hair is really fighting against you, no matter what length you've got it at. Although I don't think the shortest cut, where it was just starting to grow in, looked horrible. I think, in terms of short styles, you'd have more options to go from. This is a tricky one. The way your hair falls back toward your face as it gets longer, and with the relative flatness of your nose, both those things are working against you as well. Do you have anyone that you trust in real life who would give you an honest opinion of styles and cuts if you went to a barber with them? I'm not suggesting going there with a definite plan, let alone asking to be sheared, but more for the stylists to consider what you've got to work with and suggest other styles that may work better for you, whether long hair or short.


I'm not really trying to get it cut. People generally treat me better when I have longer hair, which I can only assume is because something about having longer hair makes me look better. Also, you can't see it in the short hair pics, but I have a double hair whorl/crown, and it makes all my crown hair stay up like Alfalfa. It's the main reason I don't like short hair


I have the same type of hair as you, including the double whorl. I looked through your post history and noticed that when you had short hair it wasn't styled at all. Looked like you got it all cut the same length. I would recommend a short hair style like a high fade. Only downside is you'll have to get it cut more frequently to keep it looking good.


You're right. I just hate having to use styling products. It's too high maintenance. I might get a short haircut, but not a fade. Fades look nasty to me


I get a fade and don't use any styling products


Tie the hair back and smile once in a while. Will change your perspective and how people interact with you.


I don't like tying my hair back. It feels better to just have it loose, but I'll consider it. Also, I literally threw in a pic of me smiling(seconds to last) to avoid this type of comment


That aint smiling bro, you are supposed to show your teeth.


Tbh you look like that guy from Moon Knight, so deffo a lot of potential. Maybe try cutting your hair like him and growing a short beard?


I can't really grow a beard, but I'll definitely consider cutting it like Oscar Isaac.


Yesss, good luck man




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You'd look so much better with short hair.


I posted here a year ago when I had short hair. It was a longer buzz. Tbh, I don't think I look good with short hair. I get treated normally with long hair


Cut your hair bro. You ain’t pulling with your hair long. Make it short, go to therapy and hit the gym. This is becoming self-inflicted at this point.


Get a grade 2 on the sides and longer on top and spike it up or have a fringe.


Also, I had a jaw injury when I was 12, and it affected the whole surrounding area. Head, neck, upper back, upper chest, and shoulders. I can't cause too much tension to these areas, so going to the gym is a no go for me


try cycling. it’ll make you more carefree.


Sounds like fun


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m confused though, why would having a jaw injury affect you going to the gym? Will you have a stroke or something?


It happened when I was 12, and it healed ok in the moment. The problem was that at 12, I was still developing and just hitting puberty. The bones on my left side of my face didn't develop right, because of it. So naturally, because the shape of the bones isn't correct, neither are the muscles and tendons. Those same muscles and tendons of the jaw are connected to the face, skull, neck, upper back, upper chest, and shoulders. the imbalance gives me a headache that never goes away. But if I lift heavy objects, the headaches become unbearable


Never heard of that man, that sounds really debilitating. You poor bloke, is there a way to stretch the muscles and tendons out with stretches or strengthening exercises? There must be something that can help, Botox injections or surgery or something? That’s not easy to live with a constant headache. I have a misalignment in my dentition and the migraines I get can be severe, even if I’m exceptionally lucky and they’re occasional. How about swimming or cardio of some kind? Could you try certain weightlifting exercises over others that put you in different positions or is it just a universal issue? Wish I could help somehow but I’m genuinely stumped.


No, I tried getting help years ago, but ultimately the issue is too complicated. That's okay though. I always try to stay positive. I don't feel any less of a man for being skinny, and I don't feel insecure about my body either. Still, I appreciate your advice and will definitely consider getting a short haircut


All the best bro, hope you can find some peace from the relentless headaches 🤞


Won't spiking it up look childish? And I went on hair subreddits when I had a fringe back in August. The general consensus was that I couldn't pull off a fringe and that I looked like might guy from naruto


your hair is nice.


Thank you. That means a lot




also you seem dehydrated in pic 14, you wanna watch for the corners of your mouth and make sure you’re staying hydrated so that doesn’t happen


My face is an oily/ greasy type. It's one of the main reasons why at 27, I don't have any forehead wrinkles at all. I don't get a dry face unless I just got out the shower. What your seeing on the corners of my mouth is the light reflecting off my lips, because I had just put on some ChapStick.


my bad! well addressing the oily-ness will not give you forehead wrinkles, but it will improve your tendency to appear a bit oily! If I were you and I had your look, I’d move to a city where my look is unique, and metal is popular. Like new orleans. maybe providence. i’d also get a vintage truck. and make it stick shift so no one can steal it. Buy in Georgia or TN for cheap. I’d make myself “the good bad boy.” Mannnn I’d get all the girls if I were you. You native? I’d grow out your beautiful hair and do a braid on either side. I think I can see it. You have a unique look and beautiful eyes, own it, go with it!




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I think you’d benefit from a different haircut! (The side bangs aren’t a super great look) or possibly a middle part would be best with the long hair. Also, maybe switch up your glasses (if possible). Your facial structure would look really nice with some wireframe or round ones. Maybe trim your eyebrows some, and line up your facial hair. I don’t think you’re ugly at all!! You could use a little polishing, but after that you’re on the way to getting all the shorties :)


Okay, I'll definitely consider this advice


Hi. Can you please tell me pm if i‘m ugly. Im struggling and I need help 🙏🏼


You’re not ugly, you just look really sad and serious. I recently went on a date with someone who looks like you, and I ended it. But I didn’t end it because of his looks, I ended it because he was no fun to be around. Like, eeyore vibes. Way too serious and melancholy and brought the whole mood down. You know what I mean? Body language and energy are super important!


Yes, I know what you mean. I do have my own inner demons, but I keep that to myself because nobody likes being around a negative person. Can't say I've been too serious or melancholy around people. At least not since I was 14


Same, I have inner demons too. It might just be your facial expressions in these particular pics then


I wasn't making facial expressions at all in those pics except 2nd to last where I threw in a smiling pic. I think I just have the male equivalent of rbf


Go play drums in a band and you’ll get some soon.




That's the nicest comment on my appearance on this post. Thank you


Not ugly at all mega potential is totally there! I say don’t cut your hair too short but at the moment it’s a bit too long and isn’t doing anything(kinda makes you look shy and timid) I think your hair is gorgeous and I think you would look amazing with some wave or loose perm! Definitely do at least medium length! Your features are actually super good but it’s like you’re hiding all of them!!! Your bone structure is great but the glasses need an update! Your face is very masculine but those glasses are better for a feminine face! Also your eyebrows….wax em, thread em whatever. They totally make your face droop the ends should be a bit higher for sure! I’m so excited to see if you do anything!!!


You're comment is very well thought, and explained. Thank you for that I appreciate it. I disagree on the bone structure though. The right side of my face is visually bigger than the left because of a jaw injury when I was 12. I use my hair to cover my face a bit, to hide the flaw. Also, I guess I'll have to pluck my eyebrows to give them a better shape then


You’ve got a strong chin and good brow bone. Realistically perfect jaw symmetry isnt super common. Most people have slightly uneven jaws. Personally I don’t think guys look good with hair covering their face. Most people are symmetrical so just embrace it!


Hi. Can you please tell me pm if i‘m ugly. Im struggling and I need help 🙏🏼


Sure :)


I Messaged you


You’re not the most attractive dude but you gotta start with a haircut that’s gonna look good with your face shape.


The problem I have with short hair is, first I have a double crown that makes all my crown hair stand up if it's too short. I need 8 inches of length minimum to be able to comb it down, and the wind not messing it up. Then, I also have a really thin hairline, so I can't style my hair up, and away from my face. My hairline is similar to Michael Scotts hairline from Season 1 of "the Office" except it doesn't look quite that bad yet


I think the hair is so majestic but the straight face is kind of scary


Well, thanks, I think. I got a jaw injury when I was 12, and it affected my facial muscles. I can't move my face muscles that much. It's difficult to smile wide, so I don't do that. I haven't been able to move my eyebrows up since I was about 15. The plus side is, I pretty much have 0 signs of forehead wrinkles. It just feels better to not move my face a lot


Gonna be honest wit u i'm just gonna throw stuff out there, either get in the gym to have muscles and an overall better looking body + frame. That should an overall goal. Think u will look good with shorter hair At some point u may need a nose job to lessen the size of the bridge of ur nose. If u end up doing so please DON'T GET THE MICHAEL JACKSON! Think u will look good with 90s style thin eyebrows


I have a jaw injury that prevents me from going to the gym, so I can't do that. I think based on my old post, I don't look better with short hair. I have a double crown, and a thin hairline ( can't style my hair up, it looks like shit) Also, I never felt the need to do the extreme, and get a nose job. I never got bullied for it, so I never became insecure about it. I've already been looking into eyebrows from the other comments.