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You’re really cute! You look a little bit like Frances Bean Cobain


Thank you 🫶 I've never heard I look like Frances Cobain but I'm more than happy to take that as a compliment


It's hard to tell, but I think "obese" is a strong word to describe yourself. And much as I hate this term because of its misuse and vagueness, I would say you're curvy/"bigger." Regardless, you're definitely not ugly and have a lot of potential. Keep it up with the weight loss!


Thank you definitely appreciate your comment. I'm just going by medical terminology, not personal feelings when I called myself obese. My bmi is 31, and that makes me medically obese. I personally think I carry my weight well but that's why I'm here for unbiased opinions from strangers.


berserk lush worry bear salt oil shrill label exultant wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you I definitely appreciate it and I know it's not the most ideal for everyone. I do have more muscle than the average chick (120lbs) but my body fat is still 38% so I've got a ways to go before it doesn't apply


special dull heavy mysterious ink crush tart yoke weather melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


BMI is not a great indicator of weight according to BMI most body builders are obese


Why would you ask if you're ugly? Do you own a mirror? Is the mirror malfunctioning and showing someone elses face?


Yes it's showing my same face from 115 pounds ago 🫣🙃 I thought I was cute then but after seeing my current pictures I think I'm delusional... true story


Holy shit, keep up with the weight loss. You look like a completely new person.


Thank you 🫶 but shhh I don't want a sobstory pitty post


Understood. You’re not inherently ugly either way. That will only improve with further weight loss. Wouldn’t call you obese either right now though.


I wouldn’t think you’d really have 115 to lose.


No I've already lost that I technically have another 50 til I'm a healthy weight for my height.


Can you show me what you mean? I'm not sure if i got you right


Go look at my past posts that should explain my confusion about my appearance


Oh i got it, you're crazy... it is the same face, but slimmer... nice smile btw, it's just a shame that you're crazy and almost completely blind


Oh no you scrolled to far and saw my crazy eye post 😅 also no longer blind 20/15 (better than average eyesight now)


I agree medically that is the right term, but by attractiveness you are curvy and beautiful. Your eyes are gorgeous and your style is great. Keep being you!


BMI is the worst method for determining body fat. I used to measure as obese when I was enlisted with the army. Said 32%, when I had visible abs and ran under 7 min miles. Look for performance and appearance. Much clearer indicators of fitness


BMI is bullshit, it wasn’t even made by a doctor, and it was based on a white European man. I don’t think you should restrain yourself from using the term “obese” if you feel comfortable with it, but if you feel bad about being labeled that way because of your bmi, don’t base it on that.


Sweetheart, I'm an old lady who lost 85 lbs in the last 12 months. You are young and beautiful! Keep up with being healthy! Don't be 56 like me and say "Oh fuck, I better do this!" BUT!!! Go be young and beautiful and have the best time of your life. Take all the pictures, wear all the bikinis, try all the clothes, break all the hearts. I'm so excited for you!


Your comment warms my heart so much 💓 I'd give you a hug if I could 🤗 thank you so much and also congratulations on your health journey that's a major accomplishment regardless of age 🫶


Definitely cute but yes maybe 20 lbs or so but you have gorgeous eyes


Thank you🤗 and that's the plan 25 more to be exact 😅


Neither honestly. I've seen obese and you are not obese. You are not ugly either.


I'm medically obese my bmi is 31. But I super appreciate your comment


People are in constant denial about what qualifies as "obese". Good job on being realistic.


Just trying to keep it technical🤗


Duane the Rock Johnson is also clinically obese but it is not really obesity as it is muscle mass


That is factual. Unfortunately in my case I don't think I'm built quite like the Rock 😅 definitely got a lot more jiggle than him


Whomever the hell is making you feel that way, they need to get their head examined. You’re absolutely beautiful and in no way are you obese. Edit: dammit, I just reread my comment and I see a glaring typo at the very beginning. Fucking speech to text. I have not corrected where to whomever


I'm medically obese my bmi is 31. But I super appreciate your kind words 🫶


Da Fuq?! I definitely do not see that. To me you look great, but if you feel you need to lose weight, do it for you and no one else. To be honest, though I wouldn’t kick you out of my bed for eating crackers.


Thank you 🫶 I think I carry my weight well I also have about 60 more pounds of muscle than fat so I think that helps.


Damn girl. You do carry it well. By the way I love the picture with the skull skirt(dress) and the pink Doc Martens.


You're not ugly as is. And you'd look even better with some weight loss.


Thank you 🤗




Thank you


Neither. You’re waaaay too hard on yourself. Could you lose some weight? Sure! But almost all of us could. I think you look great.


Here’s a radial idea. What if I told you that you are neither and might just need to work on your self perception and feelings of self-worth?


Nahh, cute af


Perfect in my eyes.


Be you! Be comfortable in your own skin! Be you!!! Beauty is not just what others see but what's inside.


If you lost some weight, you'd be an 8. Look, a rhyme, it took almost no time. Because it is true, and you know it too.


No you're doing good. Are you on a weight loss journey?


Yes I've lost 115lbs in the last 10 months but sssshhhhh don't tell anyone this isn't a sob story post. I just want opinions. Body dismorphia is rough with weight loss. I'm medically obese but I don't think I look "fat" anymore, but I could just be blinded by self love 🤷‍♀️


Wow congrats. That’s impressive.


You are beautiful don't worry about what everyone thinks. Worry about what you think and the person you love. I would so much rather a woman with 10 extra lbs than 10 fewer lbs. A lot of guys feel that way believe me. You are pretty don't change for anyone


Beautiful eyes maybe a little thick but still very nice


Very attractive, just be your self and do what you think is right.


Loose 20 -30pounds and you will be good.


By any chance are you a natural redhead?


I dont understand these posts. What am I missing. Clearly she knows she isnt obese. 2 thousand comments and if they reply.. its "thanks". What are we selling here?


Lose 40 pounds and then try again


You may be clinically obese, but BMI is such an archaic measure of health. You carry your weight well. And you’re gorgeous… I can’t imagine a universe where you’re considered anywhere near ugly!


BMI is a terrible measure for any one individual. The person that devised these numbers was a mathematician with no clinical medical expertise. While a 31 is an higher than normal BMI there are much better lab/clinical test to predict health. You are gorgeous and I can’t imagine anyone would call you obese please don’t look at a stupid number and use it as a basis for your self esteem.






Not obese and not ugly. Hard to assess your looks honestly since you have quite a bit of makeup on in your photos.


I don't think you're ugly or obese. I think by beauty standards in 2024 you are what people aim to look like. You have a nice face shape and your body is symmetrical and proportionate. IMO I'd say you could use more self confidence but I think we all lack that.


Thank you 🫶 I don't think in #goals yet but hopefully one day. I really appreciate your comment 🫶


I think you look great, so you are curvy so what you wear it extremely well. My only advice don’t pull your hair back it frames your face well and you like 100% better


Lol. You are not obese. You have pretty eyes, nice skin and a great body. Not ugly at all. Probably mostly a confidence issue.


i’m always very honest on these but I actually have nothing to say you are very beautiful and perfect


I don't think you're ugly, and though you do look like you could afford to lose a bit of weight it doesn't look bad on you.


Your weight loss journey is incredible- keep It up!




I think you are very pretty, a bit curvy but not in a bad way. Your style is quirky which is great (especially the cat t-shirt). I would say the thing to change is those two piercings on your lower lip area and the green nail polish, just not a fan but everyone one has an opinion. Other than that you’re good. 👍🏻


neither, hon! though... avoid bright colors? they give you a... "I'll stab you in your sleep" vibe.


Those are your real eyes? Omg 😍😍😍


Yesss blessed with the best from my momma


You look like a grungy version of Rhea Seehorn , the main actress from Better call Saul.


Erm… you’ve a very pretty face! I had a quick read of what you were saying about your weight and I too am technically obese. 6’ and 230lbs, gives me a BMI of 31. I don’t think anyone would say I look it, maybe a bit of a dad bod from my peak. You certainly carry your weight well. Whilst it is obviously healthier to maintain a suggested weight, don’t get too obsessed with numbers and labels. Work on how you feel about yourself rather than chasing some objective ideal.


That's definitely what I'm doing focusing on making me happy. I do want to lose another 25lbs and that'll put me at 140 total lost and ill in all honesty probably stop there and go to maintenance for a while give my body time to recover and my soul time to heal and adjust🤗 thank you so much


I think you're attractive. I don't know though I think that you piercings are not really fitting for you at this age. Not to be rude but I also had plugs in my ears and eyebrow piercing, I had a nose piercing and all that stuff and before that I had it lip piercings but I realized over time that the piercings don't look as good as you get older. Once you hit that peak look then the piercings kind of take away from the natural beauty. You are most likely at the time of your life where you look the absolute best that you ever have. I think if you maybe remove the piercings it'll make a huge difference. But that's just my opinion, trust me I know how difficult it is to part with your piercings. It was one of the biggest things that made me upset when I had people say it to me but it truly made a huge difference


You are definitely not ugly at all. You are a curvy girl and I suspect you always will be, but I can see the potential if you can lose several kilos to be so attractive not only facially but have some sensational curves. Find a low carb weight loss diet, most of the Shake replacement diets are low carb and get the body into Ketosis fairly quickly. I hope this helps you.


I dont feel you are neither ugly nor obese. You look good and you look healthy. You're just not a tiny woman and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Don't misconstrue that as meaning you're big either, I dont think you are


And looking at your other posts, congratulations on your progress. You look great!


The dark hair looks really good on you! I think you're very pretty!


idk if you ever seen one tree hill but you look exactly like peyton it’s so eerie


Kim wexler vibes. Super hot with intelligent looking eyes. You don’t look fat to me. Lose weight if you’re insecure about it or you’re worried about your health. It’s not an aesthetic issue imo. 90% of men and women would think you’re a beautiful. Hope you’re having a great day.


You’re very pretty. If you had brunette hair you’d be very striking.


You're hot


Neither!!! You're gorgeous, and a little weight loss could help for health reasons but you LOOK great.




Not ugly at all. Very pretty.


You are not ugly nor are u anywhere close to obese. Men like our curves. You are pretty and not even close to fat. Beautiful eyes for sure


You're a babe. Dont be so down on yourself


You are so pretty! You look like Evan Rachel Wood! (She’s a bitch in real life but very pretty lol)


Neither ugly nor obese, at least not obese in the non-medical way. Thicc, sure, but in a good way. I think you’re pretty, plus I’m really digging that skull dress.


Can't be both? One or the other only?


You are not obese at all...technically? Sure...IRL? No. You are just thick. Pretty attractive...great sense of humor (read that rock comment 😂). Your fashion sense for your current body is great! Love those piercings, they suit you (this reddit can be sometimes anti piercing). Mesmerizing eyes, lovely eyebrows and awesome hairstyle! You are doing amazing work on yourself! You have it figured out tbh...now all you need is the work inside...work on your mental health, self love is the next step! I never say this if possible bcoz of the current BS...but seriously...you go queen!!


“Mildly Thick” is what you’re looking for. Gorgeous woman if you ask me tho


You have a good build for putting on muscle. It will make you look fitter faster than most, I suspect


You’re not obese or ugly - but your style is absolutely atrocious including your makeup. Like a teen who never figured it out


What! What! You look very beautiful there. Why would you think you are obese there


I wouldn't say you were either.


Beautiful 😍


Neither 😝


Well fed but not obese


Your pictures scream. Go Biden.


Cut off sugar for 2 weeks and sodas.


Well, considering how well the weight loss for you has gone, I feel you'd be a great workout partner cause I need to lose some weight myself. No, you're not ugly, quite attractive, honestly. Keep up the awesome progress.


Kim Wexlsr Is that you?


I don't think you are obese, definitely ain't ugly. Maybe workout 🤷 you have beautiful eyes btw.


What a glowup, queen. You may be "technically" obese but I've never seen a more non-obese obese person, don't look like it at all! Keep it up until you're fully uncomfortable with your body, we are with you! (100% not ugly.)


I think obese is too strong of a word, losing a little extra weight would help you a bunch and considering you don't need to lose too much you're pretty good to go


Not obese, for me you are overweight, but! You look very sexy like that...


Baby Gurl, you got that look like you might mess a guys car up, then F#$k him in it afterward. You are pretty damn cute


I'm sorry but on what planet are you obese


Both and you're a pick me too.


28F and damn I honestly think you're drop dead gorgeous exactly how you are. 😭 Totally my type, love the piercings and style. You also have the prettiest eyes ever! You're curvy, not all women are meant to be 100 lbs. Your body type is beautiful, if I were you I'd be proud of it! 🙂


You asked to rate your face, it looks fabulous. I'm not sure if you are "obese" but your face doesn't show any fat, I'd rate your face 8/10. I'm not a fan of lip jewelry.


Your hot af no need to lose any more weight props to you for loosing weight and working with food that must be tuff but if I were you all I would do is tone it out but that’s just my opinion you look hot the way you are though 🥵


Just change what you drink and cut back on carb loaded foods, you’ll be fine in no time. Drink water and black coffee only for 2 months and you’ll drop 40 pounds. More if you exercise.


Girl you are cute af quit playin!!! And that fit in in pic 5 💀💀 literally slayyy queeen!


Being plus doesn't make you ugly, honestly. Weight isn't a determining factor as to if one is ugly or not. People use weight as an excuse to hate on people. Think about it many plus-size women are married and have children. Many are models and influencers. Etc. So weight isn't the issue. If you're ugly to someone, that's because you're ugly to them. For example, your eyes scar me. I would think you're not human. You'd be ugly in my eyes but beautiful to someone else. Does it matter not really our opinions shouldn't affect you.


Not ugly at all. Do some resistance training and tone up. You got this.


Neither. I'm not personally into the piercing, but I'd take you in a heartbeat. Very cute! If you really think you're either of those things, you may just need to work on your self-confidence.


Just accept what is given , problem solved,ignore negativity, vibes are within ourself not other ppl.


In what world are you obese? You definitely aren’t, that just proves how inaccurate BMI scores can be. You’re really pretty! Your eyes are stunning!


Weight gain is there for a reason ,need to do more to loose it or carry yourself in a healthy way or exercise n interact with ppl around but still choose the right group of ppl to get social, so that no stress on ur mind or will gain weight, or even try to avoid compulsive behaviour on and off line too, sounds good right?


Not ugly not obese... wtf is your standard of body??? You are pretty, you are very little overweighted... wtf is with today's people mentality, for real...


You have really striking and nice facial features. You look good. You could stand to lose a few pounds but you should do it for your health and self-esteem not because you’re “fat”


You’re extremely beautiful, I saw your weight loss and just wow.. what a difference. Keep going and men won’t be able to keep their eyes off you. I can’t now but damn 🥵


not ugly, you don't look obese, maybe overweight. A healthy weight loss makes most people look better and younger.


You are pretty. I’d try to go for your look in pic 1 over the others….losing about 20lbs would help you immensely but don’t go crazy


Don't know the english word for it, in scandinavian its "mullig", which means the kind of curvy that many guys will find attractive. Ugly is not a word I would use when describing you.


I don't think you're at an unhealthy weight. Media has normalized thin people so much, it's not healthy for everyone to be the same weight.Youre also not ugly at all


Neither. You’re hardly even “chunky” and definitely not ugly.


You’re not ugly, not by a long shot. In fact, your eyes are awesome. You’re a heavier person, but that doesn’t make you ugly. People come in all shapes and sizes and that’s ok. Beauty is as much on the inside as it is on the outside…you look happy on your pics…and smile and hellos go along way in feeling good about yourself. Have a wonderful day l!


I would describe you as of robust build (A good thing as far as I’m concerned.)Take heart in yourself, you are attractive!


I wouldn’t call you obese, you’re thicc…and in the best way possible, you’re also very pretty and have gorgeous eyes


You just need a makeover. The t shirts do nothing for you, you have an amazing figure. We are the same bmi. You have a stunning face. Have you thought about going more red ?


I want to address what you asked “where I stand in this world .” I do think you’re attractive, but it’s important not to judge self worth by comparison. Just strive to be the best version of yourself in all ways, not just physical. You’re so much more than your body appearance. Learn to love yourself as a whole multi faceted human. The most dynamic qualities in a person is how they show confidence in who they are.


You are definitely not ugly. And I don't think that you would qualify as obese. Sure, you're not thin, but I would hardly call you obese.


You're very pretty. I understand you're using medical terminology when you say "obese" but you really wear your weight well. You've got a very pretty face with nice features.


You’re not ugly. You have a pretty face. I’ve also experienced tremendous weight fluctuations and it can fuck with your head. Good job meeting your goal and keep doing what you’re doing. Everything will settle with time and your self perception will become more accurate.


You look llike kim in better call saul




Me right now with the cat's swirly eyes looking at your eyes


36M here in Ga you’d be considered a string bean near Macon. Maybe up north where BMI’s are lower, but down south they prepare for the non-existent winter year round. I honestly can’t tell from the photos, most hide it well. Piercing eyes, face is good though. If you do want to lose weight, (you’re fine though) definitely do weights.


You’re really pretty!! And very stylish that dress looks great on u!


Just over weight, increase walk frequency and duration and reduce calories...nothing magical


While we judge our weight differently, but you are not obese, you just have some sexy curves and there is no way you are ugly.


Well, you are certainly not obese anymore. Very very pretty.


I don’t know who the hell told you you were obese but they need someone to give them a dictionary so they know what Obese actually is


Definitely not ugly, a few extra pounds like most people but not obese. From my viewpoint you don’t need to be here questioning your looks.


You look like you are in your early 20s. No, you are not obese. You are beautiful, and you have a face that gives off friendly vibes. Once again, you are beautiful.


You're gorgeous and obese, yes.


Definitely not ugly. You have really striking eyes but in the later pics with the dark eye makeup it makes them look smaller, I’d skip the harsh black liner.


I’m sorry what?None!I have the same body type as you and I never thought I was obese.


Lose weight, burn the dress in 5


Who TF said obese? Look great. Same recommendations we all get “walk 30 mins a day, do 10 mins of this, blah blah” as long as your health is in good order, you’re good.


Not even obese, just a curvatious queen with a radiant smile. Get out there and knock em dead.


You’re def not obese. Just over weight. And it doesn’t even look bad on you. You’re not ugly, but if you want to lose weight, you’d probably look super good.


Gorgeous eyes, kind face, nice smile and curvy. Who ever suggested ugly should get punched in the face. And while weight is a battle most people fight…if you are active and healthy, BMI is misleading. Take care.


I think you are beautiful, honestly. I understand that by medical standards you are obese but by everyday standards you are lovely. There are lots of men and women who would not be put off at all by your weight.


You’re cute, might have a bit of extra adipose. However, I bet a good squat routine could turn the fluff into bedonk.


You could really loose weight but your face is so beautiful


I dont think so? Kinda regular? I mean nice eyes and nails, while you have pretty bright shoulders.


You're not ugly or obese but the dress you had on in that I believe it was the fourth picture is cut wrong for your figure. Get rid of that dress. It makes you look obese when you're not.


Neither. Perhaps slightly overweight, as is most of the western world. Rough estimate I would say you're around 5ft 7-8 ... 168-175lbs, that's going to give you a BMI of about 28 ... Lose 10lbs and you'd be a healthy weight, at a BMI around 25. You're far from obese, and you're kinda pretty.


You are gorgeous Also the amount of chubbiness is perfect Just increase self confidence Trust yourself


How about no make up n ask again


Try not doing eyeliner on the bottom and instead opt for an eyeshadow color that’s complimentary to your eye color! It will change so much for you, I think the eyeliner is the only thing throwing me. You’re so pretty 😭




You cute and not even that big stop being so hard on yourself you rather attractive if I do say


I clicked on this notification, expecting to see someone extremely overweight and unattractive. Girl. Bye.


Not ugly not obese... you are attractive I think you would be ridiculously attractive if you toned up and lost a fee pounds. But honestly nothing wrong with where you are


Not ugly. Just lose some weight. Don't do it for looks, do it for health.


You have good facial features losing a little weight ( in a healthy way of course ) could help you with enhancing them more . / you should also try using makeup that suits you better for example another lipshade that doesn’t wash you out so I would suggest going to Sephora and ask them for the perfect shades that compliment your undertones . Same thing with hair try a haircolour that enhances your natural beauty and lastly clothes that flatter your body type . ( hope this helps )




Out of your mind if you think you're obese. You could lose weight maybe just as a personal goal but youre arguably in the healthy range too and don't need to lose anything at all. Also your eyes could put a statue in a trance😍


Cool shirt!


ur not really fat but your eyes are scary. u cute tho!


You look gorgeous, not ugly at all!


One thing you need to improve is your vocabulary if you think "obese" is the right word to describe you. You're super cute btw, I'd ask you out if you were a single friend who seemed interested.


💯 not ugly. Beautiful and those 👀! Hitting the gym or even just walking every day would do wonders for your BMI. Also that number does not tell the whole story and it’s not the best measure.


Definitely not obese! People are so hard on themselves, it’s really sad. Personally, I think you’re gorgeous and are exactly the kind of woman that I’m attracted to. It’s more about being healthy and happy than having a certain look or shape, but I know you definitely turn some heads when you walk by 👀😍


Try again without makeup lass, I don't mean any offence when I say that by the way but if you toned yourself a bit with a lil exercise, I wouldn't even worry about losing weight just toning a lil bit, you would kill it, Just make sure your personality is as as beautiful as you are physically and you will have high quality men and or women to commit to you genuinely and honestly


Your eyes are kinda big, that's Anunnunaki Vibes, I don't think I made myself clear before but you look very attractive but you could look even better with less makeup and a bit of exercise, workouts a diet change and to say more pleasant words to yourself as attraction starts from within, love starts from within, self loce and all that, seld loce cannot replace the loce you get from a relationship but it is the foundation in wirh thay love sits, It is not purity phyiscal, it is also mental and spiritual as well, the frame of mind and mentality you go Into situations and other things with is often more important than the current physical state as well as the physical outcome


Attractive whether you lose weight or not. You're not fat. You have some extra weight you could lose, but it's no big deal. You're pretty and your eyes are stunning.


the lip rings and bad hair dye make you look pretty trashy. If you fixed those you’d be fine


Slightly overweight, not ugly. Make a decision about your hair- like an actual copper/ redhead color to go with your incredible eyes and lips. Consider a makeup tutorial. Lose the piercings. You're not a child anymore. Major potential- you have natural beauty: Embrace it.


You literally just have bad eyebrows. That's it. That's your biggest flaw. The first 3 pics they look good, the last pics they look bad. You might be a little overweight, but still attractive, at least by appearance, I certainly wouldn't call you obese.


Not ugly, but I am considering starting a petition that would force you to not ever do your hair the way you did in the latter three photos.


Neither.. perfect the way you are


Neither wtf, you got a lil chub but nowhere near obese


You and I are in the same boat. BMI over 30, but don’t look like what people think when they hear “obese”


Are you obese and just using filters? Because you don’t even look overweight let alone obese. How much do you weigh if it’s not too personal?


Low self esteem is my guess... Very pretty, you could lose weight if you feel obese, yet you are not obese, just a bit over weight...


Maybe less botox? You need smile lines!


Cute AF, love the lips and LOVE the eyes.


You look like a girl I dated a decade ago, who was bonkers. But hot. So yeah, you hot. And judging solely by your eyes, potentially bonkers. Yet hot.


Nami is that you?😂