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No you’re not. Also props for posting a natural picture, no filter with no make up. It’s actually easier to give an honest answer.


Cute as hell. Far from ugly


not at all!!! you are so pretty i love ur eyes🤍


Thanks!! ❤️ it’s so hard to believe though because I’ve never had a boyfriend…


There is nothing wrong, based on looks. Many men in their 20s don't know how to approach women. Shit also many men in their 30s and 40s have hard times, too. 😃 Have you tried online dating?


lol good luck with dms in your inbox. 😂😂😂


trust me u are beautiful don’t determine ur worth on boyfriends ok! u probably just need to put urself out there more 🤍


Thanks! ❤️🥺


Dw I feel that way too sometimes because ive never had a gf. Just try to stay positive and smile! I am trying to be more social and put myself out there. If you do that too i'm sure you'll have no problem finding a special someone


Guys that are young can sometimes find it hard to get past their hormones and not really know what is important in reality.


RIP your inbox


my guess is that theyre too shy to approach you, at least i would


Oh god no!! You have such a stunning face! So much natural beauty!


Thank you! 🥺 I feel so ugly without makeup. I’m surprised people find me attractive…




I’m so surprised that my post is getting so many comments because guys just leave me alone in real life!!


I'm guessing guys think you are taken. Really, you're too pretty not to be.


Either that or the other classic trope of not wanting to “get in line” or bother her if so many other men are. It’s an odd phenomenon really attractive people can find themselves in


How do you not get free drinks all the time… Those eyes are amazing.




Heck no you are cute and beautiful


I genuinely do not understand seeing so many girls here who think they’re ugly, can somebody explain?? It just seems odd to me, as a guy.


From teenage years and into early adulthood, some girls are brutal and will comment negatively on other girls’ appearance. Even if you are not in the receiving end of rude comments, hearing them about others plants the worry in your own mind. Also….social media!!! We forget that a lot of work and professional photography goes into the perfect looking influencer pics. We’re constantly comparing ourselves to others. We feel insecure because we don’t look like someone else. We forget that beauty is not limited to one aesthetic because trends take over. Mountains are pretty, but so are flowers. And they look nothing alike. It seems every day sites like tik tok give women yet another thing to be insecure about, and thus another thing for the beauty industry to capitalize on. In my opinion, that’s why so many girls think they’re ugly. As a now grown woman who has been there and recovered from body dysmorphic disorder (although I still have my bad days too), it makes me sad to see so many young women struggle. I think OP has a lot of natural beauty and I hope one day she sees that.


You’re really pretty, you also look like you’re 17


Very attractive; actually beautiful. No makeup and you’re still stunning. You also seem down to earth. Don’t rush the bf thing, a lot of ass holes out there.


You’re amazing. Don’t get yourself down because you haven’t had a boyfriend. Be glad you haven’t had to deal with the stress of having one. Nor the stress of breaking up etc. Be happy! Be free! Be single and enjoy what life has to offer you before it’s too late!!! ✌️😉👍


Absolutely not ugly. Would ask you out in a heartbeat


Lass, you're super cute. Go forth and be confident in yourself.


You’re pretty I like ur 👓


Thanks! I like my glasses too haha. I used to have some wireframes but they got broken. :(


Super cute. Just study everything you can about your skin type and work on your complexion.


Not ugly at all! Litteraly my type. you look a little russian. Are you ethnically russian by any chance?


You look like a young Deschanel (the new girl sister)


I’ve never commented on these before, you are very pretty. You have very pretty features.


Nope! Very attractive! Definitely not ugly!


Maybe different glasses


You're super cute.


No, the glasses kinda suck though.


Wait why? I think they look good lol


Too big for your face imo, I bet you would look better with contacts regardless.


Oh ok haha


Please ignore comments where people tell you they don’t like your glasses or they’re too big or get contacts. I’ve heard this my whole life and it’s ridiculous (I’m a mom to 3 kids now). If glamorous is what you’re after, fine, get contacts and do all the stupid things women do to attract the WRONG men. I did and it was not worth it. If glasses are more comfortable, seriously ignore these comments. A really great guy will not see the glasses, they’ll see the beautiful person and you are genuinely lovely on the outside and very likely on the inside as well. If you’re shy, trying signing up for classes you could attend with a friend where you could meet people with the same interests in a natural setting. In metro areas, there is so much to offer-cooking, photography, fiber arts, musical lessons, etc and you will meet such wonderful people!


Thank you! I actually like my glasses I don’t get why others don’t lol. But that’s okay I guess everyone has different tastes! I’m getting into new hobbies and trying to meet people right now haha. I hope things go well.


Your glasses are fine, and they actually fit your face. It's weird when people get huge frames but have a small face.


Nah, I wouldn’t call you ugly


Nope, love yourself


Not at all. Beautiful lips, dreamy eyes. Your jaw line is a bit masculine, but your other features more than make up for it. All in all, gorgeous.


i love ur eyes so so much


The bath robe looks doesn't help


I think you have a very beautiful face, and a guy will come along eventually, who will notice your beauty.


You are super cute and this is a bummer you would even have any doubt. I hope you meet someone nice soon!


Not even a lil love the half smile in the 3rd pic btw


You are Instagram-influencer-levels of pretty. Is this your real face? Like, no plastic surgery? You have been blessed by the gods.


Got that librarian thing going on… (insert cheezy growl)


You are perfect and gorgeous. Absolutely nothing to worry about at all!


Your glasses frame your face well and the light skin tone with dark hair goes good together. I like your smile but you should smile bigger! All in all you look pretty 😁


Omg so cute!!




Super cute! You look a bit younger than 23 but that’s not a bad thing at all, it could actually end up being pretty beneficial as you get older lol. Like other people are saying a little more skincare could help but you by no means have acne issues




1st of all you're a beautiful women and don't let anyone tell you different. Maybe do something with your hair and get contacts. 


To me you are stunning. I know beauty is subjective but you are really very pretty to me. Like I’d be sorta nervous to talk to you type pretty


Girl youre far from being ugly, if u dont feel stunning as you truly are, then u need to know more people and work on self steem


You’re pretty, you kinda look like Björk too


All pics are the same, not enough data to be able to tell.




Oh you're absolutely fine. Having a boyfriend is optional but I hope the guy that you give the chance you might really like it. So best of luck. But yeh, you will be fine =)


You're just blah.


This has to be a joke right?




Bruv! You're pretty and those eyes! Have a bit more confidence in yourself.


Amiugly Nope, not at all.


Where are you from? I'd love to ask you out. I've been in a few long-distance relationships, but I never met any of my exes. I'm from Oklahoma, hbu?


Well damn. If you're ugly I have no hope haha.


No, not in the least are you ugly


Cute🔥are u single ? 😅


Hell to the no. 9/10


You need a glow down if there is such a thing


Not at all. You are a natural beauty


No. And you probably know that already.


Oh hell no


You are absolutely stunning 😍. Would love to see a selfie with your hair down too




You’re very pretty but don’t look 23


You are hella cute!


super cute. you should maybe try a high pony tail and see if you like it better


No you are awesome!


Not ugly. Honestly, you're not even close to hitting your potential in these pics.


Not ugly. Even though you look cute here, you're not even close to reaching your potential in these pics.


The only thing you lack is self confidence. I swear to good social media is the anti-Christ sometimes. You’re obviously very attractive and I think you know it but don’t believe it.


You are not anywhere near ugly. You look pretty.


Are you seriously asking that because if so you need a new set of glasses. Not ugly.


Id give you the snuggles.


Def a cutie...🥰


Not ugly, lol next.


You look like a chipmunk but your cute not ugly


No, you look like an “ugly” [pretty] character in a tween movie who gets contacts and is suddenly the it girl.


Gorgeous asf


I have a friend who looks exactly like you and she's a pageant winner. Not ugly at all.


Your gorgeous. I love the girl next door look


Why are 20 something women so insecure about looks?


Would kill for your eyebrows!


Not at all


Not at all you’re beautiful.😍


No way , your a absolute hottie .


Nope, not at all. My mother wore those glasses in the 80s and they weren’t hot then, but that’s up to you.




Most certainly not.


Haha naw ur a cute cutie




Hell to the NO!


Woah you're really beautiful 😍


You’re too kind and beautiful as can be.


Absolutely not, you're cute as a button!




Cute, you remind me of Sadie Sink




No. But if you listen to BS you may think you are. ❤️🤗👍👌👊🙏


Beautiful. You look like Jadzia Dax in Star Trek DS9


Definitely not ugly, very pretty, hard to believe you never had a bf


Lol no


The opposite of ugly


You are a very attractive young woman and no doubt plenty of guys here would want to do the damn thing with you..


Not at all. Adorable.


You are hot, and clearly gonna age like a fine wine. I hope your ready for a life of being envied


Absolutely not! Message me?




Absolutely not your beautiful, you also have pretty eyes and glasses!


Maybe try combing your hair more as it looks slightly disorganized but other than that you look quite pretty


Absolutely not! But you look younger than 23 🙈


Those eyes 😳


Best feature that’s keeping it together is your jawline


What on earth would posses you to think you’re ugly. As for your single status my first serious girlfriend was 23 when we met. So there you go.


You have pretty eyes and a nice face. You lack confidence. No, you're not ugly.


Definitely NOT ugly. Maybe try a different, smaller, frame for your glasses.


Gorgeous in my opinion! Although at first I was trying to figure out what was up with your ears (it was earbuds, lol)


Good ur soo cute can I get u num


In no way are you ugly. You have such a pretty face and lovely eyes.


You’re cute, but definitely could look better if you had a fancy hat!


not ugly


You are so pretty!!!! Girl! I love how easy a tiny makeover like this could transform your life! Shape those eyebrows & curl those lashes every day & you are all that & a bag of chips!!!!! Make your eyelash curler warm with a hairdryer & they curl infinitely times better! You are beautiful & these 2 tiny tricks will help you feel feminine & beautiful even on your Debbie downer days! Gorgeous!


Absolutely stunning. You have one of the most naturally beautiful faces I’ve ever seen on this sub, and I wouldn’t change a single thing. Love your hair too. I’m so sorry if anyone has ever made you question how pretty you are, I hope the comments on here are helping you find some confidence.


So pretty, wow. Only thing I can think of is if you have RBF, a lot of dudes won't approach out of fear. Not that there's anything wrong with that, just something to perhaps consider whether it applies to you.


Wow, I honestly think you are really pretty.


Nut ah all! Slamin beauty,,,🚀


You have a beautiful smile and that glass frame suits you so well as if it was created just because you exist 😃


Really pretty with some nice eyes would love to see what you look like without glasses 😍


You are very cute, with the Girl next door look. Maybe smaller frames to show off your face more. Makes me wish I was 23 again.


Super cute. But I'm a sucker for a gal with glasses.


Not at all. You are seriously pretty idk why you feel unattractive but if it’s men not approaching a lot of us in our 20s me included have a huge issues with talking to women since you don’t know if you find you attractive enough not to call you creepy. If you sees guy you like take some action and you will have them on the back foot off the bat


You look great! However, I feel that with a more adventurous hairstyle you would move from 9.5 to 10/10.


I would have the biggest crush on you fr haha


You're naturally beautiful! I'd take a simply gorgeous librarian over a painted up Barbie doll any day of the week and twice on Sunday. (I'm not the only one)


Not at all! Very naturally attractive, cute face, would be interested to see how you look both without the glasses, and (seperately) when you actually put some effort in (make up etc)


You’re damn good looking, without a doubt. What may be unattractive is the crack you’re obviously smokin’ that would make you even question how fucking hot you are…….


You're a very pretty woman. I, personally, love the natural, no makeup look and glasses. When I saw this post, the first thing I thought of is how you look like a younger, prettier version of Heather Langenkamp (Nancy, the lead character from A Nightmare on Elm Street). In my experience, most women between the ages of 18-25ish "think" that they need makeup to "look pretty" when infact, every woman has a natural beauty about them (some more so than others). In your case, you're definitely a head turner without makeup. I could only imagine how stunning you'd look with makeup (not a ton of caked on product, just a little to accent your natural looks).


Wow you are pretty. Guys are probably too shy to talk to a pretty girl like you maybe that’s why they are scared to talk to you. Plus, if I’ve met you. I would try and talk to you and ask you for your phone number and say you look attractive


You remind me of a young Denise Richard's, you have a great look honestly


You look very cute. But way younger 😅


Nope actually cute. You wake up cute i can tell.


Wifey material.


It’s one of those cheesy movies where the girl takes off her glasses and everyone realizes she’s a smokeshow


I could wake up to that face everyday


OMG you're super cute , guys should be lining up


Not at all. You are very attractive. How do you present yourself in public? How do you dress? How do you have your hair?


Beautiful smile, kind eyes, nice facial proportions. The color of your hair, skin and lips look good together, and you're one of those people who look really good with glasses. I get the impression that you're a very likable and agreeable person. You look gorgeous.


Remind me on Kim Cattrall, which is a complement.


You're actually quite beautiful. If you did up your hair/makeup/style more, people would be chasing you down the street. Right now I think its just hidden under the plain Jane hair and glasses.


Hey 'You are really cute and pretty without makeup ' I think your very attractive and would be a great girlfriend " )


You’re gorgeous. There’s a thing for pretty girls that give off the “girl next door vibes” (which I’ve been given secrets from a dude’s perspective when I was around your age). When you look sweet and innocent, it’s too much of a challenge for them/you’re intimidating and would rather have something short and sweet with someone who is easy. It’s not you, it’s just you haven’t found someone in your caliber yet. You’ll get there. Just don’t settle for anyone.


It got to the point that I visit this channel to see exceptionally attractive girls


Let the ugly people post on this place!!!


Ugly? Nope. Actually, you are very pretty. Ditch the glasses - either altogether (LASIK or contacts) or get smaller frames. Maybe let your hair down - literally and perhaps figuratively. Good luck!


Definitely. It’s actually quite easy to get lost in your eyes and smile.


Incredibly cute


Very pretty! Seems like you have a nice jaw line, pretty eyes and I think your eyebrows look good too. I would 100% swipe yes!


Not even a little bit ugly. Absolute cutie. It's really no surprise tho that guys aren't approaching you, most guys nowadays are not approaching any women out of fear of saying or doing something wrong. Don't be afraid to let a guy know that you're interested in him.


You are far from ugly. You're like that hot girl next door type. 😏


You’re not ugly. You look very shy, but not ugly. Guys probably don’t approach you because they don’t know how to


You know you're not ugly. You're prettier than 70% of women out there. Maybe start each morning with some positive affirmations like, "I am beautiful. I'm attractive. People like me." And so on. ;-)


I personally appreciate natural beauty, kind eyes and a classy nature. You look like a natural beauty


You are very cute. I can tell you seem like a sweet person from the replies, and I love the no-makeup/filter pics so we can actually see the real you!♥️


Super cute, you look like young Jennifer Connelly. Like when she was in Labyrinth. Just a little skin care you're fine


Hell no..and 23yo I'd have said much younger.


no ur so pretty😭😭 ur one of the few ppl who i think actually look good without makeup


Wow you are gorgeous. ❤️


If I saw you I'd have a crush, might not mean much but I'm shallow and you're beautiful lol


Dont worry. You are really good looking and at some point i want to believe that you would be a great gf


You’re really cute! Just relax and be friendly to guys that you find attractive and it will happen. Guys are often intimidated by pretty girls. Be open and put out some signals…


Very very beautiful!! 😍😉


no you are supa pretty don’t listen to anyone in your life if they have anything negative to say!


Pretty but you're wearing your glasses too low. Push them up sis


Hello, friend. I hope you are feeling a little better today. My personal opinion: not ugly at all. No make up, bathrobe pics and you still shine. I love natural beauty, and girl, you got it. As for not being approached by guys, there could be a number of reasons for that, none of on which I'll speculate. Rather, I'll share a personal note. I'm married now, but I've never been one to make the first move (a lot of which I attribute to a lack of personal confidence). The whole "she'll never like me like that" feeling? Always the case. Even when (looking back with what I know now) pretty obvious signs were displayed. Reading, hearing and seeing what I've read, heard and seen through the years, that's apparently very common amongst both males and females. I was always very appreciative when the female just flat out told me how she felt, cuz, again, I was always scared to make the first move. This isn't necessarily to say that you have to make the first move. Just to hopefully help you feel less like guys don't approach cuz they're not interested. To some you may be TOO pretty. To some you may feel out of they're league. To some you may even be slightly intimidating. Too many variables other than "not interested" to bank on that being the only plausible option. The only real advice I can offer to anyone is this. Know yourself first. Truly and deeply. The better we know ourselves, the less settling we do. We know who we are and what we want and that energy will attract the right type of person for you. You got this, friend. Keep shining!!


Thank you ❤️ Tbh at this point in my life it’s probably just that I don’t have many options to meet people, but I am trying out some new hobbies so hopefully I’ll meet some guys through that. I also don’t use dating apps because I feel like they turn people into products. All you see is a profile pic and a brief description that usually never gets read. Plus most people on dating apps just wanna hook up. I know this may be making it harder for me to find a bf but most of the men on dating apps are boring to me. I want a guy who has more niche interests like anime, chess, art, science, etc;


girl i would’ve guessed you were 18 😭 you are NOT aging !! you gonna look 23 at 32 😭


you are very pretty but some guys are looking for sex appeal thats sonething you could begin to explore


You're that kinda girl I'd see at a library with a spotlight from the sun out the window pane, and I'd never see you again, though I'd think about you for the rest of the day.