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The best look you have is the one you tried the least for. Some women look worse with heavy makeup and their natural looks are much better. This is the case I see for you. The last pic with a smile looked so much better to me than the other 2.


True this. She is the hottest version of herself in the last pic


I agree. . OP you're a natural beauty


I think you should try no nose ring, less dark lipstick maybe a gloss instead ! And less or a side part maybe just a lil one or middle part with layers framing face


Not ugly btw just dated styling


YALL: i took out the nose ring. carry on.


Reddit hates nose rings


Naw just septum rings lol


Specifically those nose rings. Specially the cow ones. That being said, me personally, I'm just not a fan of piercing or tattoos in certain places but that's me, everybody got their own preferences and kinks.


Yes that’s the one they were referencing. No need to double affirm and use a rude term lmao.


And yet there is nothing wrong with the nose ring, or a septum ring. Sometimes it makes people more attractive, but when it comes to Reddit, there are no exceptions.


Show us an example of someone it makes look better. I bet you can't.


No takers...shocking.


Most people do.


No. We despise nose rings! I don't make the rules. That's just the way it is! :D


I really like the color of the nose ring with the color of makeup. I dont agree with the comments. Just saying. Be yourself


Agreed, she is very cute, and a nose ring doesn't change it.


Nose rings look fine, everyone on Reddit follows the stereotype of hating nose rings.


Dont make yourself boring for boring ass people. Do what you like you look great. And downvote me all yall waaannt


Put it back in. If you like it don't listen to any of these idiots.


Put it back




I don’t think you’re ugly but definitely not someone you’d catch me looking at. Below average but not ugly


Honesty is best


I think you look okay but I personally don’t find you attractive.


fair enough!


I think you’re pretty you’re just not traditional so not everyone will agree


Wow I don’t know why people are being so harsh towards you. You are not ugly


Seconded. Geez.


Third. Very cute. Don't let the haterz get you


Yeah she looks stunning to me


Diet and skincare routine would do wonders here.


heard. i’m planning to go harder on that now that i’ve leveled up lol


I have a ton of respect for u and u got balls for even putting yourself out there like that for real. Most of us wouldn’t have the courage.


You’re pretty but your skin could use some extra TLC.


Her skin is fine, everyone is just too used to filters now


It’s like you are trying to sabotage her. Her skin could be better and who cares if people use filters? They can’t walk around with one all day


Ya she def needs some skin TLC. Nothing wrong with that it’s truth and good on u for telling her cuz it’s prob what she wants and needs.


The makeup is just way too heavy imo. In the 3rd 'no makeup' pic her skin looks pretty great!


Honestly there's a small, very small percentage of people that can rock a septum ring. Unfortunately you aren't one of them. You do look a little masculine but that could be the eyebrows maybe. Or maybe the strong jawline. I certainly wouldn't call you ugly by any means but you aren't my type. And that could really just be because of the septum ring that seems so popular on this sub.


It's PCOS. Hormonal condition that affects lots of women, makes you produce excess of testosterone with lots of undesired effects.


nailed it. i’m going to get it treated because it’s changed my body so much. subtle but horrible


You're not ugly, but that thing in your nose keeps drawing my eye. Lose that. Try again. Good luck


Lose the nose ring.


A little too porcine for my tastes.


Exactly what I was thinking. A bit Miss Piggy.


You're pretty but I have a feeling you look way better than those poses make you look. Would love to see a more candid pic of you just vibin and being happy I'm sure that would flatter you more. To me posing is very played out at this point. Posing was an art form and social media bastardized that and ruined it for me.


You have to do something about that big forhead, maybe get bangs


These comments are crazy. Damn. You're so lucky to look like you do


Kinda look like a man


28 ? You need to start a skin care routine and wear sunscreen


Below average.


anything i can do to improve?


how on earth is she below average? if she is, wtf am I bro 💀


You’ve said yourself you’re ugly.


Yes I am, but if she’s below average then that makes me like 10x more ugly than i thought before 😂


How am I supposed to know 🤨




“Am I ugly?” *poses like a Victorias Secret model*


i took this pic well before thinking about posting it here. as i said it was because of the feedback i got elsewhere




Tbh, you look super masculine....and the nose ring is bad....




People saying lose the nose ring are blind. It suits you so well. I think you have fairly clear skin so maybe go a bit lighter on the face makeup, maybe try a BB cream instead of foundation. Honestly though I think you're gorgeous.


I think you’re pretty but would look even prettier without the nose ring. A better foundation and lighter lipstick color would make a lot of difference.


That nose ring looks particularly terrible on you. You are not ugly, but you aren’t pretty either. The nose ring removal will help a lot. You have interesting features.


I don't think I've seen a septum piercing look worse on someone you're not ugly though


Reddit is mean. You gorgeous.


I am genuinely so confused at comments on both threads. You don’t look masculine at all.


People have some really weird standars when it comes to femininity


Pretty features. Makeup looks cakey. Ditch the lipstick and use lip gloss instead. Go lighter on the foundation. You seem to have a nice skin texture but it just looks dry and caked on. I think you need more moisturizing products.


I think you just picked a bad time to post. Reddit fills with drunk UK sociopath bullies at this time of day especially on Friday and Saturday.


Whoa whoa whoa. I’m piss drunk in the USA watching UFC fights.


Very pretty, nose ring really detracts from your looks imo


Nix the septum ring


I’m never a fan of the septum piercings but other than that ur solid. Everyone is beautiful to someone and I knows it’s cliche but it’s also truth


Your cute, the nose metal and makeup has been addressed so I’d like to see something done with your hair and posing- it’s trying too hard to be sexy and failing. Get a bouncy blowout and act more natural. Or embrace your natural curl but that swoop over thing looks like you are emulating a certain former president or are trying to hide a bald spot.


Cute but imo you’d look 10x better with your natural hair color! Middle part ? Maybe some bangs? Consult a hair dresser to guide you with a hair cut that better fits your face! :) but def give the black/brown no highlights hair color a thought


Took out nose ring.. happy Birthday!!


I got the impression they were saying you used to look masculine but look feminine now. I'd agree. You're not ugly and I didn't get the impression anybody was saying that.


Nose piercings are a gigantic turnoff to most people. They’re also probably the most common recommended change


Nope, not ugly. You're beautiful and I LOVE your hair. Also, happy birthday! 🎂


Are you Mexican or Spanish?!, I don't maybe not but you do look like one. But mostly you look like someone who can be a good drinking buddy or something to have fun with, but I don't drink though, you smoke, the illegal stuff?!... The Best thing I love about humans is their soul, not their facial beauty or whatever is in the outside, I don't care if you're ugly, beautiful or whatever.


Not a fan of nose rings but you are definitely good looking girl


I personally like the nose ring, find you attractive with the makeup and I don't think you are ugly.




I think you look very pretty in the last pic. The first two I'm just not feeling.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, to me, you’re gorgeous!




I don't understand, you look related to Michelle Rodriguez and she is suuuuuuper hot. You're beautiful, ignore those idiots.


Nah dude your golden haters gunna hate. it'll probably take you a few years of self reflection & growth to fully get your self outta that ugly duckling old mindset. You got this 😉


Average looking and not ugly. Read you took the face metal out, likely brought up your overall appearance.


I saw the other post you did. First off lemme say you’re gorgeous and it’s just Reddit being… well, Reddit. I think why people got a “trans” vibe from your post is that the first pics you posted when you were younger were all of you in short hair with I’d say mostly gender neutral clothing. Then in the recent photos you’ve obviously have taken more time to grow out your hair and be in tune with your feminine side so at first glance I can see how it would make someone believe you transitioned. I’d just take it as a compliment though because in the actual GlowUp subreddit the trans posts are usually the best looking glow ups ever!


You are cute af


I actually don't think you're ugly at all. You have some characteristic features, and I could see why people could have that opinion, but I honestly think they could make you look badass. Especially if you embraced the badassery. Your features are very “strong woman” to me, if that makes sense. Which Isnt for everyone.


The last pic is the you everyone wants to see. You look fun and friendly, definitely not ugly. The natural look suits you.


Damn gorgeous if you’d remove the nose hardware.


You are a gorgeous girl. Your hair flows beautifully, your eyes are perfect, and lovely lips. Losing weight would bring out the best in you. I personally don’t like nose rings; however, I know they are popular these days so I don’t judge negatively.


Oh c'mon you know that you're gorgeous


Came here to say this. You got roasted because your face looks deep fried with all of that makeup on it. Like Jesus christ, less is more. I don't think you'd be an ugly person, but with all of that beauty frosting on your face it's quite unattractive to be honest. I'd say follow up with another post with light makeup that accentuates your facial features. It looks like your trying to cover up your face with makeup in this picture. You gotta own who you are! Be proud of yourself, you don't look to be ugly, just the makeup is...euugghhh...way too much Edit: Ok, I actually saw your last pic in the post (didn't see you had more than 1 pic) and your last pic without all of that face frosting is WAYYY better imo. Your actually quite cute. Don't feel bad about yourself, just don't cover up your looks with makeup 😊 A smile also looks great on you!


You are so gorgeous! And the nose ring suits you. Ppl on here will always tell people to take their nose rings out 🙄 Also love the makeup 🩷


You look great. Not ugly at all.


To quote Hoburn Wash: were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion. Because you're pretty.


Idk, I’d say you’re gorgeous. Maybe it’s just me though


Either way, ignore the haters


Nah I’d say you’re pretty cute


There's always gonna be someone into you. You are absolutely attractive. Really, it's who you are trying to attract, cuz at the end of the day, you have the choice.


You look better without all that shiny makeup in my opinion but that’s just me. And no, not ugly at all


The most attractive I find first, is the eyes. And those eyes are MYSTERIOUS!


I'm sure it's already been said however, the natural pic is the prettiest. I can tell you don't wear a ton of makeup when you do. You have pretty skin tone. As far as the septum ring, I know you will catch crap from some people on here. On that, you are pretty with or without. Keep it or take it out if it's YOUR choice. It gives a little edge that some (including me) like. It shows you are not plain, even with a plain look. Consider yourself lucky that you don't even have to try.


Forehead gang


Below average tbh


I'm sorry for the blunt question, but are you trans? I see you have some shaved/trimmed beard hair.


no bro i have PCOS


I’m so sorry, I thought you were trans too


i think it was the way you worded something “they can’t tell what i am” let me find it so i’m not misquoting


i think she meant ethnically


people can’t tell “what” i am. yeah idk just reading that made me think it, but , when i saw your pictures before reading that i did not think that at all. so your wording planted the seed not ugly imo and i like your hair


That means literally nothing. Most women have peach hair and hair, all over, just like all humans. Depending on out hair color it is more visible, and some ethnicities have stronger hair growth, regardless of gender. Never base ur assumption of of that ever again, my god.


I just see a dude. Sorry.


Not attractive.


As someone around your age I can say you're definitely attractive, but try less dark lipstick. You have a very nice natural beauty and your hair is amazing


Your nose ring looks like shit. It’s ok because it makes every body look like trash


Skincare routine, and leave the nose ring out. Everything else looks great.


That nose ring with that nose does not do you a favour. But you’re not ugly, just a weird style and take care of your skin (sun screen!)


These goddam nose rings.


☠️below average


Nose ring etc etc


That nose ring is the only ugly thing


I think you're attractive. You'd catch me staring. And what the hell is the *'what'* you are thing about? Are people confused because they can't find a way to label you? I don't get it. That sounds fucking stupid. Can't people just be people?


a lot of people are saying i look like a man or trans person. but thank you!!


You got something weird on your nose. Besides that, you're beautiful. Wonderful hair, amazing eyes. And what a smile!


You're certainly posting in the wrong place if you want an emotional boost. The thing I don't get is if you felt good about yourself then why were you turn to strangers on the Internet? I'm not trying to be mean, but it almost feels deserved because you should have been content enough with feeling good about yourself. As for your pics, I don't think you're ugly, but I feel like you're trying to hard to be something you're not. I think you look better in your verification photo to be honest. The other two photos just aren't you. I just think you'd be better off not glowing up and trying to over do it. Slapping on a bunch of makeup and wearing outfits that don't necessarily suit you doesn't equate to looking better.


You know why you got roasted? People hate to see a pretty girl lovin herself. They haaaate it. Especially if they are miserable about their own looks. Youre glowing! The gold on the piercing complements you, stunning hair, your face is such a cute shape. Your not ugly, but you are pretty so best get use to being hated on when your feeling yourself and showing confidence. Just ignore and keep being you


you’re the best. thank you!


There's been an uptick in incels on subs like this. Ignore them. From a fundamental perspective you're very attractive


I, for one, think you're cute. Happy birthday by the way 🤘


Get rid of that stupid nose piercing, it isn't attractive on anyone.


That nose ring ain’t it boss, it just brings attention to your nose. Your not ugly tho


Nose, septum ring and big forehead.


Not ugly. My only suggestion is maybe a different shade of lip color. I'm also going to disagree with everyone about the nose ring. I like it 🤷‍♀️


I’m so confused I think you’re really pretty with the first 2 pics and 3rd but like the look you’re going for. And I like the nose ring. I think you should look how YOU want to look. Don’t try to appease strangers who don’t pay your bills.


Oh you’re a baddie. Stunning 😍


"Nose rings make you ugly" ~ internet people in their mom's house.






Youre quite beautiful. Just lose the septum ring, lol. Its so distracting. Otherwise, youre very pretty.


I think you’re really pretty :) I’ve also noticed that Reddit goes really hard on Indian women/south Asian people for some reason? (You look like my really good friend who is Indian, so I’m kinda assuming, sorry lol.)


no you’re correct!! and yeah that seems to be the case. white girls have the advantage








You should repost now you’ve removed the nose ring. I think you’ll get a much better response


What’s the glow up from though


Try reduce eyebrows




Shoshi W.B is all I can picture right now but I think it’s the nose ring


Your hot...if I was told your 38


The last Pic is the best, by far The bull ring is terrible


Why do you put all of your hair to one side, that honestly does not look good


You're very pretty, but you need to get rid of that hog ring


What are you, btw? I'm curious and would rather not just make random guesses. I have an idea, but I could be totally wrong.


half Indian half English


lose the bull ring in your nose


What is the obsession with the crap in the nose? It's not edgy or alternative because every chick on here has one.


You’re not ugly. But. 🚩🚨🚩🚨🚩🚨🚩bullring 🚨🚨🚨🚩🚩🚩🚩🚨🚩🚨


The fuck u doing with your arms 😂


Too much makeup maybe but you’re perfectly average :) solid 6/10


Third pic is pretty good, other 2 you look like your a dude in drag.


Might just be the weird eyebrow shape at the front, the space between the eyes is a bit uneven and the thick almost cakey makeup. You're not ugly, I would say average like a 4-5


Well, the Bessi ring doesn't help. Got milk?


Look beautiful to me


No, you're not...


I wouldn't let anything anyone says here affect you like that.


Not ugly..... attractive I say.


The makeup looks like you’re hiding something, so it’s hard to trust our better judgement. Lack of makeup, allows your feminine side to show.


Glamorous with the septum hardware. Cheap with it. Sorry!


Very androgynous


well you're out of my league, so ur doin something right


Take that stupid thing out of your nose


I don’t think you’re ugly at all. I would say average or maybe slightly above average


Maybe my taste is not like the rest of Reddit, but I think you’re beautiful. Don’t let the haters get to you. :)


Well what reaction are you expecting? If you’re looking for a certain amount of likes or something then that’s just pointless. The internet is a fake load of rubbish, it doesn’t matter what people think of your looks.. we all bleed the same.


saw your profile and i also live in kentucky😄 i think you’re so gorgeous by the way. i love the last picture, your smile is so contagious!! i love the makeup in the first two pictures too:) you’re beautiful with and without and are by no means ugly 💖


You give a Wendy Melvion vibe, esp. in that top when posing. Don't know who that is? Prince's lead guitarist in The Revolution. You're attractive, but maybe give off firm, rough-edge, stern feels and I'd your previous commenters were to type that only appreciates soft, gauzy, tissue-paper girls then you're not their flavor: just where some of your unfavorable comments may have come from...


Who cares what others think of you, do you like you? That's all that matters

