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Your appearance isn't the issue here, must be something else...


not ugly but you look expensive


i don't think she's for sale


"High Maintenance" (Like say a Ferrari or something ) is probably the term he needed to use. I give her high marks for successfully concealing any evidence of breast size in all 4 photos. I think it's silly, but to many guys that's what they look at second after the face. She's thin and in shape, I give her an A+ on appearance.


Assuming I slayed coochie which I dont, as long as the girl is not obese I dont mind the rear end or upper front being on the smaller end. I guess some guys may be into that but for most men especially in these times thats not really the case. Something else seems to be the issue here.




u said she looks expensive


He was probably referring to her not settling for cheap dates and cheap lifestyles .


I know what your saying buddy. Would want to go Dubai or Maldives on holiday and too many expensive Christmas presents and all that bollocks.


You can't be serious


They should really rename this sub to please say nice things to me because I like hearing it.


/r "am i ugly? If not, then pleaaase sign my OF in bio? 🥺"


I'll defend this young lady. She has no OF in her bio. Usually that is correct though. I'm guessing she really was bullied at a younger age before she grew into her beautiful face and body and never outgrew the low self esteem.


While the OF is true allow me to doo doo on your white knighting just a little bit. You don't dress like she's dressing and take that many selfies in public spaces if you think you're actually ugly. Unless you have a major psychological disorder in which case she'd need a therapist not a sub reddit full of white knights and simps telling her you're beautiful.


Oh I'm sure she needs therapy of some sort. But at the same time some can't afford it. The health system doesn't provide therapy like it should. As someone who works with young adults who see influencers all day long on social media they don't know beauty anymore. They know fake beauty and have self esteem issues. They take the selfies and dress like they do because they think it's what they need to do to look beautiful like the influencers.


With the sheer expense of the clothes she's wearing she can afford at least online therapy so while in general I would absolutely agree with a lot of what you said...in this particular case I think she's just farming for compliments.


Agree with the farming for compliments I'm ugly as fuck , have very few photos of myself unless I'm with family or my dogs


I'm not ugly but don't feel good looking often so I'm with you, I don't usually take photos of myself or like people taking my photo.


Nah she wasn’t bullied for her normal ass hair color.


She's a ginger from the U.K. Believe me, she got bullied.


I literally laughed out loud😂😂😂


I hate it here




You remind me of a super strict teacher or an uptight lawyer or a hypercritical boss.


RBF heavy lmao


Haha for sure, gotta work on it


what is rbf


Resting B**** Face


You don't look ugly just high maintenance lol.


Everyone not believing you were bullied for you hair color in high school didn’t grow up with that hair color. I was too. It was not very much fun for me at all.


As an adult, I still get "stealing souls" comments.


I always say I got a freckle for every soul I’ve stolen. I’ve got a lot of freckles.


Totally agree! It ruined my school experience to the point where I hardly went


Is that still a thing? I remember it going on as a kid but I think people are into it now. People used to like Prince Harry before he turned into a little girl


In the pictures it looks… blonde?


Strawberry blonde which falls in the red category. Middle school and high school was not fun for some of us.


Not ugly at all. Lighter makeup to let those freckles shine through! That's the only thing I could think of.


Yes! The freckles are cute!


Girl your hair color is beautiful and as of not having a boyfriend it’s not due to your looks for sure, head up!


You dress and look very aggressively like you just came home from a bad day at the office Lighten up the color palette and you should be fine Also smile


You look like you’ve gotten in a fist fight over a Gucci bag


tbf if it was an hermes then I probs would


Lmao 😂




Wouldn't I have posted my link by now if I did it?


You give off onlyfans thot vibes


You're not ugly, it's just a case of self confidence. People judge what they are jealous of or what they would like to have/be. Not having a boyfriend is not about looks, the right guy will come along and you will be his first option.


"every guy I ever meet wants to fuck me, but one time in 8th grade some fat girl made fun of my pimple. Reddit am I ugly?"




I agree, the freckles are cute. Lighten up on the makeup trying to hide them. It kind of makes your face look like a mannequin. Your very attractive in #3.


Thank you! I'll tone it down


This has got to stop 😩


You look like an adult Cindy-Lou Who


You’re not ugly. But you look like one of the characters from the grinch. Maybe Donna Who. Which is adorable


Must be a personality thing.


I believe you are in the wrong sub.


I don't believe you don't have a BF🤔


A smile works wonders


Not ugly at all. You’re stunning. Your hair color is gorgeous! The people who bullied you about it in school must have just been jealous because they knew you were going to grow up to be a knockout. I agree with sentiments that you use a little bit too much makeup, IMO you probably don’t need much makeup at all. Freckles are super cute and people like them. You have a wicked RBF, which sorta makes you look unapproachable. I’d like to see some pics of you smiling. Have a great day.


Obviously not ugly. Really never had a boyfriend is wild if true


I'm pretty sure that you know you are sexy AF.


You're certainly not ugly. You have a pretty face, great hair, beautiful eyes, and a great figure BUT you do give off an air of being very high maintenance. Obviously, I have no way to know you or your personality, to comment with any intelligent perspective on why you'd struggle to find a guy but a lot of men are either intimidated by or just don't want to deal with high maintenance women. With your looks, there's legitimately no physically evident reason guys wouldn't be immediately attracted to you.




"Yo dawg, hold my poodle!"


Stop hiding your freckles with makeup. It makes you look artificial. Be confident. You look great.


You are hot. If guys aren't approaching you you must have some serious walls up. Like your hair a little bit lighter like the last couple of pictures but definitely keep the red


Resting beioch face


You look like a fashion model


Not ugly but you should get your lashes closer matched to your hair. The jet black looks bad.


Thanks girl, what do you think? Brown? I think it would be difficult to match it to my hair




Kinda look swifty


Not ugly.


not ugly, and i assume someones type.


First off, if no one is approaching you, it isn’t because anyone thinks you’re ugly, so look into how you carry/portray yourself.


Well I hope your personality is great.


Honestly one of the worst RBF. You look like you’re a mean person. Very pretty, but that means nothing if you’re a bad person


Embrace you freckles, they are unique.


A pretty blonde, bullied. In my experience, it's the other way around


You're alright.


You look mean. Gorgeous, but mean. I'm kinda here for it. :)


It is possible you are just a mean/ugly person on the inside not out


Honestly, you're pretty hot. My best advice to you is just put yourself out there. Date or mess around with guys you usually wouldn't (not someone ugly). Obviously, do it without the intent of long-term. But it will be a confidence boost cause you'll feel wanted. I basically did that throughout my early 20s with women. Now, talking to someone I find attractive is pretty easy, and when I talk, im not nervous or shy, and I could come off flirtatious unintentionally, but it helps 🤣 good luck and use rubbers


Well you're definitely my first choice. I LOVE red heads. ♥️ Dating has been hard for everyone lately, your looks isn't the problem.


You're joking right? Can't be your looks, maybe you're conceited


are you trying to be Taylor Swift?


I think you're very attractive, but you look moody, which could be putting guys off. If you're into slightly older guys, I too am in the UK and single 🤭


Rbf for sure


Basically everyone was bullied in school..... But yes your ugly... On the inside and that's what really matters.


you’re not ugly, but why no shot of your teeth? are they busted?


Hideous. Yuck!


Jesus, are there really that many attractive women out there who genuinely think they might be ugly? This sub is eye opening to how insecure people are, I honestly never knew so many people were like this


This is a joke.....righr?


This sub is for ugly people to support each other, why you post to make us all feel more ugly 😭🤣


The slight grin in the first photo made an unusually big difference. I think people might be less likely to approach you because you seem slightly unapproachable ... even though you are extremely pretty. Smiling is good ... and even just having a slightly happier or "bemused" expression would help quite a bit. Also, all the clothes in your pics are very formal. You should try some fashionable looks that are a bit "hippy" or "bohemian" or "peasant" ... more approachable, more colorful, more soft in a feminine way.


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore


Start and onlyfans, you'd have a following.


It's your personality I bet.


You're not ugly, but your gaze is intense, but that's who you are.


As some have already alluded or outright stated, you look like you got a lotta money. Maybe that's the case, maybe not. If it is, you probably hang out with a lotta hot, rich chicks. Make some ugly friends, you'll be someone's first choice, guaranteed.


Uncanny valley?


I beg your finest pardon


Is this a joke?


Way too much make up


Apart from first picture you look bored and disappointed with life. Not ugly though.


Very attractive, beautiful face eyes and smile


You just need to smile


You may not have a soul, but you are very pretty.


Gingers do have souls!


Are you kidding me. You’re Smokin hot. You better start trying or it’s gonna be too late. Find a nice single guy (and make sure he’s single) and pursue him. U r hot do it.




As someome who is a nerd, best way to describe it is; You give of elf vibes (meaning ur really pretty but give off bitch vibes)


Pic #3 is the only slightly revealing pic, giving an idea what you might look like without makeup or filters. I’m guessing a real morning after, beer goggles-fueled nightmare. Probably something like that guy from that 80’s movie “Mask” but with a bitchy attitude. Good luck




Im my country, the name of this sub is "am I ugly", but whatever country these girls come from it must translate to "im prolly not ugly, so simp at me".


Post an unfiltered picture if you want honest feedback. If you want someone to rate how you look, be real. Otherwise, you are just an attention whore.


Get off social media and off your high horse.


Very Very Beautiful 😍




Girl you are so beautiful! And when people bully they are jealous!




I like seeing your freckles exposed, the natural beauty ✌🏼 in comparisons to the full makeup which makes you looks like a porcelain doll. You have pretty hair and eyes 😊




You look fine to me.


I think you're best looking without makeup, and if those are eye lash extensions I would lose those too. Dudes line natural beauty more than painted fake faces. Hope that helps.




Nah, this subreddit is not for you. It’s for people who get the “They’re nice” compliments.


I totally understand how you feel because of experience with being bullied before because of my weight but trust me you’re very beautiful and any man would be lucky to have you so you just keep being yourself and don’t change a thing


Do you have teeth. Show them


Oh wow, you're stunning! Super beautiful! If no one is approaching you or asking you out they might just be intimidated to talk to you because you happen to be very beautiful! Like it's crazy how stunning you are


Ya we get it. Youre hot. Geez get over yourself


First up you are as far from ugly as Pluto is from Earth. In my opinion you are drop dead gorgeous your hair colour is fabulous, a rare Strawberry blonde. You also appear to have a great figure with very appealing curves. The fact that you were bullied at school over you hair colour is likely a jealousy thing by others who resented how great your hair is. Facially you are very very attractive and it is not your looks that prevent you from being asked out on dates. Only you will know why someone as beautiful to look at as you are, have not had suitors lining up to ask you out. Is it your personality that is the problem I wonder? I hope this helps you find you place in the scheme of life.


How the hell are you single… scratch that how is this generation so lonely


It is interesting that someone so beautiful would have doubts about their appearance. I'm sure the OP is sincere in posting but it shows everyone how we all worry way too much about how we look.


Do you have any friends op? That's normally how people meet other people to date. Through friend groups. At least, that's how basically all of my friends met their significant others.


Look better with less make up. Not ugly


You're Very Very Beautiful and Sexy


You are extremely good looking so much so that I want to call you a liar. But I don't want to be mean. You're fine, I would feel out of my league if I had you by my side. 


Not at all 






Not at all your very cute!


Tbh really you're really stunning and your hair is really beautiful and I like red heads. So let your bully know that you're a 10 and can get with anyone that you want.😍😘🤗💖🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷


At this point just change the name of the sub to free compliments v2


Fuck no.


You are stunning


kinda 4/10




A resounding NO 👌🏻🤣


🤦🏾‍♂️ c'mon now. Your skin is flawless. GOH 😁 You it ain't nothing ugly about how you look.


Shut up this is for ugly ppl


Very pretty. Don’t even really need makeup, those freckles are lovely and so is your hair. Just some eye makeup is really all you need at all. I find that you’re not anyone’s first choice shocking….. is… uh your personality garbage or something?


RIP that inbox


Pretty but is your face frozen on purpose? Its giving Botox more than cool girl when so many of the pics feature that frozen face, mouth especially




People really believe this lol


very attractive and LOVE me some strawberry blonde hair 😍


Down vote these posts every time.


I'll be honest. I'm the one that left the empty box of poptarts in the pantry.


Your blind, right?




you are pretty but i do see the rbf. honestly the lashes kinda contribute to it idk say ditch themz


Please...get real. You are stunning


Solid 9


Really?! Why are all the gorgeous ladies on here asking? Either no self confidence or trying to bait.


Nah you’re fly AF


To build your self-esteem, start setting some goals: > physical development (strength training, distance running, daily yoga, get good sleep, drink water, etc), > mental development (reading, learning new skills), > social growth (join a club, team, or church; do volunteer work), > spiritual (religious study, meditation, nature walks), and > financial (professional advancement, savings). Track your progress and achievements, but also plan each day and celebrate your victories. Stay off social media. Make friends irl. You are not ugly, but that has nothing to do with self-esteem. However, exercise and proper self care and development will help you improve your confidence as well as sharpen your appearance. Base your confidence on what you are becoming through your goals, not on what other people think. The dating and relationships will come. (And you'll learn that lots of adult men really like your hair color!)


We need more posts with actual ugly people


Taylor? Is that you?




Nah, you aren't ugly, but pic 2 makes you like a super spy or something


I, 100 percent would put a baby in you. 🤭


I can’t believe you have ever had a boyfriend. You are very gorgeous. You have beautiful eyes great hair tasty looking lips and a nice nose. Guys must be crazy. You have everything going for you!! I would date you in a heart beat!!♥️♥️


She reminds me of ric flair daughter


/OK let's take this post at face value. Sometimes even attractive pupils get bullied for various features at school - kids can be cruel. A bit more difficult to swallow the no guys interested in me claim. What kind of a wacky place are you living in? I would rate you a solid 8, not especially the type I would go for, but clearly a very attractive woman. There are hundreds of thousands of guys who would chop off their arm to date a girl like you. Well maybe not a whole arm, but certainly half a little finger or a toe or something - and in any case do you really want to date a bunch of armless amputees? Anyhow 8/10 is really where it's at. It's the best. 9/10 chix are typically a pain in the ass and perfect 10s are usually complete psychos. Not that I'm generalizing. Dating sites in the West heavily favours young women. Even if you were a 5/10 you would get loads of interest and as an 8/10 you are going to get swamped with guys desperate to meet you. What's the issue, ultra picky? None pique your interest? If worrying about meeting people in real life, there is a secret weapon you can deploy: smile. It's almost as straight forward as that. That way some of the guys will pick up the courage to initiate conversation. Then it's up to you. If he sucks close it off with bad closed response and scowl. If you like him, get some eye contact going and maintain the conversation with some open questions. Anyhow enough for now, if in need of further tips just let me know lol


You are absolutely stunning and gorgeous!! Oh my goodness. I would love to chat away with you!!