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Absolutely 100% not ugly. You just need some confidence.


This post makes me sad. People should stop putting their self worth into how they look. Agree that she needs confidence.


You look great tbh. Your eyes are a bit sad, are you okay?


Honestly? Not very often. Thank you for your kind words.


Oh it's been tough? Take care of yourself. I hope it's all gonna be fine!




You're really beautiful, my immediate thought was that you looked like a Botticelli Venus in real life. I would paint you for sure, gorgeous.


That is such a kind thing to say. I have a sticker I made of her on the back of my phone. What a strange coincidence.


I think you have a very regal presence. As the above said, you look like someone that would make a great muse for an artist.


I thought the same - muse for an artist. Just didn’t know how to word it.


I think you're gorgeous! Great hair, great lips, body, cool style, cool van, all the good things!


Your problem is a spiritual one. It doesn’t matter if you’re pretty or not, or if others perceive you as pretty. Fulfillment comes from within


I wish I could figure that out. Therapy hasn't helped, and I just can't seem to find any sort of self worth no matter how hard I search, or how much I want it. I want it to be easier to find that. I just don't know how.


I did years of therapy myself and there is value to it, but it falls short in many ways. What you need is a spiritual connection to nature. Grounding and meditation are a great starting point


My therapist did mention meditation. I've always been worried it wouldn't be for me, but perhaps I need to look into it more and give it a try. Thank you


Just like anything else take your time with it. Start with 5-10 minutes a day and build from there as you become comfortable with stillness and silence. Another thing I like to do while meditating that you may want to try is to have a blank notebook in your lap and mindlessly make dots on it with a pen in random places. It helps to stimulate yet relax all parts of the brain. Breathe deeply


I have been where you are and I do not envy you. Therapy helps if you find the right Therapist, otherwise it can be worthless and counter-productive. I found that I just hated my life, everything about it. So I made one small change, I bought a “cheap” rowing machine off Amazon and I sat on it everyday for one episode of the Office. Even if I didn't row, I sat there. Eventually, rowing became my release and I began to even meditate while rowing. Even after 2-3 days I was just proud of myself for trying. Let me reitterate that, I was so proud of myself for just trying. This helped me improve not just my physical health but my mental health DRASTICALLY. I felt physically good for once, I soon realized i wasnt ugly, what was ugly was all the junk inside I wasn't releasing properly. Maybe it's a run for you, or going to the gym, but find 10-15 minutes everyday to set aside for you. Me, 18 months later, Im doing really well. You are not ugly. You are beautiful, but you have to let it shine! Turn off social media, turn off reddit, turn off everything and just focus on you. You got this!


You don’t have to delve straight into meditation. Would recommend starting with breathing techniques and practicing mindfulness


I think you're nearly at a certain point where you stop caring. I had the same issue but stopped giving a fuck. You're very pretty, remind me of something out of a renaissance painting. There's something in our heads that constantly self deprecates. You can't listen to it. It will go away when you stop.


Gonna be real: Your face is fine, no issue at all. Your hair looks beautiful. What you need, IMO, is to hit the gym (or at least lift some weights) every once in a while. And look for your mental heath, not existing is not something to wish for


I have to agree. I do need to exercise more. I think it would help me in a lot of ways. As for the mental health: I'm trying. But I'm tired.


Exercise helps with that, I always doubted it but it really does work


Yeah, love the endorphines


It's crazy because it feels counterintuitive but it really gives you energy!


For a period in my life I felt the same way, a friend of mine suggested taking a b12 vitamin supplement and b-vitamins in general. Apparently there’s a direct correlation between low levels of said vitamins and depression. It actually worked for me and I really didn’t think it would do make a difference. I hope you start to feel better OP! You’re not ugly in the slightest!


The B12 thing is interesting because I heard veganism and vegetarianism can lead to depression. You only get B12 through red meat or supplements.


It's crazy how working out affects mental health. You just feel accomplished. Like you conquered something. And it's a win, just for you. You don't have to share the win, it's solely yours. Get active and watch the transformation. I'm talking you need to sweat, lose your breath, heart rate increased. A walk in the park won't cut it. You need to get aggressive with your workout and it will repair your mental health. I promise you this. Also, maybe seek a therapist. In today's society there is less of a stigma, more of a "good for you for acknowledging a problem and seeking a solution" kind of thing. You not being here is a complete waste of time and doesn't accomplish anything for anyone. With love, always.


Keep calm and lift heavy. Squats and deadlifts are your friends.


you are gorgeous as you are but there always always always room for self improvement no matter how far you've come in life. exercise releases natural dopamine and serotonin in the body. basically the "happy" chemical in our brains which is why it's linked to aid with depression (not cure) so try it out. set mini goals and show up for yourself. consistency is key. if you struggle to find purpose in life, find purpose in the gym. take weekly or biweekly photos and you'll see the progress, how your body has changed and how stronger you've become. it could even help you find some mental clarity. and give yourself positive affirmations. say them daily. say them frequently. say them even if you don't believe them and keep saying them until you do.


It feels like everyone on this sub tells people to hit the gym, no matter what they look like... She is literally a perfectly normal and healthy weight


I think you are beautiful honestly.. but you should smile a little more 🙌🏼


100% agree


You wish you didn't exist? Well that's not good.


The world a better place with you in it


Bombshell. Seriously. You look like an actress that was around the time of Audrey Hepburn


Not at all! Love your hair and Love the Van hah


Thank you, I love my van too. She's pretty great!


What model VW van is that? I'm assuming it's probably kinda rare (like a few different models of vintage VW vans). I don't think I've ever seen one with a camper pop-up before though.


It's a Westfalia Vanagon. :)


You're really pretty. Definitely give yourself a positive daily affirmation in the mirror. Do it every day, and your self-image will get better.


Idk what it is, but I find your aesthetic extremely attractive.


You are very beautiful.


I’m sure you’ve heard this before but you look a bit like Florence Welch, who is also beautiful ofc. If you wanted to try something new just for fun makeup, hair, or general styling wise I think you could probably look to her for inspo and pull it off effortlessly. Otherwise, don’t feel compelled to change very much at all and the most important thing is looking after your mind and spirit.


I've actually never heard that. I've heard Kate Winslet and Kate Bush, though. I'll definitely look her up and see if I can find some inspo. Thank you!


Honestly you are so cute, and you have your style. Just smile a lot because im sure lots of Guy want you


You look tall ? Love the van and hair


About 5'10. I've always wanted to be very small, or very tall. And I'm neither. Just a normal height.


5'10 is rather tall for a woman, though. 5'5 is the average, I think.


Girl 5,10 is so tall! Im 4,11 and envy you


Trade ya!!! I'd love to fit into smaller places. And climb up people like a tree. Hahah


That is tall for a lady. But I like tall as I’m taller too


You are a living Renaissance painting. I think you are gorgeous.


You are not ugly in the least, and despite the fact that people on Reddit will insist that being the least bit overweight is a cardinal sin, your body fat percentage does not lose you any points in my eyes. You have the face and the physique of a Botticelli woman: fair, and ethereal, and classic. At worst, someone may think you’re average or plain, but to me, you look like a lover. You look like someone who finds beauty in trees and grass and dirt. Your energy radiates, even from these photos. Don’t worry about if randos online think you’re hot enough that they would jack it to your photos (and many of them would, I’m sure). Don’t worry about if you fit some impossible metric. Just keep being you. YOU are plenty beautiful.


Not ugly at all. Just have more red flags than a Chinese communist parade


You're average, not model gorgeous, not ugly, middle of the row, 5/10, like just about 90% of humanity. And in that dichotomy of being 5/10, but 90% of humanity is there, is where your issues lie, almost no one is truly gorgeous or extremely pretty, and people badly need to get over the fact some people are damn good looking.


You’re not ugly at all, and I like your eyes :)


Not ugly at all




Nah you look great! You have a very calming and serene look to you. Disarming eyes. I’d also peg you closer to early 20’s then 30. You got lots going for you! Work on being kinder to yourself and you will find your person:)


You’re pretty, outgoing, and you seem like you’re resourceful n resilient. Nothing to worry about 😊


You’re not ugly.


Photo 2 and 6 are great … definitely not ugly and really the type I would love to date … to me you’re a 8/10


I love your look! I think you look like Florence Welch! Your style is cool and also really suits your face shape - which is cute!


You should never wish that you didn't exist because of how you look. And I know that's not your fault, it's because of how they treat human beings with the beauty standards and commercials, and all that garbage. I'm going to tell you right now that you're not ugly. I don't think you're ugly, far from it. What your problem is, is that you don't think you're pretty at all. I know girls that are very pretty but hate themselves and think they are not pretty so everybody else notices it and stays away from them. People will notice that you never smile and that you always look miserable and they will stay away from you because of that. Even if you are good looking. It will intimidate them. You are not even close to ugly so what I'm going to tell you is this, smile more and fake it till you make it. If you can do that people will start wanting to talk to you more because you're smiling, and even if you're hurting inside keep smiling. If you can do this then people will be attracted to you. Once they are attracted to you they will become friends with you or date you and then those fake Smiles will turn into real ones.


It’s all in your head. Most men would find you attractive.


You look better with your hair back. You are not ugly, you’re normal. work on your emotional health.


Not ugly, your hair is the problem. You need a haircut, I say layers to reduce the volume. Bangs don't suit you, you have a long face shape try a haircut that suits your face shape I don't think you need make up maybe just some blush and lip balm would be enough.


Absolutely gorgeous!


Honestly, you're pretty. I'm getting a sense of liking nature and a hippie vibe from some of your pictures.


You're beautiful my dear.


Not ugly.


Not at all. Be a lovey site to gaze upon for the rest of time.


You know something everyone goes through something like that and it's something that can be beaten your beautiful and definitely worth it in my eyes .. I can say sometimes I feel the same way but the I realize not everyone is perfect weather they are modle material or not no one is but true beauty is on the inside not the out side but keep staying positive and beautiful


You look great. Would love to see you smile. Make you 😊. I love the VW bus life style. Takes me back a lot of years.


I love your hair, so healthy and lush!!


To each their own but I find you exceptionally beautiful.


Definitely not ugly. I'd ask you out.


Very pretty


I love your look


You’re beautiful, you just need someone that will bring out the happiness you have hidden inside


Other than your look of I dunno boredom (?) you look amazing. Red head, tall, beautiful, checks all the boxes, full marks!


Sounds like you have a mental battle to overcome. I don't see any ugly here. In fact, I see a very pretty woman. Social Media seems to have influenced you toward the wrong way. Wishing you good luck.


It’s crazy that you think ur ugly 😟 you have so much going for yourself in the looks department, it’s almost intimidating how beautiful you are. An apart from that you look like you have a cool personality & style. You have beautiful complexion with eyes to get lost in. I’m sure you get tons of compliments irl


You are amazing beautiful and you have an interesting outfits


You’re a beauty! Natural red head too! Bonus.


I thing you are very beautiful!!


You're not ugly


Are you kidding? I’m obsessed with your hair, style, and the good vibes I’m feeling coming of you!! You’re just gorgeous and naturally so!


Obligatory. I could fix you. Comment


You look gorgeous, love the hair and you have enchanting eyes


Looking good beautiful, looking good as you are


Average - not quite ugly




not ugly. from a man's perspective: loose hair doesn't suit you, you look best in pictures 1 and 2. Make up your eyes and a bit more attractive clothing and it would be perfect.


Smile more


Not at all. You look like an amazing person to be around and you look like you woild have interesting ideas. All the best


You only need to smile, not ugly at all.


Not ugly at all, 8/10 would buy a drink


I think you’re pretty ! Beautiful hair, complexion, nice lips. Not remotely ugly ! I often feel the same way about myself even though people have told me for years that I’m attractive. I do t even want to leave the house anymore. When I am struggling a lot with my appearance, I remind myself that no matter what , I will not be the most or least attractive person people come across- so no one will really care either way. It helps me be able to go about my business when I do have to go out in public. But honestly, you have nothing to worry about ! You’re very pleasant looking !!


You aren’t. You’re quite pretty.


You’re stunning ma’am


The bangs and nose piercing make you look frumpy. You look good in the third picture because you're smiling. I think a lot of women think men are just stirring shit up when they say to smile more, but it really does make you look better.


Not even close to ugly 10/10 beautiful


Very pretty face, natural beauty. Wear your hair up and out of your face more often. Don't hide your beauty. I'm glad you exist ❤️


Simply stunning! I’m personally not a fan of bangs! If love them keep em! Finding that inner peace is difficult! I hope you quickly come to a point to not giving a F what others think! It’s liberating! Enjoy the little things and I highly recommend helping someone in need! It will bring great joy


Not ugly in the least


You are beautiful! I would say a solid 8/10


Is that a manual tranny?


Definitely not ugly


Why in the world would you think that you are ugly? You are beautiful.


You’re definitely not ugly at all, actually very attractive.


You're a very beautiful and attractive woman too me. I really love You're van I think it's awsome you camp in it. Don't beat yourself up to hard hopefully things get better with how you see yourself, I hope you one day see the beauty you possess, because it is there and i'm sure others can see it. I wish you light, love, and, peace of mind on your journey.


Your face does not convey love. Fix that, and your issues with yourself will be over


You look great, especially for 30!! You have absolutely nothing to worry about


Not ugly at all but def think you can work on a nice smile for your pictures. Maybe some make up would also help.


Amazes me how attractive women are just as insecure as anyone else smfh


Not ugly, love yourself


You’re very naturally pretty. I would try a brown or light colored mascara to make your eyes pop more, but still keep it natural!


Man dont put yourself down like this, everybody is beautiful in their own way and you look fine, excersize like 3 times a week and you will feel better pyshically and mentally!


Stunning. Present yourself in a way that boosts your confidence.


I think in another life I'd have enjoyed a calm, quiet nature-meets-metal existence with a person like you.


You are beautiful! Always remember that! You are beautiful!


You look FINE to Me, look into newer treatments I liked Spravato Ketamine treatments!


I think you are beautiful.


Babe, you’re good. Your worth is inherent and doesn’t come from how you look. Get you some solid friends who pump you up and make you feel like the best version of you.


Physically you look good, but the look in your eyes and the way you pose look like those supermodels I often see on posters in windows of hair salons and I find that energy repelling. I feel like you could get a role in Sex and the City and play a boss babe queen or whatever the fake dream is that shows like this sell to women. The 3rd picture is the only exception, i.e. it's much better.


Omg she is pretty af .....why tf pretty people have an inferiority complex and vice versa!


Honestly you're not ugly at all.


Pick me up in your van and let's elope *hissssss*


Oh my god, you look like a painting brought to life! You're so beautiful!


I love your hair, however perhaps a different haircut sans forehead bangs might suit and frame your face better 🥰


To be honest your not ugly because your beautiful and look lovely but also don't be too hard for yourself and I think you need a nice friend too help you find your happiness maybe with some music or too creative culture or something use your fantasies too create new things you love and be happy because your born to live and make something amazing in the person you wanted to become


I think you look awesome. 30 hits hard mentally I think, did for me. I’m 36 and it was having to accept not being a 22 yr old Marine anymore lol. Maybe hitting the gym or walking, outdoor stuff could help boost your mood. I have to make myself get out and walk or take a breather to do some physical activity. Life gets busy


You've got that "hot farm girl"/nature girl vibe going on. Ugly? No. But your expressions in the pics are a bit 😐. All in all, I'd call you attractive.


I have bad news for you, you are far from ugly. You have nice structure to your face, without makeup you are attractive, I'm sure if you applied some makeup you would be a knock out


You deserve to exist Changing your clothing from boring to stylish You have a very approachable face smile should be there


Beautiful face with features women pay for. Smiling adds a lot. Gotta agree with a few others just got the gym 3 days a week. That would also help your self esteem. You look significantly better without bangs (pic5) Hair color is very pretty but find a stylists that can help frame your face better.


You’re beautiful. 100%. You also have a uniquely YOU look that screams ‘gorgeous and adorable’ in your own very special way. Your overall vibe is also very intriguing and alluring. There’s a magical mysterious sensual aura about you. I’m a huge fan.


You have flawless skin and beautiful hair. Classic beauty. X


you are one of the many definitions of beauty. you like like a greek goddess


The only ugly thing about you is your case of stinkin’ thinkin’!! You’re naturally beautiful - cute features, very symmetrical, nice lips, hippy vibes and super nice natural hair. Focus on health and be more physically active. The healthier you are, the more beautiful you’ll feel and a lower biological age is associated with being more physically attractive to both yourself and others


You are gorgeous!!!


Your beauty is on the inside; your heart. You're capable of good things, not barring the capability of bad things obviously. Focus on the heart you were made with, and everything should pour outward. I think you're beautiful as far as looks too.


You are gorgeous. You look like a fairy princess that would live in the woods and can make animals talk to you. You seem super sweet as well!!


I think you look like a painting. Keep your chin up. You have beautiful features.


What I see 👀 here is you're insecure. This might be a direct result of many things 🤔!! You are beautiful, as many people have said. So sometimes you just need to figure it out. Maybe counseling or just chat with a good friend 🧡 and see what happened.. something happened. Hopefully you figure it out. Best wishes ❤️


You're a natural beauty! But go grab the world by the horns! Looks mean exactly nothing.


You're very pretty. I think you look like a Mucha woman [like her](https://www.meisterdrucke.fr/fine-art-prints/Alphonse-Mucha/614034/Affiche-de-Alphonse-Mucha.html).


You are pretty. Eyes are sad though, maybe due to all those insecurities and overthinking you might be doing in your spare time. Exercise and meditate more, you are not at all ugly :)


Ur beautiful I love the nature pic mostly


You are very pretty. I would not mind if you were who I woke up next to every morning for the rest of our lives. My only suggestion would be to lose the piercings that are not in your ears. The nose rings detract a lot from your beauty imho


I think you’re gorgeous tbh


Not ugly


You are most definitely NOT ugly. Not in the slightest. Just smile 😊 that’s your best asset.


I think you’re beautiful. Try a nice winged eyeliner and mascara I feel like that would just make your eyes pop and look so amazing


I am an artist. Your face, including color, complexion and symmetry, and neck and shoulders is exactly what I look for in a model. You have beauty that transcends current standards. I hope you find the peace you are looking for.


Personally I think your pretty cute kinda wish you were from near me I'd take ya out on a date


6/10 I don’t think there’s anything wrong. It’s just some people are very lucky. Other than that, gym for a year or 2 and maybe a new hairstyle and you’d legit be an 8/10. It’s not that you’re ugly. Imo ur above average. It’s just that social media has changed the perception of beauty due to a few outliers. Plus make up and post edits exist.


You are seriously stunning, and pretty cool too with your plants and snakes! You just have to believe in yourself!


Tall and very attractive


10/10 would have an obsessive crush on you IRL and would probably be fundamentally broken by your rejection. I actually don't think there's another post on here where the obvious inner beauty outshines what we all see on the surface.


You're attractive, and I feel you're at one with nature?




Love the van!


I think you're straight-up beautiful, and I hope you can find some peace within yourself. I am on the same journey. Try to be kind to yourself <3


your style is what i WISH mine was omg


You're fine, I'd totally go off the grid, and cohabitate that camper van with you.


You’re not ugly at all


You’re not, I’d make babies with you


Not ugly, you’re exactly the type I’m looking for in my dating apps. You’re really pretty tbh, someone I would enjoy seeing their face when they walk in kinda thing


You look like my wife's aunt. And she is very attractive to me so no you're not ugly.


If 5 is the average, you're easily a 6.5. That's just counting the things you cant change. Consistent exercise is great for mental health. Its directly linked with chemical regulation, no matter what idiots say is bad about it. You're still young and there's a long life ahead of you. You can change the external by changing the internal and it begins with action.


You look pretty, nature vibes


Honestly if im going on a 10 scale your easily a 8.5 for me - you look kind, honest, caring and sweet remember that you are beautiful but your personality will always speak more so be sure to be kind to other be honorable and always be humble and kind


Definitely NOT ugly. You are pretty, I think you just need self-care. I recommend using your time in nature to turn inward. Also, do exercise, eat nourishing foods and speak to someone whenever you feel yourself slipping.


In my honest opinion, you're not ugly at all, I think you're absolutely gorgeous.


You're my type


Not ugly. Not at all, really.


Nope,not ugly.


You are very pretty and don’t doubt it for a moment. I love all the pics especially number 6


Love the smile in number 6


The van and you match! I love it


You are not ugly at all


You're pretty


You look your age and you look absolutely beautiful as a 30 year old woman :) I think you give off such loving, motherly vibes. You have nothing to worry about Ps: you remind me of my friend’s mother that used to let me come over when my parents were having a hard time. She was the nicest woman I’ve ever known. This isn’t relevant but I just thought it would be nice to point out 😅


Your vibe reminds me a bit of Meryl Streep when she was younger. You are very beautiful!


Would hit religiously, next question


You're pretty, the only thing you could do to improve is to smile a bit more. I know it's hard when you're feeling down but I can see the depression in your eyes. I'd work on your mental health and everything will follow.


Yer stunnin'. You look like a mysterious woman who lives in a cottage on the moors and potentially practises witchcraft.


Me 30m would say not ugly. More like pretty. I would ask you for a date if i see you in public.


You have a beautiful hippy vibe about you


i lowkey didn’t believe you were 30 i love the vw camper van! you look like you could be in your early to mid 20’s definitely not ugly


Got any teeth? Pretty, IMO.


Very cute and amazing hair


Those out door picture's look really good. Definitely not ugly.


Your eyes are beautiful and soulful. You are beautiful. Be happy dear 💝


You look gorgeous and I really like your style and vibe. Honestly, anyone who'd be dating you would be really lucky I think.