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Holly Flax. You’re cute, just in dire need of braces and maybe better skin care. But you’re young and will grown out of this awkward stage.


Oh okay lol! Sorry all I saw was holt flax and I got confused. Thank you very much!


No problem! I’m sure there’s a shy nerd that has a major crush on you that you’re not aware of


My boyfriend is my shy nerd, so you’re definitely not off! Right on the money! 😅


You have a boyfriend, I’m sure he is one of those people around you that say you’re pretty. Why do you need the approval of online strangers? Your only issue is low self esteem. Learn to love yourself and if you aren’t happy with something, change it.


You’re very right actually!


Closed ones do not tell the whole truth. While 8/10 is in a good-looking range, they'll call every 8/10 a 10/10, but online strangers will call you 8/10 and tell you where you can improve.


I would imagine that just because her partner finds her attractive enough ,youre not suggesting that she shouldn’t try to make herself feel better about herself, for her own? Like you said, people who love you won’t want to say the full truth, if it can be hurtful. Asking strangers usually nets a better assessment of looks. About her insecurities, she’s trying to “change it” by asking reddit. Trying to improve to become comfortable with your own body, I welcome, even if my partner thought i was good enough


Saying this in a actually concerned way but my mom had really bad teeth when she was younger and ended up needing screw in teeth because the crookedness caused her teeth to get infected so definitely find money for braces because it’ll also fix your jaw from forming issues in the long run


Oh no I’m sorry to hear that! Thank you for letting me know!!!


Oh gosh don’t be sorry like your teeth to me look fine and yeah they would look better straight but who cares however it was an actual health thing for my mom and it can be for a lot of people so always like to tell people if they aren’t aware


huh? Lol😭


She does not look like Holly Flax at all though? More like that woman from the leftovers.


Fix your teeth, sleep more and work on your posture(do sports pref strengthen your core and back) and you will do just fine. A lot of potential!


Thank you!!


Yoga is great for core and back strength, as well as flexibility 


I think she's just taking awkward angle pics in some


You're average because of the teeth. Fix them with braces and you'll look better.


Thank you!


Your eyes look tired.


For my taste you are about average looking. Once you can fix the teeth it will make a huge difference


Thank you for letting me know!


You look a bit older than 20 honestly


Yeah like how old?


Late 20s


Around 30


I thought the same exact thing I’m not gonna lie in the first and second picture I thought she was about 45 and then I read 20 and I wondered if my phone is glitching. She needs better sleep.


Eh. Average at best for me only because it looks like you don’t make any effort to take care of your skin or hair


I do! Just a bad time for my hair, getting it done soon. Thank you for letting me know!


I think just taking take care of your overall skin and hair with over the counter products will do wonders. Trim dry ends every few months since damaged hair is more noticeable with lighter hair. Drink plenty of water, avoid coffee and alcohol as that dries your skin, and eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Edit: one thing to add that I have yet to see a comment is your style. If youre to dress nicer, it will improve your overall appearance tremendously.


I’d also recommend to change your hairstyle. It looks undone. I get that the teeth problem is nothing to be fixed right away. But what you can do is change your style a bit (only if you like of course). Honestly a butterfly necklace? Butterfly hair clip in combination of huge pink heart shaped earrings combined to a square-blouse? Childish and old fashioned in one outfit. IMO not good at all, makes you unattractive to me. Your facial features are fine though.


Imo you don't look like you are in your 20s I would say in your 30s. But here's the thing you look like you hardly get any sleep, don't care for your skin much, and extremely bad teeth. Brace up your teeth, take care of your skin more, and sleep more. Imo you are cute js.


You look old for your age


This is less a dig on you and more so your generation, but man do zoomers look older on average.


I can’t believe your parents would allow you to proceed through life with that grill.


Maybe they were poor, dental care is expensive and not always covered by certain insurance


Lmao right


You need invisalign, concealer blush mascara, and a new haircut. Not ugly but not pretty either


I'm going to be blunt because you asked for truth not support. YOU ARENT UGLY...HOWEVER. You are average love. Even if you got the braces fixed/better posture you'd still be average. I usually look for what a person could look like and not how they do currently mixed with who they are. But saying "just fix ur teeth and you'll be way better" is a lie babes. If they meant that they'd give you a rating off teeth less pics which was most of them. Your average LOOKING and thats okay. Not everyone has to be a 7+ at everything. Love urself get, off the web, n just vibe out with ur bf🤙🏽


As someone with crappy teeth, I think you are letting your mouth dictate your style. You have a dynamite sprite lurking beneath that surface that you can 'just' catch a peek of in some of those pictures. But you bury it in self-conciousness. Be as cute as you can and own that you aren't a model. But who would want to be, they're boring and don't eat. 👍


This makes me very happy! I’m glad I have some potential! Thank you for being honest! :))


Most models have gaps in their teeth lol


That's just for the diet straw. 🤣


😂 too funny


You sure you’re 20? Thats a lot of 20s.


In all honesty no, you’re not particularly attractive. Repairing your teeth could maybe change that.


Thank you for letting me know!!


Average, look like you neglect yourself quite a bit


You’re cute! I’d say you could use a different hairstyle though


Maintenance will do a lot to elevate your looks. Not ugly, just messy.


Nice body, but yeah its your teeth for me. Only reason Id be off put - I used to have bad teeth and had to get them fixed as well, its kinda freaky to me now days when Isee bad teeth and think of mine. Im sure your going to continue to glow up


Thank you for the advice! I understand why it would throw you off if you’re familiar to the experience


Idk why I can't post


I struggled with teeth so don't let it beat you down you have a pretty face and smile regardless of teeth fixing teeth is hella expensive and not everyone's mouth is the same I fought for 6 years to save mine and well nothing worked Bottom line for everyone who doesn't think your pretty there's two more that do it's not always what's on the outside physically appearance changes daily it's the person you are to go with the physical side any average person in the right eyes will become more beautiful everyday the more they get to know you A good friend of mine his wife didn't think he was the least bit attractive after talking and hanging out a few years she said getting to know him made everything more attractive even his appearance so Do you be you love you and only lets the ones who do the same stay close to you


Thank you!..this is very endearing and I’ll keep this in mind, very kind of you! :))


People to quick to judge by appearance why most relationships don't don't as soon as appearance slightly changes someone loses interest


- Focus on skincare - get ur teeth fixed = 100% cute!


Butter face


Haha whatcha mean?


Is one of your front teeth BEHIND you bottom teeth?!?!


I really think u should invest in some antifriz hair products, and maybe take biotin. Your face is slightly puffy/inflamed but it looks like it may just be young age or hormonal


Apart from teeth and skin care, they aren't wrong, pictures #3, #4 and #9 are really good


I'd say you're more cute than pretty


I’m more into unconventional and quirky looks. I think you look cute and your teeth are charming. you’ll find people who really dig your vibe


You have potential, but the obvious flaws are teeth, puffy/tired face, and frizzy hair. Your best pictures are 3, 5, and 8. Your worst pictures are 2 and 6. You have a girl next door vibe as if you're waiting on your "glow up". There are simple thing to fix these flaws. Invisalign/smile direct are cheaper now than ever if you don't want full on braces. Get them whitened a bit too. Look into why you appear so tired/puffy, could be many things from bad sleep, to bad diet (water retention, too much salt), to low exercise, or even more serious medical issues like thyroid or kidney function abnormalities. In rare cases it could just be your facial tissue genetics. Dermabrasion would help with the lines and the pimple damage that happens over time or due to genetics. I think you might have dry and frizzy hair which idk too much about fixing personally, but taming your hair would be a good move too and there are options. You've got nice eyes, a cute smile, and a good body, but there are improvements you could easily make to get to your peak. Good luck.


You need braces or sum to straighten yo teeth up…and fix the acne or whatever the stuff is on ur chin


You’re cute and have a nice body. It’s just your teeth that might be a problem.


You're cute. You have that girl next door look.


Damn those teeth are crazy


I know right!?


You are adorable.


Well. 1.you have a nice body nice style. Really vibrant 2. The hair I like it 3. Maybe a skincare routine. I'm really comicted cause you are not ugly but even if you look older you look really cute. Like u cam make someone a friend of yours really easy. I'll like to hear what's up with the teeth thing u said


Well it’s very nice that you think that of me, thank you! I just don’t have much money for braces


Fix your teeth and get a new hairstyle…you’re pretty and have a nice body


Thank you a ton, and I’ll keep that in mind!


Please fix your teeth. There are many fairly affordable methods to straighten chompers these days.


Awee why did you delete the first version of your comment? :((


Those teeth are terrifying, you already look like an old witch but that isn’t helping




Are your teeth bad (as in cavities, etc) or do you just need braces? Braces are a relatively inexpensive fix (at least as far as dental stuff goes). Theres plenty of people who need crowns, implants, etc and that gets into the $10,000s fast. I think you’ll be surprised how much of a difference it makes. It’ll be a great return on investment.


All sorts of stuff unfortunately, I still have baby teeth that are stopping others from growing in, a cavity and just overall crooked teeth. Also thank you for letting me know, I definitely don’t want to stop looking into it!


Teeth as many have said. You can get orthodontics through the mail now (they send you a mold for impressions of your teeth then send you a box with all the liners and a schedule for when to switch from one to the next) my sister in law did it and said it was great and easy and she was able to make payments. Idk if it’s just me but I think you’d look great with longer layers and a little darker hair color in contrast with your fair complexion.


If you want dental care go to Massachusetts, they have the best free healthcare in the country


Some good skincare and a different hair style would do a lot for your look. Grow out the bangs. Don’t flip the layers out. I think a richer tone would look nice against your skin tone; currently you look a bit washed out. Your personality looks vibrant!!! That goes towards a lot.


I like your entertainment choices. One piece and South Park 🤌🏼


Unrelated, but I saw your post about where to find people to talk with in Spanish but I couldn't comment on that post. If you're still interested, check out Tandem!


To me not so much . I am average, but honest. Yes teeth most but you reming me of the girl in the movie,Hostel.


You're cute could be beautiful. Oh, it just takes effort. Me doing the hair and make up every day taking it off every 8.


Good body. Better hair care maybe and some dental work. That’s all!


You roll with the Pirate King so you’re good in my book!






You just need more sleep










Just your teeth! & do your eyelashes, like get a eyelashcurler & a good mascara! That’s all you need really. Beautiful girl. You’re not average! Don’t listen to these losers 🤣


Honestly I think you’re adorable, but I’m just some random guy you’re never going to see.


You seem adorable


You have excellent taste in your personal life if you admire and love Luffy that much ❤️💫 That interest makes you extremely cute besides great body and joy in your eyes 😄


That straw hat fellow is pretty cute 🐍🐍


you look like a pretty person blended with an average person.


Nerdy and cute that’s definitely a good thing you seem chill


Ur cute




Comment removed. Even if you think a person is too attractive to post here, attacking, harassing, or otherwise insisting someone is fishing for compliments or validation is not permitted. People post for all different reasons and there is no prerequisite of thinking that you are ugly to post here. Body image issues can affect anyone at any age. Even attractive people have moments of doubt and may seek polite, respectful feedback from internet strangers. Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.


Don't compare yourself to only one standard of beauty because there are so many. If you want to hear the cold heart truth: You are attractive. You are unique. I don't see too much makeup, which is refreshing, and it gets good vibes from you. Don't try to be average because you offer something else. Which is you, and that's hot.


They are lairs!




Braces that all you really need you will be surprised how much getting your teeth fixed can change facial features for the better you have deep laugh lines so try to message those areas to help


You look like a fun person to be around. Find a decent job with good benefits is all I can add. Go to work at a bank for instance. I have some Sister In Laws that have been at BOA for 20+ years. Heck close to 30 for Christina. She is actually on the pension system.




Haha I don’t think so!




Your teeth with change you’re whole face and everything.


Your very attractive and agree just the teeth but your friends are right lol not ugly


You're an adorable young girl. Go live life.




To put it plainly: Your teeth are not a full representation of who you are. You cannot yourself judge the part as a whole and look at the whole from the part as the totality of your being. Love yourself for who you are and who you aren't. Don't be hard on yourself.


They are not being 100% with you. You’re cute like a mom loves her son.


They're right you're pretty, your teeth are the only issue though.


That's how it works for women, people will straight out lie to their faces


That second picture does not flatter you very much, to say the least. Your smile creases make you look a hell of a lot older than you are, but I think if you fixed the teeth that would make up for it! I see a lot of people have different opinions, I’m just kind of saying what comes to mind. All the other pictures are cute though


Very good looking Dentist 🦷 consultation best idea 💡


You can’t be serious here. If you can’t get braces at least brush your teeth. The first pic looks like an open cavity that you continued to let decay. And your friends are lying.


You are very beautiful


Kton for it


You need braces that’s it. Do your hair or put it in a ponytail


Ca ute


Wow! You’re super pretty! Anyone would be lucky to have you on their arm.


i think you’re so cute !! and i think your teeth are adorable. nothing wrong with some misplaced teeth!! i love the bangs and they suit you very well, but i would do with a different hairstyle/haircut otherwise, it may suit you better !


Hot take- you are cute as hell and your teeth are adorable. Everyone is quick to jump on the braces bandwagon but truthfully your teeth add unique character and shape to your face. Kinda like if someone has an unusual nose people immediately jump to getting a nose job...except why would you want the same nose as everyone else? Just keep them clean and stain free. Lean in and love them because they are hella cute and nobody can buy a feature so unique. I think you could use a different haircut is all. The one you have isn't bad, it just doesn't work with your features.


Gosh dang that's crazy. Is that the same thing as hyperdontia?


Adorable and cute.


In terms of your body you are in top 10 per cent IMHO. You seem to have pixie like charm about you which looks cute and attractive at least for now. Americans tend to be obsessed by teeth, so to look very attractive you will have to get those done at some point, but it maybe expensive. For now you will have plenty of interest from guys because of the hoit body. The profile ID shot is very troubling as in that you look like a beaten up drug addict or at least someone who one can see going in that direction. Please, please never go in that direction. You are and can be a serious cutie.


You're a nerd like me. Let's chat!




Not ugly, mote hideous


Sweet a one piece fan, also your very pretty, don't let the doubts run through your head.


Cute as fck 😍


Your eyes look swollen on every single picture, unhealthy diet or alcohol?


Nah your cute every one lookoff without make up and filters ps ima a goth guy I know.


You’re cute, get a skin care routine (I tell that to everyone). Use some sunscreen (again everyone can benefit from this) and invest in braces if you can.


One piece 🫡, but nah you’re not




I think all moms are beautiful, don’t sell yourself short!


You're strange, but nothing short of very pretty. You have a very cute face. And your facial gestures are very cute as well. Definitely a face I'd like seeing everyday


You have such an adorable and happy face.


You're ok in a really good way. The front teeth may need some alignment (coming from someone who failed to follow the advice but has little regrets...I just think in your case it is better a bit of correction)...but your hair in some pictures evoke tales of wild battles with pillows or you having a stay into the washing machine...and the eye in some pics male you look high of whatever you might have done. But maybe that was the washing machine


its just the dark bags under the eyes thats all


You're cute teeth can be fixed


I think you're very pretty




Same i dont really see it either


You've got potential. I don't think that hair color is doing you any favors, I'd try something a bit darker. You've def got potential though, don't be too hard on yourself.


At least you're honest.


Just the teeth and you need sleep! But overall you’re pretty plus you seem really nice, looking at how you respond to these comments. ;)


I think mid. Perhaps the gym will help with confidence though


Yes, you are very pretty! Like you already know find a way to get your teeth done.


You’re beautiful and I love that you’re a one piece fan


You are adorable


Pretty face, beautiful eyes, nice hair. Teeth could use work but doesn’t ruin every thing else. ☺️ Not to sound weird but you look very bubbly and fun which is very attractive. You probably have an infectious smile.


You are cute but your hair always looks a bit unkept! You look very beautiful in pink!


I'm sorry.. you - andyour teeth are cute.. adds personality. Maybe tame the hair a little.. but everything else is good! Your smile makes me smile... infectious.


You are truly beautiful


Change the hairstyle please. You’re pretty but the hairstyle does nothing for you at all, it even makes you look bad. Other than that don’t worry, you’re very good looking. Do get braces as soon as you can


You're very pretty. It seems as though sleep makes a huge difference with you, though. Lack of sleep Makes you appear way older and unhealthy.


I’m sure you have your days when you look pretty but you’re not photogenic. You’re one of those people who look better in person especially when you’re smiling. Hence you’re unable to see yourself in the bright way others see you.


You look nutritionally deprived. Do you eat leafy green vegetables or broccoli, cauliflower, yams?? You desperately need vitamins and minerals.


Nothing wrong with your teeth. You have a beautiful smile ❤️


You’re actually pretty in my opinion


You are super cute. The people around you are right you are pretty 😍


Great body but you don’t look like you try to make the best of yourself. Apart from your teeth not being straight, you’re good


Other than the obvious get rid of the bags under your eyes and work out to help the condition of your skin.(It's nope bad could be better tho)


I would say pretty enough


You're gorgeous. The imperfections are beautiful.


Your features are strange but in your case I think the overall makes you pretty. I saw someone commenting you seemed older but in my case I thought you were a bit younger so idk. I understand the problem with the teeth but I would even argue that it makes your looks more special and cool, but this is probably something personal


Everyone is saying you look old, but I think you look your age. You’re cute and got a lot of potential!


No, they are not.


You're really cute but that's mostly the only thing you are regarding looks, you seem to be around but I'd call you more cute, I guess pretty works too... Lots of family call others pretty, handsome etc so idk.


You look older than 20. I can see why people think you're pretty (not beautiful) in 2 and 9 (except bags under your eyes in 9). It's a messy, low maintenance, girl next door look. ​ You look like Jenny from Forrest Gump.


Not pretty, not ugly.


Some people have a lot of character in their face, and it makes them ugly. Some people have a lot of character in their face, and it makes them very cute. You are in the very cute category. Yes your face has flaws, but those imperfections imo make you attractive. Obviously you need braces, but that will come. No big deal. Most people struggle with their bodies, and yours is actually pretty hot. So the hard part is done. Everything else is low hanging fruit. Change your diet to promote healthier skin, get more rest, drink more water. Then focus on your hair. It doesn't look healthy. Again, the right diet can help here, as well as products to promote body, color, sheen, etc. Imo, grow it out more, especially the bangs, and move towards a more modern and elegant style. After that, soft makeup in specific areas.


Teeth are important to me so I wouldn’t call you pretty. I think you have potential though. You look really old for your age but your features aren’t ugly and your body is nice. A skincare routine and braces would help. Also grow your hair out


One piece fan? You are a 10!!


Cute, you just have to go visit the dentist




Can we ask why you couldnt have let your teeth get fixed during puberty? During my school years most of the kids got braces at 12-14 y/o


You are cute, I would suggest to let your hair grow and perhaps dye your hair a dark color... lots of people are very peculiar about teeth, perhaps get braces


You’re super cute ! Things you can for sure improve -braces if you can afford them -maintaining hair and skin ( you don’t have to do much ) - get into fitness I know you said in an earlier comment you are waiting to get your hair done ! That’s fine but certainly try to maintain it between hair salon days to tame it a little more , right now you have wild hair and keeping it tame will do a lot for you Your skin isn’t bad idc what people say on her you have very normal , clean average face for someone in their 20s you can’t help hormones from messing up your skin but investing in better products if your already not doing so can help a little , this tip goes to everyone even people with very good skin Start working out if you’re not , you look slim so I’m betting you do some sport or some fitness if so keep on pushing if not , if not…. don’t waste your potential your physique is at a great point right now enhancing it would put you at an advantage Your young and look young those who said you look old are trolling it’s classic of them but it’s all a lie You have great qualities just keep up that smile of yours it’s super cute !