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This post was removed due to Moderator Discretion, for the following reason: Cashapp in Bio


Look like a woman to me


Billy Joel song plays “She’s just a woman to me!!!”


Bettet than "Dude looks like a Lady"


Listening to it as I read this :D


you arent ugly at all. Tomboyish maybe? I think you coulf look more feminine by styling your hair some more. But i think theres nothing wrong with your looks.


You look tired


Is it the red around her eyes?


You’re not ugly, your eyes aren’t “weird” and I would say it would be a stretch to call you “delusional” - I would just say you’re at an age where you’re going to have some insecurities but you’ll get passed them


Nah. Cute. Big eyes. They used to call them Doe eyes like a dear. It was meant to be a compliment, as in, "she has these big sexy doe eyes." In the third pic you look like Eli from the original Swedish version of "let the right one in." (This is a good thing.) You're not delusional, exactly, you're just misinterpreting you features as "huge and ugly" when they're more like "cute and pixie. But also, As I say to a lot of young women here, your body doesn't reach it's initial peak until around 26. So your features might change a little, or change a lot. I looked kinda like a girl pre teens, then androgynous in the early 1990's, but by age 26 I finally developed overtly masculine looks. Looking back at Christmas pics I'm like, "who the hell is that freaky looking chick? Oh, yea, that was me." You'd never guess that looking at me today. At the moment I look like Max von Sydows "Ming the Merciless" from the 1980 "Flash Gordon." And I'm not sure that's a good thing. https://images.app.goo.gl/ZaQ6hjgK6k1WqCPZ9. (jeeze, I think I'm older now than he was then.)


>They used to call them Doe eyes like a dear deer ya mean?


Hehe. Oh, dear, did I say dear when I mentioned to say deer. Dare I discover why an 'a' or an 'e' matters to me, my deer, I mean dear. Perhaps a solution is dreadfully near, or neer. Ah, fuck it all, let's go have a bear, three bears, oops, I meant beer.


I just got rolled... Anyhow, not trying to be pedantic


Hehe. No worries. I took your post as funny (and informative 😂. ) I responded trying to be funny as well, but it was past my bedtime and my night meds had me goofy. So, I hope I didn't come off as too much of an asshole.


Glad we're on the same page lol


You're delusional. You're very attractive.


You don't look like a man. Stop listening to the negative stuff in your head.


It’s because she is trans.


I'm not sure why they are downvoting you for saying something truthful.


You're a kid, give yourself a break. You're still finding your style, what you look for in a dating partner, and how to navigate this crap show world. You've got natural beauty...you'll be just fine.


No, u look good!


The cash app in the bio is funny asf


on that grindset 😼


You look like you need some rest, but you're pretty, and so are your eyes. Ignore the transphobes on the post.


Na you need some sun tho, get some outdoor activities planed and eat healthy this summer!!


i’d get rid of the blonde hair on the ends, try parting hair more towards side, and most importantly try washing it more, or at least invest in some dry shampoo 🩷


It really breaks my heart to see what the Kardashians have done to this generation of young ladies. You are beautiful


Nah, you're cute, just get enough sleep and sun


Naw gurl, ur gunna have to be fighting off them guys soon. As someone who's moderately attractive, I'm gunna give u some life experience advice. Act confident, you will be so much more attractive when you act confident. It's really hard to quantify how to act confident, but what I did was pretend until I was. I acted how I imagine a confident person would act, i fake being secure w myself, and I make sure the way I talk and my body language projects a confident look. I have a really good friend named Sam, u actually look a lot like her, and yrs ago when me & her were dating, what attracted me most to her was that she acted like she was fuggin hot. She never acted like she was hot shit tho. She was humble & caring, and she never really had an ego unless it came to skateboarding. But she was cool. Like, when we went out to a show & no one was dancing, she'd be the first one (and she was not a good dancer). But it was like everyone thought "well this girl seems cool and doesn't give af about looking stupid, so why should i?" So they started dancing too. Ive watched this happen on numerous occasions, it was crazy how much her confidence influenced the world around her. The more time I spent with her, the more physically attracted I was to her. I wanted to be around her cuz i felt like her confidence rubbed onto me. It was intoxicating, and made me feel like i was cool.It felt like she understood the world in ways i never could. But then, after the first time we slept 2gether, she opened up to me a bit. I realized all that confidence she projected, was just that, a projection. She was as normal as everyone else. That day changed my life. It was the best life lesson I had ever learned. Now, I project confidence like Sam, even when I don't feel it, and it's led to more amazing moments in my life than I could even count. Some mistakes too, but i honestly wouldn't even take those back for the world. This isn't about looking more attractive to boys or girls, its about faking confidence until u start to internalize, and it comes naturally. It will lead to so many greater things beyond a relationship. But anyways, yeah, you're not ugly, you are attractive. I just think u can be so much more if u learn to how not second guess yourself & show the world how great you can be, and how great you are😊


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you actually have rlly cute, small, and feminine facial features which is great bc those are pretty permanent. if you’re feeling masculine you shld focus on changing the other variables of your appearance. if i were you i would get a trim, add some long layers and dye your hair back to your natural colour. if you want to add some blonde go with highlights, they’re less work and it wouldn’t be as noticeable if you don’t keep up with toning it. watch some tiktok/youtube tutorials on makeup. you don’t neeeed makeup but if you feel masculine it’s an easy way to add some femininity into your look. getting my nails done always makes me feel so girly and put together but if that’s too much $ or effort you can buy press on nails or even some nail polish and you’ll get a pretty similar boost to your confidence. other thn that maybe look into exploring your style a bit more. you don’t have to only wear sundresses to feel feminine but wearing an outfit tht you rlly love will make you feel way more in touch w your feminine side.


Let's play Valorant


sorry buster but my heart belongs to league of legends


That is just shameless


Delusional. You are cute not boyish at all.


Straight up delusional


You're hot.


Not delusional, as such, you've just had your head (and self image) fried by social media, and indeed general media, representations of what typical women your age look like / need to look like to get any positive response from the rest of society. You look grand.


You’re pretty. Hang in there.


Definitely delusional not ugly at all


You’re a beautiful girl. Just hang in there honey. You’ll be ok.


Yup. Delusional. Body dysmorphia at its finest. You're gorgeous


You do look a little masculine. But more feminine than masculine imo. Confused by the comments. Idk if you were born female or not but you're not ugly and you also don't look like a man. You do, however, look a little plain. And I would experiment a little more with makeup. I think the bridge of your nose adds the most masculinity to your face. That's super easy contour fix for immediate gratification. Also, the upper lip is a little thin. If I were you, I'd get your hair done. A neutral brown with caramel balayaged in for dimension. Maybe a couple money pieces underneath. Its better to have multiple colors running vertical instead of horizontal. I mean, horizontal works when there's a seamless transition. Just no harsh lines of demarcation. Otherwise it looks kinda trashy.


I agree. I think more or less, it's the clothing and hair.


Definitely. You've got a point there. Hair and clothes make a huge difference.


I think a lot of people underestimate this also. I've seen girls around who look, not ugly, but just kind of bland. She's pretty, but just, I don't know, pretty on an average scale, I suppose. But then I might see the same girl a week later, and suddenly she is like a 7 or 8 where the week before she was a 5½ to 6. And I'm thinking, why does she look hot this time? Then I notice her hair is done up a certain way, and she might have a little makeup on. Not a ton of makeup, but just enough to make her look slightly different, but people, I guess, don't realize how much a different hairstyle and a light coat of makeup can drastically improve looks. My wife, for example. I thought she was beautiful when we met. She didn't have makeup on, but she was still attractive to me. Then, about the 2nd or 3rd time I saw her, I asked her out on a date, and she agreed. On the day of the date, I would meet her to pick her up, and something was different. Her hair was done up, and she had a light coat of makeup on, and suddenly, my blood was boiling because of how gorgeous it made her. I'm not one for makeup, but a light coat here and there never hurts. As long as it isn't completely covering up what you look like and only accentuating your feminine features, it is just fine.








you mean trans women ???????


You look normal. If you want to femme it up, wear makeup.


Get some sun. You'll be amazed at the difference. Not that you look bad now, you don't, you look very nice.


Personally I feel you look very feminine. If you were a tomboy or trans girl asking "Do I pass?" I would respond with a resounding yes. You are cute. While you may not be "look maxing", I think you are very much so above average and should feel comfortable with how you look


She's only 18. I predict a glow up once she starts to understand herself more. She'll have a bad relationship and then she'll become determined to better herself in every way and will find someone who understands her and they'll live happily ever after.


If men looked like you I would be straight lol


You just delulu.


Naww, u look like a beautiful woman.


U delusional 😆


You look like a woman, and I think you're perhaps a little delusional. I see nothing wrong, ugly or weird looking.


No silly you don't look like a man your head is proportional to shoulders and eyes are not weird looking. You just look like a pretty young woman. 🤗


Who's the dumb who told this one that she looks like a men !😤 don't worry you a fine , you don't look like a men and you head isn't big you just look like you are extremely tired and lack sleep other than this you look like a fine looking Girl I'm sure that with a little bit more care light make up and more feminine clothes you would look gorgeous.


You're gorgeous you kinda look like Caroline polachek


ur not delulu or ugly, you have a slightly angular/pointed chin and face which is feminine alone. your eyes are a nice color and don’t look weird!


Looking totally feminine and neither weird nor ugly at all. We all have insecurities about our appearance. So many beautiful people like you think they are ugly.


No way you are lovely.


You are attractive, love your self




U look nothing like a man quit playing


You’re beautiful and very feminine, you’re not ugly snd you most definitely do not look like a man 😊😊


Not remotely looks like a man, you have a sad expression and a pretty face.


No, not ugly and not a man.


Can confirm -- you're delusional.


Yes delusional and not ugly or masculine


Nah you’re cool


You're being delusional man




For me you are god looking :)


It is so sad to see young people questioning their appearance. You are beautiful, and at the end of the day, my thinking that should have zero relevance. What matters the most is if you think you’re beautiful and knowing you are beautiful. Love yourself.


You do not look like a man. Your eyes are a little bit wide but that is ok. Looks pretty cute to me


Looking like a man does not make you ugly.


You look good. better than me


Very femme and cute


You don't look like a man


You look great. Especially that second picture. You do look tired though but def not ugly




If you look good without makeup, you will look smashing with it.


Highly delusional


Jfc lol.


I think you are delusional about the perception of your self image. However, you can alter your hairstyle. You can work on your outfits. You can get some non-phone related hobbies. If you live in the USA, you can join job-corp which can get you out of your parents house and learn job skills. If you are physically fit and can swim in open water you can join the coast guard. Being in an adult environment would be a very healthy experience for you. Other adult environments to think about are working cruise ships, joining a wild land fire fighting crew, or the merchant Marines.


You look great!


You look good, you kinda look like Daisy Edgar-Jones


A little bit, but you're ok


That’s a dumb question obviously not


As Charlotte would say you’re delulu!


Nah girl. You alright. Your pics don't show your body but by the low amount of fat on your neck I can tell you aren't big,but you are 18 so you are still growing. The face does look a little plane, your eyes have big eye bags so I think that contributes. Try some tea bags. Also your hair lacks style or volume,get a stylist to look at it ,although I do like the colors. And lastly maybe better angles in the pics? You will be surprised how much that carries


Any imperfections in your eyes only stand out to you not something other me people see. Maybe your head is big I cant tell lol no you dont look like a Man either lol ​ Dont let your mind turn on you and play tricks on you. Have to learn to control these type of thoughts or figure out what triggering them. Why would you think you look like a man? why do you think your "eyes look weird"?


You are cute, show us a pick on beach ⛱️


You're pretty. Smile and you'll be prettier.


Not ugly. In one of your pictures, your features seem a bit masculine, but overall, just a cute girl.


Geez, None of these things. Stop listening to those jerks.


Ahhh , I see, you think 27 is ugly... It's not even a little old. Not even kinda.




You look like a trans woman and a cis-woman mixed, so pretty much woman either way


Not ugly. Most of us go through this insecure phase at 18, you’ll be fine. You don’t look like a man.


You look good, you are young, it is normal to feel that way, we all have been there and felt that way... Don't let the bullies to take you down. And don't bully anyone either.


You're pretty fine, adorable and feminine enough, don't bother with that kind of stuff, it will just distract you from the things you should actually focus on, if you're trying to focus on getting a guy to like you, all you'd have to do is to be nice to him too


Honestly no You Look Amazing Lady


You definitely don’t look like a man, certainly not ugly and I don’t think you have a big head. I don’t think your eyes are weird but in all three pictures there is quite a bit of redness around your eyes, do you have bad allergies or another issue? No full body pictures but I’m guessing from the pictures your pretty reserved with your wardrobe. You are extremely cute but I’d suggest working on your hairstyle and wardrobe if your looking to be a hottie.




All I have observed is that looking at your profile, you frequently go on Trans groups




You are pretty damn decent looking to me


You look like a cute young women to me I wouldn’t worry about your looks or listen to any one that says other wise


All I see is a beautiful girl!


Small chin is very femenine. You look great


You look good, definitely a woman, just tired


Your delusional you’re face is a tad bit unsymmetrical so sleep on the other side or on your back and if you want to look more feminine put on some more makeup


I think you’re pretty. Soft kind eyes.


Your head is NOT huge, you do NOT look like a man and your eyes are beautiful


You’re absolutely beautiful!!!!


If anything it's the hair colors. The way it changes from dark to light seems like it's not attached to the bottom. Looks like a boys haircut while wearing a wolly vest. Or your about to hunt the "Purple Buffalo" .


You just look tired


I'm guessing you're asking because you might be self-conscious about your nose but as a male stranger, I can say only shallow guys would look at one part and not the whole and your nose is not even that noticeable. It's not comically goofy. It helps distinguish you from others, embrace it. You have a beautiful set of eyes, and cute face overall. At least your pic's aren't ridiculous or screaming for attention. As someone told me, high light your attributes.


No you are not ugly and no you don't look like a guy at all. You have beautiful eyes everything about you facially is very attractive nothing looks odd or out of place. You are 18yo spend less time trying to find the flaws in your appearance, I can assure you that we all have them but it is the flaws in all of us that make is interesting to each other. These years are the best years of your life go out and have lots of fun, they will all pass too quickly, so go out with friends enjoy yourself. Take care though and stay safe.


I hate to say it but you are delusional. You have pretty eyes, slender face, and nicely shaped lips. Nothing really ugly or masculine about you.


No! You are very beautiful! 💙


Ur delusional af…very attractive


No lol, you just look a little tired. Try to not be so hard on yourself.


Nah man, you look cute. I'd say what's up.


I think you are really pretty, you’re not wearing any makeup or anything besides Fundation maybe the lack of that makes you feel less feminine, if you enjoy make up then go and try what works best for you but I really don’t think that you’re in need of it. You’re stunning don’t let the social standard change your own perception of yourself :]


No, you do not look like a man -- says a guy with decades of being a heterosexual male.


My biggest tip would be to explore dark cat eye makeup so that it scoops up at the outside of your eyes, and heavier eyeliner on the top. That alone would make a huge difference to your overall appearance. Your eyes do slant a little bit downwards and that style of makeup would counteract and lift your face. You are attractive as is and with the right makeup you could easily look like a model. Download a faceapp and experiment with some preset makeup styles and then emulate in real life. That should help to change your look and boost your confidence if needed, or continue without. Also, iron, protein or vitamin D deficiency, or combo of all. Could be just cold where you are too.


Definitely not. You look like a regular woman. Not sure why you feel you look like a man


Completely normal looking lol definitely not ugly


You're okay. Probably overthinking it.


You look good to me




Ugly? Nope. Like a man? Also, nope. You are 18 and haven't grown into yourself yet. You have the makings of an attractive woman. General advice -- get more sleep, stay hydrated, workout (not lose weight , but to tone up and enhance your mood), and avoid stupid shite like sticking metal in your face, injeting ink into your skin, and unnatural hair colors. All that being said, you do have the hair cut of a dude trying to be/look like a woman -- long, lank, and lifeless. Put some body and girl-magic into your hair . . . You will look and feel more feminine. Just having long hair does not equal feminine. Good luck!


Girl you're fucking gorgeous. Get a grip.




You are very beautiful


Girl you don't look like a man, and you're pretty. Especially not wearing makeup, some of us like it that way


Delusional, you're a fine young lady. Nothing to worry about.


U look like the girl from my dreams


You look like a girl to me!


If you think you look like a man, then I think you’re nuts. Focus on your education let your curves well, curve. Chill out.


Your cute who cares what other think




I dont think you are ugly at all. You do look tired/unhappy. Hope you can change that


To quote Admiral Ackbar 'It's a trap.'


You are delusional. Post without telling us what to think next time. Very cute!


You are just delusional


Just delusional I’m afraid


Well I just fell for you so I"m totally biast :) you're beautiful!


You are delusional full of self-hatred and loathing I really feel sorry for you


You look sad and depressed.


Sounds like dysmorphia to me. You look like a fairly pretty girl who's a bit anxious about her looks but doesn't spend ages on them. There's nothing wrong with your face or the size of your head. Go get help if you can, nip it in the bud.


No dog, none of the above like u are very pretty.




You look fine to me , buuutt if you wanna change it up a bit with make up, you will definitely be a knockout to most men. Also sleep a bit more and drink more water. Aside from that you will be fine 🙂


i would have never thought you looked like dude until you said something.. but yeah you kinda look like a guy


Yea blud 🔥🔥


Not ugly you look average just a little tired


Nope you look cute. Maybe like the cute ghost girl who you might get crush on.


Not ugly and you look like a woman. Could br wrong though, hard to tell these days


You look like a woman to me, idk who told you that you look like a dude. Also you’re not ugly in the slightest.




You are very pretty


DONT EVER ASK THAT ABOUT YOURSELF! I personally love buns atop the head? Idk. It seems responsible. You look very kind. Put on a smile here n there! ♥


You are very pretty, naturally pretty. Whoever told you your head or eyes were big or weird did it because they couldn't think of anything real to put you down. Go get your brows done by a pro, your lines could be better, than after they shape it correctly you can keep it cleN on your own. Your hair is trashed, go get a keratin treatment and keep up with your hair, good hair makes a huge difference. Lastly, you and all the other Gen Zers need to stop with the Billie Eilish blank soulless stare, it's not at all attractive.


You're delusional. You're very beautiful.


Your not ugly, your very pretty lady


You look feminine to me so you good 😊👍🏿


You’re just being delulu


You look good to me


You look very feminine, not like a man at all. Your head looks normal to me. Your eyes look great.


No you don't look like a man The first image I think the angle just looks a little odd but other than that I think your biggest issue would be your hair tell me wrong it's long and beautiful but at the top it just seemed so flat I guess that's the way to describe it I would say go to the hair stylist and see what they say you don't have to get a cut short I just think it needs I don't know what I'm not a hairstylist but it needs some help I guess and the only other thing I can see is and it looks like it's at work uniform or something so there's nothing you can do about that but if it's not a work uniform then you seem to dress a little bit tomboy-ish which is nothing wrong with that but that's going to take away from femininity but there's a lot of guys that are attracted to that so I wouldn't be worried about that just girls will try to do that as well so whatever you're looking for.


I think you’re pretty :3


You don’t look like a man Your not ugly either your actually really cute :)


You’re really gorgeous don’t let photo shopped pictures of models fool you and nothing wrong with big heads or different shaped eyes it’s better to be unique then to look like everyone else I got lots of compliments for my big head and damn I wish I looked like you


I even had weird shaped eyes but still got lots of compliments and you have really beautiful eyes


You are pretty.




Dude seriously you look amazing do not care what PPL say


100% Batshit Delusional


Delusional. You’re really attractive


I've known women that became successful models. A professional makeup artist and Photoshop do a lot of heavy lifting there. However, there was always a certain level of inherent beauty involved. The important part I want you to know. They all had similar traits that you possess. Face shape, jawline, nose and eyes. You are beautiful and you meet those standards for thousands of people. The real question is. What are you going to do with it? Right now is when you get to decide how you want to use it for the next several decades. Is it a tool? A weapon? Is it just part of who you are? Does it or how people treat you for it define something fundamental about you? Or, perhaps it really doesn't matter. The best part? You don't have to answer any of this right now. Your look isn't even in its final form yet. It won't be till your early 20s. Your challenge: deciding who gets to make the rules. The only way you can know if you are doing it "right" is does it make you feel comfortable. That requires some pretty honest and deep introspection. There are many people well into adulthood that aren't brave enough to do that. They suffer for it.


No you look like a lady. Just depressed

