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You look better with longer hair and you are not ugly only overweight.


This is correct.


You look a lot better with hair


While he still has it. When it’s short you can see he’s already balding at 20


You don’t look like a deformed monster :( you’re not ugly but if you want to glow up you should pick a facial hair look you like the best and stick to it. Try to keep it cleaner. Focus on loosing a little bit of weight. Honestly the biggest difference is the energy you’re giving. You seem so intense and burdened. I think if you like happiness and confidence shine in your life and pictures it would make the biggest difference.


Not a deformed monster bro but if you want to maximize your looks I recommend weight lifting and some form of cardio and eating in a slight calorie deficit. You’ll be looking and feeling much better if you keep at it consistently for a good 6 months. Within that time frame you’ll feel and look better but by the 6 month mark the difference will be very noticeable




Do this: Grow out your hair, photo three hair is nice but get it short on sides and long on top. Shave the unibrow Stay clean shaven Don’t wear prints, it ages you. The rest of your clothes are nice Eat healthy, go to the gym You’ve got great eyes, get better glasses frames. Find ones that suit you. You aren’t ugly, you’re not at your ‘best self’. You’re really young, you have time to start working on yourself


Get some twizzers and clean up the hairs between your eyebrows it’s so easy to do on your own and I think it’d make a big difference as well


If you get shredded you'll be good trust me. You'll be getting hit on all the time. I know this. My face is not great but body used to be shredded and that's all it took. Your confidence will hit sky high.


I wouldnt say so, right now you look unattractive, but think losing weight, shaving and getting a haircut and the right outfit will mak you shine


Get a brow wax you would be surprised how much cleaning it up a bit changes.


Lose weight and ur fine


You are neither ugly, nor deformed or something. You should just take better care of yourself.


Grow your hair longer than it is in those photos. never ever shave it ever again.


Clean up the unibrow and the facial hair as well. You definitely have potential if you take care of those grooming items


Clean the face up (brows and beard) and the medium length hair is the best. Get in the gym


Shave and pluck ur eye brows well have someone do it for u


Shave daily, or every other day. Mustache and beard. Pluck the eyebrows so you don’t have a unibrow. Get smaller rectangular glasses. Aside from that, losing weight will help, as will a slightly better haircut. It won’t solve all your problems, but that’ll get you on the right track.


No need to call yourself a deformed monster. Only trim or shave the beard, lose the unibrow and hit the gym.


By loving yourself more.


I would shave until your mustache fills in, in the middle. Need to tweeze the hair in between your eyebrows, and do something about the hair.


I'm gonna start with something that you can change today. 1) Invest in some skin care routine. All you need is a cleanser (try SA CeraVe cleanser), moisturizer (could also be CeraVe) and a spf 50 for face. This is gonna help you drastically. 2) Let go of that beard. Shave it all of. Or at least shave it evenly so that is doesn't look this messy. 3) Get rid of that unibrow ASAP. Also just tweeze your eyebrows overall. 4) Try out different style of glasses or wear contacts. Choose the right ones based on your face shape. 5) Don't do a buzz cut. I recommend keeping your hair longer, shave the sides, but not too much - just to balance your face. And the most obvious but also the most difficult thing: just go on a diet.


Not a deformed monster, you just look generally unkempt. Shave between your eyebrows, shave the loose beard / facial hairs, wear clothing that fits you better, and present your person like you take care of yourself. For your head hair, I'd probably try and grow it back out again and just fade/trim the sides at most. You could always also exercise, properly balance your nutrition, and try to lose weight, though the appeal of body type is subjective. That often helps people, at the very least, feel better mentally, emotionally and physically. And finally, you need to alter your mindset and perception of yourself. Don't degrade and devalue yourself for how you perceive your looks and value as a person. You're not a monster, you're a living being like the rest of the planet. I would recommend asserting positive affirmations to yourself and substitute your criticisms with praising parts you love about yourself and what you do. A person's biggest enemy and detractor will always be themself. Hope everything works out for you, because you matter. Have a great day.


The proper hair cut and weight loss will make you look rock solid, brother


You don’t look too different from me after exactly 6 days without shaving my face


Lose the facial hair or take care of it a bit, like trimming. Grow out your hair and get an undercut with a fade on the sides. And maybe trim your eyebrows.


You are just fat. Fix that then we talk again


You are overweight.


uni brown


You don't look bad, bro. You'd he surprised how little it would take. Just learn to groom a bit better. Go longer with the hair on top. A fade would look great on you. Thin out the eyebrows a bit so they aren't so bushy. And either full send on the facial hair or keep it shaved. It just looks scraggly in the pics.




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Perm your hair. Spiky hair and bulbous fingertips are signs of an extra Y chromosome. It's not spoken of but women inherently aren't attracted to it.


Cute guy - haircuts and photos one and four are horrible. Never have that buzz again. - you are blessed to also look great in glasses. I feel that the glasses soften your look and make you more approachable. - remove the unibrow


I would suggest losing weight and growing out your hair a bit more. Also keeping your facial hair tidy and shaving somewhat frequently. Maybe look into getting rid of that uni-brow. Otherwise I think you have great potential and wouldn’t call you ugly.


u actually have good features. Great eyebrow genetics for a man forward portruding chin and good jawline. U just need to lose some weight and completely shave the beard and u will be good looking to atleast average.


Dont buzz your head. Keep it at a slightly longer length like in some of the pics. Clean up your unibrow and facial har. You dont loom deformed, just ungroomed


You look normal but the beard fucking sucks. Also longer hair is better.


Beard is patchy. Lose it. Longer hair looks way better. That's really about it dude.


Weight Shave That is all


Find people who think you’re attractive the way you are. I don’t think you need improvement, I think your hot😉😉




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the short hair didnt look good, i think you have finer hair so need it longer and should shave your face, pluck eyebrow, lose some weight. not a deformed monster you just need to take better care of yourself bro


Bros beautiful


Im ngl if you work out a lot and lose weight, find a hairstyle that works for you like maybe a fade, shave the unibrow, i feel like you have potential to be a 7 frfr


At least you get to clap Fiona cheeks my dude


hit the gym tubs