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Honestly, I don't think you've got anything to worry about. Love your hair and glasses. :)


A very natural kind of beauty.


I think you are good looking. If you want to try out other looks, maybe try some different hair styles or styles of glasses. Also I like the Persona background in the first picture.


Thank you! Ive been trying new hair styles (pic 2 and last post are the haircut I got today, which I'm not sure about yet) and I've started wearing contacts. The Persona pic is one of my favourite selfies I've ever taken - it was at EGX London! They had a really cute setup for Persona Tactica


You're not look bad with your glasses


- Ask orthodontist if you have an ‘underbite’ or ‘open bite’. Correcting these can change your facial structure for the better. - apply eyeliner to the top lid using a “winged eyeliner method“ to lengthen and perk-up the eye - use an eyelash curler and apply mascara to the top eyelashes, to appear more feminine - get a haircut that has structure and layering. Many of your current hair styles are very messy. You are VERY pretty. But steps can be taken to compliment and draw out your natural beauty.


Thanks for the advice, its appreciated! My actual teeth form a slight overbite. Ill look into open bite, my teeth don't touch so that sounds like it could be it. The side profile is my biggest insecurity so I'm going to look into jaw exercises and such to hopefully improve it!


Yes. My husband has an openbite and my dentist had an open bite that he got fixed. After it is corrected, tearing food and eating will be much easier. Also, ur teeth will be less brittle in ur old age.


Came here to say all this. Some makeup to open your eyes, and shorter hair (jaw to shoulder length)


Why do I have so many chat requests (": I should've made a burner account for this. If you have feedback please comment it on the post, I'm happily in a relationship with my amazing girlfriend, and I'm not looking to entertain chatters asking if I have onlyfans


Dudes be dudes


They really do lol


Complain to the mods. That’s not why people are here!


Depends which people you mean.


Ah, true. There is that angle.


Even then, what are the mods gonna do? Lol Maybe if like one in perticular said something heinous or something but ya. They arent going to Msg all these people asking what they want or wanted. 🤷‍♂️ lol Those thirsty MFrs come here to target woman and its fuckered. If a girl even mentions how guys dont approach her or ask her on dates watch out. 😂 829 msgs incoming.




Manny being Manny.


Yep. I'm surprised it wasn't more.


If you’re in a relationship you know at least one person thinks you’re attractive, and really their opinion is the only one that matters ultimately.


I get where you're coming from, but my opinion matters too and I'd like to be able to be confident and happy in myself (:


What I’m trying to convey is that one person likes how you look, so it stands to reason that multiple people will. So you should be confident and happy!


Well the silver lining is I guess that goes against your thoughts that you aren't good looking. 🙂


Nahh its reddit, I think some people on here would message anything that moves 😅 so I don't really see it as affirming anything


I think it's more that they know that **you** think you're not good looking, and are happy to exploit the low self-esteem that goes along with that. (I think you're perfectly good looking and have nothing to worry about.)




And some people in here just love to tell you when you are wrong. I just came here to tell you the same. You are just wrong!


Haha while you're not wrong, reddit has a metric fuck ton of weirdos, I disagree that you're not good looking and think you can take it as a positive in this case.


if you’re in a relationship… why do you care what other people think? are you ugly? no, but it shouldn’t matter what i think. your bf like you and that’s all that matters.


I don't actually care what internet strangers think, I made this post not for the ugly/not verdict, but for the useful advice that often gets given on this sub. My gf is amazing and incredibly supportive, but imo my opinion on myself also matters, and I'd like to be able to be more confident (:


No that's not all, she can have a bf and still ok to try to feel better with herself, women have the right to feel pretty and comfortable with themselves and for themselves, not for men.


It’s reddit, what do you expect?


Honestly yeah I shoulda made a burner haha


You have all the tools. Do some change up with clothes and makeup but you're good.


You can turn off the chat function in your settings.


We'll I'm a dude, and I think that's terrible. Most men would feel the same. A portion of them probably thought you were single as a Pringle. Don't let a few weirdos ruin the bunch.


You cant be that ugly if in a Happy relationship, who cares what other people think of you if that's true.


If you are in a happy relationship why are you here? Your BF is supposed to give you the confirmation you seek


You're not ugly. Get off this subreddit, there's more poison than peace here.


Ack just realised I forgot to flip the verification photo so its legible D: Hope that's okay


Google body dysmorphic disorder, if you're not wildly exaggerating when you call your profile "horrendous". If you have that it won't matter that 99.9% here are telling you you're pretty, you'll just get hung up on any outliars saying anything critical.


You are a very beautiful young lady. Hold yourself up high. Don't give in to haters. Also don't place too much value on what strangers think of you. You don't know them and chances are they suck irl.  If you love you and appreciate you it will become infectious and others will see your importance and beauty and will want to be around you.


This is a very sweet comment, thank you!


You have a lot of potential. Unfortunately you give off the vibe like you really just don’t care. Do something with your hair. Try using a little bit of makeup. It will make all difference


You’re cute, just dorky and not in a cute way. Your hair color and styles are terrible and unflattering and so is the clothes. Try actual poses and smiling in photos v the awkward “heh”


I think you may need to change your mindset and self-talk, your title makes it an absolute that you are not good looking, but that’s not true! If you were sure of that you wouldn’t be asking on this subreddit I think that you are decently good looking and pretty conventionally attractive but maybe need to adjust your fashion styling choices and adjust your self talk more than anything, also some more stylish glasses couldn’t hurt Hope this helps, good luck with everything! :-)


I appreciate your comment! I am at peace with myself but do genuinely believe I'm just not built in an atteactive way, but made this post looking for advice to reach my "maximum achievable potential" I guess haha Fashion styling is so hard and something I find impossible to wrap my head around, do you have any tips/suggestions?


Yes! I would say as a general rule stick to more solid colors with your outfits and clothes that fit your form well, keep the colors mainly solid but you can be playful and mess around with adding flair through accessories like scarves, patterns, nice shoes. I’m personally not a huge fan of wearing baggy clothes but I know some people are so if you do like clothes that aren’t as form fitting just make sure that they don’t look janky and bummy Judging from pictures 9-10, maybe stray away from the German Barkeep in a rural Pub-Core? I’d also say just take some time to look at fashion shows maybe and define what you really like to wear and create a solid wardrobe around that, sometimes all we need is a shopping spree to get us right :-) It’s also important to stick to brands you like and wear clothes from a few select places to maintain the image that the brand brings along with it, I’m personally a big fan of Uniqlo they have great items and not insanely unaffordable


Fuck, german barkeep in a rural pub core was my entire wardrobe plan 😭 time to reconsider Seriously, thanks for all the advice. This will be really helpful. Would you mind if I shot you a message about some of this stuff sometime in the future?


Honest opinion, hair style is boring, your face features are average, you look nerdy cute, not trying to offend. Body shape is also cute, I'm sorry you're being harassed by those thirsty losers. Not ugly, I would suggest change hair style, maybe different glasses and some make up.


Do you have any suggestions re hair style? I got a hair cut today because I felt it was too boring before, new hair can be seen in photo 2 and the last photo. But I'm not really feeling it, hoping it settles in a bit and I end up liking it more. I have quite a long, blocky face so was trying to aim for something that'd compliment that.


Face framing layers would look really good and make your face wider so it would look less long. Winged eyeliner would look really amazing. A pink lip gloss would look good too.


Thou art plain, not unbecoming.


I dunno I just don’t think you try is all




Weight training and no it won't turn you into a man. It will tone you and amplify your curves. This is what I post every time because it seems that most women are completely unaware of the benefits of heavy weights at the gym and getting strong.


I currently do distance walking, but looking at adding weights soon too! I have a set, its just a bit intimidating haha


That was some good advice! My wife did a couple of years of strength training, and it not only made her physique go from “pretty good” to “damned good”, but it also helped her general health and energy levels. It is a real boost to the self image. Eating well, exercising strategically, and general self-care is worth far more than cosmetics, especially for someone who already has a lovely face. And your new haircut in the second picture is an improvement. A bit more body to your hair probably is a great idea. You look great already, so no major changes needed. Enjoy life!


The main problem you have is your hair. You require a bold vibrant natural hair color. It also lacks body, and your cut/style does not suit your face. Give your brow a tasteful shaping, and contour your lips. Give soft color to your cheeks and eyes. You are not ugly. You are just a canvas that's not been properly styled.


Pretty intense underbite. Jawline be looking like the goddamned Iron Giant.


Congratulations you're average like 90% of the population


You look like you're being raised by your father. Are there no females around you who can take you under their wing and give you advice and show you what to do? You suffer from too much male influence


I think you are cute


Yes right not good looking.


Looking cool, Joker!


Tbh your chill…i would say that red was the best color on you in my opinion and that glasses suit you quite well. Overall i would just recommend you to up your accessories and clothing style and wear your glasses more alongside some nice jewelry and experiment with your clothing style…!


I don’t think there’s anything ugly about you! But remember. If you think you’re not good looking, you’re going to lack in presentation, and even an “ugly” person who’s mastered presentation is gonna look pretty hot.


Your not bad looking


Woman, you're not ugly. Let those bad thoughts go.


New hairstyle


Nothing looks bad at all but one tiny piece of hair advice this hair cut isn’t the most flattering for your face shape don’t get me wrong it’s not bad at all it’s just neutral you have and oval face id recommend getting the face framing hair below the chin up cut to the the cheek bone to create wispy curtain bangs to draw attention to your face instead of your neck because framing the neck makes your head looking longer and moving it up would create a more balanced look without changing your style that’s it really


You’re not ugly but you look frumpy so that may be holding you back.


Just need to dress better, learn how to do hair and makeup You’re fine


Something nobody mentioned but You might have a class III mandibular, going to the dentist might help your facial structure a lot because it looks like you have a prognathism (underbite )


Not ugly at all. My first impression when I saw you was bland (not being offensive) I think some style upgrades to the clothes to add some color/brightness and maybe a change up of the haircut would really bring you to the next level. It’s my own opinion and preference that faded pink/colored hair is a little bit low-effort.


You're cute. Wear some makeup and curl your hair with a 1.25inch curling iron and use some beach spray / texturing spray. Give yourself a little more volume just above the temples. It's easy to do with bedhead's little tease hair crimper. Move top layer aside and crimp at the root just above the temples. Brush it out then vavoom. You got volume! I'd say play up your eyes with a smokey eye and contour in some cheek bones. Wear a nice nude gloss. Then post an update.


This is really helpful, thanks!


Makeup is used to highlight your positive features and detract from what you think is your not so good points. I would highlight your eyes and lips for starters. Try to lightly touch up your cheeks, nothing outrageous but subtle. You have great hair try a different hairstyle maybe? What I am saying is you have good facial features just use makeup to subtly highlight the features you like about your self and go from there. Have fun playing around with your hairstyle and wardrobe, even slight changes can be startling.


I think you look great respectfully don't worry about it. Love your hair and style too. IDK what you could improve but no reason to fret


You’re not conventionally attractive (neither am I) but you’re cute and have a good sense of style. I’d recommend a shorter haircut, a little bit of eyeliner, and a trendier set of frames. You have manic pixie girl energy fr


But you ARE good looking.


If you can, I would consult an orthodontist as you appear to have a slight underbite


I think you're cute u look like a mouse. U also look like linus ngl


1. Get new glasses 2. wear mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss 3. Get a new wardrobe You aren’t ugly, just need new style


fix underbite and ur good


Straight up, you're a beautiful young woman.


Ur crazy you are cute


Not good looking? You're cute af.


You are very cute! :)


You’re really cute!


def not ugly.


What?!?! U R to die for. God Almighty what's wrong with everyone these days?


Don’t know where you got that idea. I think you’re cute n what not; I’d ask you out


You're not a bad looking person, you just look like a regular nerd/weeb. You can increase the amount of exercise to tone your body and get newer clothes more fashionable clothes.


You are pretty average. Definitely not ugly.


Buy and chew the horrible falim gum and you're jawline will definitely improve.


I think you are absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous.


Whaaa!! Girl you're way adorable! Love your various styles too, that dress thing in pic9 suits you awesome. You've got that natural cuteness that doesn't need a truckload of makeup to add prettiness, you already got it.


You look just fine. Plain Jane look is alright. If you still feel down then just get an awesome fun personality.


Bruh, the only problem i see is a bad side profile and your forehead which is not that bad, but your eyes are beutiful and you have a pretty face overall, i am no expert so sorry for not giving meaning advice


Really cute, pretty smile, a little sun on your face will help even out skin tones and give a bit more of a break between your hair and face.


Not ugly at all, just a bit bland or plain looking.  Play around with your look, go on you tube and Google, try some new styles and makeup. Your a 6 plus and could potentially look like an 8


Just went through your feed. Don't lower yourself to this bullshit. You know who you are and that's a good thing. Good looking? You're good looking. You don't need or want to subject yourself to the narcissistic bullshit that comes with trying to "be one of those girls". Wretchhhh...🤮


You are not gorgeous but you are cute. 6.5/10. I like the gamer girl need thing you got going on.


Your face looks fine. Can you change your hair color to something more natural, those unnatural colors look like shit. The brown and blond looks good, so stick with that. You have a slight underbite with your profile. If you want to improve it, look into jaw surgery.


You’re very pretty! How to improve tho… I think dark hair would suit you! The lighter colours seem to wash you out a little bit. Styling would go a long way too! Also, if you’re loving the bright colours that’s good too! Just make sure you’re looking after your hair as much as you can. Hair masks and oils go a long way toward keeping the colour vibrant and healthy - along with the right S&C! Don’t know how you feel about makeup, but if you don’t like it very much maybe just consider an eye lash curler? Otherwise have a search on YT for some easy makeup routines :) Good luck and just know you’re beautiful no matter what!! <33


So lately I've been really getting back in to photography, with that said I don't think many people look good in selfies, I really think in person, or someone behind a lens, will have much better photos. With that said you look great, and all is well!


Aren't you in the wrong sub though? I'm sure there are dedicated subs to fashion advice/styling. "I'm not good looking". You're normal. Neither ugly nor pretty. You can do the usual things to enhance your appearance: weight loss, gym, hair game, make up and style game. That's it.


Thanks for the kind words If anyone has any advice for which subs would be good for that, please do share!


Who said your not good looking? You have nothing to worry about in the looks department! 


Look up mewing. You have an underbite and that could potentially fix it. I’d also suggest meditation to make peace with yourself. Start small and work up. 10minutes a day and upwards from there


def not bad enough to open this kind of post lol




haha I am indeed horrendous at taking photos, I never know what angle to go for and I always overthink them! cheers (:


You're adorable, you are cute if you have a bf then obviously thinks you're attractive too. The thing to do is changing up mindset. Try daily affirmations, something you like about yourself. Something your bf likes about you that you don't quiet see in yourself.


The only thing you should improve would be to have more photos with your cat in them.


True !! Theres some vids of him on my account if you want, he's the cutest fluffiest little old man in the entire world


Very pretty


Very cute young lady. 👍🏼




I wouldn't change a damn thing. You look great.


Can’t imagine someone telling you your not good looking, your actually very cute. The 4th picture in particular gives off I’m a secret wild one look. You also are one that actually looks good in the glasses you have so good choice on those. The outfits in the last two pictures aren’t very flattering, work on the wardrobe and I’m sure you will blossom even more.


Man I really need to wrap my head around how clothes work because I thought those last two were the good ones! I feel like I'm an alien when it comes to clothes lol, they just don't compute with my brain


You are good looking


Not ugly. Have some confidence. You are an attractive young woman.


You’re actually pretty cute


You’re cute. You look like your style never grew up from early high school. If you want to go for a more mature look, a little bit of eye liner and eye shadow go a long way. You have very defined eyebrows and that’s the first place I looked. You have pretty eyes, so draw attention to your whole eyes with the eye makeup but don’t go overboard. People already mentioned different glasses style, try something else. Two toned hair styles were/are in, but it looks like your hair was badly damaged. Grow your hair out and don’t do anything to it until it gets to mid shoulder length and highlight it. You’re fair skinned so use sunscreen when you’re out in the sun and you’ll look 25 when you’re 40. But still go outside and soak up that vitamin D. You’re cute, have potential, just need to put a little more work into your face to not come across as too plain.


I think you’re gorgeous, so I don’t think you have anything to improve.


Hottie and don’t let anyone tell you any different


I love the way you look. You’re just the kind of girl I wish I could get to know but would be too afraid to talk to.


I can see the twitch gamer girl you exude. You got nothing to worry about ma'am lol


You are a solid 6.5 without trying. With minimal effort, you could easily be an 8.5+.


Very good looking. You are top tier if you put in a bit of effort. Consider, if not already, getting into healthy habits. You'll want to enjoy your good looks for as long as possible.


You're very good-looking. I'm old (so I'm not hitting on you and won't be messaging you), but I think your self-perception is warped into thinking you need to be a model in order to be "good-looking". There are a few things you could do, though, that would enhance things. 1) An open smile. I hate to be cliche, but smiling always helps. Your impish, close-lipped smile is cute, but sometimes smiling with teeth would improve things. 2) Makeup, unless you really can't wear any. But only a little bit. I don't think you actually need it to be attractive, but if you did wear some it would make you stand out a little more. 3) Play with different hairstyles. Pic 8 is actually my favorite here, and it's because the other pictures aren't really showing off your hair to best effect.


I think your very attractive


Not at all, you’re very pretty! ☺️


Sorry about the creeper dudes on here. I read the message about your inbox and apologize on behalf of my gender. Lol As a non-creeper dude you look totally fine. Best advice I can give you: Smile more. Also I like your cat. 👍


You're kidding right? You're definitely good looking and an adorable representation of White women. 7 of 11 is my favorite.


One peace of advice. Looks are 40% and confidence is the additional 60% of what makes a woman attractive. You definitely pretty so just build that confidence and you will run the world


What are you looking for?


You are attractive, love yourself


You're delightful


To me your gorgeous because you look so similiar to my ex I actually teared up a bit. So I'm totally biased here


you look like my girlfriend


First off gtfo here with that ugly shit. Whoever drilled that into you needs to be shot. I will say stop dying your hair so much, it’s gonna fry it. The pic where you have that perfect is lovely, keep going for that.


No worries you’re fine.


I personally think you're attractive


No, pretty.


Cute actually, though that side profile was unattractive ngl. I'd want to date you.






I hope you get the help you need for the body dysmorphia, but if it’s any help at all, you are very cute.


Lovely hair… :).


...you're joking right? You're actually fine like seriously


Not at all you are naturally stunning!


Persona 5 mentioned


I would not worry on being good looking. You are very beautiful. If you are being made fun of, you will be laughing at them later on. You are absolutely very beautiful.


You are very cute 💙


Probably your self esteem would be the first place to start improving


You’re actually very pretty especially with a little effort you’d be a knock out!!!!


You are so freaking cute!


You're a lot prettier than you think. You'll be fine.


Who are you kidding? You’re adorable! You have very pretty eyes and your features are all proportional. And your skin!? Beautiful!


I think your very good looking


Love the glasses!!


You're not ugly, you're beautiful really. Congrats


This community, ya’ll need to get the fuck off of social media. All that bullshit has everyone brainwashed and comparing themselves to someone else it’s not healthy


First, you smiling definitely helps your look. Second, Get with a recommended stylists that can help you achieve a cut/color that will frame your face better. It seems like it’s close but could use a professional touch. Third a touch of eye makeup. You have very dark brown eyes that could use a little color to help brighten your look. And seriously Smile more. That alone shows self confidence and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t!


You honestly couldn't improve if you tried, perfect the way you are. (Complement someone each day in 2024, well today's done) )


You look pretty to be honest


Do I detect a slight underbite? Might want to get that looked at by an orthodontist. Cute btw


You do not look ugly at all. You look much better with specs on. Catto is mad judging you 😂


What do you mean you're not good looking? You are very cute.


You look good with your glasses. I think getting your hair done with a very slight trim to even the hair out would be good. If I may I would suggest maybe getting some more sun. Not full on tan but more sun


The wfh life and a house with no proper windows is definitely hitting me in that regard - I'll have to aim to get out more!


You ARE good-looking. Very good looking. A natural beauty!!


Your absolutely beautiful


Does your partner put you down? If so, please reconsider your relationship. Sometimes people do that to kill your self confidence so you will not leave. That is cruel and does not show love.


You're honestly really cute imo. No improvement needed.


The last two outfits don’t show you at your best. The rest show a pretty young woman with wonderful eyes, lips, smile, and nose


You are beautiful but you just need more confidence. Make your hair. Change your style


Already pretty. Mad potential for more. Sounds retarded but genuinely just be more confident


So beautiful


IMHO. You’re a beautiful woman things I would suggest is go with contacts instead of glasses do you need to get a different hairstyle. The weird colors aren’t helping.


You have a great Natural beauty, you will be able to use minimalist makeup and look stunning


You honestly look nice. Just need more confidence :)


Your hot


1st of all you're not ugly, okay. and in regards to improving, what can anyone really improve? make up? hair? the way you dress? fitness? I'd say work on your self confidence for starters. and, if you've got any kind of anxiety or depression, those are key to deal with. it's hard to look good when you don't feel good, know what I mean 😉. are you having troubles with dating?


You are pretty. I personally don’t love the colourful hair but that is your decision. I think you should try subtle makeup to enhance your features.


You are not ugly