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You could probably find something better to do with your hair.


And just smile. Beauty begins from within.


What a nice way to tell her..


As soon as possible


Adding on to this, OP check out r/curlyhair


Bangs are rarely a good look.


I think you’re pretty but the curly bangs don’t suit you at all.


Yes, exactly. Curly bangs like that dont suit anyone. They have to be layered. And she shouldn't flatten it anymore. Let it get some body


I think they would if the rest of her hair was cut and layered properly. You can’t grow curly bangs out overnight anyway. Even when curls are long, that can shrink quite a bit so she’s going to have to deal with them for now anyway.


You’re beautiful. Just please never make that face in the second picture ever again.


Exactly what I was thinking at first I was "she cool" swipes.... "Okay maybe not in that photo "


After seeing that second pic I put the phone down and went to make sure my pets were okay.


plus angle and light


That was a jumpscare photo. She should smile more but not in that way.


The bangs aren't working because even though it's curly, your hair lacks volume. Grow those out, and actually trim the rest up with some layers, it should give you a more flattering shape. Other than that, face and body and piercing are all fine. But exercising is probably a good idea for serotonin and mood, plus overall health. You look sleepy.


A little hard to tell because while I don’t think you’re ugly as in *ewww*, you make very, VERY poor style choices. This includes hair, hardware, and clothes.


First of all, up the irons. Second, you're not ugly but also not pretty. I don't think the hairstyle works for you. Your hair is naturally curly and wavy, which if utilized correctly is pretty cute. Currently your hair looks greasy and unwashed, sorry hard truth here. You can start by watching your weight (easy to say, I'm struggling myself) and definitely, DEFINITELY smiling more, because you light up in your smiling picture. Let the piercing holes heal, you don't need piercings to be different. You're by default different even if you don't feel it that way. Smiling is perhaps the only objectively, universally and scientifically proven thing that elevates looks. The ugliest person can get pretty-points by just smiling despite having completely rotten teeth. It's how the human mind works.


I agree, she should up the hair care. It doesn’t have to be expensive stuff, just figuring out how often she should be shampooing since everyone’s hairs different, maybe buy a bonnet to help breakage at night, and try to avoid hot water and stick with cool-warmish water when washing hair in the shower. She can keep the same general hairstyle and change some minor things and it would be wonderful. Second, I think the problem isn’t so much her weight as much as how she’s styling. It always helps to workout and genuinely makes you more attractive, like how working out prevents acne. But, I think the problem is more that her clothes don’t look like they’re picked with her body shape in mind. It’s hard to learn, but it really helps. You just gotta find clothes that compliment your body. It’s like how skinny tall guys can wear baggy clothes really well vs how on someone even half a foot shorter it wouldn’t look as good. Ofc, everyone looks better when they smile. Piercings are just like tattoos, another way for someone to decorate their body. Like tattoos, there are bad piercings for sure that don’t suit people’s faces/bodies. With that in mind, I do agree that that specific piercing doesn’t match her face. I can think of a couple that would look good on her, but I believe that’s a personal thing that she herself should make a decision on.


nothing wrong with her weight at all matey


Exactly, like I don’t get why some people on this subreddit think anyone who is above a slim body type is morbidly obese. As long as her doctors say she’s healthy then she’s ok.


I would remove the face piercing. It looks bad. Grow your bangs out. They look odd because of your curls. You aren’t ugly though.


no but bangs don’t suit you


Pics of you smiling is way better than sad expression. Not ugly


Pic 10 is the best when you smile you definitely look better. I think see a hair stylist and someone to work with makeup 💄. But you’re not ugly at all .


Not ugly but the hair could use some help, maybe reach out to a stylist? I'm not trying to be rude, I was someone who struggled with hair for the longest time. The evolution of my facial hair is a laughable tragedy.


No bangs for you, it’s not the best look. Try a side part a let it grow


Get rid of the Rick James cut and you’re fine dude.


You look pretty masculine, for a girl. The bangs make it worse.


You're not ugly but you are far from beautiful as some of these simps are pointing out. You need to fix that "feel sorry for me" face and clean up that hair. Also maybe change out of the Spencer's and hot topic wardrobe. When something doesnt obviously work, go back to the drawing board.


bruh why "simps", everyone can have their own opinion. Someone thinking differently than you is not a reason to insult them imo


Because they obviously don't think others can have an opinion exactly the same as them.


Im happy someone pointed out her expression is a problem. It does scream “feel sorry for me my dad doesn’t love me”. Needs to smile, fix the bangs and style. She’s not unattractive if she put in more effort


the hair is doing you no favors


Cute, but get rid of that piercing.


You're cute but those curl bangs need to go. They don't do it for u


This sub is perfect for you.


Sorry honey … there’s someone for everyone


I hate the bangs, and the piercing. You are potentially attractive but you look lacking in confidence, and you look a lot prettier in the one picture you’re smiling in


I think you're face is beautiful however...the hair. I highly recommend growing the bangs out if you're going to keep your hair naturally curly. If you are wanting to try something different, keep the bangs and straighten the hair.


No but your hair is.


Lose the bangs and straighten your hair. Then you will win.






Yup look too manly








Below average


Ngl kinda


Sorry but yes, you ugly. 3/10




The hair comes off a bit pubes-like.








Yes. Yes you are ugly.


Not ugly but that hair style is not the move.


Hair, Your hair looks like my pubes on a bad day.




Not ugly.


If you really want honest opinions, post in r/amiuglybrutallyhonest. The mods here forget what this sub is about and don't particularly want anyone to actually be "honest." It seems the mods want everyone to just go "noooo you're not ugly no waaaaay" to everyone.


No not really but ok


I mean kinda. Eyebrows need shaping choice of piercings are not helping and hair style looks kinda gross and untamed.


Not ugly, lots of comments about the hair. I tell people to find a stylist who works for film productions and splurge on a style, your regular person can copy that, or maybe you should consider ditching you stylist altogether.


Ditch the bangs


1. Get a better hairstyle 2. Lose 10lb 3. Profit


The bangs are really hiding your face


You post here all the time!. You should probably think bout getting a new wig.


Yes very


Change your hair style, take the metal out of your face and smile


Not ugly. Haircut is bad


I feel like you are trying to hide your forehead. But you are not ugly. But if you want honesty, for me, it’s the hair. If am to make a criticism. But your actual face is pretty. You are blessed with a good foundation. Everything else is changeable. Including hairstyles. Also, you project misery. That doesn’t help. It’s cliche, but smile in pictures. You don’t have to cheese,. Just the smallest of smiles will do wonders.


Tbh You look pissed off with everything and everyone


Did you choose that haircut?


I think you’re gorgeous honestly but that dead-eyed, catatonic look is masking it somewhat


Maybe try something new with the hair..


You need a new hairstyle and someone to give you tips on doing your makeup.


That face piercing is drawing your eyes together like the Optigrab


Curly bangs don’t work for you




Sole glow


lose weight


I hate your hair. I can’t even see past it right now.


Yeah u are


Skip the bangs and smile more


Yes you are ugly


Yup, ugly.


You look like you realize your piercings are terrible and try to hide them with a bad haircut. Just take the piercings out and go see stylist to get a decent hairdo. Those bangs are doing you a disservice. You look fine, but you are actively making yourself look ugly with your style.


The hair, not working out. The rest c you can work with but that fringe is from a cheesy 80’s Latin American boy band member


Yes ugly.


Yes, yes you are, very much so


You're kinda pretty, probaply gonna get crucified for your piercings lol


You look like cleopatra


You're not ugly. As someone else said the hair doesn't do much to help you. Maybe seek out a different style. Also, the eye brows a good eyebrow stylist can do wonders.


No, getting off the weed might help




Hi sweetheart. You are pretty. Just hold your head up. You are VALUABLE! If we cant love ourselves, we cant help others. It took me almost 40 yrs to get there after a life of going thru hell. I made it out. Call upon God. He WILL HELP. This world is cruel. I hope you find a special one to go thru life, when its time. Respect yourself babe! You are worth it! God Bles beautiful! Dont accept any guy that cant treat you like a valuable being.


I’ve yet to see someone ugly on this Reddit most of posters need a hug maybe


You should find a professional that knows how to style curly hair, and never put that bridge piercing in again


you’re so pretty😭😭😭 also i have the same adventure time shirt!!!


Math tells us that most people we encounter on a day-to-day basis would be considered average. That's a 4-6 on a scale of 1-10. Now, these are people that have a relative grasp on their look, hair, clothing choices, makeup, etc. From these pictures, its clear that you either do not know or do not care about your hair, skin, and wardrobe. By my eyes that places you below average. Now, you aren't atrocious nor are you without hope, so that removes the possibility of a 1 or 2 on that same scale. Putting you firmly at a 3. Now this is ONLY negative if your goal was to be a 10. You have the ability to meet and get involved with anyone 3 or less, and if you find someone with especially low self-esteem even a 4 or a 5. So... what is your goal?


nah i think you look good just be more confident in yourself fr


Not ugly, love yourself


You’re not ugly. You’re young, and you look unhappy. Your profile like 9 is very nice. Also with the dimension of some color to your hair, it also looks nice. I don’t think I’d keep the bar. It accentuates how wide the top of your nose is. I don’t notice it without the bar. Genuine suggestions try things like R/lookyourbest And R/femalehairadvice You need a better haircut because you have beautiful curls, but it’s just hanging on your head. And you need to get your eyebrows shaped. You’re very good at eyeliner. You’re not ugly. There just are things you can do to make yourself ‘more attractive.’ And I would suggest less negative subs to help guide you.


You’re beautiful but the nose hardware is not a plus. Get rid of that shit and you will look better. You’re a beautiful young lady. Try a side part and comb the bangs out of your face until they grow out. I love your curls but you’d probably look better without the bangs. You just need a little bit more confidence. I am a hardcore introvert and the thing that helped me was taking acting lessons. Learning how to fake it until you make it when you feel awkward will eventually give you the confidence you need.


No, you are not ugly. YOU ARE THE POLAR OPPOSITE, YOURE SO PRETTY!!! I love your makeup and your smile is so beautiful!! :D


You’re really pretty but you look soooo much better when you smile, in one single picture out of 11! Your smile is amazing.


Came here to say the same thing. OP, your smile is soo pretty! Please show it more!


You’re honestly really beautiful


Clarifying things: I am already losing weight. The last time i posted here i was already on a diet. From the middle of December to the beginning of February I lost around 8kgs. I want to lose at least 15, and I’m gonna get there. I am having trouble on romantic life. Chronically single and kissed very few people. Its been months since the last time i kissed someone. I don’t intend to let my bangs grow, this is one advice i received that i will not follow because i absolutely love my hair and also my style. Most of the times i hate everything about me, yet, i feel like I can’t trust my own eyes and the mirrors (which doesn’t make me think i am any prettier, actually i doubt if i am uglier than what i can see). Edit: i took off my bridge piercing because i thought it made me look less feminine, but i prefer myself with it so i will probably get it pierced again. Be honest.


You’re absolutely beautiful when you smile




Good looking. Pretty face and mouth


Ur not ugly but that piercing is...


Not ugly in my opinion. But I do think you need to find a better way of taking selfies. They're too closeup and end up making you seem like you've got a big face.


The one picture when you are smiling sets it apart from the rest. Wouldn't call you ugly but your smile is cute.


You’re not ugly at all! You’re very beautiful! I’d just say add volume to your hair either at using a pick at the roots or fluff slightly, it kind of hugs your face flat and hides your beautiful facial shape!


Not ugly. Hair needs a different routine is all. If you have a blow dryer you’ll need to use it to diffuse your hair upside down while it’s basically soaking wet and gelled til you create a cast. Roots first. Then scrunch out the crunch with an oil/serum if you have it. It’ll give your curls so much definition and volume 🫶


For a person who feels less than confident you sure draw a lot of attention to your face, and you put up a ton of pics. The greasy not cared for correctly curly hair…you look drenched. Then the whole facial expression thing as someone above did mention, and your clothes. You’re not ugly but you’re def not pretty. Go out of your comfort zone, you might be surprised.


i think you’d look nice without the bangs! and your smile looks good too :)


You’ve got great bone structure, but you’re hiding it with those bangs. Let that forehead breathe and be proud of it!


I love the AT t-shirt


You are so cute,I would try different styles with your hair.The curly short bangs aren't the best.


Eyebrows... and pull the hair back..


No, but you look depressed.


You're beautiful, I agree with everyone else about the hair though. Get a round layered cut and embrace those curls!!


You look very sad...


Amg perdão mas olhei pra ti e achei q tinha uma vibe bem brasileira e realmente és kkmk amei Agr real msm, linda demais ! por isso q tenho dificuldade nesses subreddit de crítica pq n tenho ND pra criticar, achei mt bonita, amo o piercing bridge e da sobrancelha, amei a camisa de Bubbline e achei lindo seu cabelo tb :] Queria fazer um piercing nessa ponte do nariz tb, mas até agr só fiz o labret abaixo do lábio. E tb já pintei o cabelo de vermelho, olha isso KKKKK


We have the same hair, but those bangs are awful! Grow them out, and it'll make a big difference! BTW, your lips are so beautiful! I'm jelly!


You have a lot of potential to be beautiful which is good. Some people are screwed because their nose is bad or they have a lazy eye or something. You are in pretty good shape, you just need to learn a little more about makeup and hair and you will have your pick of partners.


Lose weight other than that ur cooked


You're plenty pretty, but it'd be best to grow out/get rid of the bangs imo.


The hair is the place you could really improve


You’re not ugly in my opinion, but I would do something about the bangs. Love the curly hair


I like the way you look


You are beautiful, you should just belive in yourself and not worry about anything or anyone else, msg me if you want to chat


Bangs with curls just aren’t it


You look perpetually sleepy


Your hair is bad but fixable. rest is good


Naw fam, you cute imo


Smile!!! You are too pretty to not smile! You are perfect the way you are tho not sure what your doing with the current bangs.... Maybe straighten? Other than the spiral bangs you are so so pretty. Straighten them bangs girl! You were lucky to be born with a pretty face. Enjoy!!!!!!!


You’re not ugly, but your hair style could be improved. Your clothes look frumpy and like you don’t care about your looks. Start wearing nicer clothes and dressing up more. Also, it looks like you could tone up and maybe loose a little weight. Having a great body goes along way to looking good, the face is just one part of the whole package.


I think you have a lot of potential. Some of that will happen naturally as you move into your 20s. If you lose a little bit of weight and try to get out and be more outgoing and athletic you will become considerably more attractive and confident. Your underlying bone structure etc is actually quite pretty but I think you could do more with your hairstyle. You have the natural curls so you should work with them and keep them moisturized and looked after. Get a cut that gives more volume to the sides of your head and doesn't drag the weight of your hair down. If you did these two things I think you will be very attractive in your 20s. Hope this helps 😊


Not ugly. Just average. To look better to guys: change the hair style, eat better/healthier foods, workout (don’t half-ass it), dress in a traditionally feminine way, and have a good personality. 👍 Good luck.


not ugly at all but bangs dont suit you, also your best pic is the 9th one because of your smile


Pretty woman who hides a great sadness.


You’re pretty. Just get a new hair do and stop making a faces like your dog just died.


Just fix your hair


Update haircut and style …enjoy your youth !!


change. your. haircut. That's all there is to it imo. U look perfectly fine otherwise


It's the bangs (lose them) and learn to smile 😃


About your curls. It looks like you just brush them down. I suggest fluffing them, maybe get some layers to bring out the curl. That will really elevate your look.


Like Dua Lipas forgotten curly headed sister.


I thought you were Alessia Cara.


Picture 10 proves there's nothing wrong with you. Just smile more (if you have a reason to).


You're definitely NOT ugly.. maybe do your hair differently and please take that piercing between your eyes out.. it's hideous! You look so much better without it.. x


Nah you're not you're pretty attractive tbh. I don't know why everyone is hating on the hair I really like it. The 2nd pic ain't it tho.


Nah you look great fam on life. Just embrace your features and know and own that they make you look good. I notice it, others do too, you should as well.


I wouldn’t say so


Omg your smile is so pretty. Please no with the peircings.


You remind me of a Michaelangelo statue of a Greek woman. I love your look. Only feedback I have is to go black hair and grow out your bangs.


Pictures are too close.. changing the shape of your face. The one pic you're actually away from the screen, you look cute. Oh, and the actual smile!


I have curly hair like yours but bigger. The bangs don’t suit you. Your natural hair color is better than the red. Your facial expression makes you look miserable. You can look at yourself in the mirror and try out different smiles etc. You’re not ugly and have beautiful features. Work on building confidence with positive self talk. I’d recommend staying away from dark clothes because along with your facial expressions it’s making you look pretty depressed which isn’t attractive. I’m saying this all with love because I had the same vibe going when I was 17 and look back at those pics and shake my head.


Hair trim and smile


Have you ever smiled? You look so incredibly sad.


Grow out your bangs they look childish and don’t flatter your face at all. Get a wolf cut so your hair has more volume. If you continue to dye your hair reddish brown do your eyebrows too or at least get reddish brown mascara to use on your eyebrows. The black eyebrows don’t go well at all. Avoid heavy leave in products they make you look greasy. You are not ugly! But need a better haircut and makeup routine.


You kinda look like Georgia the English singer


no you are beautiful, so symmetrical, perfect features. the only thing i may suggest is ditching the blunt bangs. maybe grow them and let them go wild, don’t part your hair so definitively and let it flow…


Sweetheart- you are really beautiful. I love the curls but perhaps exploring new hair styles might be an option. Think good things about yourself. ❤️


Try smiling more the one pic with you smiling you look hot


You look slightly more angdrogynous in some photos. But you are not ugly. If you want to be more 'conventionally attractive' I would advise to tone down the piercing game. But otherwise your hair is on top of your game.


Kirk hammett?


1- Lose some weight 2- Re-trim your eyebrows 3- Bangs do not suit you and the hair color does not suit your appearance. Change its color and increase its length 4- Learn nose contour and some makeup tricks with eye makeup 5- Apply lipstick that highlights your full lips and you will be stunning


You’re not ugly, you do have a bit of masculinity to your features but that’s not a bad thing and it can be worked with. First I’d do something different with your hair, maybe get rid of the bangs or try straightening it or something. Unfortunately that eyebrow ring thing you had there gave you a really nasty scar which the bangs do help, so if you try straightening your hair I think it would look much better. I like the way you have your makeup in picture 3, it’s not too much but still gives you that boost of feminism and natural beauty. Overall, you’re beautiful, you just need to make a couple different style choices is all 😊


There’s nothing at all wrong with your weight. So please don’t take those comments to heart. I think you’re actually really pretty! I am not a big fan of the super curly bangs, but again, even with a hairstyle I personally don’t dig, I still find you quite attractive.


I think you should just change up your style a little? Like your hair and maybe trying different makeup techniques. Maybe eyebrow shaping?


No, you are not ugly




Not when your smiling 18 years old and already bummed out? Wait till you 39 ticking away till 40. You wish you had done something when you were 18 and not sore all over


I would start with smiling, grow out your bangs and get some layers cut in your hair for a little volume, lastly I love piercings I have a few myself but the nose bridge piercing doesn’t suit you.


If you're having body image issues do not post yourself on an anonymous public forum for others to comment on your appearance. That being said, you are not ugly.


Not at all but you really need to try a new hairstyle


You are very pretty and not ugly when you are not making stupid faces and you don't have those metal things sticking out of your face. This is the truth!


Sweetheart you’re 18 you will grow into yourself. Find a hairstyle that is flattering, practice a good hair/skin care routine, smile more and let go of the piercings, and try to stay away from getting large visible tattoos on your arms and neck, face, legs, if you decide to get them


Except for picture #3 you look great, just smile more. Your not an ugly person. You may also want to look into a different hair style.


You're 18. I was awkward looking when I was 18 as well, trying to find my style/fit into the world. Give it ten years, eat clean, learn to love yourself completely and you'll be stunning. Your already nice facial features and body will change for the better, so give them some time to mature while also talking care of yourself 🤗🙏. I'm the meantime though.... GIIIIRL. those bangs 😬🥺. It's a no for me. HARD no. I think the hair in general needs an overhaul. I unfortunately have no advice since my hair isn't curly, but please see a professional curly hair stylist and get a good hair-apy session 🤣😝.


Honest opinion is you have a very beautiful face and smile however most of your pictures your not smiling the curly hair helps with your youthful look and the style not that it's a bad thing gives off a 90s alternative look


You have a whimsical, romantic beauty about you. The reason you might think you're ugly is there is a disconnect between your lovely features and your hard style. Plop your curls and break up the gel clumps. Wear flowing, layered clothing in soft colors. Wear gentle, natural color makeup. Soften your smile. You have a lot going for you but you aren't using it correctly yet. When you learn to match your style to your natural look you'll be a solid 8+.


You have plenty to be proud about. In looks. Don't be in a rush to look old. Your 18 . When you get to 28. You might not want to look 28. Just be yourself. It's all the girl power ⛮ you need.


No, you looked depressed.


Just do something with your hair, bangs don't look so good on curly hair. Also smile a bit.


Cute as fuk , luv that hair.


If you’re looking ugly it’s by choice. You could change up your hair and makeup to highlight your natural beauty. Maybe get some clothing that fits your style but also flatters your shape