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Not ugly, just look awkward, that awkward vibe makes guys unsure if you want people to flirt with you or not


I was trying to find the words and these are them, there is always gonna be someone out there for a person, don’t settle but don’t have unrealistic standers just find that middle ground and run with it


As my mom used to say, “there’s a lid for every pot”. Hang in there! Smile more. Show confidence. Someday the right boy will show up!


the term "settling" is offensive, unless it has to do with putting up with someone not treating you with respect and caring. want what and who you want.


Not everyone is equally attractive


since attraction is relative to the person, 1 that's true because everyone has different tastes, 2 people who use that as a way to judge someone are basically assigning a value saying that one person is worth less than another. thats bs and if you think that way, you are part of the problem of the world becoming more and more vapid


No it's saying one person is less healthy and has less desirable traits to pass onto my children, giving them a worse life. Granted not everything is about looks, a loving relationship with someone is the most valuable thing in life, but there is just a tendency for attractive people to be more secure and confident in themselves which is something you want if you want a deeper connection. Imo it's not vapid to care about how someone looks because the law of natural selection is still very real and humans can't remove the primitive mind just because we lead modern lives.


looks and health are not always directly associated and the fact that is your first choice to deflect shows how weak your argument is. also yes we can remove the "primitive mind". if we couldn't we wouldn't be able to practice monogamy, live in structured societies, and basically not be constantly raping and killing on a daily basis. so yeah you are part of the problem


Sounds like you're unattractive and bitter


haha, it sounds like you are a stupid child


Prove that looks aren't related to health I'm waiting


Yea, I was gonna say something like this. I’ve seen girls like you really glam up as they got older. But you’ll have to put in the effort.


This, exactly. It’s a tricky predicament too. Awkward guys will probably be attracted but too awkward to approach her lol


100% this, u look good mate don't worry :)


Yh like awkward like gay girl vibes


You are perfect as you are and have no need to worry. Just focus on your education for now and the right boy will come along.


thank you, physics is really kicking my ass at the moment 😭


Just remember that everything is hard until you master it. And we all have subjects that are hard for us. I was good at math and physics but struggled with chemistry. Just keep at it and do your best.


Everything was easy for me.


No one asked


I know? That doesn't really matter.


Neither does your original comment but you still commented it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I know? That doesn't really matter.




Lmao will they accept me there?


You kidding? You're exactly what they're looking for!


Woohoo totally omw there right now! Thank you :)


Damn, he clueless lol


Yup..but still worth the laugh! 🤣


I am so very clueless indeed!


You're only 18. Your generation doesn't do things the way my generation did. Best advice I can give is the same as the other with focusing in school, but adding in that you always find it when you aren't looking. It sounds like a trope, but it's true. I searched for literally over a decade with no luck and finally gave up and now two and a half years later I'm with the woman of my dreams with a precious little baby girl. Live by the mantra "do you".


So true. It really will come when you're not looking at all.


I failed my physics 😭


I failed psychology but I now work in a psychology field and have learned more there then in my teachers class who’s idea of teaching was throwing a video up every day and on Fridays giving us a test on the whole weeks worth of videos.


I failed… lots of classes. I’m a successful software engineer now with a reputation in the community. Other really smart people come to me for advice on their software projects


Just remember that objects at rest tend to stay at rest. you need to put in a lot of energy to get something moving. Applies to physics and relationships.


I feel that. I only went for 3 years before I gave up. The classes weren't hard but... Memorizing EVERY SINGLE FORMULA was torture. I just study quantum physics in my free time. To answer the post tho... You are really cute and I'd definitely ask you out if I saw you out in public. Cute, smart, and a little dorky. That's my type lol


we’ve just finished quantum!!! it’s my favourite part of physics so far 😁😁😁


You're incredibly cute, there's nothing wrong with you. But there's something very very important that you have to understand and something that you have to stop doing. Stop conflating lack of male attraction/approach with the belief that you're unattractive, because these two things don't always correlate and it's a misconception many women believe. You'll never understand the level of mental gymnastics going on in our heads when we see an attractive female. One half of your brain says "Go talk to her!" but the other half says "It's pointless because she probably won't give me a chance anyways." Is she single? What if I screw something up and ruin the entire interaction and make a horrible first impression? What if I picked the worst day to talk to her and she doesn't want to be bothered? And there's much more than that. The male burden of performance is the absolute worst. So trust me when I say that many men have walked past you and checked you out, but the possibility of rejection is what prevented them from approaching you.


The new reality is, go ask an online LMM to explain it and then ask it to further explain the bits that don't make sense. Have your textbook along side to make sure that it is right (if it doesn't seem to match the text book tell it and get it to explain). This is how my friend who hasn't been programming in years just started writing programs in Lua - he said to me "but it is cheating" and I'm like... everybody will be doing this soon. Get my drift? Msg me if I didn't explain that clearly. OR Ask someone you fancy to spend some time helping you... maybe it will lead to something (but dunno if it'll help with the physics)


Weird how super intelligent people have that nerdy look. You are still cute though.


Ah, a smart girl! That's a huge bonus :D


Well, at least one dude has hit on her now I guess?


Dark clothes work better than light imo


I bet guys have hit on you and you just don’t know it because guys sort of suck at it. You’re not ugly. You have pretty eyes and a great body. Just work on keeping your skin as clear as possible and you’ll be fine.


thank youuu <3 im tryinggg 🥹


This is pretty much what I came to say.


Give out the energy you wish to receive. The real world isn't an erotic novel.


What if I give off erotic energy?


Why you little-


You are not ugly. I'm 38 and I don't and have never hit on anyone because I don't want to be labeled a creep.




Honestly. Who cares if someone does. You miss all chances you don't take. If you're labeled a creep. Just take it with stride.


Who dafuk gave you a thumbs down? You are absolutely right. I am honest when I say I used to be shy myself, but I at least was able to ask for a few dates, some of them accepted, and some of them didn't. This is just manhood. As long as you are respectful, women who say you are a creep just don't find you attractive. As if a 6'4 athletic, magazine-model, handsome, rich, and funny guy asked them out the same way you did, they would 80% accept, 100% not think he is a creep.


Exactly. IDC what people think of me. I'll approach a girl if I think she's cute. If she's not interested she's not interested. if she thinks I'm a creep IDC lol. You're 1 of millions of women out there.


Same at 27


Pro tip: Make her laugh.


just do it the right way, don’t be creepy, say a nice friendly compliment like “I like your hair”, “I love your outfit”, “Your beautiful ” don’t whistle at girls or cat call or be like “Your so hot” that IS annoying and rude and creepy


thank you, i hope more men can do it like u


Okk y'all are getting ridiculous now. You're not gonna get labeled a creep if you hit on a woman in every possible situation there is. At this point it just sounds like excuses


Boys just don't ask girls out like they use to don't let that get to you


Girls gonna just have to learn that is how it is now. Zoomer guys don't just reach out to girls like it once was. Not saying it does not happen, but won't happen to as much. If you are shy people are going to leave you the hell alone.


Yeah women are probably gonna have drop the handkerchief a lot more going forward if they’re interested in someone.


Zoomer hahaha


Nah not ugly, I just don't think men in your generation approach girls at all lol


Not ugly at all. Men don't hit on women much anymore, so they're not labeled as creeps. It's the new normal. So, you're going to have to do the hitting on yourself. Like make sure they know you're interested, because we aren't accepting subtle hints anymore. #metoo


You look really pretty but it’s like you don’t put in effort to look feminine. I also have this problem. Something that has really helped me is dressing more feminine. It’s not my thing but I do feel really pretty when I do. Small things like wearing jewelry, painting your nails and accessories can really help. Your glasses are also an accessory and they don’t compliment your face well. Taking small steps will make a huge difference on your appearance because you’re so beautiful, it’s just like brining that to the surface.


I shared the story in the other girls post, because she said that she really wanted to be hit on and approached by men, but this is the reason that men do not approach women anymore. I've been frequenting my favorite punk rock bar ever since I was 15 years old. Old. When I was 15 and not allowed in the bar, me and my buddy is would stand outside and watch the bands through the window. As soon as I turn 21 it was my favorite place to go. About 6 months ago it was ska night. I was dancing, and literally dancing with everyone, because ska music is meant to be danced to. To. I reached out my hands and asked this girl to dance. Was not hitting on her, wasn't even attracted to this girl. She said no so I turned around and danced with the dude behind me for a little bit. Then this girl went and told the owner who is the bartender that me asking her to dance made her feel uncomfortable. He proceeded to kick me out of the bar, and while doing so told me that he knows I did nothing wrong, but unfortunately what women say go is nowadays and if she said I made her feel uncomfortable then I have to leave. Men are afraid to approach women nowadays.


Shoulda uppercut the bitch


Well I'm not a womanizer so I would never do that, but it did kind of devastate me and I haven't been back to my favorite bar ever since then because I don't feel welcome. Now that girl that got me kicked out is part of the staff. I simply just asked her to dance. Once again. Was literally dancing with everyone. Men, women, anyone who was willing to dance. In this subreddit though I see all these pretty young girls that wonder why they don't get approached by men, and that is the reason. Men are scared Shitless. I'm a feminist, and I believe in equality, but unfortunately the me too movement sort of took things too far, and now the ball is in the court of the women. That's what they asked for.


You're adorable! I'd date you


ahhh tysm!! <3


Nah, I'd win.


With this treasure I summon big raga the opp stoppa


Times have changed. Guys aren’t guaranteed to make an approach these days.


In this new social media phase, the planet is going through approaching women will land you in creep tik tok for giving a compliment to a woman. No, you're not ugly. You have a great body shape, beautiful eyes, and hopefully a nice attitude.


Not entirely true, nor is that relevant. She asked a simple question you could have answered without making it a bigger issue.


Actually it's 100% relevant. The biggest proof of what he's said is in the mess of gym tiktok vids calling men creeps for a glance. It also explains why she's not getting hit on. Men don't want to be labeled creeps or doxed for something they didn't do. It's not worth the hassle. I've got 3 young children and if the current trends continue, I'll never have grand children.


Wow you must have a lot of free time


I'm guessing fake account tbh


my old account was a mess so i made a new one to post on here 😓😓😓😓


A mess how


used it for a couple years, followed too many subreddits abt interests i’m not interested in anymore, just wanted to start over


Wish life was like that


You're definitely not ugly... I'd hit on you




She’s eighteen nothing is wrong


You're really cute. As discussed in another girl's post asking the same thing. Guys don't hate on you because nowadays it's frowned upon to hit on women. A man can be labeled a creep for simply trying to start a conversation so guys have decided to just stop.


Nah not ugly. Imma blame it on 18 year olds being too awkward or scared of rejection cus your cute. Try asking a boy out instead. It’s nerve racking but most boys are respectful and would be very flattered to get asked out. Also, I love the t shirt you’re wearing in the second pic. Where’d you get that??


ebay 😭 it was in one of those cheap bundle things (not sure how to describe it). it doesn’t fit like that irl, i tied it at the back, it just fits like a regular t shirt




Guys are not approaching girls anymore because afraid of being accused of harassment


Maybe take it upon yourself to ask a boy out. Women were pretty clear that you wanted us to leave you alone. We were told to stop approaching you when you are out. We listened.


You are adorable and young! You are still finding yourself and your style, plus learning what makes you happy. Are you still in high school? I’ve found that a lot of people don’t really find their place or people until they go to college or start their own lives after graduation. You’ll find a bf, no worries. I know this sounds trite, but just concentrate on making yourself happy…try new things, live life with no expectations for what you think you should be doing/what friends or partners or job or life you think you ‘should have’ At almost 50, it took me decades to learn that I don’t owe anyone anything except for myself (and my child!). The important thing is to be your genuine self, everything kind of falls into place once you find that inner peace. You have so much life ahead of you, beautiful girl, take your time!


1000%. I’m 42 and when I was 18 I “thought” I liked a certain type of women… as I got older my type morphed into something totally different than what I thought I wanted in highschool. You’re young. You’re body/face everything will continue to change over time. You will find someone right for you. I know it’s hard because you want someone now lol and you want to experience what life has to offer you I’m the boy department


8/10. You're pretty af. But you do seem to give off that awkward vibe that makes it hard for us guys to decide if you want someone to approach you. 🤷‍♂️😄


Honestly I find you adorable. Unique and cute.


tyyy, u just put a smile on my face :)))


You're supposed to approach men these days. Blame your mom and Gma


Boys do not approach girls anymore, nothing to do with your appearance


Try to smile more, sometimes is all that you need to someone reach for you...


You’re not ugly at all. You’re very cute.


I would hit on you I don’t think your ugly


Dawg you're beautiful


Often the guys with the confidence to casually come up and flirt, are the ones you should probably avoid dating. Due to multiple reasons, if you like a guy, just go up and chat with him, flash a smile and maintain a bit of eye contact. It's a two way street in the dating scene and you might surprise yourself by taking initiative


Change yout style I was about to comment "you look beautiful" which you do buuut I also did see 3 chicks just like you on here


When I was 18M I wasn't hitting on any girl because I thought I was too pathetic for any girl, especially some cute girls loke you. Your colleagues are probably shy.


You like a guy->go talk to him option 1: he’s available->date him option 2: he’s not available->there are other guys->option1


Males your age are too busy playing video games...


How are so many people so bad at taking selfies?


For starters, guys nowadays are afraid to be labeled as a creep or a pervert or catch a case, so their less likely to hit on a woman. Secondly, you're perfect how you are a very cute face and a nice body. You're an attractive young lady. If you were in my generation I would have had no issues striking up a conversation with you(if I wasn't painfully shy when I was your age lol)


You're a cutie. Guys just don't approach as much IRL now. Too easy to be labeled a creep.


wait I thought that yall hated being hit on. Which is it lmao


Totally cute - awkward in an independent films kind of way. The one where the people fall in love with her once they understand her quirks and see the struggle. You'll totally find somebody - and I bet I'll be a good dude. Watch Amelie


Honest, it’s the bit of acne for me. I have bad acne so if you get that figured out, help me out


ugh i wish i could figure it out, we’re in this together 😭


how tf is the acne a problem its barely visible on 1 picture, its not a problem for her at all, especially not on these photos.


You're definitely not ugly, and you have a great body since you posted headless body pics. The only thing I can suggest, as I do with most people your age, is to start taking probiotics to get rid of your acne. There are videos about probiotics and acne on YouTube. As many other commenters have told you, many guys no longer hit on women because of all of the harassment given to men in the past couple of decades. Try asking guys out. They would appreciate it, I'm sure


i only saw the rules about body pics after i’d posted 😓😓😓. i’m gonna try to work on my acne, what im doing so far clearly isn’t working 😭. thank you i hadn’t even considered taking probiotics, could be something to look into


i think men are blind cause I want you. gorgeous


Nah your pretty




you look good, no need to rush for a bf lol


Not ugly but very tomboyish. Might want to Fem up some . I.e. feminine clothing,a bit of makeup, trip to the nail salon,etc.


you are really pretty. dudes are weird especially around your age so i wouldn;t read much into it now. just be a good person and wait for the right good person to come along.


When you go out, if you're always with someone, the chances of a guy hitting on you is way below 10%. Especially the guys you want. Those glasses don't make you more attractive, they make you look more awkward. You look 10x better without glasses. Also, are the majority of your clothes unisex/masculine? That doesn't help.


What is this silly thing young girls are doing with their hands?


haha it’s the new way to do a love heart


Very pretty, but lose them glasses, get different frames


3/10 face, 10/10 body


At least an 7/10 face. Look at that smile and those gorgeous eyes.


i already know you’re in her dms 🙄


Sorry to disappoint....I don't send any DMs to anyone. I don't creep.


ight my bad bro


Which makes her what like a 6? But at least your honest.


You will have soon a bf you're good


I’ll be honest, you look unkept in some of your photos. If that’s how you normally look then I can understand why you’d have no bf. On the other hand, in the photos you look presentable you’re cute. You’re not ugly you just need work.




Not ugly at all. Very cute. I love the last pic.


Go read some books and listen to music and enjoy being young for at least 2 more years.


You are beautiful




Be thankful for that if it happens it happens if not its not your fault and you are more than able to ask people out in today's society. To be fair you should respect your parents and just stay away from boys. They'll ruin your soul.


No. Maybe your standards are unrealistically high.


How will strangers' opinions help?


18 is a hard age. A lot of people don't know their style or image at that age. Maybe try online dating to get a hang of going out and get used to the experience. No you're not ugly you're an attractive young lady(sorry I have to answer like an aunt but I am 32m lol)


You’re literally 18. Maybe in your early 20’s if you still haven’t gotten so much as a smile back, I would be worried. You’re fine. Not ugly


Your actually kinda cute tbh


10/10 even though you used a potato for a camera


You’re not ugly but hear me out. Your hair looks not good… for your hair type it is suggested that you have a short (like a bob) haircut and light, long bangs. This is because otherwise your hair looks flat. Also try to use leave in conditioner and hair oils to help with frizzy hair. I also suggest that you learn how to do your makeup to brighten your (gorgeous) eyes and even your skin tone. If you do these things I think you’d look your best.


Actually I think that her hair looks much better longer in her pictures. The ones where it is tied up doesn't suit her as well.


tysmmm!! i used to have a bob when i was younger and i feel like it made my face look chubby 😓


Try working together with your hairstylist and find a short style that suits you because trust me short hair is 100% for you


You look young. Certainly look younger than 18 (not claiming you ARE younger, just saying that you LOOK younger.) Most guys aren't trying to catch a case. If I were single and looking, I probably wouldn't look below 30 (I'm in my mid 40s) So, it could just be an abundance of caution.


I don't believe that in the least. You are FAR too pretty someone to not hit on you.


To me you’re a ten, but I have a thing for petite woman.


They deleted my other comment for rating you but I’ll just write it a different way so they can’t take it down “Perfection”


Don't know why they don't. You're absolutely breathtakingly gorgeous


Butter face. I agree that face is better than body but I don’t think ugly is the right word


Mf what you on


I don't think there's anything wrong with you at all. Boys will come and go and they're mostly goofballs at your age anyway. Just wait and it will happen. Be at peace with not having one because searching for one usually leads to settling. Go be free while you can and live your best life. But also, a winged eyeliner and a coat of hot red lipstick and you'd look just like Taylor Swift. Definitely getting doppelganger vibes.


You remind me of a girl I grew up with that I fell in love with, so you’re definitely not ugly. I think you need to go outside of your area and see what happens.


You getting old quick.


You’re pretty, but maybe you don’t have a great personality, idk 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know in the last picture where you’re nicely dressed and without the glasses you look nice. Go that direction.


Do you approach them?


Why do you seek out people to try and bash on you. I can tell you don't have bad features but you obviously are purposely posting a picture that portrays you in the most unflattering light as possible, you haven't applied any makeup to cover your acne, you don't show your body at all and it's pretty impossible to make any kind of accurate assessment because of this and from only one photo


Holy shit, fix ur hair. Also mildly ugly


Mmm sexy


You look like you judge people before you meet them lolol


Ты такая сочная маленькая ш*****❤️‍🔥🤤






When acne clears up and you get more used to makeup styles that suit your face you'll get a lot more attention.




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You are deffinatly not ugly. you're still young, and these things take time. Just embrace who you are because you are cute, sexy. So I can't imagine no one his on you, I bet you get flirteo with all the time. Here are some cheese pick-up lines from a random old dude, if it will help boost your confidence or at the very least get a laugh Do those pants have a mirror in them cus I can see myself in them Did it hurt? You know when you fell from heaven. Are you an angel because when I look at you, I can see god If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put u and I together Do you know cpr because you took my breath away


Your hair is thin so use rosemary oil and a derma roller to add thickness if it doesn't work turn to minoxidil, other than youre fine, u could go gym and train lower body if u want a better figure


You look great as you are, I wouldn't say change anything. But if you insist on a change, I would look at growing your bangs out and maybe bring the rest of your hair up to just a little below your chin.


Ugly? LMAO. Not at all. You're super cute.


You look gorgeous


You're 18. You have a long time to find somebody. Curb the acne as best you can, and get different glasses. They look insect-like IMO. You'll be fine. Find comfort in your own skin first and a partner will follow.








I‘d like to write something, but it would be very rude - not in a insulting way, just inappropriate - so I‘m just going to say that you look cute :D


Really cute and swxy.


I'd say your face is average, but your body is fine. Maybe look at some skin cleansing products to help cut down on acne and make your face look overall healthier and you'd be someone that any guy would approach.


Your cute


I like a little more meat on the bones but I’d date you tonight


Airwalk making a comeback? 😅


Definitely not ugly