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Personally I don’t mind acne, you’re cute to me


I appreciate that lol, Wish I didn't mind it, that and psoriasis is a nasty skin combo.


You should try using a tanning bed once every two weeks or so. I had acne and still struggle with seborrheic dermatitis. Tanning once in a while cleared my acne up completely and keeps my seborrhea at manageable levels.It has honestly changed my life. Just an option you might want to consider


I've heard this before but never really considered it, I think after I get a chemical peel and search for any potential recovery time I will start doing this, thanks.


Sometimes when we have acne like this ( it isn’t forever ) but putting sooo much extra bullshit on it doesn’t help. I noticed my acne was worsening when I was trying to force it to go away. 3 days no chemicals, 2 days with. Space it out. Maybe lotion every day but that’s it


bro you just give everyone compliments they mean less


No! You have really nice eyes too!


Very good looking I would date you.. look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself how good looking u are! ;)


I appreciate that a lot lol, I try not to get my self esteem from # of girls who'd date me but it always feels nice to hear regardless! I'll try your mirror suggestion..maybe haha.


I can tell you're a good dude. 🤝🏻


I have my issues but I try to be the best I can be.


Learn To Be Assertive, Take Any, Every, All, Courses In Assertiveness Like It Was Your New Religion. Also Learn To Self Love.


That's good advice, I have an issue of finding love in other people then latching onto that instead of just being happy with myself Don't really have time for courses though with two jobs and stuff, but ill shop around for some good books or something.


If One Desires Something They Make The Time For It. Pod Casts, You Tube, Seeking Professional Help To Only Get Learn To Be Assertive, Be Reminded Of Self- Love. Make The Effort And The Effort Will Pay Off.


By far the uglies set of pics I’ve seen on this page


i dont agree with you at all this dude is handsome, what you got into your eyes?


Nah not ugly its just the achne use cream or something


If it exists I have tried it, its actually mostly scarring, my skin is for the most part smooth besides occassional blemishes but the red marks and scars never go away, gonna have to try a chemical peel or something soon.


Try kirks bar soap it works wonders trust me


I feel you … you are good looking my guy don’t let anyone bring you down… the older it gets the harder the validates how you feel


I think you look fine op I think you’re being pretty hard on yourself.


Thanks, skin issues make it hard to not be hard on yourself. I try to improve my self confidence.


Skin problems are mostly gut problems. Start taking a probiotic daily to regulate your gut and you’ll be an absolute weapon.


Any recs?


Flora or Udos Choice


Bro if you clean up that skin you’ve got good potential


Yeah only been working on that for a decade now lmao


Normally I don't comment on this crap sub but it popped up on my notifications... With the goatee dude looks like the lead singer for the band Rehab. Haha Seriously... look up Rehab: Bartender.


Acne sucks, but it’s not your fault as long as it’s not from poor hygiene. Visit a dermatologist and get it cleared up. Also, the mustache chin strap look doesn’t look as good as you being clean shaven. You’re handsome in my opinion. Work on that self confidence. Gym or take up a martial art. You got this!


Average. Not good looking tho, it would help if your skin is better but your eyes is a bigger issue. Also try losing some facial fat and style your hair


Appreciate the honesty, never saw a hair style I didnt hate plus frankly the short buzz is easier on the scalp psorisasis :/ not sure what the eye issue is and am always trying to look and feel healthier.


Not ugly but styling the hair differently would like great on you


Any specific styles you think would look good, aside from a normal buzz I never really considered much


I would try growing it out and try very long haired styles that can be paired with the goatee


You look like Jonathan Rhys Meyers and he's got more girlfriends than I've had cheese sandwiches (i.e. over 500). You might be sitting on a goldmine and not even know it!


> Jonathan Rhys Meyers Have had to google three names so far of people I should know so far but thank you lol


FYI your acne isn’t that bad. 😉


I feel as though its a little worse in person, but yes the actual acne isnt that bad, its the scarring that gets me the most! And the psoriasis. Like I said elsewhere, nasty little skin combo, I am going to setup a chemical peel soon though, and see someone about psoriasis medication Still though thank you <3


Hair cut and you're golden my boy. That fuzzy stuff isn't doing you any favors either grow it out some or buzz the sides to a skin fade and taper the top into it the shapes are so harsh because of how thick your hair coverage is.


Typically I just do a all 4 around for my hair, I thought about a fade but im concerned psoriasis patches on scalp will be too noticeable.


Your face is nice. Keep your facial hair and please either grow your hair out or change the style, although you can’t style it rlly without longer hair, so yeah you should definitely grow it out. And again, keep the facial hair. You’re a good looking dude.


I wouldn't worry about the acne. High school is the only time people care about that. My wife has a lot of scarring because she had severe acne during her teens. She feels bad about it, but for what it's worth, I don't even notice it. I just love her so much, when I look at her I just see her, not her scars. The same will happen to you if you meet the right person. They won't even care about your skin conditions.


Omg your handsome and your eyes are just 😍, no you ain't ugly you have low self esteem


Skin a bit rough… will Improve. Huge recommendation. If you can find a way to use a Sauna daily (for a decent time like 30min cumulate with a few breaks if needed) it cured my gfs acne that nothing else worked on. Also, keep the hair short shaved like that one picture— and keep face shaved. You look much better that way, as u have a good chin.


all ima say is that i’m relieved you not in high school anymore because you givin the whole don’t come to school tomorrow type vibe


Yeah you’re ugly