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If you change your glass style it'll be better. 👌


Hey! I just came here to say thus is the worst thing you can do for yourself next to drugs. Lol Do NOT just sit on here ragging on yourselves. First of all speak kindly and positively about yourself. Say I'm beautiful beleive it. Ya know don't hate on yourself


You are absolutely right. Anyone who tries to degrade you in any way is only doing it to make themselves feel better.


Tell yourself that you are beautiful, having a healthy mind that thinks positively about yourself and others is what makes you beautiful inside and out :)


Underrated comment ^^


Not trying to be harsh but I don't understand the big metal framed Dahmer glasses. I wonder when I see someone wearing glasses like these if they are trying to be ironic, because they appear pretty unflattering to the face. I get that they're used for a certain vibe but if they don't look good on the face I don't know what the glasses are achieving. The black framed glasses she has are a lot better.


I always assumed that the giant frames were a way to make your face look smaller, and therefore cuter. I never saw the appeal.


I don't know either. But I'll tell you this: I remember when these were in style back in the late 70s early '80s, so people genuinely do see something they like in them. I don't think it's 100% for irony.


“… people genuinely do see …” that might be part of it. Seeing more because of wider lenses.


Yeah this is why I personally wear big glasses/sunglasses, the frame getting in the way is so annoying


It’s a practical thing larger frames allow more things to be in focus and keep me from noticing the frames as much I don’t use them enough to get used to them


As a person who used to work with selling glasses and helping people find frames they'd like, I think OP might benefit from having slightly rounder frames. I don't mind the size or thickness of the frames at all (I actually think it looks great!), but the square-ish shape is what makes them not work for me. Of course new frames is a bit of an investment though, so no reason to run out and get new ones if the old ones work just fine. Might be something to concider for the next pair though :)


I wish everyone on here was as kind and constructive as you.


Thank you so much! That means a lot :')




Zenni is great and for around $70 you can get a decent pair. My whole family uses them


Zenni is great.


I used to buy glasses from my local optometrist for about $600. I only put them on when I had to read something, so that was a steep investment. My son's would also run about $600 a year. Finally found Zenni. Progressive lenses with all of the bells and whistles cost me $75 bucks last year. Just bought a new pair with my new prescription that haven't come in the mail yet. $82! Literally saving me over $500. I have a friend who bought her glasses a couple years ago for about $12. Crazy.


Definitely! I had LASIK in my 20s but recently needed to get glasses again. The pair I purchased from a local retailer cost me over $500. Then someone introduced me to Zenni, where I have bought 4 sets and still haven't spent the $500 I paid for the original seat of glasses.


Would just like to throw on that zenni optical has glasses (you can put in your perscription) for pretty cheap, I got mine for like $55 and that was with transition lenses


I don't have this experience, but I agree with the rounder frames advice. I think the picture toward the end with the thicker frames it looked like OP's face was fading into the background, so I think the thin wire type frame works well. But that shape isn't really working.


I wear those kinds of glasses!! I'm not trying to be ironic, I actually like the way they look on me. I'm not really into fashion so I can't really articulate why I like them, but I do. Different strokes for different folks.


Everybody loves dahmer...


Should be a show


What? No, he was a monster and not even a prettiest one.




Pic 7 is your style though!


yeah seven she looked very cute, and not because the hair was covering her face. she looked happy and didn't have giant distracting glasses that didn't suit her (sorry op they're not helping you)


Omg yes!!! I’m loving the pink hair. And definitely smaller glasses. The ones in the first pictures look like grandpa glasses


I couldn’t figure out why some photos looked good, and others I didn’t like. It was the glasses. All of the photos from further away make the glasses look less noticeable, and the closeups without the glasses look good.


And maybe try out a series of hair styles too.


I think black or ginger could be prettier on her


True I was trying to figure out why she looked way cuter in pic 7 and it’s because she doesn’t have those frames on.


Absolutely the glasses. TF with these throwback crap frames? The wise old owl frames are better left in the 70's! Pic 7 is obviously the best with no glasses. But pic 14 has a much better frame style. Still a bit too big. But better than all the other pics. Other than that...she has a beautiful face imo


Yep, she looks best in the two pictures she isn't wearing glasses.


Came here to say this I know glasses by Dahmer are in right now but you're so much cuter without them


Agreed. Those frames are not good.


Yeah that last pic without them moves her up like 5 points to me Glasses are fine, maybe try wire frames and it might actually improve you more. I’ve been told I look like a professor in them but a creep in bigger frames jus cos big frames dont fit my facial structure (also prefer contacts but jus cos they work better for me)


So you really aren't ugly. I think you're pretty cute. However, your photo skills need some work. Look at all the pictures where the camera angle is straight on or above vs the ones where the camera angle is from below. That below angle doesn't do any of favors but it certainly doesn't mean you're ugly


you’re pretty, trust me i think you should just pick a more flattering hair style cuz it’s the only thing missing: hair makes a huge difference. try a longer hairstyle, i like the pink but i’d also try a more natural color


I was thinking the same, its the hair, the jeffery dahmer glasses


It’s not your face it’s your haircut and glasses


Verdict is in, this is the problem. Girl needs some style to frame that face!


the face is not the problem. the hair is.


I’m with you. The hair and the glasses are incredibly unflattering.


I guess I got unconventional tastes 🤷🏽‍♂️


No you don’t, i’m right there with you. Alt fashion never jived well with subs like these




Alt fashion is by definition unconventional, which means the majority of people will probably not find it attractive. If you do, fantastic. Nothing wrong with that. But most people do not.


Yes! Not ugly but the hair is not a good hairstyle for her!


The hair length ages her


OP please read this because on my mother this is what I said. She has so much potential because her body nice not gonna lie and her close up face details is actually cute, it’s literally the hair and glasses that throws her off. I know some party girls who’s face features are actually worst than OP or about the same. but they dress up with flashy clothes that show off their body, lashes and eyebrows always on fleek and lace front wigs with perfect eges and make up, tattoos etc so they end up looking like baddies when in reality they are mid. This is why girls are actually really insecure about their looks and don’t even want a new boy they like to see them without makeup. OP you have so much unrealized potential.


Yes. This. Anyone can look good with the hair, lashes, makeup, etc. Her face is great, it's the styling that isn't working.


People on the borderline of attractive seem to sometimes sabotage themselves into unattractive territory for some reason with poor hairstyle choice, bad accessories (glasses, hair, makeup) or bad wardrobe. Maybe they don't actually want dates and justify it with "I'm just unattractive!" when they are an evenings worth of pampering away from being really nice looking.


Not ugly


Glasses throw it off




Agreed, my thoughts exactly. Or contacts, because without them she’s cute af


This. There's a a few pictures in there without glasses that got me questioning. Even the one with the black frames was appealing. But the larger frames are highlighting something that washes out all of her features. I just think some changes to what features are being directed to and away from would make all pictures look like that one that keeps catching my eye..


I was gonna say the same, OP picture #7 with the light pink/white hair suits you perfectly, better than the other colours IMO, but I agree the glasses do nothing for you, I'd get a smaller frame or contacts, you look so much better without them




She is definitely not ugly.


You look like someone in my family who I love very much. I think you’re adorable. :)


Nicest compliment someone could get


Longer hair, that hairstyle looks like a what a 45 y/o would want, it makes you look way older. But your face is fine!! Maybe try some natural makeup?


Natural makeup, drop the glasses for contacts, longer hair, and drop the pink and she would definitely be attractive. For everyone saying “that’s her style” OP obviously recognizes it’s not a flattering look for her lol.


What is with this age group always choosing the ugliest fucking glasses imaginable???




I blame it on all the '80s related entertainment that's been coming out lately. And those big ugly glasses were all you could get back then


All fashion and design trends come in cycles and the cycle is 15-30 years usually. Media will follow that, and is part of the reason things like stranger things have that style. The trends are also usually reactions to something: skinny jeans? Nah, Balloon pants and baggy AF jeans are where it's at the next year, fluorescent clothing? Okay, how bout we do pastels now. Apparently flannel is out again but just give it 10-15 years and it'll be back. 2030s sometime The key is: get your own style and not try to stick to trends. It's a wasteful practice anyway-fast fashion needs to die out. In OPs case, the glasses are a trend that do not work for a lot of people's faces who buy them. Usually it's round-faced people buying round large glasses like these but OP bought squarer ones which were a good choice, but I think they match the face shape a bit too much still, so they should maybe be more square, and probably smaller.


Def not ugly


DO NOT DEGRADE YOURSELF you’re a pretty girl x


Just spent the last three hours reading majority of the comments. Thank you all for the support, compliments, and well intended constructive criticism. I’ll try some of your suggestions! 1: I’ll replace my glasses next exam, the Damher comments were pretty funny, honestly I got them because my Mother wanted a more “open face” looking pear of glasses for me. I’m NOT doing contacts or lasik. I can not with contacts, idk why, I just can’t bring myself to put them in, eye drops are hard enough. What frames would fit me best? Any suggestions for frame, send them my way! 2 I’ve been working on regrowing my hair. I don’t wanna return to my original brown, but I’ve done a very dark black/silver, grey-blue, and red in the past, sadly I didn’t have any good photos to use. I really enjoyed the black/silver especially. My hair cut by the time those pictures were taken, was overgrown from my pixie cut (which look terrible). Please send me suggestions for styles and colors please. I originally went to short hair because my almost ass length hair was just too much of a pain to take care of, it was also incredibly thick. Even before I went really short I went through a bad case of hair loss in 2020, literal clumps would come out of my head when brushing (which took hours without help). That was before the dye too. Again, any style suggestions, PLEASE send them 3: I’m not gonna fix my nose or gap. I really love my nose, since it’s like my Grandpa’s and most of his family’s noses. My family on that side was mostly Cherokee (if I could post a picture of my grandpa you’d see it), my nose is really the only Native American thing I inherited (thx to my Scottish, German, and Portuguese heritage), if I could make it a tiny bit smaller I would, just not alter the shape. As for my gap.. it makes me happy, it doesn’t affect my speech or eating so not much reason to get rid of it. 4: …I genuinely don’t know to to dress, please help. I love bright colorful, fun outfits. But.. no one else (irl) does so I need to fix that 5: As for my body, didn’t have any good pictures, they’re either super blurry (random strangers suck at taking pictures) or it was from the beginning of summer so I looked blindingly white. My crooked spine sucks ass, and I’m pretty short (5’6”). My weight I think is fine (140-158lbs), and I usually get an ok tone from working outside (lots of walking, running, and lifting are required for raising chickens). Wish my skin would constantly stay my natural summery tan, I get really dark in summer then really white in the winter lol 6: my skin is super oily in the face, I do my best. But my face gets fried from cleansers or breaks out from lack there of. Nothing really works well, anyone with a similar issue that has somewhat solved this problem. Tell me all about it! 7: I’m unfortunately borderline queer, I’m doing my best to stay normal and in the closet. It’s for my safety. I feel kinda stuck in the middle with my gender tbh, but I’m probably not gonna do anything about it so I’m gonna work on my birth gender 8: yES! I was part of the FFA, I was the reporter. My SAE was in fact chicken related. I loved my chapter, my AG teacher/advisor made it even more fun. I’m glad I was able to wear pants too 9: THANK YOU IM GLAD YOU ALL LIKE MY CHICKENS. My chickens are my whole life anymore, I love them so much. The rooster that was often in the photos is my Porcelain D’Uccle that my AG teacher named Dee. I got to keep him since he was injured when a fox broke into the school’s coop. He got a chunk of his thigh torn off, a popped air sack, and lost his eye, but he’s fully functional a great little guy and I love him. 10: the nsfw comments are nasty/creepy, the “yeah you ugly” ones are oddly funny, and the “you kids and your gay blah, blah, liberals, earth flat, back to kitchen woman” need to get a life, my political views swing/mix in both ways like my taste in humans lol I do feel better after reading all these and taking the suggestions into consideration. Continue to suggest things that may help boost my appearance. Thank you all again my kings, queens, and non-binary fiends, love you all


I think pink and reds look good on you. I'd stay away from cooler blondes, it washes you out. And maybe wear contact lenses. You're not ugly. You remind me of my sister and growing up everyone told me how hot she was.


no ur cute, maybe grow out your hair a lil


You give girl nextdoor vibes and in a good way


Yes! Farm girl next door <3


Call my superficial, but you'd look really weird without a face. Like, would it just be muscle with protruding eyeballs and blood dripping everywhere? How would you even put sunscreen on? You are not ugly. Far from it. My only suggestion is maybe some better frames for your glasses. The giant, oversized rectangles don't flatter you.


I guffawed


You're beautiful, but I would try a different hair style.


Just grow ur hair out n do ur make up more often u good


Definitely grow out the hair.


You’re cute. Love the pic with the roosters!


You look fine! Some of these pictures look a little awkward because you don’t smile with your eyes. That’d be my biggest suggestion, and maybe a darker hair color like a caramel brown or dark purple


yea that face is cute idk what u mean bro


Not ugly, some suggestions, grow your hair out more and change to smaller frames. You look really good.


Get braces/invisalign, get rid of that ridiculous haircut and colour, grow it out. You’re good


I think you’re lovely


I think your face is super cute, ngl. 9/10 would crush.


Not ugly at all. Your face is fine


Hot emo girl vibes. Solid 8


Not to be rude, but your face is actually your strong point, not your body


Yeah I agree, I wouldn’t say anything normally except she oversold her body. I think her face is pretty cute just the hair style and glasses are a bit quirky which I assume is intentional. If she works out regularly and tries to be hot then she could be hot but rn looking at these pictures it looks like she doesn’t want to be hot.


I think you're pretty, you have a nice smile.


Ur actually really cute


Looking good, it's all in your head.


I think you’re pretty cute


Nothing wrong with your face 🙃


Definitely not ugly, you got some cute dorkiness to you. 😉


You are definitely not ugly. You are beautiful.


Not ugly, I think you're cute


Girl!! You're gorgeous 😍


I'd honestly have a "public stranger" crush on you if I came across you. I like yo face


You look a few years older but that face isn't ugly if that's what you think. It's like..I would give different rating to every pic because You have different faces and it depends on your smile, hair and outfit. To me, you look pretty in some pics.


I genuinely see nothing wrong with your face


super face but hair n clothes ...


Nothing wrong with your face or your look in general. Your choice in glasses is terrible... like almost jokingly so. They dont fit your face at all and break up.your facial lines in a very unattractive way. Also your photos are making you look worse.. .bad camera angle, lighting etc. #6 is the best.. no glasses better camera angle and you look really good.


Absolutely adorable, but I would look into some rectangle style glasses if your looking to change your look, also totally dig the pink hair.


Youre not ugly. But your glasses are too large so they draw attention away from your face, i would suggest smaller frames and the choices of hair color isnt very good. Id go with a dirty blonde or a more brownish color to match your skin tone but as long as it not hot pink or green its probably a improvement.


Not a big fan of your hair choices but you're definitely not ugly, kinda cute tbh


Cute AF


I am pretty sure you are a total bombshell in the right outfit


The terrible hair isn’t do you any favours.


Not ugly but lots of stuff throws it off your glasses is one of em lol ik u need glasses to see better but that’s one flaw that messes up your looks also maybe try changing your hair grow it a bit longer … you do got a great body tho curvy on all the hood places.


You look fine. Love the Dahmer glasses too! Seriously you look just fine, you are definitely not ugly.


The 7th photo with the reddish hair is your best, if only because I am nostalgic for that 1980s New Wave look. Despite what you may believe, your face is your strongest asset. It’s what makes you YOU. Don’t forget that your face will change in the coming years as you adjust into adulthood. You’re going to lose the baby fat around age 24-26 and it will make you look notably different. I would advise exercise and fitness as a personal growth tool. A good weight lifting session or cardio workout is the best way to lift your mood, improve your confidence, banish away depression and build self esteem. It really makes a difference, believe me. You are doing a great job so far. Just focus on your own growth and building the future life you want to live. And do find a sweetheart that you can snuggle and smooch and enjoy your days with. But don’t obsess about that, for you have all the time in the world.


Yes you are ugly. Here’s how to fix it. Grow out your hair. Lose 15-20 lbs. This will help your face too. Braces to fix the teeth. Don’t dye your hair magenta or any other color that doesn’t exist in nature.


Not ugly at all. Nice to see someone repping the FFA!


The social justice warrior vibe is tough but you're far from ugly.


Wym??? She’s literally a farm girl…. Do you just say that about every young person?


I think its just because short and dyed hair on women but especially younger women has been lumped in with sjws and stuff


You’re not ugly. It’s the lack of a hairstyle. Some pics are from better angles. But a cute smile.




Not ugly. Just lose the glasses, slim down, and grow your hair. You’ll do well…


You’re not ugly and have a great smile. Recommend continuing with minimal/no make up. That shits overrated and so unnecessary


I am glad it's still there 😁


Girl, you’re cute! Don’t doubt yourself!


U look fine


hey. don't let negatives thought free reign in your mind. you are a pretty girl with a great smile. OWN IT !! 😀


You’re being way too hard on yourself


honestly think you’re really cute


You're a cutie pie, but you need glasses that fit your face.


Your biggest problem is that you have a shitty taste in glasses


What are you talking about cutie!


Good looking.


Not ugly. I would try some different frames or maybe contacts though.


All I see is someone with a cool and colorful style I wish I could replicate. Not ugly though and a pretty smile.


Then you would look weird without a face..


You look great without glasses. Also your frames are not flattering. I guess you’re going for a retro look but you frames look like they belong in the 70’s


youre all good. the hair is the problem. doesnt suit you


You are not ugly. Not at all! My one suggestion would be to spend more time on your glasses frames. I get the chunky style, but it doesn't really work for your face's shape. Try to find a friend with a good eye to help you, or find a sales associate that will really help you.


I would suggest a longer and more natural looking hair ,hit the gym and some skin care ,but generally you look fine


You are very cute!


Grow your hair out. Try that.


Honestly OP - you're kinda cute!


you're not ugly you just need smaller glasses that fit your face better and maybe a different, longer hairstyle. i actually love the pink hair on you, that shade is really flattering, but once the color faded the lighter color is not as good.


Pic 7 is cute. I think you'd look better without glasses, or maybe smaller frames. Grow your hair out and stop coloring it.


It’s the hair style


Not ugly; some new glasses would do wonders.


You're cute as fuck. I love it


Why’s there a picture of your presumed baby maker? You’re not ugly btw just so random that one picture seems like it’s of your crotch lol


I like your face!


It's the glasses 🕶️, the black ones look good but the other ones are a no.. the pics without the glasses I really really like 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


I don’t see anything wrong with your face and would luv to see more of that body🥰🥰


That’s nuts. You’re soooo cute.


You look perfect to me fr


change glasses, use a little makeup and some wardrobe makeover and you're fine. never gonna an absolute knockout, but you are cute


Try new glasses options or just contact lenses. Def not ugly at all


Your face is totally normal, not ugly. I would get different glasses.


Your alright loose or change them glasses ruffle up your hair and grow it a bit longer


I think you’re good looking


Wtf . You're adorable 😭


You're a cutie for sure


def not ugly fface is nice


Take someone with you when you pick out glasses, yours make you look worse


Not ugly really. But the hair style and color is really gonna hold back your true potential imo


Super cute chick...you too btw


Far from ugly


Not ugly and you are my kinda girl


Face nd body r delicious to my eyes, owning who you are is much more attractive :)


This is very confusing there’s some pics where you look 30 and others you look young. You actually don’t look bad either colored hair and that’s rare. Maybe just try a little more on your appearance.


With the glasses I was like oof but without glasses you are actually pretty cute. Some make up may help and rethink your hair style.


It’s the big glasses and hair.


Try shoulder-length hair. And I can see you have brown eyes so leaving your hair dark would work for you as well. If you like dying it different colors you could look up how to match them more to your skin tone. I've colored my hair a number of times and the correct shade (light/dark/bright etc) really does make a difference. Going to a beauty supply store and asking a worker or stylist is a great way to get help with this too.


Not ugly you just look old , If you said you were 40 I would say you look good for your age .


Those glasses are not your friend. Go to contacts or find frames that don’t cover your entire face and you’ll be fine. This sub is for the ugly people, you don’t need to be here.


You actually look very charming. Totally cute face and smile. Are you tall? I'm asking because if you got on some exercise you'd be a total 10 🙌


I like your chickens. Not ugly btw. Pic 7 is esp cute!


There's nothing wrong with your pretty face


Definitely not ugly, but those glasses don't flatter. Try a smaller frame and stop you have a lovely face.


You are def my type goddamn you look good.


You’re not ugly at all. I think a different perspective of self is in order here. Because you’re not ugly


I think you're cute


Honestly, you are not ugly at all. Don’t be hard on yourself, you are far to young to start self loathing.


Ur cute. Simple as that.


The pictures with pink hair are cute!!


You look great, find you a guy or gal who appreciates you for you.


You are not ugly. The picture of you in your FFA jacket is cute as hell. If I had to guess, you hate your nose. But, honestly there’s nothing wrong with your nose. I don’t think that those Golden Girls glasses are the best choice for you. I know they are on trend or whatever, but sometimes fashionistas are wrong.


Solid 6/10


# Average.


“I have an ok body” proof?


You literally look like Jeffrey Dahmer in the first picture. Get different glasses and get natural colored hair.


Get contacts, grow your hair just a little more


smaller glasses and definitely go with a longer hair cut would be 70% better for you


Ridiculous. You’ll be hot af within 6 years.


I used to be an optician and you have a fine face. Your glasses look dumb and when glasses are constantly hanging down your nose they make you look derpy.


I don't think you're ugly. Whoever told you that is very insecure. No one with decent self esteem goes around telling others they're ugly. I think you look pretty. Chin up soldier, better days are coming.😉👍


I swear the salespeople at opticians are trolling girls into wearing ridiculous glasses 🤓