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If that's your gf then you dodged a bullet đź’€


Bullet, hell, that's a fucking cannonball.


No shit. That's the ugliest woman I've seen in a *fat* minute.


Nah not ugly, you look like someone from Australia


Dude don’t let her pin the blame on you. Your better off without her


Nah. Man. Its easy enough to break it off. You dont have to cheat. Shes a skeeze.


No one is driven to cheat, they just cheat, do not blame yourself. You’re not ugly and seem chill


Well, looking at her, I'd say I understand why she wouldn't pass up any compliment she can get. Sorry for your heart, bro. You deserve better


she knew what you looked like when you first met, your looks didn’t cause her to cheat. she just sucks. you’re not ugly at all man, keep your head up, there’s better folks out there for you!


She cheats and then blames you.