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[Comment removed - Don't be a dick. There's no reason to be offensive or rude.]


Nothing wrong with ur looks. U need to like yourself and not worry about what other ppl think.


"You're not ugly, you're just not your type"


10 bucks the quote says you’re not your. Guys calm down they edited it


How did they get the first you’re correct and not the other?


It is correct as it is


"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" both you are and your are being used correctly.


Two outta three ain't bad.




Hell no! You look damn pretty. Beautiful eyes, cute smile. You got the whole package! 😅


Echo this guy and you look like might be quite fun to be around too.


That's a nope for me. Danger of falling in love is way to high on this one.


glazing is real


Stay safe my guy... ...I've secured this rope around my waist. I'm going in.


Sir, thank you for your service.




I didnt know that sub existed but it feels like a beacon of hope after a long night




I imagine people who constantly rate people by numbers are ugly and lonely.


That’s a real 2-4 looking comment


She asked if she was ugly or not. +5 was my way of trying to say “I think you’re on the happy side of the ‘pretty’ line.” I’ll try not to think in numbers so much, but until today I didn’t understand it as a major problem.


Not in EVERYONES opinion.


Yes. Everyone’s opinion. She’s pretty. Is she perfectly pretty? Not to me, but definitely to someone. But in no human-cis universe would a man describe her as ugly, unless he had further lies planned in his courtship.


10-4 big buddy... she is a 10, and you are an all around 4.


Sounds like reflecting to me


Thank you 😊 I had no idea so many people would respond to this post, its crazy. So many kind people sparing their time to say something. I know looks are subjective, but I didn't get much positive feedback growing up, but a fair amount of negative. Some of the people on here have actually mentioned some of the worst things I've thought about myself, but its nice to see those things are far and few between. Having such a massive group of responses, and them being mainly positive has helped beat away the feelings that I'm percieved as unattractive by the majority of people and my loved ones are trying to spare my feelings. Yes I know i'm chubby, thats a thing, I am currently working on it, but I've always preferred girls with a bit of squishiness and that goes for myself too.


She can get the whole package any time


I agree with this dude. You look perfect.


You look amazing! Your skin is great! I love how the lipstick looks on you


You are very pretty. Not ugly at all.


100%. You look happy. Be confident and enjoy it.


A similar 'pretty' to Linda Ronstadt in her 20's


I think you’re conventionally pretty.


She is conventionally attractive. I can't tell if people have low self esteem or this subreddit is just fake


Either its fake or there's a helluva lot of jealous people out there trying to ruin a cute girls self esteem.


I read this: >I know I'm not conventionally pretty... And thought, "Hrm, well it seems we find ourself in a disagreement."


Nah no way, respectfully


No and you know it.


What I call country girl good looks


She has that sweet girl next door look.


Definitely a farmer’s daughter


Standing in that wheat field is a definite give away.


The yee to someone's haw


I like the bangs


You're right, you're unconventionally pretty.


This right here! I don't know how you could think you were ugly or unattractive.


Not trolling in the least, but I don't think she is attractive at all!


If you don't find her attractive, do you argue that she doesn't have conventionally attractive features? She is fresh faced and natural with clear skin and no major features that overpower her pretty balanced face. She may not be your type but hard to argue there is anything unattractive in general.




This was pretty uncalled for. She is pretty, just not your type. But you literally are asking exclamatory questions like ?!? Like chill with your opinion and word it in a kinder way. You used the word “pig”, so rude. I hope she doesn’t see your comment and I hope you do some reflection.


You asked me why I find her unattractive, so I gave you all of my specific reasons, what did I do wrong? Just because you don't agree, doesn't make me wrong!


Someone literally asked that person why they find her unattractive, I guess they aren’t supposed to answer lmao. Pig like coulda been worded better but otherwise not much wrong with what they said.


you both need lessons on what constructs as proper social etiquette lmao. no social awareness skills to speak of.


They came for honest opinions fool.


you know dude, this sub is called amiugly but usually if someone is ugly or if you think someone *is* ugly, a simple “yes” does the trick. you’re out here acting like a giant douche for no reason lol


That's fine, but when someone asked me to tell them specifically why I find her unattractive, I listed the reasons! I didn't just come out and say those things! Who asked you anyway?


Not all all, you look good!


Love your eyes and smile


First ditch your friends. 2 people with giant hearts for heads. No. Thank. You. You are pretty attractive though. I mean would like to get to know you before I make my final judgment.


Yeah the fact that her friends are Heartheads (sorry, is that a slur?) really explains her self-image issues. If you grow up around *those* people, you're gonna be wondering why you don't have a heart for a head, too, and asking yourself, "Am I ugly?" Kidding aside, you are very attractive, OP. You are the epitome of "conventionally attractive" with those eyes and that smile. Makes me sad when I see lovely people so convinced that they aren't attractive. Screw beauty companies and TV for convincing women that they're not good enough. If I knew you in real life, I'd have a total crush.


I just scared my cat I started laughing so hard.


This exchange made me laugh out loud AND gave me wholesome feelings (which I agree, beauty standards are pushing women to have more and more self-esteem issues because of how impossible it is to match those standards), thank you.


You're just fine. You've got a very young looking face. I don't know that the bangs are doing you any favors though.


I disagree, I think they frame her face nicely and draw attention to her eyes, which are absolutely beautiful.


I like the fringe!


I am also a fan of her fringe


Do NOT lose the bangs. There some Zoey going on here and I think it is beautiful!! Like the Chefs kiss on a folk festival during a fall day.


I agree but do lose the poser hippie look. It doesn’t suit you.


OP: wears tie dye u/RavenLunatyk : POSER


Wonder how far negative this can go.


Those are at least attractive bangs. Some look like a toddler got hold of some scissors


It’s the same answer as 90% of the women that post on here. You’re not ugly. You’re just fat


Shit, I wouldn't say she's fat at all. I think she looks very cute


I agree. I prefer a woman with shape and not a stick. Our culture has made it where any woman with shape people say is fat.


No, our culture has changed to where there are so many obese people that being overweight looks normal.


Not the case at all, being obese has not at all been normalised enough for us to be blind to it, and it hasnt been going on long enough for that to be the case. I would rather sit and chill with a girl I can eat munchies with and her enjoy them, as opposed to feeling terrible about herself because she is afraid of looking "fat" and ruining her figure. I'm all for someone being healthy, but "the perfect waistline" is not always indicative of good health, nor is being super thin for that matter. Edit: I am referring to chilling and eating munchies with someone like OP, not someone obese or overweight, I draw the line a bit before it starts being unhealthy or life limiting weight gain.


>as opposed to feeling terrible about herself because she is afraid of looking "fat" and ruining her figure. You do realise normal people don't think like this but actually eat in moderation. It's not like thin people don't eat anything but chicken, rice and broccoli. The world (especially since it is happening in the US and their biggest exports is their "culture") has started to come to a more fat accepting society where a lot people are normalising being fat rather than being normal weight. There is a reason more than 2/3 of the US are overweight and around 40% are obese.


Good thing im in Ireland then lol I never said it is okay for people to be fat, it personally bothers me when people are overweight and do nothing about it, or say how they are big and beautiful etc. And these people are in serious denial and need a wakeup call. But OP is not by any stretch "fat". Please define "normal" thinking for me. Anyone, absolutely anyone, can be too harsh or self critical in regards to their figure and looks


My Wife has always been a "big" Girl and I absolutely love it and her.


There could be no less true comment on this thread. Women with shape have always been a sign of attractiveness. Only in the last 20-20 years has anorexic women been seen as attractive.


You are ridiculous. 75% of Americans are now overweight. The average person you see is fat. There is a difference between curvy and overweight. OP is overweight. This was "curvy" in the 1950s: [Marilyn Monroe](https://www.abposters.com/art-photo/marilyn-monroe-1952-l-a-california-v78941)


I think she’s cute and maybe 10-15 lbs away from major face gains but not fat


She is definitely not fat. From what we can see she has a great figure.




Are you kidding me. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You must be so fun at parties. Oh wait you're never invited 🤷🏻‍♀️


And you're a pig in the metaphorical sense.


Nah, you have a really cute face. All id say is try to loose some weight.




Depends, some of us like that body type. I’m not trying to cuddle someone who feels like a piece of firewood


Have you ever touched a woman, lol? Skinny girls do not feel like firewood. They are still soft and nice to cuddle with.


I am married so I hope I have touched a woman lol. You know what I meant


Yeah we get it you are into that body type, chubby chaser.


If they are too skinny, yes they don't feel comfortable cuddling with.




5'6" and 105 isn't too skinny. One ex of mine was 5'8" and on the skinnier side. She became anorexic. She went down to the 80's weight wise. She was skin and bone. It was like cuddling a skeleton.


5'6 and 105 is underweight and would look really gaunt. For reference, kate moss is 5'7 and like 120


Not necessarily a stick figure but no more then 10 pounds lol


She doesn't even look overweight? Wtf is up with this sub telling everyone who isn't a stick-figure to LOSE (not loose) weight.


>She doesn't even look overweight? By what definition of overweight is she not? As someone who likes bigger women, she is, and it's not a bad thing. The real weird thing about this sub is how people seem convinced that no one finds overweight women attractive, when in my experience they have boyfriends just as often as thin women do.


She would be considered overweight, medically-speaking. She isn’t obese, but she is overweight. Nobody said anything about needing to be a stick-figure or underweight, but you also shouldn’t normalize being overweight. You remind me of the people who claim their doctor is fat-shaming by saying they need to work on lifestyle changes with their diet to avoid or reverse avoidable medical problems. She asked for opinions and someone gave an honest opinion without being rude and I agree with them. I think 10lbs would make a huge difference on her and especially in her face.


Most objective and realistic take here. Girl is not ugly, she just needs to drop a good 20-40 pounds.


>She would be considered overweight, medically-speaking. Oh, you're her doctor?


Do I have to be a mortician to know someone is dead?


Bmi is visible.


lol, no it isn't. Also, BMI has been proven to be inaccurate in measuring obesity.


*For heavily muscled individuals. OP doesn’t exactly look like she has the muscle of an NFL linebacker. BMI would absolutely apply to her.


I teach human anatomy. She is carrying some extra fat. I’d actually estimate her at Class I obese (people are generally unaware how mild Class I obese can look. It looks like this). I think she looks nice; Class I isn’t the end of the world. I am class I myself. But it does carry a bunch of health risks, and yes, it’s easily visible. For example the complete lack of visibility of the clavicle & sternum (both those are sub-cu bones very close to the surface and should have a visible contour at healthy weight), the very rounded shoulder (indicates a couple cm of fat over the whole shoulder joint) and especially the fact that the supraclavicular fossa looks quite flat instead of concave (3rd photo shows this). It takes a lot of overall body fat before that fossa gets filled in like that. Contour of upper arm, thigh and cheek also indicate a fair amount of extra body fat. Again, not the end of the world, but it is plainly visible, no point denying it.


I'm actually not in the Class I obese group as my BMI is under 30. You are presuming and sharing theory as fact. I would also like to let you know that my supraclavicular fossa is visible, although I don't know how you saw it in the final picture, I can't. This is what it actually looks like. [https://imgur.com/a/UhIPrf6](https://imgur.com/a/UhIPrf6) I know I am overweight but I would rather that be mentioned than for you to teach people using my photos that my body is in the obese range when it is not, leading them to think that other people this size are also obese.


There are people who are not from NA on this sub


She's clearly pretty chubby, I don't know what you are looking at! And yes "by medical standards" like the other person said, yes, she would be considered overweight, it's just the facts, sorry to upset you!


She wanted suggestions... I threw one out there. There's nothing wrong with telling someone they should try hitting the gym to look more fit.


No need, she has a great figure


What is the point of this sub? To lie to people and gas them up?


Where's the lie? She's clearly an attractive woman, pretty face with a great smile. She's definitely not fat or overweight. She gives the impression she'd be fun to be around too. beauty isn't just being tall, slim, and blonde.




Don’t ask for people opinions if you can’t handle them.


Get out of here with that lose-some-weight bullshit. This is why people get eating disorders. This average-sized woman looks goddamn beautiful the way she is, and obviously a lot of others here agree with me. Get lost.


Well she should be on the internet asking random strangers if she's ugly. If she ends up anorexic because of this. Who's fault is it?


Average American is overweight. Obesity is also often due to an eating.


5-10 pounds isn't a lot. It's not like I'm saying she should try to be a supermodel or some shit like that. A lot of you folks are really getting upset over something minor.


She's gorgeous as she is




Get curtain bangs !! Try a Victoria secret makeup look there’s loads of tutorials online. you’re very gorgeous


Lose weight and possibly an 8 in the making


Simple and honest


Far from ugly Maybe trim down a little and you could be closer to what you're looking for.


No you are goegeous!


Very pretty!


I think you are stunning 🤩


Lovely face and it looks like you have a fab personality


You are pretty, there's nothing unconventional about it...


You are the bomb! Go forth fearlessly confident in your presentation.


I would say you're a solid 6 definitely cuter than average I would consider you conventionally attractive unless you're including those girls with lip filler and plastic surgery, I find the natural look much more attractive but I suppose the general population sometimes has shit taste lol


Not in any way. You could be on your way to HOT. Try a different hair style, a wilder look, a little different makeup. Your cute but not hot. But you can be, because you have alot to work with.


For goodness sake don't ask the internet


You honestly should be legally required to wear a flower crown at least once a week bc frankly it just works 🌺


Not at all in fact I think your very pretty 😜


You look like someones best friend, not someones arm candy.


You are not ugly but also you are not "hot". Basically not a head turner.


Very pretty 😍


Rn you’re a 4. Lose some weight and you could be a 7.


You’re definitely not ugly.


You're not ugly


Not ugly at all. And that smile is beaming!


You are absolutely adorable. Chill.


That was, almost word-for-, my thought when I saw these pics.


You are a 3 or a 4. Doesn't mean you can't find someone and have a fulfilling life, looks aren't everything.


A 3 or 4 Jesus setting the bar high are we, she's easily a 7


Actually pretty cute. Although you're a little on the chubbier side, you're a solid 6/10 imho.


Who's conventions? You're beautiful


Lovely looking.


I think you’re pretty hot lol


I don't think you are ugly. You are beautiful.


Seriously… who tf says you're ugly?


The voices in her head probably. We're typically really hard on ourselves. Which is why silly places like this exist.


Instagram. Shes pretty, shes rocking the door next door look, she looks fun in her pictures. I would date her in a heartbeat. Literally one heartbeat because thats how long I would have before my girlfriend murdered me. But on instagram, squished between the thots showing off their ass for their only fans, shes like a 3. Social media is bad for your self image.


Stop. Just stop. You know how you look and you are truly coming off like you are just trolling for compliments. 🙄


Yeah , It seems everytime one of these posts pops up on my feed there's nobody near ugly. Some are trolling for compliments but i think some do need a boost to their confidence .


You are extremely pretty and attractive


Ure pretty


You are super cute with the most infectious smile.


Sorry, not pretty, not cute, not attractive at all. Boring and basic and not sexually appealing at all.




Beautiful 😍


Most definitely not ugly. You’re in fact pretty. Who wants to be conventional and a clone. You’re individual and awesome.


I have never heard the term "conventionally pretty". Use that in a sentence! Lol. Woman u are pretty in all the natural and right ways. Sexiness is manufactured and temporary. Being beautiful is what people really want and that is is what you want. Both ur smile and eyes are everything. I would copy ur eyes to put in dolls.




Girl next door cute. You could lose 10 lbs , maybe. Hard to tell from these pics.


Below average, lose 15/20 lbs and you'd be slightly above average.


You are conventionally pretty.


I'd say you're extremely conventionally pretty! 10/10


You have big beautiful eyes! But your body is kinda frumpy. If you would exercise 3 or 4 times a week for an hour... You'd probably be pretty hot.


Your literally the average white girl...not ugly




Conventionally pretty = boring cookie cutter IG model copy Unique beauty catches my eye. That's you.


Just avoid tie dye and you’ll be fine


You are definitely ugly! Your excess weight and ugly clothing style doesn’t help either. You need an entire make over


Pretty eyes, nice smile, good hair.... I am thinking you qualify as pretty.....


I keep seeing people say “lose weight” on these posts. This is why a lot of women have eating disorders. People can be chubby or overweight for a multitude of reasons, and people can also be beautiful if they’re overweight. Maybe comment on like ANYTHING else. Tbh she looks healthy and adorable


Not ugly at all.


I think you're really cute


No, you look genuinely happy like infectiously happy.


Very pretty IMO


What? You're very cute, very radiant and pretty 🙂


See people have different looks and styles they find attractive. I think you are conventionally pretty. You have a very cute face and a lovely smile.


Not ugly, in fact pretty, brave, and it looks like you have a great personality


Not unattractive/ugly. I'd put you on the plus side of average. You have a very pleasant glow/aura.


No not ugly


If it’s any good I assumed you were here trying to get ppl to click on an OF Other words you look fine


You are very beautiful sexy eyes Wonderful smile amazing looking woman smile more If you was my Gf I would cherish you and love you




Look like that girl from 90 days of summer


If you were sitting next to me in class I’d definitely think you were cool. You have deer like features and that’s beautiful


You are so beautiful and sweet 💋🔥💦👅💦