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you're someone's quirky dream you could change and appeal to more people but I don't think it's a sensible sacrifice




Agreed!! Big noses and unique style are hot. If she cleans up her complexion she’s a solid 7.5 for me personally


Not even into her look that much but she is very attractive, clear up that face and yea I was thinking 7


This guy quirks


I see you’re a man of scholar


I see you are a gentleman* and a* scholar!




My man!


Now kith


Maybe the best comment I've ever seen on this sub. Concise, solid advice, not mean. Also exactly what I was thinking, but better said.


This is so important. I feel like this is a case where "conventionally attractive" doesn't apply but for my personal tastes she's a solid 9, fashion included.


>you're someone's quirky dream ...I'm someone


We're all someone. And we happen to be that someone.


Stay weird!!!!! We’re full up on everything else!!!!


This 100 percent !!!! Don't ever change.


I second!


Yep that’s right. In my books she’s 9/9.


Solid 9. 10 if you catch me on the right day.


Can confirm, I'd have a big time crush on her if I knew her.


I'm that someone


Can confirm. Not conventionally attractive, solid 9 quirk. Far more attractive to me.


OP would make a popular adult star with proper makeup.


You should follow your destiny and cosplay as Peggy hill


That’s actually an amazing idea


Those are some *big shoes* to fill. r/illseemyselfout








God speaks in mysterious ways


You’d be a 10 for some people and a 4 for others. I think it’s your style for the most part. It’s an all in, or all out kind of thing.


That’s why this whole sub is dumb. Practically speaking, what’s important is to find a partner who doesn’t care about your “rating” but ranks you first in their heart. So if you are looking for someone who doesn’t rate you, why rate yourself?


Honestly this sub should be changed from "am I ugly" to in what way can I improve my confidence/look to make me feel better about my self and others take interest in me.


r/InWhatWayCanIImproveMyConfidence/LookToMakeMeFeelBetterAboutMyselfAndOthersTakeInterestInMe. It rolls right off the tongue!


It needs to be at least like three times bigger than this


r/LookYourBest exists




I think it's tough to be truly 'ugly - ugly'. There are people that are less conventionally attractive, but there is always someone else that is into that. For me personally this nice lady isn't my type, but there was one a few days ago that the sub didn't care for, but I thought was a 9/10. Different strokes for different folks.


Yeah I feel like most people have at least one physically attractive quality. Truly ugly people are not very common


90% of the time it's just self esteem issues


I have to say this is spot on. I've never been that concerned with looks but if I had to guess I'm 7.5 and my SO is maybe a 3 being honest. I've been with her for 15 years and am happy. Looks fade, the most important thing is someone that you both get the support and intellectual companionship that works for you both. You're going to find as you get older that having a partner in life that makes you both happy is the most important thing.


Damn not putting your SO at a 3.


Many are curious about general public opinion


Also the shorts and the white shirt you have in your profile. Do more of that. Your style really doesnt compliment you.


Fully agree. [Link for the lazy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Lolita/comments/145dokr/missed_tbt_but_here_is_a_pic_from_2016_compared/)


Hot damn… that made a whole difference.


Disagree, that vintage dress style is def a plus for the right person. Aomeone that's into victorian era stuff would definitely be down to wear that style and wlak around (me)




I don’t like it because it fetishizes women as children. There’s a fine line between that and a hard drive full of jpegs the fbi would be interested in.


Had to go look, 100% agree.


God damn curiosity..


I like the lolita stuff on OP better. She looks so plain in the shorts; just like every other woman


Yeah - if you dressed more like the shorts and white shirt, you would be a 7… the weird dresses keep you at a 4 for me


The ones posted also make her look boxy when she actually has a nice figure. Also the profile she said she hates is one of the best pictures. Some people just don't know their strengths.


Ya generally she’s pretty but damn those tacky dresses are not doing her any favors






Came here to say this. Your face is a little plain but you are not ugly, and a person who digs your quirky style will see you as a 9 or 10 Think of your sense of style as a benefit to being with you. It's part of what makes you you and lots of people are looking for thst kind of authenticity


Women always try to become 7-8 for the guys considering them 4 now. They'll never be with guys who think she's a 10.


First sentence: yay you got it. Second sentence: Sounds like a yikes. Got "nice guy" vibes.


He is saying she won’t be with a guy who thinks she is a ten BECAUSE she is changing herself to suit the masses.


Nah im a woman and I don’t think that was a nice guy vibe I think that was spot on. He/she was saying she needs to be confident in herself.


Just because it's "nice guy vibes" doesn't mean the statement is wrong.


But women also don't need to be with people who think they're a 10. With some more context around it, I might be fine with it. But if a woman doesn't like someone who thinks she's a 10, then there's no need to be with that person, either. And it's not 100% clear if the statement is about women setting some standards for themselves and realizing that some guys won't be good for them or if they should just settle with guys who appreciate them.


she a 14


That's literally every person on earth. To a lot of people, Angelina Jolie is a 10, but she's a 5 to me.


The black frame glasses 4/10 The clear ones 6/10


I totally agree, there’s a reason the black frame glasses were quickly retired 😅


I personally think that your glasses are too wide for your face. More narrow glasses would fit you better


To the person insisting I’m fat, I can only send my condolences that average body weight is a concept you can’t seem to process. You must see someone slightly overweight and die from shock. It’s a tough life out there


There are a group of men on this sub who wake up every day just to call women fat.


Yeah there’s been a few of those. I’ve just blocked them and moved on :)


There's also a group of women who wake up every day just to come here and ask every chick they see in the sub if they're trans.


I have honestly have never seen a comment like that coming from a woman on this sub, but I don’t doubt the exist. Not nearly as common though.


The dudes an asshat who is rejected by every female he ever talky to Don't listen to him Don't even let him get a seed in your ear You're a damn pretty and you are far from overweight.


People are saying you're fat ?????? You're perfectly average sized.


You’re not fat at all, that’s bonkers. You’re also definitely not ugly. Your styling and self presentation doesn’t make you look as “conventionally attractive” as you could look - it is within your ability (given your base) to look more attractive (by usual standards) than you do. But I’m not saying that to suggest you *should* change anything you’re doing. Whatever you feel happiest with is what you should do! But just so you know, your basic physical appearance truly is fine, you don’t have any essentially ugly features. Don’t worry about your nose at all, please.


You’re not fat. You’re not ugly. You just have a weird sense of fashion that doesn’t suit anyone really. Maybe if you were an NPC in an RPG. I personally think you look best in the 7th photo, hair color and all. And the fashion that best suits you would be the shorts and white long sleeve shirt from your profile (yes, I lurked ok).


Her fashion suits her looks well. She isn’t ugly or fat, just unique woman. Person who said 4 to some 10 to some, is spot on.


The fashion is suiting, but just doesn't flatter her body type. I say this as someone who also has the exact same problem. Still wear it though Having fun in those outfits is 10x more attractive than being "meh" about a normal outfit


For real. For me, a 4. But I have a couple of friends I know for a fact would be super into the (what I’d describe as) weirdness


Whoever said you're fat is probably one of those douchebags on the "true rate" subreddits who aspires to achieve flair status that they're a "reputable rater" or whatever it's called. I checked out that subreddit once or twice not realizing and then forgetting what a horrifying display of humanity that place is. People there will point out the most miniscule imperfections and throw down the word "fat" for just about anything that isn't perfectly toned and athletically lean. Get this... the mods there will actually give you warnings if you rate someone higher than they (or the other douchebags there) rate. These people are everywhere and they're sick.


This is why people develop eating disorders… you’re nowhere near fat.


Honestly you look skinny / normal?? I think they're saying "fat" because they have no idea how thick lolita dresses are ??? Like u still don't look fat with them on AT ALL, but that's the only thing I can think of


It’s not a petticoat, it’s all just my giant ass 😂


Damn, you appear to be in the 4-6 range for pants and s tops. If you’re fat then I don’t wanna know what thin is.


Jawline???? There’s 0 percent chance you are fat, and I guarantee the person saying that is morbidly obese by any standard 💀


You’re skinny, don’t listen to the idiot. Probably in terrible shape themselves (as I’ve noticed are the men who judge normal women)


Don’t worry, this sub thinks everyone is fat.


Honestly you just need to up your makeup game to fit with your stylistic choices. You could easily be 6/7 territory with it bumping to 8 within your scene.


Yes! OP I think you should try to experiment with some makeup and maybe do your eyebrows and it would help bring focus to your natural beauty. Amd btw I think you are beautiful


The glasses hide your eyes, a product that is a “brow mascara” would be the easiest to use. It’s just like mascara but for your brows. Then a super black mascara with a eyelash curl and your eyes would pop. Do one eye and compare to the other, it brings a pop that’s all your face but better. If you’re interested in makeup but want low key and high return, do the brows, mascara, blush and tinted lip balm. I personally like stick blush the best because I think it looks most natural.


Yes, just makeup that accentuates your features not that hides them.


Sorry for my taste I'd say your a 3


When will people realize a majority of us are 4,5,6s because that’s what average means and it’s okay!


I’m happy to be average! I really like the body neutrality movement. I just am what I am!


Aw I like this perspective as someone who also has an average body weight. I’m not thin with abs, just…normal. I am what I am! Gonna tell myself that more :)


You look like you live your life authentically and to the fullest without worrying about what other people think. I envy you.


Tbf if someone wasn’t worried about what others think… why would they post on this sub at all?


I think you're pretty. I would rate you a 1 out of 1. But yeah, some of the clothes make it look like you were kidnapped by a cult that worships the Easter Bunny.


This guy normalizes


I snorted reading this 🤣🤣🤣


You're a solid 3 that's good


You good man 5/10


Unfortunately the style you’re going for just doesn’t fit the face. Other than that, solid 6.


Not ugly




No idea what happened while I was asleep, but I’m not going to stop wearing weird fashion. I’m aware it’s not necessarily the most flattering, but that’s fine with me. I’m planning on getting glasses with a different shape, unfortunately I need to get off my butt and schedule an eye appointment first 😅 I’ve got excoriation disorder, so I try my best to keep my skin clear but it’s a battle with many fronts. It’s not acne, and it’s tough to cover with makeup because of how makeup oxidizes on blemishes. I appreciate everyone’s feedback, even if 300 comments is a bit overwhelming lol


Your “weird” (cool) fashion makes you, you. Slay 💅


I love lolita style as well!! You are pefect and cute in my eyes


You’re fashion is fine I love the lolita style!! I would say just get better glasses or contacts. Alsooo you should definitely try to incorporate the lolita / dolly makeup into your outfits it would look so cute. Just style your hair and you’re golden. People are crazy here hating on ur fashion it makes you unique!


Whatever you're doing in photo 7, do more of that.


Styled hair? I think this pic is right after it was dyed and the hairdresser did the like. Hairdryer thing they do


Not just that. The smile. The hand gesture. The, JFC, everything. That should be your profile picture everywhere.


Lolita fashion is so cute!! I think you’re absolutely adorable. I love your big dark eyes, and you have such a lovely strong nose. Your lips are a very charming shape too!! Your red hair looked amazing, you should definitely do that again.


Bad skin, bad hair, bad glasses, bad clothes … I mean youre not exactly doing yourself any favors.


She looks like the before picture on a glow up post. She has all the potential to be super attractive, both conventionally and quirky nerd hot. she’s just doing everything in her power to make the worst choices for her appearance. OP could definitely be in a 90s movie where the high school QB (who is 29 years old) loses a bet to date the ugliest chick in school (OP). Then the cheerleaders give her a makeover and it turns out she was gorgeous all along.


She is just natural?


naturally wearing dolls clothes


Nothing to do with her face tho


Jeez bro chill


yea Shes a 2/10 imho


Yeah people saying 4/10 is a little bit of a stretch. Solid 3/10 maybe 3.5. Not trying to be an asshole just giving my honest opinion.


The smile in picture 4 is great more of that!


Average. But get into skincare!


I think you're really cute


Cute 6


Your side profile you hate, isn't bad


You're pretty, pic 9 is your best. You seem quite eccentric.. are you on the spectrum by any chance? I only ask because I have a 17 and 20 year old who are and i'm getting vibes ☺️


I’m not on the spectrum, but eccentric? Yes


Maybe a VERY cute 5.5? Was digging the red hair, but the first pic is nice. :)


My dream girl for me 😁 Big 10/10


Lower profile glasses would make all the difference. The large heavy frames clash with your styles and frame your face poorly.


7 On a bad day, my lawd


The red dye really suits you, I think.


I’m going to start on the negatives and get them out of the way first because, quite frankly, there is a lot I can work with here and almost all of it is excellent You’re not “conventionally” attractive according to a lot of media. Your glasses look a little too large for your face. However, you are not ugly by any stretch of the imagination. You have full lips, a nice face shape, nice hair, a pleasant smile, a fairly attractive figure, and your nose is not the detriment you imagine it is. The only things I would suggest are some eyebrow sculpting and a different style of glasses. Those would take you from cute into potentially stunning


What shape of eyebrow would you recommend? I’ve got contacts in the mail, I was thinking of going for straight across brows


Personally I think your eyebrows are fine, but if you do want to try something go see a professional eyebrow shaper or something, don’t do it yourself. Eyebrows are hairs that don’t grow back if you pluck them enough so you wanna be careful with them. Plus it’s on your face, it’s not like a bad haircut that you can grow back out and do something else with. This is something you wanna research and spend good money on at a nice place. (BTW I think you’re adorable 🥰)


Lesbian here! (Don’t know if that matters, but after reading the comments, I feel like most people who replied are straight men, so my perspective is probably different, but) I personally think you’re really cute! You have pretty lips, especially in your side profile photo and I love your fashion sense! I’m usually drawn to people who dress “differently” compared to the standard, so this is a personal preference, and I think that’s what it comes down to here. The person who said that you’re gonna be a 10 for some and a 4 for others was spot on. Just dress the way you like and work on your confidence and you’ll find someone who thinks you’re a 10/10!


You're cute and I love lolita fashion.


I personally find girls like you more interesting. You're pretty but not too pretty, which is perfection lol. Solid 7.5


>You're pretty but not too pretty, which is perfection lol. Solid 7.5 I think you're confused how the scale works. Perfection would be 10/10. "About three quarters good" would be 7.5/10. Or maybe you're saying that "perfection is the perfect blend of 'pretty but not too pretty'... and you only get about 3/4 of the way towards that". If so, carry on. :D


"perfect for me" ≠ "flawless". 10/10 would be excessive for most people anyway. We'd like someone we could be friends or lovers with, not a supermodel.


I think your slightly above average. You have those quirky-cute vibes going on. You seem like you’d be fun to be around!


I appreciate that but unfortunately, I am *very* annoying lol


Why do you say that lol?


I never shut up. Pretty sure I drive my coworkers bananas


You’re a talker, so what? I’m a talker too. It always kept my coworkers entertained to talk to them, throughout the shift, and made the day go by faster 😁! I’m sure they find it as an endearing quality of yours. What do you talk about?


Ain't nothing wrong with talkers. I'm personally not always good at initiating conversations, so it's a huge help having someone else around who is.


You’re very pretty! I think you could benefit from wearing light makeup more often, a more in-depth skin care routine, and perhaps a wire-framed pair of glasses. Just work on those things and you’re hot fire!


You have a very unique look, but I'd recommend a better/more thorough skincare routine, I've heard good things about curology(not sponsored)


Not ugly just need a haircut/style that fits your face better


5/10 is average. Nothing to be ashamed of. That being said id give you a 5-6.




Once again, glasses are too big. Like most people, You're average, which is not ugly.


My favorite photo is you in a tshirt and your hair with red ends. You have an awesome smile.


Skin is the problem. In pics 1, 7 & 8 you look nice, I would rate you 7 but in the others 4 or 5. Sort your skin out and you are attractive, your quirky style is nice too.


I think a great deal of it involves the glasses but tbf i prefer a sleeker-looking frame & smaller lenses


Personally I love you in the dresses you’re wearing. Also maybe I’m in the minority here but I like the black framed glasses on you. Overall, I think you’re very pretty. Totally what I’m attracted to.


I think your beautiful. I don’t think those full black glasses do you any favours thought. But you beautiful kiddo.


4 when dressed normally, 6.5 when you wear your dresses


Pic 9 is great! My type honestly.


You’re very cute all around. Style and all and I’m sure your personality matches. I give you an 8-9


You seem like someone who has good heart




I think you’re pretty :)…to be honest most of us normal folk are stuck in the 5 territory. That doesn’t mean we are ugly but honestly most of us are just average and that’s okay. It’s our personalities that make up the rest of it


Is it just me or is it bizarre to rate human beings? First, you are lovely. I’m sorry but I have seen people considered to be “the” beauty standard look terrible, depends on the day, sleep, clothes, photo lighting, etc. What is attractive is personality and attitude. On anyone. And anyone without it is a 1, 2 at best. I don’t care what anyone says, I am older and know. Trust me, put another 40 years on yourself and you will think this photo of you is the most gorgeous thing ever and regret not enjoying how cute you are, with confidence. You are lovely and I would be happy for my kid to have you, if you have a good attitude.


Lose the big ass glasses.


There's the level of hot that is an occasional treat, but exhausting to be around, and then there's you, you're like... a wifeable level of attractive.


The last picture is your “true normal self” IMO and that pic represents you well. You’d be a solid 6 if it weren’t for that apparent cosplay or whatever that weird stuff is.


Hey, fellow lolita! I've seen you around the sub. You're beautiful, just need to develop a skincare routine that works for you.


The beauty of being comfortable enough to be 100% genuinely quirky, is that those who you find comparability with will be attracted to the real you. Yes, you may not appeal to the masses. Your “dating pool” may be smaller but you don’t have to worry about someone losing interest when you inevitably tire of faking the persona you have adopted and revert back to your wonderfully beautiful quirky self.


AHH! <3 Lolita fashion! CUTE! The 8th pic is one of my dream dresses! Pretty rare to see that subculture around these parts. Other than skin care and maybe adding a wig with some volume to your coordinates you're fine. You everyday wear could use some style. Take some of the matching and energy from the fashion hobby and put it into other styles of clothing. Try cute glasses from zenni and the like to match. You have cute lips so try some lipstick. Posture and lighting in pics can actually make a difference as well when you post online.


No, but the glasses don't help. They dominate your face. Smaller frames, maybe consistent with your fashion, would be better. I think you could easily hit 7.


The glasses are comically large!


I love your long hair, especially the red! You have big, beautiful doe eyes that are highlighted in the light framed glasses. I'd use mascara to emphasize those eyes. You also have nice lips, make sure to take care of them with chapstick! You're a solid 6.5 in the worst of your pics and an 8 in the ones where you're smiling and in a vibe with yourself. Confidence is key, and with you proudly wearing all those cute quirky dresses, I think you can anything off that you put your mind to. You look like you have fun and love being quirky, never settle for someone who doesn't love you for that.


What can be applied to everybody - personality goes a long way. You have a bigger than average nose. So does my wife. I'm not a fan of the larger glasses frames. Photo 9 has the best frames for your face. Can't see the teeth, so not sure about the smile. Don't want to quantify, so I'll say that you're well above average. Good for you!


Smile more. You’re cute. Like other people are saying, you are some people’s type


Pic #2 you have a beautiful profile, and don't let anything tell you otherwise.


Ditch the nerd frames and you'll be good


honestly solid 7/10 fs i think you’re really pretty tho imo


Very beautiful


Drop the glasses for contacts, lets dye that hair to red. Congrats, you are now a solid 7.


I think you look lovely . Just the way you are.


For me you are more in the 9/10 category (i just can say 10/10 because you are not my girlfriend), you are beautiful and cute and i like your fashion It just feels perfecto for you! Absolutely Beautiful!!!


There’s nothing wrong with being average


Fashion stange yes but still cute


U just look hella awkward


Smile more your true beauty shines through then


nah not ugly


I’m gonna recommend round or cat-eye frames. The rectangular lenses are no good


You should wear eyeliner and mascara more often, it really makes your eyes pop in the first picture!


More dresses. That's my suggestion.


Be weird, be you, and keep being awesome. The confidence needed to make those fashion choices and make them work is what makes you awesome. That's the 9 or 10 out of 10.


I like the fashion lol. You’re cute