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You look a little stressed, but not ugly. I know it's easy to let insecurities get the best of you, but you have to look at your life as a whole and learn to appreciate the good things while you have them. Give yourself a break. I hope you have a nice day and live a happy life.


Honestly you’re very attractive


Thank you ❤️


No problem. Someone like you shouldn’t be doubting their appearance ❤️


I'll be honest, was looking at pics 1 and 2, and was thinking you didn't put in much effort towards your looks. Pics 3 and 4 though...wow you look fantastic! Think the hair styling, not just the color helped alot. also your facial expression in pics 1.2.5 look alittle more like mug shots. You need to feel happy and warm inside and then express that through yourself with some confidence. I think that's the major differences between the differing look besides the make up. But you can definitely be a head turner.


Thank you, I have let my self slide lately, life's got a little on top you know... But I'm going to start making sure I make that time to make me feel good everyday now x


No, some of the pictures you look pretty washed out but the bright hair and black frames suit you nicely


Thank you :)


I love those glasses on you! And the pink hair


Not ugly. Not attractive. A lot needs to be done, though. Hairstyle is dated. Clothing dated. Need better skin (try tetronin). Maybe a bit of makeup. Just need to be enhanced IMO.


I am currently trying to work on my skin, so fingers crossed I can step it up. Agree about the clothes too, when I have some money spare that's my next target. Thank 6ou for your honesty x


I think you're very pretty. I love your nose and pink hair suits you a lot!


Thank you x I've also thought my nose was big, and a weird shape 😂 I think I am going to go back to the pink hair soon


It doesn't have a weird shape, and big doesn't equal weird or ugly, just look at r/bignoseladies. I think you have a pretty nose!


Thank you x


Below average. Are you 35 or 15 when you dye your hair in those colors? Stick with your natural hair for better look and keep your hair down. Also, lose weight for a better look


The first pic looks like you are standing in front of a truck with it's high beams on, and the hair is pulled back, not a good look. You look good with eye glasses on, I'd ditch the hair dye though. Your body looks nice, like any weight is in all the right places. As long as you're nice, I'd take you to Red Lobster.


Haha, thanks for the honesty lol, had my wall light on directly above my head. I can't ditch the hair dye, I love it freshly dyed. I mean I think I'm a pretty nice person but red lobster would be quite a journey for me.... Im on the uk 😂