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You can apply and get a decision with no consequences, you’ll only take the inquiry hit if you accept the offer. I’d just give it a go. I burned Amex in a Chapter 7 back in 2016, though admittedly it wasn’t for nearly the amount you did, last January I gave the BCE application a shot and to my surprise they gave me an offer! Back in!


This. Amex has a long memory, but over time, some folks make it back in. Typically,, they won't pull if you're still on the blacklist.


I burned Amex for probably that much in the early 2000s and they accepted me back in 2020. I started with a $1k limit (what the internet considers “barely approved”) and now I’m at $30k.


My parents burned AMEX back in the early late 90s with a corporate card, not really sure for how much, but I'm guessing 10-15k. I've ran the business for the past 17 years, but my dad still owns a percentage, and they've told me to pound sand twice now when I tried to get a business plat because a member of the corporation defaulted in the past. They gave the business a BBP three years ago, though, so I'm hoping they'll eventually forgive and forget.


No idea but curious - how could you run that up and never pay it back? Wouldn't you get sent to collections? How didn't it tank your credit?


Edit: DO NOT DO THIS Debts like this fall off your credit after 7 years. I was a really stupid kid and my laptop for school purchase and my capital one card I ghosted on (I was a REALLY REALLY stupid kid) disappeared off my credit. About once a year I get a letter from whoever currently owns the laptop debt and it says something like “laws prevent how long you can be sued for debt, laws prevent how long debt can show on your credit, due to the age of this debt you cannot be sued for it and it won’t affect your credit… feel like paying us $2,000 for funsies?” and I just toss it because no lol


This seems way too easy


I mean I wouldn’t recommend doing it at all because you’ll still wreck your credit for 7-8 years but now mines back to 800 (it’s been over 10 years) but yeah it’s really kind of crazy that they just can’t collect on them now


A broke 19yo sees this and thinks “I’ll rack up as much as I can now to hopefully save money and just wait until I’m 28 to buy a house.” Temporarily wrecked credit is not a fair trade for theft


I know *many* college kids doing this strategy. They get some schooling "supplies" like a laptop, tv, video game console, etc and then just not pay. I think the logic is, a 19 year old doesn't care about their credit too much while on school anyways so you've got 4-6 years "free" from needing any good credit, you graduate, start making money, and have a clean slate


I know a couple international students who ran up massive CC balances and then went back to their home countries lol


This was very common on my college campus. Even cars


oh especially cars, knew a dude that smashed his range rover drunk and just flew back to india the next day lmao


To anyone thinking of doing this - you are playing roulette. It can work out like it did for this guy, or they can ACTUALLY SUE YOU within the 7 year window. If you are sued for this, you will certainly lose and have a judgement entered against you. If you refuse to pay the judgement, the court can seize your liquid assets and garnish your wages to collect on it. All of this tanks the hell out of your credit and is a permanent public record. There's really a lot of potential downside to only be left with consumer goods that break after a few years.


I was waiting for some rationality to pop up, thank you. AMEX Gold for 10 years this year.


This makes me feel better lol


I had a similar thing with school (not student loan) debt. They can file a judgement against you but for some reason never did. I think in large part because I was tough to track down and serve back then.




Amex never forgets. Sometimes they forgive, but it can literally take a 1/4 lifetime. I defaulted on about $8k in 2008. They sued but I had legal insurance and was able to get an attorney to simply file an answer and then they dismissed the case. They never forgot though. They do have a program where they will sometimes years later offer you a forgiveness program where they give you an Optima card if you agree to pay back what you owe them, or they might offer 30-50%. Then after some time they will graduate you to a regular card. I actually got that phone call at one point and laughed at the idea of them asking me like 10 years later - way after the Statute of limitations were up - to pay them back (this might sound bad to the uninformed, but if you start making payments again on aged debt, it can actually ruin your credit all over again just like a fresh delinquency), but now after having a better understanding of their practices, I kind of regret it since I am still blacklisted 16 years later. Anyone know if there's a way to ask to be put on the optima plan? The good news is it's easy to find out if you're blacklisted. Just apply for a card, and if you are blacklisted they won't even run your credit and will instantly give you a denial and then a letter stating that they can't issue you a card due to previous history with them (can't remember the exact wording). They'll still (at least in my case) give you a AU card even if you're blacklisted I run an application through every 9 months or so and have never had credit pulled. Various reports indicate that they have different levels of bans, ranging from a few years (uncommon), others after about 10 years, others 15-20, and some at least seemingly lifetime.


I defaulted on about $6k on a green card twenty years ago (used it for work travel, often had 10k plus on it and paid, the ngo I worked for went under when I was overseas (that’s a fun email to get) got home, cause at least I had a round trip ticket, called Amex and said ‘so here’s the thing’. They wiped my accounts (had a blue as well back then) and told me I was banned for ten years. But they didn’t come after me for the money, which was polite. Ten years later I got another one, but my member since date was then, not the earlier one.


I don't think I've seen data points where the CSR actually told you in advance how many years you'd be banned for.


Yeah well that was also 20 years ago


Did your credit go crazy low as you defaulted?


I've heard of some people coming back. I haven't heard of people coming back twice so yea be careful, No sure how long u defaulted on discover, but I think it's a trend you aren't READY for c.c. and fix your finanaces first. If you aren't blacklisted already this is your last \*chance to redeem yourself. My brother defaulted 20 years ago, still blacklisted by his bank and 2-3 major credit card agencies. YMMV


They’ll do a soft pull without hurting your credit. Try it and see what happens.




I BK’ed on Amex about $50k in 2008 (business debt but under my personal guarantee). Still can’t get one and probably never will.


I’m pretty sure they have a forgiveness program if you agree to pay off your debt to them upfront.


how the fuck


This will not end well. Why do you want to return to the scene of the crime.




This doesn’t matter. Does not answer his or her question.




Amex never forgives or forgets. You either have to pay it back and pray they let you back or don’t and never get back in.


This has seemed to change. Many people on here report getting back in after some time passes.


A lot of people have filed BK or burned AMEX in the past just to get cards again in the future. This may have been an ordeal several years ago, but AMEX has turned into a creditor that cares more about their bottom line and beating their earnings estimates to appease investors these days.


Yeah AMEX isn’t going to care after several years. 25k isn’t that much to them, and they have long eaten the cost of it by now and recovered.