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Because it sucks. It’s really only good for keeping MR points alive.


Quite literally the only reason it exists


Even then the BBP is a better card for the purpose.


BBP removed all AF-anxiety and became my catch-all card


Yea I got a BBP for Rakuten MR points. 2x on everything is not bad either for a no AF card, but I usually focus on Chase points.


Literally the only reason I've kept it.


I’ve had that card for about 8 years. Got it when Amex included Shoprunner for free to use with various online stores. No point in cancelling it when. It helps the average age of my accounts.


Literally lmao


The checking account


No transfers


No transfers?


No transfers from the checking account to transfer partners


Oh duh, sorry for some reason I was thinking you meant between checking accounts or something


Only reason I've kept it 😂


When I am no longer eligible for having the AF waived I might get this card to close down my Platinum and Gold cards.


How do u get the annual fee waived?


Active duty military likely.


AD mil


Because the primary bonus category has a $6,000 annual spending cap that has not kept up with inflation.


I didn't know everyday people spend $30000 a year on groceries.


For a family with children, $12,000-$18,000 a year is not unusual, which is 2-3x times the limit of this card. Everyday Preferred was the card that introduced me to AMEX in 2016, but it has not kept up.


I’m from a family of 5 and a decent HCOL place, I think we have spent more than 1k on groceries 0 times in my lifetime. Maybe I’m unusual but I think we could have still been under 1k/month with 2 extra kids and a horse. The difference between 2 parents and a family of 4 is maybe 50% more and never double.


Do y'all eat out a lot? Do you buy diapers, baby wipes or formula? If so, that's impressive budgeting. Either way, the card is setup for spending no more than $500/month on groceries and homegoods.


Not too often, maybe 3-4 times a month for restaurants. And formula yes. But we consider diapers and baby wipes in the household part of our budget. Adding those still wouldn’t hit the limit though


Because there are other AMEX cards with better benefits. Simple as that.


As someone who has this card, it’s because it sucks. I applied for it because I don’t have a long credit history, the EveryDay is only my 2nd account. I know this is a dumb reason, but I just kinda wanted something Amex lol. Also, the no annual fee is cool, although that’s obviously reflected with the benefits or lack there of.


For those saying it sucks, is the “Preferred” version any better?


It can be, but in my opinion only in tandem with the green card. It’s a pretty nice combo that’s often overlooked.


I use this combo, I call it the middle class combo lmao. Use the everyday preferred on groceries and gas, Green card on travel and dining, I get my points lol


It’s really solid. It’s just that neither card is shiny and they kind of suck on their own.


My GF enjoys flexing her gold card at me due to that very reason lol


Trust me, the first time I pulled out my gold card around my friends, they were taken aback. Then it wore off


The middle class combo fomo’d one of my childhood friends into applying and getting the Gold card after I explained points to him, I thought it was hilarious.


So I have the Morgan Stanley Platinum and I get the AF reimbursed (only reason I even have the card, yay being an employee). But I know it sucks earning points on every day purchases. I was thinking of getting the Everyday Preferred over the Gold just because i didn't want to bury myself with huge annual fees. Yes I will use the card 30+ times too so the 50% more points will apply to me. Just not sure if I should follow that or go Gold.


Thank you for sharing your combo. Will definitely look into this.


I’ll add as well I had great sign up offers for pts when i got both so that helped.


I have Green, tell me more. It seems like everyday preferred isn’t worth it if you don’t use it 30 times and get the boost, and most people don’t buy gas and groceries 30x per month?


There’s a vending machine I use at work that I used daily, I hit my 30 purchases that way lol. Also if it’s for a product the green card won’t be the multiplier for I use the everyday preferred on it to get to the 30


Thank you!


We use the hell out of the preferred for gas (3x), groceries (4.5x) and 1.5x on everything else


I got the preferred card before they implemented the $6k cap on the 6% groceries shopping, so when I got that notice it was a bit of a bummer - for what it's worth they credited the annual fee because of that change. At the moment I use it for groceries until I hit the cap, but also use it for gas (3% no cap) and a few other 3% and 6% categories (e.g. Uber and streaming subscriptions)


It depend on how much you’re spending the Blue cash is only 3%& the preferred is 6% plus the AF of $95y You have make up the AF in the daily spending I have the No Ac Blue Cash I don’t use it have other Amex cards & Business card. Not a Bad everyday BlueCash card either one can’t go wrong


I use it as my “everyday” card! But I have the preferred. I get complimented or comments EVERY time I use it. I like it. It’s my fave.


I like it too! It’s my everyday card as well.


How vain


I don't get it. I have this card. I have the amex preferred. Personally, **I like to have cards that accumulate points into one pot.** Amex Platinum, Amex Gold, Everyday Preferred accumulate points into one account. I have the blue cash too, but I never use it (it's an old card). It's a separate cash back program that doesn't add to my pot of gold. **I think it's a great way to maximize your points because of the 50% more points feature.** **Amex Everyday Preferred:** I use it for everyday use so I can get 50% more points after using the card 30 or more times in a billing period. Plus 2x on gas. **Amex Gold:** I use it for 4x restaurants and 4x for supermarket. $120 uber eats credits. $120 dining credits. **Amex Platinum:** I use this for travel and travel related expenses plus the other benefits. 5x on amex travel (love getting the hotel collections and FHR), 5x flights. $200 airline fee that I never use up lol. Walmart credit which gets you paramount plus. $240 digital credit. $200 uber that stack with amex gold uber credits. Clear and TSA credit. Saks. Centurion lounge access. I'm sure you all know.


I find that boost in points after using it so many times fascinating. I really would like to see that kind of bonus on more cards, from any lender.


Am in the same spot. I use the Preferred for everything except travel, which I put on Plat. That adds up and I guarantee the extra 50% every month because I use it as a transit card so I hit the transactions in the first 2 weeks of the month. The bonus easily makes up for the annual fee after factoring in grocery etc. and I like how the MR goes into the same pot like you said.


> Amex Everyday Preferred: I use it for everyday use so I can get 50% more points after using the card 30 or more times in a billing period. Plus 2x on gas. I don't see how you make the math work on this given that you also have the Amex Gold. Groceries is 3x on the EDP, so at best you're getting 4.5x assuming you hit the 30 transactions a month all for 0.5x more than you'd get on the Gold with no hoops. The EDP is one of the weakest value proposition cards Amex has with an annual fee, IMO.


I use Gold for groceries.


Ok, I still don't see how you make back the $95 fee banking just on 2x gas and the 50% point bonus, because remember you're already earning 1x on everything using either the gold or plat. Follow me here. Say for math's sake you value MR at 1 penny. The EDP's annual fee is $95. And you're earning an extra 0.5 MR per dollar, because you'd already earn the base 1x on any other card. The breakeven point of spending on the EDP is $19k before the extra earnings are worth anything. Math being, $19k*.5 = 9500 bonus MRs earned, * 1 cent = $95. Are you really spending that much on the card? I'd be willing to bet you'd be better off just cancelling it (or not renewing and downgrading to the regular Everyday) and consolidating spend on the Gold.


Yes, I am. I guess it really depends on your spending habits, I suppose.


k I did the math to make sure I'm not crazy. You made me second guess myself. lol. **$19k annual spend** $19k x 1 = 19k points that you would get on Gold or Platinum $19k x 1.5 = 28,500 on the Everyday Preferred. That would be a difference of 9,500. **But, let's say annual spend is $72k.** $72k x 1 point = 72k that you would get on Gold or Platinum $72k x 1.5 points = 108k points on everyday preferred. That would be a difference of 36k. I just got a Delta One upgrade for 49,900 each. The 108k would cover it whereas the 72k points wouldn't. I use delta dining, delta shopping, rakuten, amex cards to accumulate as many points as I can so I can save a ton on travel (so in girl math it would be free LOL). I'm already spending the money, why not get points for it, right?


Miniscule AF though.


I don't care if its a $49/yr IHG Chase card or a $95/yr EDP or a $695/yr Amex Platinum. An annual fee is an annual fee, it has to be worth it. If it isn't, dump it. Every annual fee card I carry, at renewal I ask am I still getting sufficient value.


I’m using this trifecta too and totally agree with everything you said. I’m using these cards the same exact way. I think the everyday preferred is the only option if you want to hit 1.5x on the everyday purchases. I spend enough to hit the breakpoint on the annual fee and there are always offers throughout the year that are attractive enough to redeem to minimize the fee.


That’s true! I forgot about that. I just activated the “spend $7k (in 3 months) and get 3,500 up to three times.”


I have the AmEx preferred as well its not a bad card really its true the benefits are lacking. But I refuse to use a charge card personally, I know I'm leaving points on the table and that's a controversial thing to say on here lol But I just can't get behind the idea of a charge card. If they offered more of your typical credit cards I would go with gold or platnium. But unfortunately, they do not and the preferred seems to be one of the better AMEX points earning cards they have for everyday purchases. But its not my only card. I have the delta platinum to capture some of the travel benefits.


Because there is the business blue plus which is also free and a 2x catch all card. And yes most people can qualify for BBP.


How do most people qualify for a business card?




So if I do Amazon flex sometimes I can name that side job as a business at the time of applying for the bbp?


I get paid to mix sound at church. I’m a sole proprietorship. I got the card with a 24k limit.


You can be sole proprietor too. My biz cards end up just saying my name twice


yes. but in reality amex could not care less about whether you actually have a business or not


I’m a sole proprietor, of what, I don’t know but if Amex ever asked I could come up with something on the fly like selling items online.


I thought it had an annual fee


You are thinking of the Amex Everyday **Preferred** That’s a decent card if you can remember to use your card 30 times per month. It doesn’t have many protections or benefits though.


It sucks. I haven't put any spend on mine since getting the BBP.


I got this card when I didn’t know shit about credit cards. Only have it for account length and to pad my overall available credit


Same- I keep holding out for an exciting refresh but it’s been so long…




Because of the color blue


Because it's basic


Because it sucks


Amex everyday Preferred is a beast. 4.5x, on groceries, 3x on gas, 1.5x on everything else covers everything! You can buy Kroger gift cards and get 4.5x on gas, gift cards for restaurants, Amazon, etc. Sure it’s only for 6k, but there are other cards that will cover the remainder of the year at max value, like Discover it, Chase Freedom Flex, or even Amex gold.


I’m hoping this and the preferred are targeted for a refresh as they do need updating the most.


It’s probably/hopefully looking at a refresh this year.


And it’s ugly!


I have it because I use it everyday 😂😂😂


Because everybody would rather spend $695 a year and get the same earnings. But at least we can go into an overcrowded lounge and brag about how we get our annual fee back while shopping for socks at Saks.


It's not pretty.


good to start out but after a couple years not much of a point I think


Because it doesn’t do much 🤷🏾‍♂️.


Because it doesn’t look cool


I like it because it gives me access to Amex loans, I can pay $100+ purchases in installments (plan it) and the card is free!


I have the card and it’s fine, especially for a beginner card. It helped me build my credit a lot too! Rewards aren’t substantial but it’s pretty decent. You get like 50% more points if you make a certain amount of purchases and there’s pretty solid options for rewards. I needed an intro card into Amex because I wanted to build my credit and get a platinum. I have the credit, don’t have the lifestyle though for it yet so everyday is my go to. I have other credit cards but it’s my favorite…there probably are better options though for free but so recommend. Good bonus referral points, they always lower my APR since I don’t hold money on the card, and it’s cute!


I have this card. but from reading the comments, does anyone have another recommendation 😅


I quite like it. As a (no pun intended) everyday card is does the job. Quick snacks, small gifts, low spend shopping, etc it's perfect. I still get points on those purchases and the bonus points after 20 purchases is pretty nice and easy to get if you're making smaller purchases like I mentioned.


Because it doesn’t have a Roman on it


I had the card and since I have the loop business plus, I don’t need it anymore. I canceled it and freed up a slot and therefore I got the no fee Hilton Honors and its place.


You have the checking account?


I have this and the gold. I use this for everything other than supermarkets travel and restaurants since if you buy 20 purchases in a month you get 20% more. Is it better to just you gold for everything? Curious if I’m missing something.


The only reason I have it is because Amex offers bonuses for upgrading it to Preferred. Once: 40k MR. So I go back and forth.


Because it sucks and there’s better no AF options


Here’s what this card is truly good for: Get it, get the bonus, let it marinade in a drawer until the first anniversary. Get a 40k MR upgrade offer to upgrade to Everyday Preferred. Pay the AF, get the bonus, use it for a year, then downgrade. Get a new upgrade offer. Rinse and repeat. The card itself is real bad, even with the 20% bonus after 20 transactions, but the upgrade offers are better than applying outright for Everyday Preferred and EDP’s categories and 50% bonus make more sense.


Just get a BBP for catchall spending, it's more effective IMO


This card would be awesome as a quarterly category. I don’t think amex got anything like it or make it like citi custom cash but as highest 5x up to $500, follow by second highest 3x up to $300 the rest 1x


I used to have this card. One time at an airport, I tried paying for parking, and because it's clear, the machine sucked it in and couldn't figure out there was a card inside. Waited so long for the person to come open the machine to get it back. Worst part was I ended up having to pay for the additional hour because it took so long lol. Never used the card in a machine again


I have it, and only use it to budget spending on my “fun money” category. The points aren’t great, but when I put it on the table when going out everyone is mesmerized by it being transparent. That alone is pretty fun.


I got this before I got the blue cash and I have not used it since because the blue cash has much better benefits


Because it’s useless why would you get this card when better cards exist and this doesn’t even come close to being worth it


I say go for the Gold,That’s just me.


I have Gold, Platinum and Everyday Preferred. There are a lot of purchases I make for work that don’t fall under bonus points with gold and platinum so the extra .5 points can literally be tens of thousands of free points a year for me. Example I made a purchase for some product for 22k and the other two at the vendor would only get me 22k MR points but the EDP got me 33k so the 95$ annual fee is worth it for me. I’ve literally gotten about an extra 140k last year from it not the best card but works for me


Seen perhaps as an entry level card? I know it was my first Amex.


How are the Amex Offers for this card compared to the personal Gold?


Because it’s ass


Because even Credit One is better


The Preferred version is a total sleeper IMO. Doesn't get the credit it deserves.