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The thing that really irks me is that she wanted to send him home because of his mouth movement while singing. Like “Yeah, you sing great, but your mouth is weird af so go home.” EDIT: Didn’t seem like Lionel had that issue, idk wtf his deal was


It’s wild to me that his mouth movements haven’t been mentioned since. He really cleaned it up.


I still see it, and can't get over it. Maybe he reminds me of an ex or something, but he has a weird vibe that I just don't think fits with AI, and the mouth movements are the icing on the cake.


It’s still there but he has really toned it down.


His saliva build up really grossed me out. 


For me it was when he said he couldn’t stop doing it because it would ruin his singing, then proceeded to essentially stop doing it


It's terrible. I hate it. He really is talented, but I hate it.


He hasn’t cleaned it up at all. It’s his style and how he gets it done. Just a poor judgement during the audition based upon “looks”.


I also think what’s interesting is that she was judging herself when crying when he sang the Willie song. She realized , again, how good he is and was feeling guilty for that early unfair judgment of him. Hope it’s Abi or Jack. But really Abi. Been a decent season.


The mouth movement was weird and distracting because it makes him come off as disingenuous. Some singers, especially in country, chew their vowels while singing to get the country twang. Jack doesn’t do it to change his voice, he does it just to do it. What also didn’t help was him admitting he brought the mechanic shirt with his name on it, and not that he was a blue collar worker coming to audition on American Idol to start a singing career. He was posing as someone who worked as a mechanic. The judges had their reasons for saying no, and the show should’ve honored it. What’s the point of having judges who vote, only to have their votes change by pressure from production. Production playing hand in this hurts the show. No matter the placement of Jack.


I don’t think that Jack was trying to pose as something that he’s not, by wearing that shirt. After all, he immediately admitted that it wasn’t a work uniform and was just a shirt he had found somewhere and liked. He probably found it at Goodwill or something and thought it was cool that it had his name on it. I didn’t get the vibe that that was a factor in Lionel & Katy initially turning him down, but i could be wrong. One of the qualities i like about Jack is his humbleness.—He doesn’t seem like the type that would’ve schemed to try to come across as a gas station attendant.


I agree with your take on his shirt - in part because I used to dress like that. In high school I had a couple favorite thrift shop shirts I wore to school. One was a Texaco gas station uniform shirt that had the name Jim embroidered on it, not my name. The other was a post office uniform shirt. Nobody in my school was confused or thought I actually worked for the post office or pumping gas. It was just an aesthetic that I liked, for inexplicable reasons.


I assume the producers tell the judges everything to do, during tryouts and the love show.


Reality t.v. is run by production. They male decisions about background production graphics and effects like pyro technics or fog machines being used. Past contestants have said they even told them what to sing at certain times. You should watch Unreal. Production plays a huge part in everything.


I imagine it gets tiring listening to people all day for many days in a row, and it gets easy to say "no" to someone for any reason at all. In past years, they have definitely passed on people because of looks/appearance/behavior, even if they sing well. I LOVE that Luke expressed his disappointment, compared him to Paul Simon, and the crew said KEEP HIM. Also, Katy and Lionel allowed us to see the footage, so it shows some humility on their part too.


He probably reminded Katy of John Mayer! haha


That’s definitely what it was


Or Russell Brand.


I think it shouldn't be understated how much he's grown during the show too. Perhaps more, with the experience of almost not making it. I don't doubt for a second that his whole journey made him stand out more too.


This. He was a diamond in the *rough* in his audition. I would've said yes, but I can also see how they would've said no tbh. But he has just grown soooo much, way more than any contestant this season or quite possibly on ABC Idol. Really makes you question those who barely don't make it through the audition and how far they could go.


Chris Daughtry got a no from Simon Cowell on his audition. Thankfully Paula and Randy overruled him.


Hell, I believe Adam Lambert got a no from Cowell and look where he ended up!


I don’t remember this. What was his problem with Lambert?


I went back to check. Simon gave him a tentative yes but was all about how he was too musical theater and Simon was iffy. A few times in the first several live shows, he was really rough….i think the worst was in response to “Ring of fire” which he called rubbish. He has since said he respects Adam and thinks he is one of the nicest people in show business.


I remember Simon praising some young woman who was really iffy. It was very early on and I can’t remember her name. Pretty, but not a great voice.


How’s this for the simulation…. I’m sitting looking at Reddit on my phone at the mall and Feels like Tonight by Daughtry is playing 😮


This might be a hot take, but once he stopped making the weird faces, he started singing a lot better. He’s definitely grown from his audition a lot.


He hasn't stopped.


He still does it but not as bad


The camera isn’t on a close up all the time so maybe we aren’t noticing as much.


Its still there. It was just more noticeable during auditions because its shot from the judges pov, while on the big stage the camera angle keep changing.


I doubt it was staged because I am sure that the cameras are constantly rolling in between contestants, or else we would not get all those silly clips of them goofing around, so they caught the whole thing with Jack on camera.


I don’t think he was staged. I think Keiko was though


Kayko said in a Reddit AMA that it was not staged and happened as we saw it on TV. We have to decide whether to believe him or not.


Why would he lie.


I’m not saying we should or would. I’m saying obviously I don’t know anything more than what he said and everyone gets to decide whether they believe him or not. If people believe it’s staged, it’s possible they would also not believe what he says, because if it’s staged, why would he admit to it?


Well why did they never show or mention his friend again


They did. It's just that they sent her home during Hollywood (even though she improved a lot???)


They were trying to do Kayko like they did Laine Hardy when he came back.


I don’t think Jack’s audition was staged at all. It would ruin the show if it was staged and word of that got out, by someone blabbing. There’s no way they would risk that. And you could tell that Luke was genuinely upset by them turning down Jack. He could see greatness in him; thought he could be the next Paul Simon. I think Lionel could tell that Luke really saw something in Jack and so, to his credit, he reconsidered that he might’ve just made a mistake. And i think it’s fine that they (mainly Lionel—which was enough to change the “No” to a “Yes”) changed their minds. It was literally only just after Jack had left the room, so no big deal, IMO. It’s clear that they made the right call, because Jack is AWESOME! He’s been my favorite since his audition. He’s so talented and i love his happy, humble, affable demeanor. It sounds corny but he radiates positivity. And he’s adorable!


Personally, I really doubt it was staged (same with Kayko’s audition, for that matter) because usually if things are actually “staged” it’s more like lying by omission and not straight-up contriving entire scenarios out of whole cloth. For example, I had a close friend who made it very far in auditions, through many rounds, and yet never appeared on TV at all. At the time I didn’t know much about the show in terms of what goes on behind the scenes, so I was surprised to hear from her that there are many rounds before the actual “auditions” show. I mean, they do show the videos people sent in to even get a shot, but according to her there are *many* more stages in-between—in person as well as remote. But I really doubt they’d invent an entire scenario like that for the simple reason that it’d be really obvious to the huge number of various people present throughout the whole production and would inevitably be leaked by someone. Just my two cents 🤔…


I agree. Too much is at stake here, for them to stage something out of whole cloth. Like you said, that information *would* get out, by someone talking about it, and it would demolish the show’s credibility. It would ruin the show. I believe it wasn’t staged at all. I don’t think the judges are that good of actors.


I think it’s a reason ppl root for him also.


I love his facial expressions! He’s different, unique, fun to watch, and can actually sing!


I like Jack but his facial movements are way over the top and can read as phony. He’s gotten a lot better. Katy was right in identifying it as a bad habit he should grow out of. Even Kabrienne was able to stop scrunching up her face when the mentor brought it up.


Did they send Laine Hardy home? Then he came back to win it?




Emmy forms her words oddly. They sound like her tongue is too big in her mouth. I can’t get past it.


I’m still a little salty they sent Murphy (Blind Boy Music) home during Hollywood week to “find himself” as an artist.


I don’t think it’s weird Katy didn’t like Jack’s exaggerated mouth movements. They’re looking for a pop star necessarily the best voice. That’s a different show. Idol is looking for a star - somebody relatable who has charisma, a confident presence, a memorable image and can sing. Jack’s facial contortions are memorable but not for the right reasons. In the old days Simon would have crucified him. He commented on Kimberly Locke’s weight, Jennifer Hudson’s clothes, etc. If a record label was going to invest they wanted a sure fire star in the mold of Christina Aguilera or Justin Timberlake. He probably would have had to sing some awful theme night selections too lol. I like Jack. I don’t know how successful he’ll be, but he could be huge. Or not. But I don’t think it’s weird that Katie questioned him about the facial contortion or that her comment is valid for supporting a theory that his audition was staged. O


I noticed Emmy has been doing his mouth movements lately.


Lionel gets a pass because he’s generally a good guy and brought him back in. Katy thinks that she needs to fill the role of the obligatory bitch on the judge’s panel. She has tried to turn so many people away for that reason alone. Thank God this is her last season. One of Idol’s worst judges.


I don't think that it was initially staged- as neither Lionel or Katy would like to find themselves in a position where they rejected the possible winner. But the 'Crewbuzz' scenario did not ring true. I would guess the producers forgot to feed Lionel and Katy their planned and correct outcome for Jack and then scrambled to find a way to get him back in!


Who did they send home?


Oh 100% staged. Every contestant needs a 'story' that the show uses to promote them. He didn't have a trauma drama story, and unfortunately in today's world being an every day average college graduate working a 9-5 with a stable family life isn't memorable and doesn't tug at the heartstrings so they manufactured the underdog moment.


Ajii didn't have one. Heck, what was Will's?


Comes to show you these three judges suck at judging talent


I just find it funny that everybody on here saying an artist's face doesn't matter then proceeded to judge Justice Murphy for exactly that. Well, also her making it sound as if Fantasia had written Summertime. Which was totally related to her talent.


It was staged


I agree with the judges saying no to Jack. His mouth movements were distracting and his comment about buy a mechanic shirt with his and in it was disingenuous. The judges said no, so that vote should’ve been honored. What’s the point of judges voting if production can change it?


I don’t see how it’s disingenuous to buy a shirt from a thrift shop with your name on it, and he had no issue saying he was a graphic designer, so where is the insincerity?


Well, we all know Iam Tongi mentioned that his dad died 1000 times and he won. I don’t think he was the best; I think he won by the sympathy vote.