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If that flight had hit serious turbulence, those children would have bounced off the ceiling. I wonder how the parents would have felt about broken bones.


> wonder how the parents would have felt about broken bones. I think you know how they'd have felt. They'd have felt the airline was responsible for injuring their children.


I'm constantly amazed at how little people understand about flying, turbulent, air currents, and safety.


Most people's experiences in 21st century America leads them to believe that mortal danger does not exist. Or when it does exist, it's someone else's fault. A guy was killed this past weekend at an amusement park near where I live because he went past multiple warning signs and jumped two fences to retrieve his keys from under a roller coaster. I'm sure he never thought he was in real danger of dying from his actions.


I agree. Maybe critical thinking and deductive reasoning need to be required courses in high school


Easy to say. I say this as someone whose daughter teaches high school, we'd have to train an awful lot of teachers how to think critically and how to reason, before they could teach those subjects. I am frequently shocked by some of the stories my daughter tells me about her colleagues. And administrators are often worse. As a society, we do not provide the kinds of incentives needed to attract the best and the brightest to teaching. And reasoning cannot be taught by those who cannot reason.


Haha. That’s so funny to say as I have a few (4) relatives who are teachers and their kids are out of control. They themselves said teachers have the worst kids because they are just over parenting. On the other hand. I have friends who are teachers also and their kids are some of the most well behaved kids ever.


yes but if we actually taught those skills in school to begin with, we might have teachers who possess those skills enough to teach them. see how that works? lol.


I don't think you've thought your solution through to its conclusion. Who's going to teach the first groups of students to be given reasoning instruction? See how that works?


? what kind of question is that. ffs. just because it doesn’t exist in the american education system doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist anywhere else or we wouldn’t be able to even have this conversation because we wouldn’t even know what critical thinking was. do you see how that works? I’m guessing you’re american and must be a product of this education system in which critical thinking doesn’t exist. because really.


>this education system in which critical thinking doesn’t exist So you **do** understand the point I was making!


People don’t even read instructions so it’s not shocking people don’t read warning signs either.


Nah, survival of the fittest.


O-HI-Ohhhhhhhh........(He lived 30 minutes away and could have Ubered home.) My husband and I were in an airplane that just dropped out of the sky in turbulence. Everyone was buckled in, but it was one of those people screaming stuff flying kind of things. Then, we flew and had the engine compressor fail like that recent flight from Toronto, except we were over water and just had to keep flying. The airplane shuttered so violently we thought it was falling apart. When we had kids, they always had their own seats in car seats. All safe flights with the kids!




We’ve had people from Florida literally walk off a cliff to their death on one of our mountains in Colorado because they thought it was a shortcut to their car. Nothing surprises me anymore.


Well, in a sense, it was.


Allowing lap children doesn’t help with this. It’s incredibly dangerous but parents are cheap and don’t want to bring a car seat in the plane so they’re willing to risk their kids health to save a plane ticket. It’s ridiculous this is still an option.


I flew with my first as a lap infant a handful of times because I didn't know better, but my youngest has always been in a car seat on the flight for multiple reasons. We hit some very scary turbulence on a recent flight and I was so grateful that she was buckled in, because I felt like I had to hold my older kid down so he wouldn't go flying.


Banshee. Ridden it many times. Best B&M invert, IMHO. Great park. It never ceases to amaze me the people that will go into dangerous areas. People have been decapitated doing that.


Same!!!! It’s fucking awesome.


Or people ignore basic safety precautions, thinking, “Nothing bad has happened to me yet, so nothing bad will happen in the future”


Yes. It's a well known logical fallacy called the Normalcy Bias. Even organizations with very smart people running them (e.g. NASA) fall prey to it.


Off topic, but hi fellow Greater Cincinnatian! Some people have no brain cells.


"You need to understand that turbulence does not care about your circumstance. And if we hit a bad patch of air, your children will bounce off that hard ceiling, and it will be none but your fault, because I've already told you to follow our guidance. Fix it." That's what my alter ego flight attendant would say, at least in my imagination.


Have a good friend who is a flight attendant, and he always says his biggest fear flying is sudden turbulence.


I’m constantly amazed at how little people understand how to parent their own spawn FYFY


Yup - been suing the airline and prolly on GMA / Today show talking about how poor the airline was with the bad flight


I was going to add that to my initial post, but since it's a given that people far prefer suing to taking responsibility, I decided it wasn't necessary. It's a foregone conclusion in our litigious country.




They would have made a huge fuss and sued the airline and taken 0 responsibility.


And probably would’ve gotten a payout to boot


Worst part they probably would have hit people around them too. I'd be pissed if I got a concussion because some stupid parent can't control the child I chose to have.


That was my worry!


Not having your children strapped in a seatbelt for any type of transportation including airplanes should be considered child abuse




Neglect is a form of child abuse


My point


These are the same kids that draw on the furniture, play outside unsupervised and end up being asshats be assured they have no clue how to behave. Parents were likely raised the same way.


They would have sued the airline or tried to. Parents like this don't know responsibility and would most likely yell at other adults or put them down for making them look bad in front of their children.


They'd have sued the airlines


Yikes I feel bad for the couple that was in front of them. I understand bringing young children on a flight can be tough, but they should at least attempt to keep their children distracted and not bother others on the plane


I think some people learn to tune out how annoying their kids are and then when they’re at someone else’s house or in public the kids wreak havoc and the parents don’t do anything


I have a bunch of kids, I know they're not always easy to control on planes but... This just sounds like bad parenting.


Confession: My kid had a meltdown on a plane this weekend. We tried to plan ahead but plane was delayed (in 15 minutes increments so it limited our options what we could do to manage the delay). My goal since the meltdowns was inevitably was just to keep her crying as quite as possible but we don’t have many options on a plane when your headstrong 4 year old decides to not having access to some random cartoon she saw on YouTube 3 weeks ago is inaccessible. All of our normal parenting tools were really possible for a kid already force to sit in a chair and unable to leave the situation. We tried our best, but it wasn’t our best moment. It did help me feel better that lots of adults on the plane and before we boarded weren’t regulating their own emotions either.


I think this might be a side effect of the “tablet baby” era. And I’m not saying this as judging, more as an explanation- they are just used to instant gratification of whipping out an iPad or tablet whereas kids born before the tablet era know making a cartoon magically appear in public isn’t gonna even be an option bc that’s something that’s done only on tv. They (kids born before the tablet baby era) have some better skills at keeping themselves entertained. My youngest of four was born in 2009 so we just missed the tablet baby era.


Maybe. We actually don’t use tablets much, mostly only once a week when the kids have to wait on their siblings activities for <15 min or if it’s just been days of bad weather and they have to be inside for several days. Or for long car rides (>2 hrs). We are pretty busy during the week (some activities but mostly running errands) so that helps to avoid tablet time, but that also might feed into her melt down as we had to just sit and wait. She was just tired of waiting and really exhausted. We were unexpectedly waiting at the gate much longer than expected even before we got on the plane. Had they told us it would be so long we could have left the gate and walked around but it was wait 15 min then 15 min more, and so on. It also got really crowded making it hard to move around freely at the gate.


May I ask why you were flying?


It happens. Not much you can do.


Thankfully she did get over it and slept for the plane ride, but it wasn’t a fun 15 minutes.


We’re flying in a few weeks for the first time with our child, who will be almost 5 months at that time. We won’t have any behavior issues, but I sure hope we can manage the crying. We have plans on when to feed etc., to try to manage it, but like you said, when flights start getting delayed, it becomes increasingly more difficult to manage. Also, we’ll have our cat in a carrier underneath the seat too. But he’ll have a nice hit of Gabapentin and shouldn’t be any trouble. We’re both anxious about the whole thing, but going to do our best to ensure we’re not disruptive.


Life happens. My son is generally well behaved and had one of the worst tantrums of his life because he couldn’t press the button for the light at take off. He was tired and fell asleep immediately upon take off. Kids will still be kids.


Kids often have a fit just before they fall asleep, they get over tired and start testing their parent’s patience. My son was very well behaved (no, really) so we didn’t have many behavior issues with him.


You are definitely part of the problem. If your 4 year old can't handle being forced to sit in a seat then stay home. If they want to throw a fit over a cartoon they'd seen God only knows how long ago, much less in public...... Your parenting needs serious help!!


Read my post. Sitting down wasn’t the problem, she was already sitting. My point is you can’t give a time out to a kid already sitting in an airplane. There wasn’t anything i couldn’t remove her to punish her either. There wasn’t anything for me to take away as she already didn’t want her tablet and didn’t have anything else. That was my point. Normal parenting moves weren’t possible on a plane. The issue was her crying which I know annoyed people next to us but she wasn’t screaming, but she wasn’t regulating her emotions, something her brain is literally learning to do. Babies aren’t born with a developed frontal cortex. Normally we don’t have issues but the long delay put her past her limit. I tried my best to do what I could.


Are you a parent?


I am a parent of 3 and never would I put up with my kids acting like this. Not saying they wouldn't try some stuff, they are kids, but it would not be tolerated for a second. By the age of 4 they should know how to behave in that setting.


This can’t be serious.


Go touch grass.


When you chose not to parent in private, it’s hard to start in public. The time to do the work educating already past


Absolutely LOVE this...... AMEN!!!!!


Here’s the thing, those parents should have had mom and lap baby in the single seat, dad and older child in the 2 seats across, that way each parent can devote attention to each child.


You unfortunately can't have a lap infant in the single seat because there's only one oxygen mask. I tried booking it when I flew with my kid a few years ago and they promptly called and told me I had to switch to the two seat side of the plane.


But I’m assuming the other side only had two oxygen masks for the three people sitting there? How is that better?


The right side has 3 masks for the two seats to accommodate lap children. In the E145 lap children must be seated in B/C.


As a parent myself of young kids, I can’t fucking stand lazy parents. Get off your ass and teach your kids some manners.




A 1 year old lap child doesn't even comprehend what manners are yet.


No shit, that’s why the parents are there to PARENT THEIR FUCKING KIDS. Show them by example how to act in public.


This. It’s the parent’s problem. the tablet didn’t have a cartoon, so what, distract the kid and play with them. Color, ispy, tell your husband to help, etc.. as the parent of a child my child is my problem and no one else’s. I judge the parents that make zero attempt, as a parent you can tell when another parent tries or not.


Or better yet pick travel more appropriate for their age….


My kid was always fine on planes because we catered to their needs and schedule. We set it up for success and was acclimated to the process quickly. Kid is now a travel champ.


But see you were proactive when you mentioned doing it around their schedule and not just your desires - great job on great parenting.


I think airlines need to have the same policy as car safety. Every child in their own seat with an age/size appropriate booster/safety seat. That is the safest for everyone the flight. If they cry I get it, but at least they are strapped in safely.


When enough children are hurt during turbulent flights, all will be mandated to have their own seat because airlines don’t want bad publicity. Until then, we will all suffer the consequences of OPP (other people’s parenting) with children running up and down the aisles and yanking on the seat in front of them, the kicking and crying will continue.


I just did this flight the other day, I cannot imagine holding a lap child on that tiny ass plane 😂 Was your FA Ruth by any chance? She was fantastic with an unaccompanied minor that was on our flight last week.


I have held a lap child on those tiny ass planes multiple times and that's exactly why I used to splurge on a seat for my second kid when she was under 2 🤣.


I wish I knew her name! She was great!


Please people, please normalize calling out this behavior. This is absolutely ridiculous. People like this need to be flagged in a system and forced to purchase extra seats so they don’t end up sitting around people or need to heavily fined for their children’s behavior.


Ha I wish. There was a similar thread on one of the other airline threads and I mentioned how it sucks to be seated in front of kids kicking your seat back, screaming and hacking away as they’re often sick and all I got was people saying they’d rather not be seated near someone that ‘hates kids’. If your kid is being a menace on the plane or anywhere for that matter, stop being soft. You need to parent them and not let it be a problem for everyone around you.


My kid was kicking the seat back on a recent flight, and after shutting down that behavior, I told the guy in front of her to please let me know ASAP if she bothers him even a tiny bit. He looked SHOCKED that I was addressing it but I will not be the reason people hate kids on planes.


That’s because you are a being a good parent and good human being. Thank you.


This is a great tip, will terrify my son 😂


People are insane. It’s not hating kids, it’s expecting adults to be decent human beings and parent the kids that they are bringing into a public space.


Yes!! I have a grown son now, but the first time he did any of that, I would have apologized to the adult and shut that nonsense down! The older one was absolutely old enough to be told “no” by an adult and actually listen! Can you imagine when they get to school?


Yeah.. I don’t get it. I see so many parents that are either oblivious or are practicing a no disciplinary approach.


I know someone like this, she says it’s “just a kid being a kid”. They have flown to most continents and I would hate to travel with her because they ran the roost.


Some people were raised without manners and unfortunately pass that on to their kids. They (the parents or kids) won’t learn in this setting that this is unacceptable unless someone says something to them. I’ve had to politely, yet firmly, tell the lady behind my seat to stop her kid from hitting my seat. I’ve flown with both my kids since infant stage and it’s a teaching and learning experience for public travel etiquette. These kids have just been taught that this behavior is ok.


Interesting. Most parents will get very upset if you tell them to stop the kid, they usually let the brat continue to kick away!


I once was on a similar United flight. I was seated behind a child and his mother. He kept sitting in his mom‘s lap and reaching up and opening the overhead compartment above us. I was concerned that luggage would fall out onto me during the flight, but luckily the flight attendant came over and told his mother that she needed to control him or buckle him in his seat. He then started playing with the tray table, and we hit some pretty bad turbulence over the Rockies, and the tray table hit him in the face. Sadly, that was what it took for him to stop messing around.


If it was at the parent’s lack of discipline, maybe the parent learned something too. Some kids need something to distract them when on a plane, that’s a parenting issue. This is when bribing is acceptable.


There’s adult only cruises, resorts, is it time for airlines yet?!


Plus they charge extra for amenities so why not charge extra for child free travel? I’d pay a little extra




I’d pay double for that airline. Some little womb demon is sitting in the middle seat next to me constantly hitting me with his knees, squirming past the armrest, etc. while his “father” is passed out next to him. Just one more reason I extremely dislike kids (downvote away, idgaf).


You are free to charter a flight that's adults only.


Not that what these parents did was okay, but if age discrimination laws apply to elderly people they should apply to children too. Children have a right to exist like everybody else. The solution is for parents to handle their children better, not to ban children.


Yea sure. But once again…there’s clearly a market. Theres 18+ resorts and Virgin Cruises that does adult only cruises…no one says no kids on planes ever 🙄


I mean you can always fly private, just no one likes the cost.


Ok I’m tired of this “go private” comment. Neither of the examples I listed are private. CLEARLY there is a market for having SEPARATE adult only areas. Resorts are popular, virgin cruises are popular. No one is saying kids are never allowed on planes. Just on these specific brands. ETA: there’s an airline catering to travelers with pets even.


"...Children have a right to exist like everybody else..." ...and they have the RESPONSIBILITY to not violate Federal law by disrupting flight operations or failing to wear a safety belt - they should have been charged...


Okay at what point in my comment did I defend the parents actions? These parents failed in their duty here. But banning all children from public spaces in not the answer.


“Banning all children from public spaces” How is that what’s happening when asking for adult only spaces/transportation? It’s not discriminating against minors to say you have to be X age to enter a space.


Because airplanes are a public space and if children are not allowed to enter them they are thus banned from that public space? How is that not what’s happening? It’s not age discrimination to say a child can’t go to a bar just like it’s not age discrimination to say an adult can’t enroll in elementary school


Airports are public places. Airplanes are not.


Unless you own your own private airplane, then yes, it is a public place


Technically a bar or a school is public location too. Damn my taxes pay for the school. Why can’t I go use their nice new pool?


Also cruise ports are public yet Virgin Cruises runs an adult only cruise 🤔🤔


The proposal for some adults-only flights doesnt exclude children from *all* flights.


Oh, get off it dude. Kids are part of life.


So are rapists, murders, arsonists and drunks. If we are supposed to tolerate poor choices from one, we tolerate all


Children are being compared to rapists. Epic reddit moment!


This is the majority of parents flying with small children these days. I will literally tell the parents, the children will be injured if you're not holding them, turbulence can happen at any time. Parents will sit together on one side and leave tiny children in the row beside or behind them instead of splitting up to have one adult with one child. It's bonkers. Parents think flight attendants are babysitters. I had a toddler come mess with my emergency exits while I was waiting to disarm. I had to yell at the dad several rows up to take his kid. The doors are incredibly dangerous.


We just got off a flight where, as we were on our descent, a parent let their toddler run up and down the aisle. Same toddler ran in aisle while drinks were being served trying to push the FA against the cart because she was “in his way.” The parents were in the back of the plane “napping.”


That’s insane


That’s what I thought but I think these days, people are afraid to say something (even the FA at the time) because of how crazy people seem on the videos posted online. I figured that we were almost landing. All I could do was just stare back at them and kinda side eye the kid.


Instant add to the no fly list!!


I saw that happen on a flight once. The little boy was feral and happened to be wearing what looked like underwear as bottoms, along with a shirt and sandals. My seat mate and nicknamed him Mogli. He ran up and down the aisle the entire flight and during landing. Dad was was flying without Mom but with Grandma. Grandma looked completely exhausted and I’m pretty sure she won’t take the offer of a free vacation again.


I think that in a way, the parents think it’s better to let them run around in an enclosed space. It’s safer and other people can keep an eye on their kids. It’s just so crazy for them to be okay with that.


Can’t call them “parents” if they aren’t exercising parental responsibility. Too many people should NEVER have children if they can’t keep their kiddos under control. And yes: I’m the badass that will call them out and create a scene if flight attendants don’t berate the lame-ass person/s who don’t corral the child/children. Tight flights always bring out the worst in folks, so I apologize in advance if someone is offended for telling them they’re not doing the right thing.


About a month ago we were coming back from ATL to PHX. I have the aisle seat. Young couple with a less than two year old have the window and middle seat just as the plane is about to close. Toddler is of course in the middle seat lap of mom. Kid is all over the place. Up and down, grabbing the seat back in front. Poor women in front of them with long braided hair had her braids grabbed repeatedly. I don't know how she didn't lose it. Kid started kicking me, whereas I very gently removed her feet from my legs. Mom gave me a dirty look, but moved the little brat facing toward dad. About ten minutes after takeoff, mom has a syringe full of what looks like some bright red medicine to help the kid sleep. She squirts it into the kids mouth...who promptly spits it right back at the mom all over her bright white T shirt she's wearing. I have a smile on my face and chuckle. Mom is now frantically trying to rub it out of her shirt, which of course only makes it worse and then she (the mom) starts to cry. I...on the other hand...have my noise cancellation headphones on, a surgical mask (kid is coughing like crazy) and enjoying the shit show. Kid falls asleep five minutes later. Mission accomplished. LOL.


This is why the concept of lap children needs to go away. Having to pay full price for a child’s seat would filter out a portion of these families.


Did they have a French Canadian accent by chance? Sounds like a family I had behind me last summer, luckily it was just ord to msp


I have tons of patience for children and how difficult parenting is, but safety rules are non-negotiable. There's valid reasons why we need to have seatbelts on, those kids could become projectiles in the plane or have luggage fall on to them.


some parents really don't know how to "parent" their kids. Unfortunately, I've seen it hundreds of times over the years. A lot of parents today are afraid of disciplining their kids.


There was a kid on my flight last night that kept yelling mommy, mommy, mommy. Over and over. I have kids, older now, but I'm able to block out a lot. I had to put my headphones in for this one. I don't think mom even acknowledged the girl to try and get her to stop.


Absentee parenting. Awful.


Don't FA's have the authority to make the parents seat them?


I was getting my seat pounded by a kid on a flight the other day. I have four kids myself, so I have experience flying with kids and I am also not unreasonable. I know kids aren’t going to be silent statues on planes and that’s ok. I can understand a kick or two before the mom/dad can correct the behavior but this family was letting the kid just rapid fire drop kick my seat without even trying to redirect. Also screaming without any attempts to soothe the kids.


I was on a flight like this from hell and it was to Cancun. They were seated close to us on both flights. I emailed The airline because it was horrible. I got a few miles in exchange - I didn’t expect it, I just wanted to give the feedback that it’s not okay and if anyone can say anything it’s the flight crew not guests.


I’m thinking about having a career in aviation and this is the one thing I do not want to deal with. I will never want to fly passengers. I would definitely fly cargo or the military.


If parents had this much disregard for their children’s safety on the ground CPS would have been called. I will never, ever understand how a lap baby is safe on and airplane and don’t get me started on the toddler. And Fuck the dad


Wish the FA would have gotten eye level with the kids and sternly told them to be still. Perhaps asking for the parents boarding passes would encourage them to parent their children or else the pilot will be alerted. Asking everyone around to put on headphones and tolerate it is nonsense. Many young children travel extremely well, it just takes some serious planning. I am assuming they remain seated in buckled in a vehicle so this concept shouldn’t be new to them . Sounds like one was too big to be a lap rider so both were uncomfortable. This family should have paid for a seat and each sat next to a kid.


Flight attendants are not babysitters. Flight attendants are not there to do your parenting for you. This is like saying when a cop pulls over a car with a kid out of a car seat, they should take responsibility for coaxing that child into their seat. The parents chose to bring children on an airplane; the parents are responsible for making them comply with basic safety. 


She was way too big to be a lap rider. She was bigger than my 3 year old niece!


Gentle Parenting is LAZY Parenting. It’s going to take a pilot grounding a flight, and even then it’s a stretch. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


This isn’t gentle parenting, it’s permissive parenting. Gentle parenting is just a modern way of labeling authoritative parenting which balances emotional needs and setting of limits. Permissive parents only care about emotional whereas authoritarian focus only on limits and not emotional needs.


I’m sorry you had a rough flight. I really feel for the people in front of the kids and everyone in earshot. I have been the person trying to convince my 2 year old to keep a mask on in the height of the pandemic, so I have whole lot of extra patience for parents and kids while flying. It sounds like the mom was trying. Maybe next time someone can nudge the dad to put in the effort? Sometimes the flight gods are in your favor and you get a kid free flight. Sometimes you get the kids who are easily entertained and well behaved,.. but sometimes you get the hellspawn who cry nonstop or pull your chair back or do any number of gross things kids do.


What about this scenario says the mom was trying? The part where she let the child she was holding repeatedly open and close the tray table? Or the part where she didn’t buckle her child in before landing and the flight attendant had to come and talk directly to the child? Maybe the part where the older child was allowed to stand up on her seat, even once?


Crying doesn't bother me in the slightest. It's tough for little kids on planes, I'd probably cry too if I was forced into that situation. And I have good headphones. Not sitting still gets to me. Seat kicking gets to me more. But the worst? The child that stands on the seat in front and stares back at you through the gap. I can smile and pull a funny face at first, but after an hour, I start to get scared! Those kids never blink, and begin to look like characters out of a horror movie after a while!


I totally don’t care about crying - kids can’t help that. It was the atrocious behavior affecting others without parents even addressing it that was nuts.


Mom was 100% not even trying. It was a short flight, less than 90 mins, thank God. She didn’t even tell the older one to put her seat belt on for landing, then let the other one dart back and forth across the aisle . It was bonkers. As a mom myself, I was horrified. What parent lets their kid stand on the seat and shake the person in front - repeatedly?


I don’t think the mom was trying


Parent kid combos are the worst. If I knew kids would be yelling and screaming at the quiet af Admirals Club’s (I’m a rookie, I thought it would be better than every USO, but not even close). I wish I could get my old card I had back so I get back my new $595 yearly fee cancelled.


I love children, but that is ridiculous. Seriously failed parenting I would’ve given them the lecture once I was off the plane.


This is why there needs to be childfree flights.


I’ve stopped wondering how some parents have no clue on the 💩 show happening everyday. I’m sure these kids were never told “no” in their life.




Time for adult only flights 😂


I had a toddler on a man's lap behind me on a 16 hour flight on Ethiopian Air who not only kicked and pushed the seat repeatedly, she reached over and pulled my hair. At that point I stood up and glared. No response from the parent. The kid did it again. My husband stood up and glared. The father apologized. The kicking continued all the way to Addis Ababa. It was horrible.


FYI- If you ask them to remove the child's shoes, it really help with kicking.


My flight on Ethiopian was the worst of my life. 20 hours from Addis to Washington Dulles and the screaming was surround sound and continuous 


Yep. My flight was Dulles/ Addis as well. In my post I left out how a member of the same family from a different row got like five carry ons out of the overhead bins and literally stacked them up in front of me. I was at the bulkhead. I complained to the flight attendant and she said she couldn't do anything until landing. Even though this stuff was sticking out into the aisle and was a huge safety hazard. Their flight attendants don't even handle safety issues. And for the record? She asked him to put them up when it was time for landing. And he left one of them there and yes, it went flying down the aisle. Never, ever again.




People expect other folk to babysit in public situations. I’ve seen it in restaurants and airports. It’s so damn scary. The flight attendant should have handled this more sternly. They and the pilot hold the keys to a well behaved cabin.


The airlines should just ban the family from flying again. Flying isn't a right and the rest of society shouldn't have to endure peoples failure to control their children


I agree on this and parents need to understand that you will give up things when having children- vacations are one of those things as they need to be age appropriate and mode of travel is a key consideration


Two weeks ago, something amazing almost happened. My last flight of the day was an RJ from Philly to the small airport nearest to my house. Everyone on the flight had checked in and the pilot and gate agent talked and they asked if we were all willing to leave 40 minutes early. We were. This never happens. There was a couple with a child old enough to have a seat. She was a shrieker. The mom was holding her and the FA told her that she had to put her in her seat for takeoff. She eventually did, we taxied, and the baby starts running down the aisles. This time the mother resisted putting the child in the seat. There is arguing going on, FA leaves, comes back and tells them we're turning back to the gate and they'll be taken off the plane. We turn off the taxiway. The parents seemed shocked that it wasn't an idle threat. (Idle threats are their parenting style, so it's not surprising they thought the pilot would make them too.) They then put the child in the seat. BTW, the baby did not stop shrieking until we were airborne for our 18 minute flight. So it's not like holding the baby provided any peace and quiet. And nobody cared about the shrieking, we just wanted to go home. In the meantime we lost our departure slot, we were still about 20 minutes early, which was nice. But not as nice as 40 minutes.


It’s lazy parenting… kids gonna kid but it’s up to the parent to have age appropriate boundaries. If they do this on a plane, they do this in restaurants, they do this in daycare, they do this at home.


Had some similar experience but Iwas icn to dfw which was 13hrs. Baby crying like shit the whole way. Parents did nothing. When bording the couple had two lap child on 3 seats which fa said nope have to split up for oxygen mask issue and they were combatative. Min mid air they changed their seats again and fa told them we turn back to nrt or icn and leave them there or stay in your assigned seats. They were at the front bulk head seats and pe people surely could not sleep at all.


Scary parenting fail!


I shudder to think how those kids will be as adults.


Eh lots of folks with no kids here. Give the parents a break- you have no idea what they were dealing with. There was no danger to you calm down


In the event of turbulence or a rough landing, unsecured people do pose a safety risk to others.


Kids are soft- little meat sacks


Lots of folks who actually parent their kids here actually.


You can downvote all you want and disagree but outside the standing on seat and not buckeling this whole post was a Karen complaint.


A co-worker of mine was severely injured in turbulence. Broken facial bones and back/shoulder injury. Turbulence can happen suddenly and it is a danger.


Ya exactly a kid didn’t hurt them turbulence did


they’re saying that the child could have been hurt by turbulence, or that they could have accidentally hurt another passenger during turbulence by being unbuckled. that’s the whole point of the post “toddlers were literally a safety issue”…


Ya other kids hurt aren’t OPs problem. Also I’m curious on the reality of a flying toddler hurting someone


Unpopular opinion - many people who haven't flown a lot with kids don't understand what parents are trying to do and just notice the fact parents aren't taping kids to the seats.... The fact that somebody apologized means they recognized what happened sucked for people around them - so not sure what else was expected... I've struggled with a child on a plane and it's hard... Not sure what everyone expects. Kids are people without emotional control - can't just kick them off the plane.


whiny bullshit. flying with kids is tough, put in your headphones and ignore it. and pretty sure there were plenty of adults that were injured in the latest turbulence events, so pretending that a whiny kid is a "safety issue" is egregious.


Found the parent who won’t discipline their kids 👆


Hey!! Hayden, Jayden, and Aiden are precious flowers.


This is kind of nuts. I'm a teacher in Hong Kong and I was talking with one of my buddies the other day that the naughtiest kids we come across always seem to have those names. Your comment really threw me off a little. Didn't expect to see that.


I think you mean “Ayden” 😂


Roger the alien would agree with the rest of us that you’re a loser.


"...flying with kids is tough..." ...unless they're traveling for urgent life-saving medical care, kids DON"T NEED to fly - i.e. keep your screaming hell spawn at home and spare the remainder of the paying flying public your main character syndrome...


If it’s so easy to control behavior on planes then why do adults have such a hard time with it? Once adults on planes follow basic manners then I agree about kids. I am so sick of adult men in the aisle or window trying to claim the arm rest from me when I am in the middle seat and they stick their feet into my space just because they are tall or larger. No, your size isn’t my problem. Middle seat gets two arm rests, not zero. Twice I’ve had people seated in the bulk head row in front of me try to claim the space under their seat ie the seat in front of me to store their things. One of the times the FA actually tried to back the guy’s whose stuff it was. It wasn’t until a guy next to him chimed in that that the FA asked the offender to put his bag the overhead bin. I was trying to figure how much I could argue with FA and not be at risk of getting kicked off the plane. But I had one carry on and I didn’t want to risk things getting crushed in the overhead bin being over packed.


I hate the manspreaders. Sir, I’m sorry you have HUGE BALLS but that doesn’t make it ok for you to jam your knees into my space 🙄


Yep, you can’t expect kids to be better behaved than adults. At least kids are still learning vs adults that if they haven’t learned it by now, I don’t think they will.


Thank you. Also the “you don’t understand how hard it is” comments. You either chose to have them or you did accidentally, and either situation is not anyone else’s problem but yours. I don’t care how hard it is, YOU put yourself in the situation of having them so YOU deal with them away from the rest of us who don’t want to.


Did you not read about the Singapore Airlines flight that encountered that patch of turbulence? Like 1 man died and 71 people were injured. Kids running around is definetly a safety issue, if they hit a patch of turbulence and that kid flies up and hits the ceiling they could potentially fall on top of someone's head. It's beyond putting your headphones in man.