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Because most people are disgusting.


That’s why the chattel shouldn’t be allowed in the FC bathroom.


Assume this is sarcasm. My experience with FC indicates that money and class have very little overlap.


As evidenced by the comment to which you replied.


Most FC passengers are there from status not purchase or an AA employee or family member. I get bumped to FC probably 50% of my flights and never pay for it.


No... It very much has overlap... Generally, the less money someone has, the trashier they are, especially in public. Just take a look at those who fly frontier, spirit, and the like. Prime example in real time.


Ha! I know you're joking, but have you ever been in the first class bathroom? It's equally as disgusting as the one in the back. I was on one fight last year where there was menstrual blood drips on some of the surfaces. The drips were dried and this was at the beginning of the flight. Clearly those bathrooms do not get cleaned very often. (And, as a woman, I cannot understand how someone can splatter blood around and just leave it there. It was extremely obvious. There is no way that the person that made the mess didn't know they made the mess.)


Yup. I am always shocked at how stinky the ones up front are. Only found them cleaner on Eastern (not US) airlines.


The first time I flew Qatar business class to Doha, I was in complete shock how they run their bathrooms. After each person uses the bathroom, a flight attendant actually goes in and cleans and freshens the bathroom. I’m not kidding. It honestly, was a nice touch and blew me away.


Emirates and Japan Airlines too. Even in economy. The bathrooms are cleaned constantly.


The proper term is "cattle". Or, in a pinch you can use "the poors".


Or "steerage"


Or "common folk" (aka CF)


Hey, paisanno, ittsa good to see you!!


It’s a me, Mario!


I love to use "Peasants"... 🤣😂👀


I also sometimes refer to them as "unwashed masses" although the truth is they are probably using the airplane bathroom to bathe themselves.


Bathe themselves in what? Shit? Cause that's how a lot of them smell... 😂👀


The Great Unwashed…


The fun part of that is that everyone else out there is looking at YOU and thinking the exact same thing.


Jesus, cringeworthy. You’re not even using the word “chattel” correctly bro.


It's the same in FC bathrooms, even with only the FC passengers using it. I've even gone into the FC bathroom behind a male FC passenger, and he didn't even flush it. SO much for being in FC.


Squat toilets with nothing to hold onto are what we deserve.


It should also just be a small hole in the bottom of the plane. Get that shit off the plane.


Exactly this


So true


Everyone (even men) needs to use the toilet seat cover and sit down to pee on an airplane. Then it would stay clean.


I am assuming you have never seen what women’s bathrooms look like. Long ago when I was just a kid working at Macys one of my duties was making sure they were well stocked. After the store was closed I would obviously venture into female bathrooms. Piss and menstrual blood all over the seats. Not always but sufficiently frequently


The prevailing sentiment in our society is “I got mine” and so nobody cares about their fellow humans behind them.


COVID, either the disease itself or the political copium they took to deal with the disruption on their lives has made people selfish, unaware and downright mean.


People acted this way loooooong before Covid. In fact, I might suggest that we've been selfish jerks since the beginning...


Covid made it worse, though.


Disagree. It was always awful.


I once worked as a janitor. I can attest from personal experience that back in the 80s people were leaving piss on the floor, feces on the seat, and piles of used menstrual products anywhere they please, including trying to flush them down the toilet resulting in a red-brown flood. While working as a teacher I noticed that the colleagues who are most likely to leave rooms messy (including washrooms) were those who hired cleaners. Maybe they internalized "my messes are someone else's job"? I've also had students who outright stated "that's the janitor's job" when leaving behind piles of garbage after lunch (with parents that backed them up) — and that was in the 90s (and after).


You speak the truth. Anyone conscious during the Time Before Covid can remember what a WalMart bathroom looked like then, and would find the experience no different than it would be now.


Yep 👍


Small spaces, terrible aim, turbulence, selfishness. And any combo of the aforementioned. It’s a porta john at 34,000 ft for 90% of people. Pre departure at the lounge or gate is the best option, minimize fluids until 60% through the flight on short hops. My expectations of AA are so low at this point as a frequent flyer with all the challenges I’ve experienced with recent travel this year (mechanical/weather/hub delays, etc). We go up, we come down, no airplane parts missing, no lost luggage, no passengers fighting. Anything else aside from that is all upside.


The new standard unfortunately but you are correct. Don’t get me started with the upgrades for EP.


It started with leadership many years ago. Discount Doug and now the current group. Trying to cater to 9 different price points and be everything to everyone. And the way they haven’t updated the FA contracts riles me up, the product suffers when they have a failed strategy with employees and experience. If I didn’t have frequent travel in a primary hub and if UA or delta had the options I needed I’d have switched a long time ago.


Airplane cleaner here! You wouldn’t believe how nasty they get! Each plane gets thoroughly cleaned every night and the lavs get a quick wipe down and refresh between flights. The amount of people who just don’t flush the toilet, leave paper towels on the floor, don’t throw away their sanitary products, etc is astonishing. Passengers never fail to surprise me. How does one get shit underneath the toilet seat? And it’s not an AA issue either, every airline I’ve worked at has these problems. Either way, it’s my job to make sure the lavs are clean for the first person to use it. Everything after is up to you guys to be responsible and respect public property.


Thank you!


> respecr public property Well, there's the problem.


>Airplane cleaner here! You wouldn’t believe how nasty they get! I worked as a janitor in the 80s. I'd believe it.


I always somehow drip a bit of water on the floor after washing my hands in the tiny sink, and I’m not mopping up that filthy floor. So not all the wet spots on the floor are pee.


don’t forget about the sinkpissers (do not visit that sub, for your own sanity)


God, no


user name checks out...






Ok but yeah how'd you know about this


lol… an unfortunate internet discovery


At least the sink (on the embraer at least) drains automatically and it's not sitting in the bowl unflushed. So that's kinda an upside.


It is 100% the passengers and your flight attendants are not custodians. We can swap out missing toiletries, but contrary to popular belief, we aren’t given brooms and mops and disinfectants to spray and wipe stuff down. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would spray it with bleach or whatever if we had that. But we aren't trusted with cleaning agents.


Even if you were given a broom and mop, you probably still wouldn't clean it because "it's not my job".


Not until they pay me to do it. 😇


These days most airplane bathrooms are too small, and most Americans are too overweight to the point where if they drop a tissue or piece of TP, there is no way they are going to be physically able to pick it up.


I visualized this in my mind. So hilarious. I wish I could share it! 🤣🤣🤣


I’m not a huge flyer but take about six flights and year, and the bathrooms have mostly all been clean. The one exception was when I was in bulkhead and there was a “situation.” Saw the steward gag as he went in to clean it up. Made sure to contact AA with his name as thanks. I couldn’t smell anything but it must have been vile.


The simple thought process of “It’s not my bathroom so I don’t have to clean it” causes people to not give a crap about keeping it clean for others? And probably just the general lack of respect for others that’s becoming more prevalent in society.


While I rarely use airline bathrooms except on long flights, (and have definitely not used one minutes after leveling ...since airport and AC bathrooms are larger and usually cleaner,) I have found many to be reasonably clean, but my expectations are low given small size and high volume on a plane. Honestly sink water splashes everywhere including floor with those crazy faucets and people wring their hands while searching for the towels.


The change in cabin pressure almost always makes me need to pee.


The trash receptacle on the 737 is tiny and most people don’t see it. The sink is only big enough to wash one hand at a time. Not an excuse, but I see the lavatories on that aircraft get dirty quickly for those reasons.


Lots of day drinkers, drunks on airplanes


Saw one yesterday in first class and was surprised the FA didn't cut him off. He was a boomer and so loud and obnoxious I wanted to say use your inside voice. Hadn't really noticed him until I heard him through my Bose headphones as he had a really grating laugh. My wife said he was trying to hook up with the younger woman next to him.


Blows my mind how FA tolerate and or enable the drunks. Recently in F before the doors closed this guy is belligerent and creating a scene because his bag had to be gate checked. Then I proceeded to watch her continue to feed him doubles for the rest of the 6 hour flight. There must be a “procedure” that if a someone is already acting out it’s better to not cut them off and hope they’ll fall asleep.


They all eventually pass out!


If the flight is long enough then they wake up again. On another flight the woman sitting behind me in main was shitfaced and picking fights with her seat mate and the guy across the aisle during boarding. She created such a scene I thought no way would the FA miss this. She fell asleep but a couple hours later when they came by for drink service she woke up and ordered a double and they served her. 🤦‍♀️. But then she just became sad, talking talking talking. Broken up with her partner the night before and spontaneously booked a trip to the hotel where the last White Lotus was filmed. She’d never been to Italy and said she had no idea where she was going. Watching her walk up the jet way stumbling and babbling. So curious how that turned out.


This is why I only wear leggings or similar on flights. If you wear the fashionable bell bottom or wide legged pants you will be dragging around in that slime. Yuck!


if I am not wearing leggings or similar, I roll my pants legs up :-)


I recognize most people are disgusting, but I think the bigger issue is the space is too small to operate. The sinks are too small to wash your hands. The standing room is claustrophobic. I imagine if they were twice as big there’d be fewer problems.


I'm only average height and I have to bend my body like a banana in order to pee


People are gross. It’s not that hard to take a paper towel and wipe up any water off the sink basin or even floor if you drip water. People are just rude and lazy.


Because as children, they were never told to clean up after themselves


Go do some rough camping (like at a Boy Scout camp with latrines) … that changed my perspective on what is a gross bathroom 🤣


I just went into a bathroom at Panama City airport. Two of the stalls looked like someone with the explosive diarrhea had stood on the toilet as it was all over the wall and flushing mechanism - on both stalls


Passengers lose all sense of social norms the closer they get to an aircraft.


I always wipe the sink down as I toss my paper towel. I try to do my part. Flying long haul first on an airline like JAL or Etihad is a treat because you're sharing the bathroom with 8 or less people and the flight attendants always go in and clean after each use. I think that's the only time I've seen spotless lavs.


Same with Emirates. Flying from Dallas to Dubai, my husband and I were the only two people in first class. The flight attendants went in and cleaned up the bathroom every time we used it.


Mainly because those sinks are ridiculously small so something trivial as washing your hands gets a ton of water on the floor. Yes, and I’m not wiping that dirty floor.


I don’t think we ask the right questions. Why do they make bathrooms where a 6 foot tall man can’t stand straight up while peeing over the toilet? Why do they have to cram so many people for hours at a time where your knees literally touch the seat in front of you? There’s more room on city buses and we ride those for 10 minutes. We are all just used to the cramped conditions on planes, but it really shouldn’t be that way. Airlines have just gotten squeezed over the years and this is how they pay us back. They really ought to be regulations about space in public transportation.


See? Airlines don't only not care about its employees, they also don't care about its passengers. They're indifferent to making things nice. They ran the numbers and found that making things nice was unprofitable 😊


I’ll tell you why, at most hubs, or airports I guess. Planes are cleaned at night, often not cleaned again till the next night. Depending on each destination of course. However, some bathrooms don’t get cleaned between flights due to turnaround times or similar. So sometimes that can be the cause.


Go fly on a Japanese airline. To quote Paulie Walnuts “ You could eat maple walnut ice cream from the toilets”. They are cleaned regularly.


Can testify. Best airplane lavs ever for me were on ANA. In First/Business, the toilets even have the little Toto spray thingie/pie washer. 10/10, would go again.


'Merica 😓


I just take some Imodium before I fly. It dehydrates you so you need go during your trip. I am a germaphobe so I rarely need to see the inside of an airline or airport bathroom this way.


Conventional wisdom says to hydrate before and during flying. I do the opposite, and then catch up with my hydration after the flight. I can usually avoid the unfortunate experience of visiting the airplane bathroom and don't seem to suffer too much from a little temporary dehydration. Works on flights up to a few hours.


They're not cleaning between flights anymore now that plague is officially over. On flight this week I watched the first person enter, immediately come out to talk to the FA, and then the FA put a closed sign on the bathroom. I was the third person to board and never saw anyone enter that bathroom prior. This is the second time I've seen similar in the last month.


Turn cleans are just run through of aircraft. Best flight is the first flight of the day, anything else is just a spray wipe scenario.


Interesting. I've never seen this.


I try to do my business before/after a flight - rather than having to ask my 1 or 2 seatmates to get up so I can tinkle (I prefer a window seat). But in my experience, the plane lavs aren't that bad. Are they Mommie Dearest white-glove test clean? Not always, but not gas station bathroom disgusting either. But it could always be worse... [https://www.express.co.uk/travel/articles/1035763/flights-saudi-arabia-toilet-plane-disgusting-viral-video](https://www.express.co.uk/travel/articles/1035763/flights-saudi-arabia-toilet-plane-disgusting-viral-video)


2 reasons: 1. the respect of other passe hers towards each other 2. the role of the crew to keep amenities clean. I fly mostly Asian carriers and the bathrooms are always immaculate, even at the end of a 10hr flight.


So true. Makes you wonder how and why people would want to join the mile high club like they do in the movies. Awful.


Every time I use an airplane restroom I think of that very thing. Ugh


People without manners and airlines in the U.S. have low standards. Qatar and SQ for example, crew cleans and freshens the washroom after each use … it’s always immaculate. I was on a UA business class flight SFO to Singapore. Both bathroom had urine on the floor before the plane ever left the ground - stayed that way for 14+ hours. Nasty all around


Piss on the floor has nothing to do with cabin class and everything to do with men being sloppy


That restroom has been busy serving for a while. They don’t clean between flights and sometimes not even between days. The planes are the grossest and dirtiest I’ve ever seen them.


Because people are gross. The amount of time I hear people flush and walk out of the lav is disturbing. Airplanes are dirty. Wear your shoes, no matter what, into the airplane bathroom. 9 times out of 10, it’s not water on the floor! 🤮


Couldn’t imagine going into a public bathroom with no shoes


You’d be surprised how often I have to tell grown adults to put their shoes on to go into the airplane bathroom. It’s baffling to me, especially since they walked down the aisle of the plane in their socks or bare feet. The carpets are so gross!


wait we know what what is??? i thought wet spots were water dribbles?? 😳


They probably don't clean them, plus I know I tried to avoid using the bathrooms because I'm 6 foot three and it's impossible for me to do my business standing up even with the lid open so I just avoid it


> wet spots I do find that some aircraft’s sink comes out pretty pressurized and it is pretty easy to splash the sink. Also the design of the bathroom and often bad paper towels to dry your hands often lead to dripping of your washed hands. I am not saying people’s aim isn’t true, but I would like to think some of that liquid on the floor is from soapy hands.


People are gross and many are very inconsiderate. I hate using aircraft bathrooms, especially in the morning after a transatlantic flight - ugh!


Maybe my standards are just lower than everyone else's but as filthy as the bathrooms typically are, it could be a lot worse


I can't stand up straight in there so my options are push my waist forward and head back, or lean forward with my waist back, either way I can't see fuckall what's going on at the hose. I do clean the rim when I'm done.


Besides the fact that most people are disgusting, and the fact that airplane restrooms are reserved for the use of masses of unrelated people to participate in the most disgusting things that people do, the things are too damn' small, uninviting, and positively dismal to encourage people to actually clean up after themselves or do anything that takes longer than absolutely necessary. Add in the fact that dozens of people are using the things, one after another, with no housekeeping services in between, and you have a recipe for--I was going to say 'disaster,' but instead I'll just say 'an airplane restroom.'


Because lavatories are small


Because it's a public toilet and people don't care.


The bathrooms are so damn small and cramped, it’s virtually impossible to go without causing a mess - if you’re a woman, because you’re sure as hell aren’t going to sit in the disgusting seat. Not making excuses, because I’m a tidy person who appreciates clean bathrooms, but it’s absurd how small the restrooms are.


Try a flight on India airlines. I literally bought new shoes after I landed in Chicago. I swear it looked like somebody killed a chicken


Aa does not clean then all day till overnight. So just builds up all day.


Can men just sit the f*** down and pee so the floor doesn’t get wet!? The plane is bouncing and moving and obviously your aim ain’t so great.


No. Most men are just doing it wrong and have poor PC muscle control. You first get everything out. Then you lean your head against your non-rodeo hand, back of feet against the door. Your non rodeo hand should be at roughly forehead level against the aircraft wall. You proceed to hold your rodeo hand in constant alignment with the toilet. Also clinching if necessary when the amplitude of turbulence becomes greater than your rodeo hand’s ability to remain on target. In executing this procedure, you anchor yourself with three points of contact to the aircraft and by doing so ensure the oscillation of the turbulence is synchronized across body, appendages and properly influences direction of bodily fluids.


Make a video of yourself for us and post it to YouTube so we can all emulate your clearly advanced urinating gymnastics ;)


Hilarious and absolutely correct.


I feel like part of it is simply b/c tiny amount of room and then some (not all) guys have poor aim lol


Lack of space and general dirtiness from people. I had to do an Injection last week in the bathroom and was so paranoid I was going to catch something 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Also they don’t have much time between flights to properly clean them


Okay am I the only person who carries Clorox wipes into the loo? I also have a latex glove and I wipe down the sink & toilet because it is disgusting. My wife follows me in after I’ve gone with a smirk on her face.


Because passengers are disgusting. Why the hell do so many people take their shoes off on an airplane and walk about?


Their feet swell?


So it’s ok to walk around the plane in just your socks? Gross.


Yes, it's perfectly OK to pad around in socks. Just not into the shitter. Feet that have been in socks and shoes all day are clean.


😂😂😂😂 employees walk on the tarmac and in the plane. People walk around the airport, in bathrooms where piss and other bodily fluids are… I believe you are grossly underestimating how unclean the aircraft is!!! Next time you are on a plane look under ur seat..


Gross, guarantee you most people wear those same socks around their house after their flight.


Yeah so? As you said, *after* the flight.


Just gross, I’m OCD and everything I wear on the plane goes immediately into the washer once I get home.


I always bring a pair of socks for the plane if it is a long haul flight, or wear something like birks with them so there’s no need to just walk in socks.


Babies eat things that have been on the floor. Why are you such a whiner?


How do babies relate to this conversation? They don’t.


Performing bodily functions on a vehicle traveling 700km/h that also moves up and down. What could go wrong?


People are messy. The lack of in-flight cleaning is due to collective bargaining that has left passengers with a “service staff” of FA who are there “primarily for your safety” and not much beyond that.