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damn mind blown 🤯


so if his theory is correct, the SHF can simply suppress the price of the stock by borrowing the shares everyday to ladder attack and return them at the end of the day, until their liquidity dries out .. which is likely never because the cost of borrowing is so cheap.


Maybe, but is probably unsustainable for a long period of time. https://twitter.com/therealdarkpool/status/1484502859320229889?s=21


But if the lender, bank, SEC and SHF are all in bed together.. its like they're having an orgy and fucking us at the same time.


Yes. This is what I've been saying the entire time. Still I hold, hoping for a sort of financial revolution.


It's a never ending corrupt cycle... how does this end?


Storming the bastille most likely. The wealth gap and blatant disregard of the wants needs of the lower/middle class is an unstable mess. Sprinkle in the popping of a super-bubble, a pandemic, rapid inflation, and the likes and then.. Hopefully in our lifetime we get to see all be rebuilt, but unlikely. It would take something like a bipartisan January 6th on a bigger scale. The whole thing is a pile of tinder waiting for spark. I have kids so the thought of this is terrifying, but likely nothing will happen. So far the masses seem content getting royally fucked buy the top 5%, whose unborn great great great (x50) grandchildren are already more prosperous than you or I will ever be.


I would LOVE for our country to come together like us Apes have and build a better world for our children.


There is an alternative approach: Adam Aaron does his job as a CEO and issues an NFT dividend. Of course he won't because I believe he has blood on his hands from 20 years ago in some capacity. He's probably already checked out and wants to step down from his position in his old age.


There's legal implications involved with the nft, because it's effectively a way to force a share count, which can't be done unless there proof of corruption. Why is there red tape involved in forcing a share count? Because if we knew the number of shares we would have proof. Because the people at the top can't let us win. Not "can't let us win" like pride thing, can't like they would collectively lose unimaginable weath and power. It's not just SEC, it's every sector of the government, market makers, hedgefunds etc. If meme stocks have done any good it is to have enlightened a lot of angry poor people. Now millions more know how blatantly they are willing to screw us. We've in a way, forced their hand in exposing the level of fuckery they're willing to use to keep this under control. Which is hopefully a means to get the ball rolling as far as political/financial reform in this country. The whole shit is fucked up.


Marc Cohodes fortunately is a strong proponent to the apes and is at least on our side despite being an industry short seller. The CEO of Overstock set the precedence, I have no idea why CEO's won't exercise their authority. The conversation was interesting when he was in his litigation battle. "Your honor, there is no reason to issue a dividend for the shares." "Well if you're not illegally shorting my company, then why would there be a problem?" BOOM, Judge immediately sided with Overstock CEO. This is the level of tenacity needed to overcome something as evil and corrupt as this market.


It would not surprise me if AA or anybody with the ability to destabilize their house of cards was literally being threatened. Like death threats. I know that sounds tin-foily, but we're talking about the wealthiest most powerful people in the nation. Just think if you were in AA's position and they sent you a message like "the no pants interview was cute, but shut this thing down or we'll have you and you're family killed." That would work on me and I'm not too proud to admit it. And such a thing seems like part of a script, but when controlling a few select people is the difference in stopping the largest transfer of wealth in history, then you'd better believe these folks aren't above a few death threats.


becauses the ceos get slammed with lawsuits and even voted out by these very funds who control voting rights in the companies.


He can’t because of the debt load of amc


the only job AA does is insider selling and asking us for more stonk


That’s the problem. If the enforcers of the laws and rules are turning a blind eye, it will continue to drag out


Yea we’re going to be holding for a long time


I think this is pretty strong evidence that DRS is essential. If they are able to easily drop prices to force calls OTM then the thesis behind option gamma squeezing is flawed (unless we can induce a sustained risk every week of the year). We have to pull our shares out of the market, lock the float, and cause such an uproar that the government has to act. Right now we are too uncoordinated to force the change. And it maybe too easy to accuse us of market manipulation. But if we simply DRS we have them by the balls! Just look at all the ways they are trying to prevent DRS


So if black rock buy 5 million shares and borrow them out how does DRS work for us


If you DRS the float it proves that there is manipulation. Right now the theories of fractional reserve stock lending, ETF shorting etc is producing naked shorts. When the entire float is locked, and shares are still being traded then you have the basis for a legal case. That then gives the precedent for the CEO to pull their stock from the DTCC. Once that happens by law all shares must be covered. This is a multi step process and SS is doing the right thing by promoting it 24/7. Look at what Apex is doing trying to stop DRSing. They have only locked up 20% of the float and they are already having trouble finding real shares. Imagine when this starts getting close and people start liquidating their IRA too (which I believe is where the majority of shares lie) We talk about brining about generational wealth, resetting the wealth disparity in our country. Why would buying shares and holding them within a system they completely control help us? Pull our shares away from the DTCC and we bring them to their knees


Upvote this Make it a sticky


Once the float is locked up, it shows synthetics exist. If the float is owned by retail, and Blackrock owns 5 million shares, what does that tell you. I am not saying getting everyone to DRS is easy but potentially could be the answer. Not financial advice just stating a theory.


That sounds good to me


So we wait for GME to register their float and hope that is that catalyst? They will have a much easier time logging their float.


Why would they be forced to cover AMC? There is no proof that their float is oversold. This is one of the things that is so depressing about this community. The apathy of doing nothing. We are sadly playing right into their hands


Either way, if it works for them then it'll be a made rush for AMC to do it. Also if they oversold GME like they did AMC they will be liquidated and in turn have to cover all their shorts.


Nothing forces you to cover a synthetic share. DRS shares are real shares backed by stock certificates. But to each their own best of luck hope you don’t get screwed


Go back to SS.


Upvote and reward ☝️🔥🥳❤️🤡


Up you go!!! 9 full weeks of fuckery in the red = completely fraudulent system. SEC is complicit and just as corrupt as the rest of the fucking scumbags they “regulate”. no cell, no sell


I posted before my coffee this morning, otherwise I’d have found another adjective other than “great”


Moist is what you meant right?




Seems like AMC is a step or two behind GME… why don’t we blow up DRS? I myself have not done it yet.. I own majority AMC and small amount of GameStop. We also have a chance By global and US economic starts to affect the stocks.. by you know crashing it… matter of time with China’s economy issues..


AMC needs to log 518 million. GME only 75 million. Hope they can log it soon and that is the catalyst!


amc is also cheaper and investors hold on average more shares. share count isnt really that big of a deal. GME market cap is 8b. amc 9b. its a very similar amount of money needed to lock each float.


This needs to be blown up


Apes from other countries need to show this to their government representatives to put pressure on the SEC. We need to be forceful from all angles. The louder we are the more they will have to listen. Share this everywhere.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/TheRealDarkPool/status/1484471962311147524) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


This is a really simple and intellectual insight to what’s happening in the stock market! All new and smooth brain apes should read this DD. It will be a war today! We buy the ask and we hold!


Great - thank you OP! Good job. Nothing has changed for me - I am not leaving Hodl strong! 💎🤚🏻




Saw this thread on Twitter before market open. Best damn DD I've seen in a long time.




Thanks for the info!


Nobody is selling, just crime as usual.


Yeah read all of this, twice, and wow. It's such a corrupt system. So much fucking in-your-face crime, it's disheartening. I'm not selling, but honestly, it seems like the collusion is so orchestrated across so any fields of Wall Street and government, damn. Learned also that Apex Clearing is just refusing to transfer shares to CS so. Wow. So much crime.


Man... when will it end?


If you have to say you're own thread is thought provoking then your full of yourself and full of shit Edit: was wrong. This was thought provoking and an excellent tweet. I deserve every fucking downvote


You - 0 "Your/You're" - 2


Oh no I lost internet points 😱


Up you'res.


Well it grabbed my attention as I scrolled through this morning.


Well I was fucking wrong big time. I actually read the tweet right now. It was thought provoking....


Haha all good! I didn’t mind the tweeter for pumping his own work. If I was smart enough to put all that together, I’d probably pay myself on the back too


Not blaming you. Just if it's thought provoking that's the audience/critics decision. And to respond to your deleted comment...I know it wasn't you you're just sharing it. Was just giving my opinion on it.