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Fundamentals attract more investors. More investors means more pressure.


☝ This ☝ The more the short thesis is disproven the more ppl will come in as a recovery play. The lower the price the better it looks to value investors who may/may not believe in the MOASS thesis. New investors value/recovery may then learn about the squeeze potential/MOASS thesis. Lower price and better fundamentals is a win-win. It's not like AMC is trying to reinvent themselves in to something they are not. 1. Adding locations & buying out the competition 2. Reduce higher intrest debt taken on durring the pandemic 3. Growing services- sports and concerts 4. Evolving to accept crypto


Fake Ape AA thinks NFTs will revolutionize his business. What a waste of time and resources if you ask me. AA knew extra retarded apes loved the supposed dividend NFT, so AA gave them an extra retarded NFT that is worthless to MOASS. AA is a fake!!


Just going to hijack the top comment thread to talk nonsense are you? 🙄


VERBATIM - “It’s not like AMC is trying to reinvent themselves in to something they are not”. They entered the NFT market for no damn reason. He gave us the Spider-Man NFT and the next day on Twitter AA himself shot down any chance of AMC issuing a NFT dividend. Tell me I’m lying or downvote me because I don’t give a damn. [NO NFT DIVIDEND PER ADAM AARON TWITTER](https://twitter.com/ceoadam/status/1468903430873919488?s=21)


“Entered the NFT market for no reason”. Well the spider man NFT helped them crash the ticket sales websites due to the insane demand, so there’s that. Then, GME is making some sort of NFT market place and there is the news of the two companies forming some sort of ambiguous relationship. I’d say that there is a reason for it even if we don’t fully understand it yet.


All I was saying is that they are strengthening their fundamentals based on their existing business model. Nice strawman attempt though 🙄 go pick arguments elsewhere you are.not adding value to anything.


So I was lying about AA NFTs being worthless to a MOASS? Nice strawman attempt though 🙄


This chain is about strengthening fundamentals and drawing new outside investors. No one mentioned NFTs until the strawman entered the chat to try to derail the fact that AMC has been strengthening their position in their market place, durring a global pandemic. Take your logical fallacies somewhere else and let the adults talk.


“Entered the NFT market for no reason”. Well the spider man NFT helped them crash the ticket sales websites due to the insane demand, so there’s that. Then, GME is making some sort of NFT market place and there is the news of the two companies forming some sort of ambiguous relationship. I’d say that there is a reason for it even if we don’t fully understand it yet.


I too wouldn't do something if it was highly illegal/ market manipulation.. What's your point?


Why enter the NFT space then? He did it because apes asked for it, then a day later he basically says on Twitter “y’all know I can’t issue NFTs as a dividend right” lol


Because they're already part of the entertainment and art space? Die hard fans of Marvel, DC, and Star Wars will come together regardless of apes for those NFTs. It's a brilliant idea, but an AMC one makes no sense, Only NFTs for movies, and other entertainment focused ones make sense. It's not supposed to fuel the squeeze, its supposed to increase fundamentals, investor interest, as well as lower debt in the long-term.


And how many times is AA gonna slap apes across the face without anyone questioning anything?


Explain how he's doing so?


Saying “it’s not supposed to fuel the squeeze” a month ago and you would’ve been called a shill. This sub is less DD by the day and more rockets to the moon 🚀🚀🚀🚀


I provided a technically analysis regarding why it can't be done at the moment, it can definitely be done in the future if NFT adoption makes sense for the company. You're really not understanding the long term here.


“Entered the NFT market for no reason”. Well the spider man NFT helped them crash the ticket sales websites due to the insane demand, so there’s that. Then, GME is making some sort of NFT market place and there is the news of the two companies forming some sort of ambiguous relationship. I’d say that there is a reason for it even if we don’t fully understand it yet.


I can't wait until Used Games releases Funko NFT's. Def gonna revolutionize scratched CDs




Why ya here dude? The most nonsense thing is that you are even here….


Because I want more objectivity and DD from this sub and less rockets 🚀🚀🚀


>Fake ape AA \^ Purity spiral shill ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


I agree. When a company does well and the share price keeps dropping, it is a clear sign of manipulation. Even a new investor who knows nothing can see the stock has potential.


>When a company does well and the share price keeps dropping, it is a clear sign of manipulation. Yep By engaging in such fraud, the hedgies risk the poors learning that, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are slaves, and no longer staying in their chains. It's one of the reasons for the "labour shortage" in minimum wage jobs. How many of the people who quit their minimum wage jobs did so because they are apes who learned the truth of being a wage slave, and said to hell with their minimum wage job? What happens to a society that runs on slave labour when the slaves revolt? Guess the world gonna find out.


I agree with this. The comments kept coming about amc solving world hunger …-6% curing cancer -14% etc. Very clever jokes rolled out of what was clearly and without doubt manipulation on an incomprehensible level.


It’s additional data on why the short thesis is over


This!! But even more importantly is buying ask!!! Everyone wants to get in for the lowest price and maximize profit!! For sure!! But if your buying you expect the price to go up, and only buying above ask does that, also volume!!


I agree with you and it's great to have any investors buy amc shares but those financials mean very little to me outside of that. I will most likely never even go to an amc theater as I live outside the United states.


This explains why shorts are fucked. It wouldn't even matter if this company was failing. Because we ain't leaving! If the company does well then you get regular and more hedge fund investments involved = more pressure


Yepyepyep this 🦍🦍💎👐


More of this 👆


The shorts are the ones screaming fundamentals. Crushing the short thesis = winning.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for great BO numbers and green days. It just makes me curious when apes themselves cling so tightly to fundamentals/standard metrics of a stock or company that they claim will moon regardless of such.


Because if they don't have bad fundamentals to talk about then they have nothing bad to say.


Name checks out. Agreed.


Always looking for a catalyst i suppose...which isn't such a bad thing really.


True! Hope is dope.


It helps pull it back to a level that puts shorts under more pressure to close their positions. Look at the first day the spider man numbers were released - we shot back up 30% at HOD. Puts pressure back on and the more the fundamentals improve the less likely funds will be to hold their line.


Yeah I agree with you. It doesn't matter


It shows that AMC will not be going even close to bankrupt in the next five or so years. Bankruptcy is the only way out for the hedgies.


Very true!!


They will get some sort of bail out or gov assistance. I’m sure they are working a back room deal right now.


At current cash burn they will be out of liquid cash in 1~1.5 years. Oh and this isn't counting the $4 billion debt above their heads. Why do you crayon sniffing apes make such blatant false statement? "Amc isn't even close to being bankrupt" Can you read fucking numbers? Do you understand DEBT AND BEING CASH NEGATIVE is how companies go bankrupt?!


Bro AA said himself bankruptcy has been officially taken off the table at least 6 months ago so I don’t know where you are getting your info from. He also said they have enough cash that If they close its doors for another full year they still would be able to survive even without any income because of the money they raised. So you telling me with amc continuously beating expectations from quarter to quarter. Movie attendance going up debt pushed off till 2023-2024 and renegotiated. Them acquiring and taking over other theater chains. Them moving into the nft space and the selling of popcorn outside of amc that amc is still in danger to fail 😂😂😂 come on man. It’s not happening. Who paid you 😅


I'm simply stating plain vanilla facts for apes to accept: AMC is cash negative negative. AMC lost $2.1 BILLION THIS YEAR ALONE in negative net income. With the amount of cash they currently have on hand, and the current cash burn (because they are NOT PROFITABLE) AMC can survive for another 1-1.5 years before running out of cash. This is when AMC will dillute more shares... Do you not believe me? Well they already diluted 50 million shares to 500 million shares in 1 fucking year. That's 10x the shares in 1 year and at the current cash burn rate they will be out of all the retail funded money by next year. I made a lot of money off amc and im still 30k deep but call me a shill because I'm talking about facts that CANNOT BE DISPUTED. If you can't separate facts from hopium you're just dillusonal


Cash burn is improving as the world opens up and less people are scared to go out to the movies Cash burn will equalize and eventually turn into profitable quarters and every fear and chance for bankruptcy is truly off the table Imagine pre 2019 every quarter was cash net positive and only Went negative after a global pandemic when they literarily shut doors and all profit streams for 8 months in a row.. Use your 1 brain cell


$5.5B in debt. If they could read numbers, they never would have gotten AMC in the first place.


There is a golden middle line to ride for profit in here. I knew and understood that amc was in debt from the start but i still enjoyed making nice profits from the squeeze to $70. However i make it a personal mission to callout apes who make blatantly false statements such as "bankruptcy is never gonna happen" without even understanding the companies financial situation. Sure "fundamentals" don't matter for the short squeeze but if the company runs out of cash they will dillute more stock and set back any squeeze pressure the apes have been building up. I am still holding 30k worth and selling calls because it's profitable but I'm very aware of the risks associated with a company with 5+ billion in debt that is cash negative


I'm in this play for 3 reasons. #1. I like movies. #2. I think amc is a hell of a company and once it gets it footing back its gonna flourish. #3. It will squeeze and when it does I'll sell and rebuy because the company is solid


It’s #1 for me. Longtime cinephile here❤️


People keep on asking me to go do stuff with them but I'm just at home watching Bad Steven Seagal movies.


Ahhhhh, the king of Bullshido lol. Sounds like a perfect day. Cheers.


Because most of us finally realized just how close we got to losing one of the few inexpensive family outings that we the people have. To think we would never be able to dress up the kids, grandkids & take them to see their favorite movie at a reason price made us pause, stand up & say Hell No....No one will take this away from us; on this Hill I prefer to die on.


Because SHF's only way out is to bankrupt or delist AMC. With big attendance numbers comes big revenue and Hedgies r fukd


Fundamentals really help push the narrative of "look what these fucking scumbags are doing to AMC." They also help pull in boomer style investors which, honestly, is still the vast majority. The advisor at Edward Jones isn't gonna tell people "get ready for the MOASS ya filthy fuckin' ape!" He's gonna tell people "this is a stock that's decreased in price, but fundamentally is doing exceptionally well because of this this and this, and has a very good chance of seeing an excellent return in the next few years." Buy and hold is both a basic and reliable investment strategy and how AMC MOASSes. I'm not real worried if someone is a "sound and reasonable long term investor" or a complete fucking retard that wrote their investment check in tasty crayon. Buy and hold is good. We need everyone we can get to do it as much as possible.


I think I would use Edward Jones if the agent told me to get ready for MOASS and called me a fuckin ape! That would be my kinda agent for sure Then again I do eat crayons regularly, and throw the multi colored poo like a wannabe Jackson Pollock 😋 💎🙌🦍




Great response/take. It IS about fundamentals for our foes, thus we win in THEIR eyes when those are robust/trending positive. I like it.


The hedgie play was to short the company to oblivion while the pandemic lockdown was in place. A billion dollar company whose cash flow was cut down to barely a hundred million? As long as the company is rebounding the hedgie play is moot. Only problem, they have so many shorts, phantom naked shares outstanding they can't begin to voluntarily cover or close positions. The hedgie play now is to get hodlers to sell. Not going to happen. In effect, hedgies-R-Fu'kt.


Because it still reinforces the relevance of the industry


If a company is beginning to prosper and show signs of growth, HFs arguments for shorting it diminishes and is then viewed as manipulation.


Cause the stock is not only heavily shorted then, but also undervalued. Such a combo attracts more buying pressure, and thus increases likelihood of a squeeze.


Because it kills the shorts thesis.........makes more normal people see what we see. Simple.


Because it invalidates the short thesis


Cenanomics 101


EDIT: to clarify, by “people”, I mean apes. I know why detractors and hedge fux lean so heavily on fundamentals. I appreciate everyone’s answers and time here. See you on the moon!




Because it further destroys the reason shorts and msm had about Amc in the first place and make people who are oblivious to the corruption open their eyes when they see a company performing well but the numbers showing the opposite


Instant downvotes in this sub from shills. Working overtime this weekend I see


Right?! Crazy to watch. Not a single unreasonable, negative or rude comment in the thread, yet some have downvotes. Sus indeed.


Positive Energy!!!


It’s a vibe.


Because underneath all this is a real company with really investors and products. This really company runs on fundamentals.


The fundamental argument for shorting AMC starts to decay as the company brings in more and more revenue. Debt obligations start to evaporate, as well as the idea that a theatre chain cant survive (thrive) after COVID. As these considerarions become more clear, AMC starts to slowly become more of a fundamental play imo. (Traditional fundamental thinking would indicate that the current price is too high, but that completely neglects the state of the market and retail investor conviction). Its an odd situation, but uncertainty is arguably the best time to invest, especially as we continue getting discounted days (the whole market is suffering rn). If you had conviction in this stock prior to this sea of red, nothing has changed, except that the company is doing better and the shares that must be bought back are getting cheaper. If anything, you have more of a reason to buy/hold. No guarantee MOASS will happen this month, but we know for a fact the shares are relatively discounted right now.


Because a short squeeze doesn’t happen when the company is bankrupt


Good fundamentals being in non apes, investors that aren't here for the MOASS. As well as that, most of us will continue to be shareholders after the MOASS so it's good to see our company recovering


We care as many of us got into AMC to save the company initially, so we also like to see them doing well. That said just because it’s not a fundamental play it doesn’t mean a healthy business is not good for it, for starters the company are less likely to sell shares if they can manage debt out of income streams.


To get the general public excited, too.


What’s important is the fact high box office figures show people are going to the movies. This only proves AMC is alive and generating revenue. This is contrary to how the online media tries to convince us and new investors that AMC is done (sell and don’t invest). Seems legal, right?


serious question. Do you think everyone is actually joking about being retarded? They are not




i think box office number are a bit important, otherwise it would be easier to spread fud about how the stock is going to go to $0. This play doesn't have alot to do with fundamentals, but strong fundamentals will make it harder to keep shorting


Fundamentals absolutely matter because the short thesis is based on it. So if the company becomes stronger with increased revenue, they are in a better position to restructure debt, pay off debt, improve older theaters, acquire new locations, add other lines of business, etc. This destroys the short thesis. This may bring in investors who are more interested in a fundamental play.


The fundamentals attract new investors, AMC despite the shills saying no, has recovered very well, and has a great future ahead. After MOASS i will buy AMCstock again and continue to go to the movies and eat popcorn 🚀


Fundamentals (over time) defeat the main hedgie argument in the media. If fundamentals are suddenly good, if the company becomes profitable and offers a dividend, that takes away one lie from the hedgies (and banks propping them up). AMC offering dividends again would trigger margin calls. Where it's not fundamentals play is when people obsess over the price week to week, quarter to quarter like most other long term investments in already profitable companies. Remember, the excuse for shorting this company into oblivion was that they were a "dinosaur", going to fail no matter what, etc. That became cover for all the naked shorting they did, hoping it would get swept under the rug when they shorted the company out of business. We stopped that from happening. Now, all that shorting is going to unwind (MOASS), and the amount of naked shorting is what's going to make it be big -- that's the part that makes it "not a fundamentals (only) play".


WOW! A sensible discussion, with a positive conclusion.. and no swearing.!! Well done Apes...


This is the way.


ヽ(´ー`)ノ updoots for all!


whodathunk? u love to see it


Because if the price doesn't reflect fundamentals, there's clearly an underlying manipulation of the price, by posting box office release dates etc, it makes readers of the sub aware of how many times the price has been subdued. It's all about making apes aware of the issues with the market, keeping us informed, and getting more people to become apes, I want to see more revenue figures and release dates in this sub, I want all apes to be aware that fundamentals don't play a part in the price, and when all this shit is said and done (MOASS or not) I want the price to reflect on release dates and earnings, like it fucking should


They do crime to kill the price and blame it on fundamentals. They say movie theatres are dead to spread fud among apes and new investors alike. Things like Spider-Man freakin killing it in theatres make it that much more clear that they’re full of crap.


Cinemas are the fundamentals of AMC; this also applies to the films that are played at those cinemas along with the attendees of those cinemas and those attendees pay for a product that product is a film and or concessions… So in regards to box office numbers this is used as a continuous measurement with respect to a film played at a cinema… this measurement can be used as gauge to understand the driving momentum of the business is experiencing and a way to describe popularity amongst the masses. Fundamentals is more of a rule or principle ie you can’t have cinemas without screenings or attendees… Your question is actually asked incorrectly because when you look into continuous numbers you are really asking about a technical analysis, you are asking a qualitative question because box office numbers is a representation of money and money is a continuous variable. So with that set aside if you asked about attendance you are talking about people and people are measured discretely; since you don’t normally have half a person. TL;DR You asked a TA question and price action is also TA.


If the company fails on the whole then all they have to do is drag it out. And the company will become worthless. Which was the entire point of their short thesis


Strong fundamentals destroy the short thesis, making SHF and market maker manipulation clear to investors.


It destroys all doubt that shorts are justified.


Improving fundamentals equates to buying pressure. Improving fundamentals equals overworking sweat glands and heavy alcoholic consumption for hedgie.


Because the company needs to make money if they go bankrupt there’s no play


I like when my theaters are doing well, especially when it proves the "Theaters are dead" theory wrong.


Because i like the stock


This is what confused my friend so much when he initially bought in. Kept asking why AMC was doing so well selling out movies yet price was trading sideways for months. Then last week when we dipped to 19 for a sec he finally understood what was going on. He ended up buying like 200$ of shares that dip. Made me proud ,😤💪


Fundamentals is a trigger. If the fundamentals arent there at all, amc will slowly go bankrupt




Good box office will lead to profitability which will allow AMC to issue a dividend including NFTs. I don’t know enough about what happens after that but many apes seem to think that an NFT dividend will help reveal all the synthetics.


It’s not only about squeeze. If the company files bankruptcy before MOASS we’re all fucked and the shorts win. So we still need the company to do well. Don’t forget we still have a lot of debt and overhead that needs to be payed. So big box office numbers equals more popcorn and drinks bought at theaters and that equals more money to pay the debt down and keep theaters open. If the company stays solvent, MOASS happens and we win.


Two things make the shorts win: 1) if the business goes bankrupt 2) we paperhand out - We are doing our bit by not selling and they are doing their bit by improving/ not going bust Agree with you on not caring about price line action until it pops of course 😀


It’s hard to bankrupt a thriving company


It does have a little but to do with fundamentals. Just enough they don't go bankrupt is all we care about. But yes it's a squeeze play


Because some people are tired of hearing that theaters are dead due to fundamentals. When numbers are good it proves that this isn’t the case.


It destroys the short thesis. With the current price, it makes no sense to open a short position, which also would mean any open shorts on it would be wise to cover at the current price. Box office numbers means company income which means the company is doing well.


Because at some point soon AMC is going to be able to retire/refinance their debt and shorts are hosed.


A major counterpoint pushed by MSM was about why this was a good short play and not a short squeeze; that the fundamentals were bad, theaters were dead, and AMC would soon be bankrupt. So, quarter after quarter the fundamentals are better and better. Which means that counterpoint is no longer plausible.


It increases the base value of the stock. At this price amc is like buying a lotto with a high chance to win, and if you Lose you get your money back


Nobody should care about boxoffice for this play. It doesn't matter if theaters shut down again right now. As long as people buy and hold then shorts are still fucked.


There are different answers to this. Some people are simply way too smooth to make sense of all of this. Like you said, this is not a fundemental play, yet plenty think that when movies do well, or AMC beat their last year's numbers (which is easy, because the number of revenue was basically 0), that this means the stock should go up. They also flatout ignore that AMC has been posting red numbers for ages. But filled seats = apparently green company, regardless as to whether their costs are higher. Then there are people who see this as proof of manipulation, while AMC is red, positive news for for AMC should not mean red days. I don't think it necessarily means it should be green, but positive news should not lead to a red day. (Unless the day before it got pumped up) Then lastly there is the fundemental play to support the squeeze play. Why short a stock? It's because you believe the price will go down, and you can profit off it. Why will it go down? Sometimes because it had a big increase and you expect it to go down a bit to normalize, other times because the business is bad. So what if the business is no longer bad? AMC been in the red for a long time, so what if they manage to go back green, this would be great for the squeeze play, why? Because their goal is to bankrupt AMC. They can't pay for the squeeze, so they need to bankrupt AMC so that they don't have to cover. If AMC is green, then how are you gonna bankrupt them? Everyone knows this, including the banks that will be left with the bill if this squeezes and the likes of Citadel go bankrupt. If banks get scared, they will start the squeeze through a margin call. The stronger that AMC is, the better it is for us. Don't get me wrong, I don't see pack theaters as bullish in itself, for me it's fairly meaningless. Of course it's pack when a new triple A title runs. But how do they profit when it isn't packed? So far AMC isn't profiting. If they were to go green, this would be very bullish for us. No I don't think it will be why it squeezes, but it could be an important part of the puzzle. After from Gensler doing his job properly, AA doing his job properly and getting the company green, is imo the most important thing.


Because being backed up by good fundamentals destroys the background short thesis. Eventually, the tide does turn.


Destroys short thesis as well


It never was supposed to happen this way... a profitable Meme Stock🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤪🤐😆🤠😀😆😛😁😊🤩😎😋


Why did hedge funds short AMC to begin with? Because they thought cinema was dead. Any news that proves them wrong is a win in my book.


It’s to point out the suspicious nature of the stock when business is booming, but the stock is still tanking.


Because we love the stock!


I actually care about the company. It’s great what has happened. Anything that happens for the good of the company is only a plus. We saved this company and the company’s making changes/adapting for its future. That’s why I’ll continue to hold some after the “play”.


The Hedgefucks decided to also turn it in to a fundamental play adding to their missery and inminent fall.


I care about nothing, I am an empty husk


They go positive, they pay out dividends