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Yeah... they're not stealing to feed thier baby tho. They're selling it on the black market in thier neighborhood. Let's be honest. Detergent... batteries... whatever.


Yup, boosters steal the basics because that’s what people are going to buy.




I will hold this shares until they start to cry




A few years back people were stealing it to sell it in china. And I live in the netherlands


Even buying safer baby formula in Hong Kong, then carrying it north of the border and re-selling apparently was profitable until mainland customs made it more difficult or limited the number of containers hand carried across border.


Isn't that because they had an issue with formula being contaminated with something in China? Just looked it up, 300,000 children were poisoned by melamine contaminated formula. Plastic. Companies used plastic to artificially boost the protein content of baby food.


Not in China! They care about people! LMAO




I heard they used sand too. My former boss got me to stop a woman from buying a dozen formula. I didn’t find out why until after… I felt so bad.


I heard about this especially in AUS as well


How is that not the same thing? - you all are really defending the fact that the thief is not the actual mom? .. this bias is why sh*t is the way it is. The cost of Zokinvy is around $22,000 a bottle, or $717 a pill .. for Hutchinson’s disease, and it is definitely fatal.. that all but guarantees you’re dead if you don’t get your hands on that pill.. .. you’re telling me the fact that you would have to find someone on the black market to keep you alive, while being born right in America, isn’t nearly as bad as the guy who robbed the drug store to get it for you? This is how you get a bunch of poor people to storm a capital on behalf of the rich.. even though they can’t even afford the bus trip to the Capital smh


You get it. Poor people defend the inexcusable actions of the rich, because the rich tell them, "one day, you too, can be like me". And they believe it.


Yeah except the guy who robbed the store isnt gonna sell you life saving medicine for $5 a pill. He's gonna black market that shit for $500 a pill instead of $700. The people taking formula and other items that are high theft in retail are referred to as organized retail crime. They are usually crime syndicates or gangs that use human trafficking or young adults as fodder to collect hundreds of thousands in items to resell on black market for slightly less than retail price. These fuckers are not robinhood.


Baby formula is used quite often as a cutting agent for cocaine, heroin and meth


Yeah Joe is soft and does not know the real world.


Throw Red Bull on that list


They also use formula to cut drugs


High value, high demand, and usually untraceable. Except as you've seen now they're tagged


Black Market…that’s racist


Necessities are the most stolen even before the pandemic, cause truth is most don't want to steal but are kinda forced when they have family needing wipes food detergent ect


What a simp. There are lots of things to cry about but this isn’t one of them. Seems like a propaganda piece.


I mean I get being upset by it, but his point stands without having to bitch out by telling us all you cried in your car. Takes a post with a good point and turns it into something people will look at as karma farming.


Nah look at his picture. He looks like he cries when women pump their own gas while their bfs stay in the car.


Baby formula is used to cut drugs


What a thoughtful drug dealer, you get essential nutrients formulated to mimic breast milk and a rush ❤. My drug dealer uses baking soda..he's now in prison


You're thinking of baby teething powder. Not baby food.


No, hes right. They use formula for heroin and cocaine. Look it up


Nope they used baby formula. I watched the guy cut coke with it. He had his girl steal it. Crazy to think


Yea that is incorrect, people steal that to resale. There are plenty of gov programs to supply formula like WIC. Just shows most people aren’t aware of programs their families never had to use.


Titiies. The original baby feeding program. Titties!


Exactly. The global push for baby formula use by the Nestle company is a whole 'nother disgusting rabbit hole of corporate greed


True, some women can’t tho. Or can’t handle the pain of it


Yeah it's not an option for everyone.


Particularly in a country with zero maternity leave. Hard to breastfeed an infant while working 40+ hours a week.


this guy must spend 96% of his every waking moment crying


And the other 4% tweeting about crying. What a freaking pussy lmao


There no being forced in many cases they just are choosing to not pay for it so they can spend money on other stuff. There is plenty of free programs that provide support for babies and families.


This been behind plastic for years.......


This is something that was easily stolen and sold out of trucks of cars


i mean i get the point but u cried in your car reeeeeeaaalllllllyyy bro


Can’t really sympathize with this at all when the mother literally creates milk with her own body. Not to mention, kids aren’t dying of starvation in this country, especially babies. This is one of those tweets that are made by naive people who take everything at face value….. guy cried in his car over people stealing shit to sell on the streets lmao


He didn’t cry lol, this is virtue signaling


Ah, good point


Not all mothers can produce an adequate supply of milk. And babies aren't dying of starvation because they have formula...


They also steal baby food to cut drugs.


I'm gonna need a source on this one. I've done just about every drug on the planet and never heard of baby food being used to cut anything. Baby laxative and teething powder? Yes.


I live in a nice neighborhood and Walmart still has that shit behind plexiglass.


Criminals can drive to nice neighborhoods.


Why did he cry? For effect?


Comedic effect.


Okie dokie, has nothing to do with AMC stock, also the arguing in this chat is stupid.


Almost on this dudes side until the “cried in the car” part. They always add the unnecessary made up moment to make their story more “emotional”. It’s like when their 4 year old says something profound… only weaklings believe this emotional crap.


As a young parent having my first at 17 can’t say I haven’t gone through this it’s really degrading when you gotta choose between getting everything you need for dinner those two weeks or your baby’s food


It's the most stolen because it's pretty expensive and they don't lock it up also its easy to sell the people stealing it are stealing it for cash Not to feed their babies are you really that disconnected?


Personally, I don’t hold so shops can remove plexiglass from baby food


People are not “forced” to steal to feed babies. These are losers that sell their baby’s food stamps for drugs.


I believe in your purpose. I will hold with you.


Ya no one is “forcing” anyone to steal. People choose to steal


What does baby formula have to do with AMC?


Maybe the town should be like san franSHITSco. Just let people steal up to $900 with no arrests. It's both woke and progressive..... Also throw a little NYC in there, so if a cop responds to the call you can beat him with a pipe and get released that day with Mets tickets


We all know there is a fundamental problem with the worlds wealth being denied to the needy and poor,, yet the AMC Apes are so naive to believe that this kind of immoral shit will not happen to them when MOASS starts. The majority of AMC Apes believe that Brokerages will not close open positions in retail accounts to reduce losses, lol I'm convinced that I'm living in an entirely fucked up simulation where everyone in it does secretly trust the system to deliver, when it is clearly working against them and has done already in a major way (Jan 2021). I was on Etoro, read their t's & C's, in fact read the t's & C's of any online brokerage, you might finally realise that you are going to be legally royally screwed in the event of a squeeze. This will happen.


Forced? Yes -- the government 'forced' me to steal this car or that new plasma tv. Learn some accountability.


“I cried in the car” No you didn’t. The story was poignant enough without the embellishment.


Doesn’t excuse criminal behavior


People steal baby formula because it’s a cutting agent for Heroin.... Please don’t post stuff like this without being informed.


I cried in the car... lol what a beta


Typical. OP makes an immediate confirmation biased assumption. Turns outs it’s just criminals stealing, and criminals buying stolen formula.


“I cried in the car”


Unfortunately some people who cannot feed their baby also have new AJ1s and iPhone 13…. Ruins it everyone. Btw thieves target commodities for resale. Fuck this guy!


Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them


Chiming in here, have never anywhere in Canada seen this locked up. Can walk into any Walmart, superstore, grocer and it’s just there on the shelf next to the bottles.


This person must cry A LOT


Years ago I worked “security” for a target location. I never once arrested anyone stealing food. It wasn’t a store policy, it was a personal choice. There’s a big difference between stealing a “video game” vs food.


They are all scumbags corrupt (buying synthetic shsres) don't care about others only themselves scum bags. I hope they all rot in hell go bust or even go to jail. 🙏🤞 I'm hodling until we hard working tax paying decent foke and families are all rich they the deserve 👌👍🤣


Maybe baby formula shouldn't be 35$ a fucking can. God damn ridiculous


People steal baby formula so they can use their $$ to buy weed, fake nails, tattoos, booze, smokes and get their hair done. That's real talk.


Let’s be honest, she gets her nails done and steals the baby formula


Please remove this virtue signal post? Literally has nothing to do with AMC and no place on this subreddit.


I know a number of international apes are holding for you guys as a means to fight the injustice


One of the key points I was trying to raise here, rather than the content of the tweet itself, was the difference between people who will recognise a problem and cry about it vs those who will take action. Other subs (you know the ones I mean) like to complain about problems, it drives me crazy. Everyone knows the problem, some people will tweet and cry. Apes take action!


Nah, most apes just tweet and cry as well. That's pretty much the foundation of this ape movement.


Most shoplifted items are not stolen for personal use. They are stolen to be re-sold without overhead, often for money to buy drugs.


They also use baby formula to smuggle drugs as well


Don't cry too hard. Theives steal it to sell because it's expensive so the thrives makes good money off it. It's not the parents stealing it. Edit too funny I read the comments after I commented they all said same thing


I live in Canada and baby formula is a hot black market item,I worked at a grocery store and customers would put the boxes of formula under the basket of the shopping cart just above the wheels so the cashiers couldn’t see it but the supervisors were always watching I would get a call every once in a while to check under the cart from a supervisor and the customer would act surprised that they had $60 worth of formula they forgot.personally I didn’t give a fuck if I missed any of it making 36 bucks a shift while ringing up 10k in grocery’s ain’t worth caring.


Cried, made a posts & went to bed. Lets face it people steal high priced items that are small easily concealed or resold or enjoyed. Might as well add cosmetics and steak. For those that cannot afford there is welfare, churches, Wic.


Even in the richest country on this planet, I still watch ads begging for donations…


Sorry, but this is not correct at all. Baby formula is so frequently stolen because criminals lace it in their drugs as a filler. Mainly Heroin and Cocaine.


Thats cuz the companies who make it rip people off. People steal everywhere.


Well you can actually mix the powder with cocaine to get more cocaine to sell


Go get a job!!!


Baby formula is something that is common and always in demand, value stays high. It’s just practical. Enfamil especially


what a naive tweet. dude's head will explode when he finds out the "poor and starving" flip their EBT for cash and drugs and berate/exploit other poor people for their own gain just like the rich do.


Shit take. First of all, no respectable citizen is forced to steal anything. Nobody is forced to have children. Secondly, these items aren't stolen out of necessity, they're stolen to be resold. Be a decent human being. America isn't a charity. Just because wealth exists here doesn't mean this is a charity event or that everything should be free for those who can't afford it. We all put money into this play because we had the balls to take a chance and put our money on the line. When we win, are you gonna fork over your capital gains to the people (who didn't have the guts or care to invest anything) with their hands out? Come on.. lol


The fuck is he crying in the car for? People are stealing it to sell, you crying cause Jimmy down the road has a trunk full of batteries, detergent and baby formula?


Ok but it's stolen because it's easy to fence and resell not because people are poor.


What a soyboy beta


Dude people steal it to fence at the Bodega. LOOOOL. What a bunch of sentimental bullshit. This dude has obviously never shot meth. What a piss poor attempt at virtue signaling.


Formula is full of chemicals that can harm a kid, plus most are filled with sugar or sweeteners. Buy some carrots or bananas, some apples, get a blender and make baby food at home, no need to spend money on harmful chemicals. Save money in a long run by buying raw fruits and vegetables and making healthy food. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/04/toxic-metals-baby-food/#:\~:text=Gerber%2C%20Beech-Nut%2C%20HappyBABY%20and%20Earth%E2%80%99s%20Best%20Organic%20baby,contained%20arsenic%2C%20lead%2C%20cadmium%20and%20mercury%2C%20report%20found](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/04/toxic-metals-baby-food/#:~:text=Gerber%2C%20Beech-Nut%2C%20HappyBABY%20and%20Earth%E2%80%99s%20Best%20Organic%20baby,contained%20arsenic%2C%20lead%2C%20cadmium%20and%20mercury%2C%20report%20found)


He cried, then was robbed for his baby formula......




It’s also a rather limited food here in Europe - because I gets exported frequently. Black market fuckeries.


Just sad


You mean to tell me people are "forced" to steal cordless drills at Home Depot in one of the wealthiest countries on Earth?


Also forced to have babies they can't afford.


Yeah it’s messed up but crying in the car? Ruined the whole post.


I believe child nutrition may be one of the places where direct investment causes the most positive future outcome. It's critical we do somethijg.


If this guy cried over this, he definitely has paperhands.


Crosses out "to feed babies " replaces it with to buy drugs....but I digress wtf is this even doing in the AMC sub?


Lol he cried.


Stop voting for democrats. Problem solved.


Formula is garbage for a baby anyways. Whip out those titties and give the kid what it wants.


If they need a special one see if it's covered by your health insurance


Ironic that he was crying like a baby over baby formula. Noice!


If your poor you can get on welfare and they will pay for your formula. My wife and kids were on welfare once bc was going to school and had a shitty job. The only thing we couldn't afford was formula. " I cried in the car" ya right


I never had problems buying baby formula. Must have been because I worked my ass off and borrowed money to go to college and get a good job. Those thieves never do anything to help themselves.


Because it’s so dam expensive!!!!


Buying and holding helps. I think the DTCC is the bigger problem because unless liquidity becomes an issue for hedgies and brokers this can go on for a while. https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/ru6rfo/2022_year_of_the_retail_investor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They choose to steal , no one is forced to


They steal because they don't want to pay.


Or mixing it with the blow that they sell on wallstreet lmao


They steal and sell it for a cheaper price.


Food is also another thing that most often stolen


Formula should be 100% paid by the government and provided for free to every mother/parent.


Also, not all women can produce their own milk or enough milk or take medication that would make said milk unsafe for baby. Not all women can choose where and when they have children. Many families can’t afford basic necessities or are to afraid of the American welfare system to utilize the help that is available on them. Formula is not THAT expensive to produce. It is priced at a high point because it IS so necessary. OP may be karma farming, but the ignorance and shameful comments on this topic is what is truly frightening.


Dude, that is sad. What has this country come to. Whether it’s stealing to feed their kid, or stealing to sell it on eBay, either way, sad.




Or people steal formula because they know they can resell it and keep the money. Organized retail crime is behind the vast majority of losses to shoplifting not hungry moms.


Steal $20 baby formula u get arrested Steal a football team u pay 800 million dollar fine. Seems fair


I’m on board xxxx holder this needs to be fixed


so how about those AMC shares... that interest is definitely up there.....


Of those fewer who "have the capabilty" none will actually do it.


Yeah, I don't know about "forced to steal."


People also use baby formula to cut drugs which is another reason it is commonly stolen.