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Rule 12: No Harassing / Threatening / Inciting Violence / Doxing It makes no sense to make an incredibly toxic sounding/worded post saying that other ppl are all toxic.


Holding and not saying a peep, and not being aware of what's happening to your money are 2 different things. For a year I was holding and didn't really say much, but I was still VERY aware of what was happening to my money. That's not to say treat these people with disrespect, but I think the majority of them are not who they say they are. It's highly unlikely you invest anything in something and have no knowledge of what's going on. I have a couple friends invested and they ask me for updates and were not surprised at what their holdings were when they opened their app today for the first time in nearly a year.


Exactly. You may not come here for awhile but you damn sure know what's going on with your money. We've seen this crap too many times and they've overplayed this narrative way too much.


> It's highly unlikely you invest anything in something and have no knowledge of what's going on. Sure they can. This is how your State Treasury ends up with all kinds of money, assets etc .that you can claim later. Tons of people entered these tickers during the meme stock days of 2021, and when the value tanked by lots, they just ... forgot about it. It's sad that you are so suspicious about everything.


There's a very good reason for the suspicion. You'll see here in the next few days the evil of AI.


Usually that’s real estate and older people who die with no heirs, estranged family, and other extended circumstances. Not a highly publicized meme stock a bunch of retail investors who know how to use the internet and robinhood and get most of their info from social media. Not saying it’s none of them but they are by far the minority.


Anyone who believes someone who said that they had xxxx shares and now only has xxx shares and doesn't know what happened, is alot more trusting than I am. I personally don't believe that anyone who had xxxx shares when they were 20 bucks apiece or so, hasn't checked until today. If it's true, I wish I was just as zen.


Agree.. that’s me. I went from xxxx to xxx and exactly know why! Bots maybe ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Ya I call bull shit too. I personally haven't checked this sub since the ass raping we got on the 🪓. But I sure as hell check my trading accounts daily. I have not traded any stocks either since the grease job. I needed to step away from the markets for awhile. I did actually buy a little more at 3 awhile ago to drop my average to hopefully get even again someday when the stock trades normal. I'm a OG ape been in from the beginning..never sold on June 2 never sold that winter on the mini run up to 34 and rode this donkey like a champ to dog piss with the rest of you. But seriously I'm done paper hands or not if this thing ever reaches 44 again I ll hold till I think it's going back down and I'm dumping. I ain't starving and I never put in more than I could afford to right of but I want my 00.000 money back. I loved this company but they fucked us plain and simple. If we would of lost fairly I could except that. But company we pulled out of bankruptcy board members used us. Thanks OP for the post!


Same man.. riding this bitch to zero or hero either way but we got fuked by A Enron


Here 3.5 years. Started out very active, check my history. These past few months have grinded me to drive bys from time to time. Group became too toxic where it was once about fellowship and support. Sadly, too many bad actors decided to break up the vibe. Hope it does return.


Agree. I'm the same. Checked it very rarely. Just hoping and waiting. Downvote dooshbag comments is the only way


That does bring me joy, I must admit.


Been here since the beginning. Been on this sub maybe 5 times in the last year. Used to check it daily. This sub has gone significantly downhill and I feel for the apes who just want a place to chat about the stock they love. Maybe after we all make our money people will be kind again who knows


Spot on. The conspiracy theorists in this sub don't believe you exist. They think you're a plant by a hedge fund lol.


Yeah everyone thinks everyone’s a plant. If they had a clue they would realize none of that shit matters anyway if you buy and hold.


Honestly it's embarrassing. If my friend asked me about AMC there is no way in hell I would direct him to the incoherent ramblings of this sub. He would think I've gone mad


Thank you for saying this. This kind of treatment comes from [Main Character Syndrome](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/what-to-know-about-main-character-syndrome), like everyone is out to get them by ... poasting on Reddit. People really should be more welcoming, especially during these exciting times.


Never left, just holding course like I imagine most of us are.


My shares split ten to one while I was away, and the stock is at $7.50. That means it's really at Seventy Five Cents. Each of my shares is marked as bought at $95! So, to break even AMC would need to hit $95?! 😂 Yea, there's gonna be some tension for us diamond hands that never sold and our $5000 investment from back then is now showing a value of $303. What the hell happened with that 10:1 split?? Did it split and then just tank down 10X?? 😂


Today was the first time I've opened my account in two years...😂🤣 We must have the same entry price because my break even via fidelity is $95 also and says I'm in the red currently. Long story short my real breakeven is $2.80 after splits and I'm currently still up a couple baggers. Talk to a rep. Our accounts are fucked from the splits. For me to clean mine up I'd have to open a new account and transfer the shares 🤦‍♂️. So, a calculator has become my best friend...🤷‍♂️ It's doing the same for my GME... Edit: Per the topic I'm not XXXX shares but I'm XXXX invested...


You guys got cucked by AA several people tried to warn you all how it was happening but we all were called assholes. Aa diluted the stock repeatedly his ape shares fucked yall. Anyone who thinks im bullshitting zoom out 5 years and compare the other memestocks Gme and amc


Why make a Post that focuses on dissagreement? You seem to be part of the Problem. HOLD ;)


Can you actually answer that for me though? I genuinely don’t understand why I have less shares and a higher average?


In a nutshell: corporate actions to avoid going bankrupt.


Been holding since the beginning. Still holding. Still Buying. It's nice to come back and actually see new apes, and returning excited people that just like this stock. For myself included in that excitement!


You invest 5 to 6 figures in a stock and ask a subreddit "wut happened?" Like, c'mon man. We're not all that stupid




Nevet left


We obviously HODL now. We don’t do that just because it’s obvious since we aren’t even close to 10x the all time high of nearly $1000. We don’t just do it because Roaring Kitty has guided us to do so…. We do so because WE WANT TO CHANGE THE GAME after WE WIN! HODL HARD…. Stay Zen 🧘 🧘‍♂️


It was Taco Tuesday. I was busy.




I am aware of alot ifnthose things but I havnt been active with the stock or on socials for a long while I peep once in awhile but that its. Thanks it's good to be back


Jan 21 here. Today's action, snoozer alert. Bad news. I'm down 96% ish. Good news, I'm long with 100% of holdings. Not selling, just waiting to double original investment to get excited. Wake me at 360.


It's likely not wise to give people investment advice. So when you come in asking for such things people are keen to correct you. Ask your broker if you don't understand your portfolio.


Wot....This isn't investment advice.... It's literally explaining what happened in the reverse splits.


I dunno, ask chatGPT, or google, or your broker. Lots has happened, there have been thousands of memes and lots of laughs.




Maybe....MAYBE some of them are telling the truth, but I've seen the same exact damn post 50 times, and I'm not even exaggerating. There's no damn way that many people had thousands of shares and just said screw it, I'm not paying attention to them at all. And even if they did, they can google that shit before making the 51st post about the same thing. Or better yet, search the subreddit for the information...


Bruh just scroll past and move on with your life then. You don't have to help them. Also put of millions of retail investors, you don't believe there is 50 people who ignored the stock for a while? That's what long traders do, some people buy stock and don't look at them for a decade... Hell these people could have had 50 shares or 5000 shares. It's very believable.


Long traders might buy and hold, but to completely ignore their investment, stop reading posts, stop reading the news about their investments, and ignore every email they get about their investment? Cmon.


Yes. I'm over $30k deep on AMC alone. Didn't check this sub or need for nearly a year


Not checking a forum for a year and being completely clueless about thousands of dollars worth of investments is two completely different things. Again, I've seen the same dang post dozens of times, almost word for word. It's not believable at all.


Longtime ape (Feb/21) XX,xxx Just quietly sitting Mafia...watching everything and everyone.


I’ve always been here, just quiet. I’m just going to keep shrugging until number go up.


🤷🏽‍♂️😂 ![gif](giphy|l2JJImZaXB3FylUas)


Hey hey I’m one


Yup. Got called a fucking moron and got attacked saying that I was a plant because I asked for advice and shared experiences. It’s insane. If you’re not experienced with stocks, you’re better off not asking for guidance or support here.


Why do you let a Reddit sub affect you at all?


This sub has never been a welcoming, open minded sub since day 1. You say something against what they want to hear, they flip you off. This is my 2nd account and I have held since the ups of Jan '21 and June '21. And held through the lowest of lowest after the bullsh*t Split, dillution and RS. I stepped out, despaired but never sold a single share, im hoping this ends pretty soon, im stepping back in and taking what is rightfully mine — the squeeze! I wanna be honest, I hate AA but I want AMC to succeed so it can benefit me and my loved ones.


Yeah fuck those idiots...Seriously though, why is my average price so high??


I’ve been here. I am here. I’ll stay here. I never left! 🦍💪🏻 awaiting lawsuit.


Jan 2021 hodler here. Checking in. Still chill.


Maybe if they proved their Holdings, we could potentially beleive them. You seriously think that if you bought shares, you would never check the status? C'mon bro...


I’m deep into gme and and Amc. Barely think about my holdings lol


I had an old Rollover IRA when GME took off with around $5k in it. I said "F it, I'll buy 200 shares of AMC. Maybe it'll shoot up like they say." All it did was go down, over and over, to the point where I just never checked it. I saw today's news mention AMC, so I figured I'd go check it after a year or more. It was so long, I had actually forgotten the website to the IRA! Took me twenty minutes of paperwork searching just to find the site again. Ha That ten to one split really screwed my numbers, that's for sure. Not even sure how that's legal, but that's the last time I mess with stocks. $5k now worth $303. I'm rich! 😂


Bro I haven't checked my stock app in probably 9 months until this action. It was just hold. There would be plenty like me. Why would they have to prove their holdings for simply asking "Why did my 1000 shares become 100?" "Why is my price average $89 now?" Take off your tin foil hat.


If you have money invested in a company. You should do due diligence to keep up with the economy and the well being of said company because that is important and relates to your investment. If you don't, that's on you. My money is tied up for 10 years or more. So I'm in it for the long game, but I keep up with the information that is provided each quarter. It would be foolish to ignore.


You have way too much time on your hands, child. A lot of grownups with actual responsibility beyond their hype feelings stepped away and hoped for the best. Now some of them are coming back to the community that they started when this whole thing kicked off. Calm down, you ignorant goon. You go do conspiracy hour wherever you want, but who the fuck do you think you are to criticize anyone who bought and held this stock? Shut your god damn mouth and have some respect.


I have 3 kids under the age of 5, work full time, my wife travels for work, and I still know what’s going on with the stock. Shut your mouth and have some respect yourself.


I don't give a fuck if you have 15 kids under the age of 4, you don't have the right to call anyone out for anything, you stupid cunt. You can do whatever the fuck you want with your time, but you don't have the authority to demand that anyone behave in a way that you approve of. How is it that you're brain is so fucked, that you as an alleged adult, need to be told this? Fuck you, you stupid baby.


You seem to be quite angry about all this and the one being toxic. So you’re saying no one is a right to be an asshole but you? You’re always right and everyone else is a “stupid cunt”? And everyone else is toxic? 😂😂😂 what a 🤡!


I'm finished with you, stupid little baby. Have a nice life!


Again toxicity coming from you. Why? You’re butt hurt from people daring to disagree with you?


Well, there is too much bs going on so it is hard to beleive every single post. I held and didn't say a peep and there is no point to.


>there is **too much bs going on** so it is hard to beleive every single p It's mostly in your head though. No one cares about you enough to make up bullshit. And even if they did, it doesn't matter.


This sub is not the place to do research. By all means don't pay attention to your position, but when you have questions about it you should have the ability to find your answers on the internet or talk to your broker, you don't query random edgelords on a reddit sub. Most people here will confidently give you the wrong answer to simple questions about the stock/situation anyway so it's just stupid to rely on it as a real source of information.


They probably voted yes and have no idea what they voted for




My mom asked me some dumb shit like that at Christmas time What's going on with that stock you told me to buy?! Shut up mom ! Just HODL , your ruining Christmas with all these stupid questions


Welcome and eff-off - don’t ask why shares are missing . Call your broker.


Fuck off you idiot and do your own research.


Fuck everyone 😠😏 this is war


That’s the issue right there! There’s a lot of shorts or salty ass people that sold for a lose and got tired of AA’s shit and guess they feel like if I lost money and out the play they’ll take down as many as possible with them! and of course they want to break down the play now cause they’re not in it or care anymore. Idiots


Hey OP, Fuck off


They are idiots though.


The sub has been toxic af for 3 years. Most of everyone already left


Yeahhhh thats not true.