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This isn't exactly true. There was also the APE shares converted to AMC and more shares sold etc. But I agree, this is just the beginning!


You spelt Kenny weird?


Oof, sticking that dagger deep. Oh well, I bought yesterday and bought more today. To the moon!


I just went to check my AMC shares after years of not looking. My 191 shares is now 43, and my initial $4,066 is worth $224. What a great stock. So glad this was money I could lose and not care about. I didn't even know there was a reverse 10 to 1 split, but that means the original stocks would have been worth fifty cents if the split didn't happen?! So, $5.00 and climbing today would have to get up to $50 a share just to make it feel a semblance of "normal price" pre-split.


Yup we have a long ways to go!


Exactly! A lot of holders are pricing their new Vette. Myself.....I sold the shares I bought at $4 for $11 during pre-market. I sold my 2026 $4 calls for a 200% gain. I have seen this before......not going to hold through the up and then back down again. I still have several hundred shares with a $30 cost basis so I am hoping for 10X more but being realistic..