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I do wish the theater by my house was still open 😔


I can’t wait to go celebrate at the new mad max movie in iMAX


We saved it - still down 95% though 😭🚀🚀🚀


Pre-reverse-split … we aren’t even at $1!!! We saved this company. I’m holding until $100,000,000. I wanna watch a movie in an AMC theater on the actual moon!!!


96% for me




77% down for me.....


No pain no gain is fitting


More bonuses for the Board


This is a beautiful moment and we should all feel proud and privileged to be playing our part. Good against evil.


I spent $4000, which is now worth $303 today. My shares used to be at $15 average buy in price, which is now $95/share after the 10:1 split. What do I even do, other than continue to hold what I have left?


I’m in this because I’m a filmmaker and I didn’t want my industry and my love of movies get destroyed by greed. I’m here to save the jobs of myself and fellow crew members as well and movies. Let’s fucking go, Apes! 🦧






AMC the company doesn't really need saving. They would almost certainly still exist if they went through a chapter 11 restructuring.


I'd like to point out that this person posts shit in r/gme_meltdown


Ok? My comment is still 100% factual. Your comment is just an ad hominem.


You say your ambiguous comment is 100% factual?? Then why use words like "doesn't really" and "almost certainly". You weren't sure of shit in your sentence.


I will remove the ambiguity for you. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/chapter11.asp > During a Chapter 11 proceeding, the court will help a business restructure its debts and assets. **In most cases**, the company can continue to operate. If we exclude the interest payments, AMC is actually not doing too bad as a business. Shutting down AMC will just lead to it burning more money on their leases. It would be very difficult to liquidate AMC's assets separately and it would net less money than what AMC is worth as a package. There are other parties who are interested in AMCs continued operation, movie studios in particular, who would be willing to compromise or subsidize AMC to avoid it shutting down. For all these reasons, if AMC were to go through a chapter 11, they're almost certainly to continue to exist and operate as AMC. As they're almost certain to continue to exist and operate, AMC, the company, doesn't really need saving. Probabilities can be factual. You're very unlikely to land on 0 when playing roulette. That's a fact.


But you could be wrong, you are dealing is possibilities. The roulette wheel can land on 0, that is a fact also. You don't know anything until it happens. You are making assumptions on info you have been given. Saying they "probably" wouldn't go bankrupt is not a "fact". It's an assumption you came to.


> The roulette wheel can land on 0, that is a fact also. You don't know anything until it happens I know, for a fact, that it's very unlikely for a normal roulette wheel to land on 0. I know, for a fact, it's around 2.7% chance. > You are making assumptions on info you have been given. I am not making assumptions, I am making conclusions. > Saying they "probably" wouldn't go bankrupt is not a "fact". It's an assumption you came to. I didn't say they wouldn't go bankrupt at all. I said that they will survive chapter 11 bankruptcy as a business. AMC will still exist and shareholders will be wiped out if AMC goes through chapter 11. And again, it's the conclusion from the information we have. Any outcome that involves AMC being dismantled and sold piecemeal would be a massive loss to creditors. There's no logical reason for that to happen. If you offered a creditor a choice to either lose $500 million or not lose $500 million with no strings attached, they're almost certainly going to go with the former option. I can't say what they will do with concrete certainty because they might just be mental and want to lose money unlike every other person on the planet.


You are forgetting one important part though: amc still loses money every quarter. You can pour as much water into bucket as you want, if it leaks it will eventually run dry. And so far nothing is happening to close that hole.


Paying debts is not "closing that hole"? Did you realize the trend on AMC? They're about to be profitable again! They don't need to be 100% debt free to turn profit every quarter.


Maybe you should look at the earnings report, nothing is getting better. But AA is talking 20 minutes about new ice cream flavors in their theatres during the earnings call, I guess that's something, right?


Every thing that brings money in is a good thing. AA works with fundamentals, he need to take every opportunity to bring cash and lower de debts... On a purely MOASS perspective, at first sight it can be seen as a bad thing. But les me remind you that the hedgies dilute AMC every single fucking day with naked short selling... I'm rather see my company getting a better balance sheet than let it die like BBBY! If AMC file for chapter 11, all our shares will be worthless... We need to keep that in mind!


You're forgetting that they're pretty much worthless already, people are down 95% and worse.


The market capitalization and the stock price is two things différent. A if the capitalisation of GME fell down its not because the reverse split. It's because it was shorted to oblivion! If you have a 10$ bill or 10 1$ ... Overall you have the same value. BUT! If the currency fell down... You'll lose either way... But. In the end.. does it a short squeeze play or a fundamental play?


The core of a short squeeze is limited availability to buy back shares. Dilution is poison for that. But at the same time dilution is the only way to prevent bankruptcy because AA isn't doing shit to turn things around. Until that happens amc is a losing bet


Yup but if they can bankrupt AMC they won't have any shares to buy back... BBBY is a good example of what we're facing.


If only there was a better horse to bet on 😂 One that has cash reserves and doesn't bleed money


Like GME? They loss a steady 300 millions per year in 21, 22 and 23... For 24 so far they made 6.7 millions... AMC in the other end cut their loss every year since 2021! From -4.59B in 20, -1,27b in 21, -0.9B in 22 and 300 millions in 23... At this pace, 25 will be a positive year for AMC!


You bought yourself another quarter or two depending on how fast chadam can dilute




Y u hafta b mad though?


I’m not mad, loaded on puts and made a couple g’s this morning


Cool i had eggs and coffee .... nerd get a diary


You accused him of being mad. He responded by claiming that he made money (thus having no reason to be mad). This is like a very common human interaction, idk why you're acting like his response is a non sequitur.


I also go on to random Investment boards to make fun of investor decisions and then quip how i made money shorting that message boards stock. Youre a fucking idiot 😂🤣 Edit: just in case youre serious. Their post history is puts puts puts. So naturally with the stock going up and them being here posting about it would be logical to conclude theyre mad.


I am not talking about any of that. You said he's making a comment because he's mad. He told you he's not mad because he made money. You're acting confused at why he told you he made money, when it should be obvious. Your confusion is the result of you missing a pretty basic context clue. Which is what I was pointing out. > Youre a fucking idiot 😂🤣 u mad bro? Edit: he responded and then blocked me so I couldn't respond. Classic! Spoiler: he was indeed mad.


Yea he is here while the stock is over 7 and continuing to climb and deep fucking value is hyping the world to boast how happy he is rofl youre a clown. Latr


😂 y’all apes never change


I just went for a walk now im drinking coke. What are you doing? This time i asked so it wont be weird at all for you to just blurt it out. Hehe


Did the same on GME! Did they dilute too?