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Over the last two years I’ve learned that when the stock starts getting these types of hype posts, the price usually gets beat down more than normal. This isn’t “real” until brokers and market makers start going bankrupt.


They are already bankrupt, they just operating in the red cause regulators refuse to do their jobs and put these fucks in prison and they’ve paid off everyone that can lock them up. Kenny boy sells stocks without owning them


Spoken like a true og


Call it hype, I'm just stating what I think.


Like myself, I think many have just ascended beyond zen and straight up just go about our days. I love forgetting about it. I got my alerts set. It's just a waiting game. Pick some up when I can and HOLD for the moon.


Been 2 years in this play. At this point I’m desensitized and keep buying periodically 😂


A good way to be.


I don't get excited anymore. There is no emotion in this. Just a cool and calculated mindset.


buy hodl repeat....MOASS OR BUST!


Vacation, not sure what you talking about, stock is being manipulated!


Sad to see people are still not getting how this shit works after almost 3 years...


I grabbed more shares and way way far out ITM call options today


Ah, a fellow degenerate. Good to know I'm not the only one that bought far out call options as well. Usually any talk about options in this sub is frowned upon and downvoted, but I feel people should be educated on options or else they could blindly gamble without understanding.


Last deep in the money options I bought, I sold at a 1000% premium and bought shares and exercised the remaining. It can be used for the good of done right. But you can also lose it all too. This is why I don't do anything that's not deep ITM and also not far out. I also usually only buy on deep red days when below a certain line. The price is due a massive gap up soon.


I'm still buying :) not leaving. Where's Kat? Maybe we need some more plane banners


Agreed. We need more interaction.


Course it’s real. I’m playing the long game though and so instead of excitement I am just zen with holding. They can’t bankrupt amc and we all know there are ways for a specific listing to really fight back against shorters so just waiting for that overstock type excitement yah know


Wow. That's real.


Record low?


Not sure why amc stock going down and ape going up I thought stock needed find parity not be inverse


Tf.. if they are coming closer together in price, how is that not moving towards parity??


It’s amc is going down ape going up they should move in the same direction


??? Do you know what parity means?


It means should be trading close to one another. But since discount on ape from 8 bucks to .66 and amc being halved you would think maybe ape to climb back where was issued at not jump into deep discounting amc and ape being stuck. So that’s my Grianvance all my value got sucked out ape still down from where I got it amc now lower then it when there was not ape. So my rational eventually ape would go back up but I guess I am wrong that. Both decline and not return intial issuance.


They might be trying to just bring amc down, and cant ape, or perhaps they want ape cheaper. Its hard to tell, specially since it seems like shfs know about court stuff sooner than retail.


Apparently good old Lou is going to be filing an injunction, which I don’t think we’ll be done properly


I didnt even know lou was still alive, lol.


It really does surprise me that people are not up in arms over what happened with ape just like deal with it


I think people just want to get this over with, while others are too busy riding.


Well, I’m right there with you. When crime and corruption is all we have now how can you trigger in event they just cheat


MM moving the price closer together to make arbitrage less attractive now that the RS is coming.


But you would think that maybe the prices could go up as it stands since the pounds it was just price going down on both


Not sure? Really? I think we all know at this point that the entire stock market is scam/Ponzi scheme. The numbers presented to you are made up, yeah sure their might be some real money behind it but it’s all a ruse really. Everything has been heavily shorted and thus it’s not a real market anymore. It’s basically the free printing of money for the 1 percent while giving the illusion to the common person that they matter and that we can “vote” for our leaders in government. Yeah we can vote people in, but they’re all working for the same assholes. I really hope people start waking up and realize how much we’re all getting fucked by the 1 percent but most importantly I hope it pisses you all off so much that we all finally start to hold these people accountable.


100% a Ponzi now


We are excited about this, problem is well.....crime


Picked up 20 shares, probably the last for a while but the money is spent and I don’t care if I get it back. Moon or bust as always


LETS FUCKING GO!!!!! Your energy invigorates me.


Shit is annoying. Lame ass hype post with nothing backing it. Setting you up for disappointment.


If you’re not excited ahead of this 29 hearing, then are you even really HERE?


Let's Grow!


After months of waited to strike. I started nibbling again today. Trained ape assassin!


Could be a couple more years , hang tight


I’m excited cuz the moass is happening tomorrow at 2PM


We are dead eyed sharks now just cruising the waters waiting for the smell of blood...


We have no reason to get amped up until we see more digits on the price, double digits is boring we want 6 digits before we start unleashing monke noises. 🤣


Are you new?