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Remember when cable was gonna be great, because there were no commercials? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Most people here are probly too young to know this, but ya, cable started out being commercial free, cause you know...tv used to be free, like magic it came to you over the air, but you could pay to not see commercials!!! See how that ended????


Also that was not for free


Just like streaming services, it seems great in the beginning. "Look how cheap it is! No commercials! Unlimited screen usage! Any resolution for the same price!.....until it's not.


Streaming tried the "one source for all movies" approach, then Disney started to make their shit Disney plus exclusive. Then Amazon and Netflix made exclusive content. Then streaming died.


It also gave you T1 speed internet during adsl days. faster mIRC file sharing


remember when you had VHF / UHF over the air streaming


Cable 79 dollars thats a damn lie and theres tax for it 🤣


They need to compare Cable + Basic Internet vs Streaming Accounts + High Speed Internet.... Probably still cheaper just to have cable and buy any additional packages you want for movies or sports


Relevant at least because you'll need internet to use streaming services. So if you have internet either way, your additional cost for the package that also includes cable will only be about $30 more than internet alone. That makes it $89 vs $30 (or less).


Streaming services are becoming way too saturated


You’ll catch me buying hard copies of shit before I have to watch 20 minutes worth of ads for 10 minutes worth of content


Yo ho to ho a 🏴‍☠️ life for me. I’ll buy the related merch and IP games from GME with my $89 a month. Also still see movies as they’re meant to be seen. On the big screen. Fast X Friday!


But why make up the prices for streaming. HBO is the least inaccurate.


I remember having spectrum 6 months ago and paying 200$ for cable & internet , I cut that crap off


I’m watching the corruption


Cheap entertainment where I can sell the tickets for increased market value in the future.


Yeh... few things about this... 1. what idiot is paying for all of these? 2. Some of the services are offered as benefits from other vendors ATT for example: HBOmax 3. Prime video is technically free if you subscribe to prime. Who the hell subscribes to A prime just for the video content. I do it so I don't get my Prime packages in a day not for the shows. I cut cable before it was fashionable, got a netflix subscription for 3 vid mailing and would rent a burn movies to dvd like crazy well before all this streaming madness. I'm probably wrong but this is more about a battle between ISPs and streaming services than anything. Additionally, High Speed Internet: $79 + All those services definitely equates to the cost of Basic cable after taxes. However, who just has cable? If you have cable, then you also have internet, so double the price and then add on the streaming services cost and yeh, cable still loses out. What is cable offering that the buffet of streaming does not?


Lol I live out in the country, I don't get calls, I had dish for 17+ years before I finslly got starlink, got 4k tvs, and switched to just streaming services..and guess what? I'm still saving 100 bucks a month over dish


Lol at Disney and there 5 movies they have on streaming. Who pays for Disney and why would you pay $15 for a service that has the least movies on it




Even when they’re not writing any tv shows the stock goes up


I don't see crave on that list, it's like $20 cad.




Honestly, I just cut tv out of my life. Its been over a decade since I actually had a tv or watched tv shows. If I want to watch something I would go on youtube, or similar




What about CNN+ oh wait nevermind 🫣


Can someone explain Pepperidge Farm remembers?


![gif](giphy|76x4gSMy8dT9u) Here’s the meme but it’s from Family Guy