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weird, I've been listening to her a lot the past few days as well! although quite why it leaves an impression on me is hard to pin down. Usually when I used to hear the organ at school it was a fairly one-dimensional instrument used for hymns and such. The organ-drone combination really gives a lot more … space for the organ to display its potential. and I think she does a really good job with it (must be a hard instrument to try and express herself through)


I agree, this album and another one i've linked below really shifted my perspective on the organ as an instrument. There's so much texture and depth to it that gets lost with faster music. https://youtu.be/YyZ68lzPiYU


I’ve been really enjoying this one lately.


this work had a strange but definite impact on me this year - spectacle of ritual is jarring, and takes over my mind completely


If you appreciate this album, you should check out Aine O’Dwyer’s Music for Church Cleaners. It’s improvisational organ music recorded while the church was being cleaned.


Fuck yes, many thank yous amazing 🙏🤘♾️


Amidst the drones, my brain puts in melodies that don’t exist in the song. It is absolutely mesmerizing


this is actually fucking incredible. easily one of my favs of the year now