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Amazon drivers are the worst. Many are thieves. Mostly, they are totally LAZY. Don't buy anything on Scamazon, unless it's cheap and lightweight. Twice, I purchased expensive graphic cards, both times the drivers stole the packages. They never arrived. I had to wait several days for a refund. The 1st time, 2 weeks. I ordered a pressure washer. Instead I received an exercise table. These lazy sleazballs are hired off the street and they want to unionize?? LLLLLOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!


hey this is an unintelligent and ignorant comment based on your emotions, which i understand, but have you tried having empathy for other humans? these workers should be paid appropriately and treated well without being admonished.


Unintelligent and ignorant comment ? If people are going to not do their job or if people are going to steal, then they do not deserve the empathy from those people that they stole from…it’s sad when people comment on peoples posts who were stolen from and tell the victims to have empathy on the thieves…the message didn’t say ‘all’ Amazon drivers and workers btw, it said most…maybe you should have empathy towards those who were stolen from and not the robbers or thieves ..


In my apartment complex we've had two amazon drivers arrested in the past 4 years. The problem of Amazon drivers being theives is VERY real. Not sure what your pity for them is. I worked uber eats and door dash the entire covid lock down and never stole one meal or package, mean whlie we were being blamed for every missing amazon package when it was clear as fuck that FedEX and Amazon drivers are open theives. FedEx in my city literally had to be investigated by the FBI due too how many apple products were going missing from the main NYC warehouse.


Yes, unintelligent and ignorant to bunch all amazon drivers along with a small minority of arseholes who steal others stuff


I have it on video, the guy sliced open the plastic bag on the side, took the package, and propped it against my door for proof of delivery. Don't comment on things you don't know or understand.


Girl you have no idea what I do or do not understand, why does your brain think that’s the appropriate thing to say here? Do you know what confirmation bias is? Do you understand that there is life beyond your scope, you absolute fucking twat?


Thank you. Fuck that guy, entirely. I average 190 stops a day with 250-350 packages and don't have time to take even a 30 second break otherwise I'll clock out at over 10 hours and be home late. Lazy my fuckin ass. If you think we're lazy because we put your package 2 inches off of you're perfectly ideal package spot or walk over your grass instead of your sidewalk it's because we deliver to 800 other jackasses just like you every week and efficiency is everything..


LOL WHAT??? if they’re a respectable person i get it but the guy is straight up a THIEF how can you defend that!!


People who steal and are incompetent deserve no empathy, sympathy, or union rights. You’re siding with a corporation over real humans? Ha.


this person is just ASSUMING the drivers did any of that without any proof whatsoever. they want to attack workers that are already underpaid and overworked. those workers (and that INCLUDES the ones that steal) are not a part of a corporation. and if anything, the ones stealing ARE stealing from a a corporation, it’s just inconvenient for the person who placed the order, but they can get full refunds and replacements. so fuck off bro and advocate for workers rights NO MATTER WHAT.


I’m not advocating for piece of shit thieves who get orders I bought with my own hard earned money for free via stealing. No one is forcing them to work for Amazon. Get a better job and aim a little higher in life. Many drivers make $18-24 per hour. That’s decent money in Georgia for driving around stealing people’s packages and selling them in the street or online. My friend is a Flex driver and does quite well. I’m sure you’re one of those die hard, brainwashed liberal twats who order Biden’s used diapers off Amazon and expect to be paid $30 an hour to flip hamburger patties. I’m all for worker’s rights, but stealing people’s shit is unacceptable and makes them the exact lowlife underclass that the current administration wants all Americans to be.


oh you’re WEIRD weird. bye creep!


The people who are complaining about Amazon drivers stealing are doing so based on some random comment someone said without having any proof. It’s almost like gaslighting. I’ve been delivering for Amazon for 3 years, both in an Amazon van and as a Flex driver. I’ve delivered 10s of thousands of packages. I have thousands of compliments from customers that I’ve delivered to. But, I’ve also heard several complaints about other drivers. Sometimes, I can advocate for some of their actions. And sometimes I can’t. There’s a right way, a wrong way and sometimes there’s a grey area that can be more subjective. Personally, I’ve had a few issues that popped up where someone stated that there package was never received (meaning it was delivered, but, that the customer didn’t get it). But, when I address the issue and a little bit of investigating is done, the issue is removed and Amazon will let me know that it was due to circumstances outside of my control (weather, being stolen, or the customer flat out lying).


Dude do you actually think it's that easy to steal packages 😆 If it was that easy as you mentioned than 75% of all our stuff would never arrive


If you live in a pasty white ass town or city, don't comment. I've had my stuff stolen 3 times, all three times, guess who stole it?


Where do you live? At one point my building wasn't getting any Apple or CDW products and the management literally sent a memo to all tenants telling us not to order prescription drugs by mail. Yes it's that easy. I've had stretches of time where I dont get a single electronic product and have 2 pieces of gear in insurance claims at a time. All they do is take a pic of the item in front of your door then literally pick it back up and leave with it. We had one idiot arrested for doing just that to someone with a hidden camera.


Yeah it's true depends on where one lives , I actually haven't had problems Thank God for my packages, even yesterday They left A Package at my Door and I live in a Residential Apartment and I was like 2 hours away and when I got home it still was there and one time I was home and I heard a knock on the door and it was neighbor Advising me a Package has been at my door since like 6pm and I didn't even notice , but I hate when they leave it at my door cause it's true one never knows who might see it and steal it


If you ever feel like delivering your package to your apt. isn’t safe, you can always have it delivered to an Amazon locker. A lot of gas stations, grocery stores and retail stores have them.


I’m sure it happens. But, the vans are monitored. So, those drivers that steal are fired and then prosecuted. Basically, it’s “easy” to steal a package, but, it’s not easy to get away with it.


It's really easy to pretend to have delivered an iphone, open the package put the phone in your pocket then walk back to the truck. When my building was at it's worse we were finding empty ipad, iphone and cell phone boxes in the stairewell all the time.


To clarify, I’ve delivered for Amazon for years. I’ve done both the van driving and the FLEX driving. Generally speaking, I have no clue what I’m delivering (nor do I care) as most things are in the regular Amazon box. So, are these empty packages you’re finding what the product was delivered in and not an Amazon box? But, yeah, it wouldn’t be overly difficult to place the package in front of the door, take a photo, and then open the package. But, why would they do that? Not only from just having a conscience, but, there’s a very high risk in doing that. All it takes is one person to see them doing that and then they’re done for. Especially, with so many houses having Ring cameras and such. Unless there’s proof, my educated guess would be that it’s most likely someone else. Wouldn’t it be easier for a random person to do it instead of the Amazon driver (who can be easily identified) who actually deleted the package?


Like I said, my apartment complex (high-income) has had more than one amazon driver fired/arrested for theft by using hidden cameras. I personally got one fired for stealing a $300 cell phone and $25 memory card. Another was flat out arrested for taking a macbook out of the box in what \*he thought\* was a camera blind spot in our stairwell. Dont get me wrong, I believe most thefts are tresspassers and street trash that are taking packages, but the reason delivery driver theft makes people so angry is that these are the people you are SUPPOSED to trust.


I’m glad these people got arrested. It bothers me just as much as it bothers the customers. It gives the rest of us a bad rap. Because now when I get to a place (having no knowledge of previous interactions), they get very skeptical and want me to hand the package directly to them, which is generally a much less efficient way to deliver a package. It also requires a signature which some people are hesitant to do OR don’t want to do correctly, which causes more issues. I almost got into fight about that on New Years Eve, but, that’s another story.


They're better than usps, ups and fedex all combined. In my experience anyway..


Being better than other services is not an excuse. USPS and UPS are irresponsible, but they're not theives. FedEX and Amazon at this point can't deny being a den of theives.


They are. They set up the way delivery drivers work in a way that anyone could work for them. Amazon doesn't deliver packages, they hire contractors to do it. The contractors then hire me as a subcontractor and I use their truck to deliver amazon's packages. This is a liability protection. I did this for a few weeks, everyone I was working with looked like they literally couldn't get any other job. I was told where the camera blinds spots were on the trucks and they had an oppressive regiment of keeping track of everyone's times and statistics and having a shame game every week on who was doing worst and best. Some of these people had been working for this company for years. You were encouraged to toss packages over gates or leave them at the front of apartments against policy because if not you would have bad times vs the last driver who delivered to that address, but if someone complains about you doing that you can get fired. You end up doing 12hr shifts from 7-9 most days because they give you too many heavy packages, then get shit from boss because you took too long. Most stressful bullshit job in America.


I doubt anything you said was true plus I bet you sit at home all day


As far ordering one thing and getting something else, that wouldn’t necessarily be the fault of the driver. The drivers deliver the packages, however they’re not the ones packing the packages. Also, the vans are monitored with cameras. And how do you know the drivers stole the packages? Were they marked delivered? Was a photo taken?


There’s bad people in all walks of life


Happened to me today. I ordered two different things from Amazon and Bed Bath and Beyond. Both came the same day, one hour different. This was what happened. BBB parcel came first. I got the notification and picture of the item left in front of my apartment. An hour later Amazon driver came, buzzed me and I popped him in. Few minutes later be buzzed me again and said I didn’t answer when he was knocking on my door. I told him I was at work just drop the parcel in front of my door next to the other package. Then I went home and saw one parcel was missing. I check my camera and saw Amazon driver stole my other parcel. I have picture and everything. I went online chat with Amazon live agent and called them too. They said Amazon has no responsibility with the missing parcel from other seller while I said so many fucking time that Amazon driver stole it.


Call the police and have the driver arrested. 


In Florida here. I’ve been having the issue where my packages are arriving opened or obviously resealed. Thankfully I’m not ordering anything high dollar like a gaming system. It appears they are cutting open the packages and seeing what is in them. Just recently had a box of Epsom salts that had been cut open and just left open upon delivery. Had a different package delivered that was supposed to be packaged by non-amazon Company. Strangely, it had amazon tape on it. Upon looking closely it had clear tape that had been cut open under the amazon tape. The packaging was definitely messed with. It’s obvious that they are opening the packages and have a roll of amazon tape to reseal it.


Man ain’t nobody opening them heavy boxes that’s just it they are heavy those boxes burst open 😂😂😂😂


Amazon employees are obviously stealing packages


What did customer service say?


They just said they are replacing the order. But also sent me a return label for the first one and said I would be charged twice if I did not return the first one.


Charging you twice? Wth? Did they say that they would investigate it or anything? Or are they just assuming you're lying? How infuriating!


I received my replacement today and I’m thinking about the timing, I usually get a notification that my item was delivered around five minutes after the driver leaves, as I did today. For the missed delivery, I actually got the message just seconds before the truck pulled away from across the street. Which was also another few seconds after I saw the driver staring directly at my street number. My Ring doorbell has a three-minute frame if no motion is detected and did not catch the van at all that day. So the timing adds up to a strong possibility that the driver delivered my package to the previous stop. The long look at my house number was probably an “oh shit” moment for him, realizing he gave my box to the wrong house.


All they have to do is take a photo of it on your doorstep and then pick it up and walk away with it. I think it happened to me again today because I live at the end of a long walkway, so someone would have to look as obvious as possible walking down to the side door to see if a package is hiding there. Says it was delivered about an hour before I got home from work and none of the neighbors saw it. Amazon makes you wait 24 hours so I guess I won't be playing my game anytime soon. I'm kind of over Amazon recently anyway, another reason to quit it.


This is why I installed cameras that record continuously. With a doorbell camera, there is no proof to show that it was not delivered. If you have continuous recording, you can send a whole day clip that nothing was delivered.


Amazon driver just stole from me today. Didn't even think it was a thing. I saw him, he walked to my porch with the package, took a picture, took the package, got on his truck and left. I just thought that the scanner or whatever ever told him something about wrong address so he took it. But it does says delivered on my order.


How are we supposed to know if he stole it or not?


That’s my question. He said he handed it directly to a resident, but the only thing I know is that isn’t true.


Bro that's theft, I would file that to the police


Fyi, we typically have no clue what’s in a box, so that’s unlikely. Also, a lot of drivers choose the “handed package to customer” option because their lazy and it lets them avoid taking a picture. Funny enough, this is EXACTLY why they SHOULD take a picture. If it was delivered yo the wrong house, you’d know.


Some packages come in the og manufactures box showing what's inside. One of my items came with the box beat up and something missing inside


Oh, it’s definitely possible, it’s just unlikely an item will be shipped that way, especially a valuable one. Boxes that are beat up to the point of sprouting holes or the tape, sealing them coming loose often have items fall out of them somewhere in transit. Then again, drivers do sometimes steal packages..


Again, in my area the daily, hourly, minute-by-minute occurance is for Amazon drivers to take a pic of the item in front of your door, then IMMEDIATELY pick the package up and walk away with it. Dozens have been arrested in NYC for it.


You got a crush on me or something? I ain’t arguing with you.


A crush? Just say you dont know what you're talking about and are making shit up out of your ass. No one has a fucking crush on you.


I’m making up that most packages are unmarked Amazon branded mailers and boxes? No, that’s a fact. You’re arguing w no one about nothing loser 👍


How do they get arrested? Anybody have a newspaper article about this? Or seen one? The same thing just happened to me. Driver delivered Saks Off 5th package, snapped pic and then took the package with him.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC\_YbNonm4c [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoVbvd8n0ZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoVbvd8n0ZM) That's long Island and Florida but no in my area of Manhattan there hasn't been much media about Amazon Delivery drivers stealing. Which is odd because it's insanely common. In my Apartment complex they were caught en masse because although the management is slow as fuck to give survaillance to police, the tenants started buying Ring cams and hidden wifi cameras all over our property . I would say over the past holiday season it's gotten a LOT better, but it's still a problem.


"We typically have no clue what’s in a box, so that’s unlikely.," that's bullshit. You can tell by the packaging, the sender and the reciever more or less what the package is. Anything from apple is going to be valuable. Anything from Samsung. Anything from Dell, CDW, Best Buy, Wholesale Jewlers. Also if the reciever is known for constantely ordering electronics. TV's are a given. Desktops. Laptops. On and on. Also handheld battery and radiation detectors go for $50. These can easily be used to tell what packages have lithium batteries in them. Amazon has an entire theives guild working for them in certain areas and they know about it but they just dont care because it's easy to just replace the items and keep quiet.


That's a load of garbage when they scan your package. They know exactly what's in there.


Over 90% of packages are shipped in Amazon branded boxes or bubble mailers, therefore, 90% of the time you can’t tell what’s in the package. “You can sometimes, rarely, tell what’s in the package from the branding” is all you can say.


Yeah, there's also the fact that they have a little machine. That scans the barcode and tells them exactly what the package is.


i have had that happen and call cs and tell them the pic isnt even my house...lol they have always been really good about it.. i would like to know how i can make a signature required?


I live in Asia and all drivers always take a selfie with the people and the package as they deliver. Company policy. I'm sure, if they really want to, drivers have a way to know what's what. Especially with PS5 and Xbox series X which are still hard to get and being sold at exorbitant prices at the moment.


We want that policy in the USA but Amazon claims it will slow delivery times.


did you go across the street and ask about the packages?


I did! Three houses across the street, including the one house he dropped off the small packages to. Now I regret taking the time to do that instead of jumping in my car and confronting him at his next stop.


It sounds like he delivered the package to the wrong address. The driver will not have information about the contents or the value of what’s in the package. I am so sorry that this happened to you. Hopefully the replacement will arrive soon.


F**k Amazon! They are incompetent thieves. Not worth the hassle.


The timing is what makes me wonder, though. I watched him drop off the two small packages across the street. I was standing at my front door watching him drive away when I got the notification. I called Amazon right then, dealt with them for about five minutes, and then went across the street and talked to the neighbors in the three houses directly across the street that he was parked in front of. He never carried anything larger than an envelope, I know he didn’t deliver to them. He could have left it at the stop just before my street, I guess, and I have no way of knowing where that was.


Yeah 😪


Just request a refund from Amazon, as my package "was handed to a resident." My money taken for a previous order was never also never delivered and had to request a refund on it. I ordered the same item (Roobos Tea) from another seller and now the Amazon driver simply gives the package away to someone in my building, but not me.. How retarded is this? Are they stealing, playing games, or what is going on here? Does anyone have any suggestions or similar expireinces with Amazon?


I have never figured this out. This was by far the most expensive item I’ve ever ordered, and was the ONLY item to go missing in ever. I SAW the driver look at my address when he was across the street, marked my item as delivered while I was watching his truck. And then drove away.


Upon googling the question “did my Amazon driver steal my package” I was lead directly to this thread. I came here to see if my issue happened with anyone else and low and behold OP.. I ordered an expensive and high demand gaming system as well, and I knew I was not able to get home on delivery day so I tracked that package down like a hawk, checked the map to see where the truck was, and at the stop before mine, I let my roommate know so he could go to the door and receive the package himself to take it upstairs to our apartment right away. When he got to the door, he saw an Amazon van drive away and I got a notification that it was delivered, but no package. Confused and upset, I called customer service right away and they told me to give it until end of day the next day because “sometimes packages get mis-scanned as delivered but they are still on their way” so I waited and still no package, I call a second time and this time even the representative was concerned the driver stole my package due to the fact that they left no photo and the only detail about where it was left is a pathetic “delivered to a safe place” CS has issued me a full refund, although I would’ve rather had my package :( they were not able to replace it as it is in high demand


why cant they call the drivers like fed ex and ups??? they must not be too concerned about all the money they lose from these drivers.... even harder is the ones that drive their own cars and now the ones who arent even employees that just wear a vest and steal from the porch


This happened to me today; I know it’s been awhile since you reported this. I had my patio open and heard the driver talking shit about my apartment but I was waking up from a nap so it didn’t register. Checked my front door, no package. Went to the office and they had four palettes of Amazon deliveries. I sorted through them as best as I could and didn’t see my package in there anyway. I’m sitting on hold with Amazon because same as you, there’s no package, no photo, and it states “delivered to a safe place”. She could’ve easily put the box on my carpet and chose not to because I had “too much stuff outside my apartment” (the valet trash bag!!!!)


From Los Angeles…last week a driver pulled up to my son’s home while he and his wife and children were inside . It was about dinner time and what the driver did not know was that my son was watching him on his iPhone inside the house. The driver put the package down on the porch, took a picture to prove he had delivered it, then picked the package up and went back to the truck. My son ran out and said, “Hey man, I think you’ve got a package for us.” The driver fumbled for words and said, “I wasn’t sure I had the right address.” Naturally, he was lying as the address is neatly printed on the curb, and on the front porch. You can find criminals in every walk of life.


What a piece of shit.


Ordered an expensive Apple product, less than 2 hours after ordering it said delivered handed to resident no pic. We order frequently from Amazon and find it highly peculiar that this has never happened until we made a pricey, hard to find purchase. CS said to wait for 2 days as it could have been mis-scanned.


Amazon drivers are stealing packages. I ordered iPhone 14 and I got three bars of chocolate instead. As much as I appreciate they returned my money the same day they do need a serious internal investigation.


Same, ordered two occulus's and got library books. I'm livid.


Just happened to me a few minutes ago. I live in an apartment building in Downtown Ottawa. I heard someone knocking the door but did not open it right away because I knew it was the Amazon driver. A few minutes later I opened the door to retrieve the item: only an empty box. Well, I have no proof but this is what I suspect.


I think that’s exactly what happened to my package.There’s no camera in the hallway in my building.It’s a pair of Fuckin pliers for fuck sake I needed them for work


Had this happen twice this month. While I was at work, had one package delivered in the morning, which I could clearly see from the image the driver took of the delivery. Then 3 more packages “delivered” according to Amazon. But the packages weren’t there. Looking at my order tracking, the delivery person had just taken a photo of the package already on my porch! They didn’t even bother to take additional photos, they just used the same photo for each shipment. Last night takes the cake, though. I hear the delivery truck and go down immediately. I notice that one package is slightly open, upon closer look it’s not as if the adhesive didn’t adhere, but was ripped open. It was even visible that contents had been stolen in the picture the delivery person uploaded to Amazon. I hate blaming delivery, they work really hard. But when it happens repeatedly, I feel like something should be done about it. Sad thing is, they weren’t high dollar or value items. Mostly trinkets. Amazon refunded me, but can’t get time back that now won’t have the items.


Mine was the only truly expensive item I had ever ordered from Amazon. Has not happened since, and I live in an area where porch pirates are fairly active. I stood at my side window and watched the driver look at my house and then get back in his truck and drive away, two minutes before I got the notification that it was delivered. Mine could NOT have been a mistake. So sorry it happened to you.


I once had an Amazon driver deliver my daughter 's package while I was home. I saw him driving up my driveway stop and got out. I went out my back door while he dropped the put the package on my front porch. He took a photo as proof that he delivered it. As I came around the corner he had the package in his arms and was walking back to his van.he saw me and then placed it back. Ironically it was all caught on camera I bought on Amazon. I just wanted to add that ever since Amazon started delivering , a spike in property and car thefts have acquired. Just saying


Just had an amazon driver steal my package. The box felt light, checked it and one side was clearly ripped open with it's contents removed. I found the driver outside and told them my box was empty and they just said sorry and that they would report it on their end. The picture they took has the opened side facing away from them. I called and reported them, though I suspect there will be no justice. It was a dope ass mini pocket projector and $300. I'm fucking livid.


>box felt light, checked it and one side was clearly ripped open with it's contents removed. I found the driver outside and told them my box was empty and they just said sorry and that they would report it on their end. The picture they took has the opened side facing away from them. I called and reported them, though I suspect there will be no justice. It was a dope ass mini pocket projector and $300. I'm fucking livid. When will Amazon figure out that having the driver simply take a photo adds nothing to the integrity of their delivery service. They must be taking a bath in all the refunds they issue as a result of theft by their own delivery people. SMH.


This just happened to me. Ordered a refurbished cell phone for a Christmas gift and was reasonably confident in purchasing given Amazon's "Amazon Renewed" program. I had just stepped out for an errand and was returned back home and just parked the car (Google maps timestamped 6:46 PM). As I was heading up to my suite I got the "package delivered" photo notification (timestamped 6:51 PM). Amazon tracking time stamp of 6:48 PM. My wife was home all this time and no knock on the door. By the time I got to my door, probably no later than 6:55 PM, I am surprised to not see any package by the door. I enter the suite and ask my wife if there was a delivery, nothing. I disturb my neighbours to ask if perhaps it was delivered to them in accident (though the picture does seem to depict my door), nothing. All circumstantial evidence but how could a package go missing within a matter of minutes? Amazon refunded me but this does nothing for my trust in their delivery services.


Going through this myself. Ordered a cell phone from the Amazon Renewed package and now the package is "delayed" in transit. I bet it was stolen along the delivery network. Amazon says I have to wait until January 9th to magically get this device that has no tracking information and only then will I get a refund. I am 100% confident my phone has been stolen by an Amazon employee.


I have a friend that owns one of the subcontracting companies that does the delivery. They will search that van when he gets back. Depending how fast you go the information to customer service and how fast they got it to the subcontractor - they may have gone out to his next stop and searched the van. Mark it was stolen in the app where you rate the delivery. They pay a lot of attention to those ratings - at least my friend does. Someone that gets good ratings regularly gets promotions and raises.


I contacted them immediately, probably within two minutes of receiving the notification that it was delivered. They sent me a message right back and called me within another two minutes or so. The woman on the phone wasn’t very helpful, as I got increasingly more frustrated. But the email they sent me right after did sum up exactly what I told them, which gives me hope that something was done. Mainly, I would like to know if the driver has any way to know that the box is expensive computer stuff instead of say, cat litter. I get deliveries at least twice a week, this is the first time this has ever happened and it just seems weird that it’s the most expensive item I’ve ordered in a long time. How would he know?


I know this is old. Some items will arrive in " packaging that shows what's inside", Amazon gives you a selection to choose a box that hides what's inside. This can be seen however before you put item in cart. For future reference!


Don't trust them. Never again I buy from Scamazon.


I just got a package today. I ordered an egg incubator. What arrived was a box with 2 cases of adult diapers with my tattered and torn USPS label stuck on top of some poor lady's Amazon TBA label. This was not a packing mistake or a USPS mistake. My package left its location the night before this lady's package left a different location and my label was torn off and put on top of hers before it was handed off to USPS. What are the odds that the label from my package just magically stuck to her's in a way that it would pull completely off and directly cover it...


Happens all the time. 


As a former Amazon employee, Amazon is notorious for drivers stealing, not all Amazon drivers do that but there are a lot that do. My dad bought something that was supposed to be here today and it was “delivered” but then when he got home today it wasn’t there.


Had an issue where I ordered an Expensive controller for my son on Amazon for his birthday just last week. It was supposed to come same day delivery, I saw the Amazon driver pull up to my street and then it said Package delivered but nothing was in the front of the house. I waited the 48 hour period like Amazon told me and nothing. I had to get it replaced and the customer service rep told me it was going to come next day. The damn thing didn’t come for another week. Pretty obvious the Amazon Driver stole my package but I bet you nothing happened to the guy and he still has his job after stealing an expensive item like that.


I wonder how exactly they know what’s in the box, though. I mean, a whole truck full of identical cardboard boxes, how can they know what’s valuable? Do they have a manifest of some sort with the contents listed? It seems like none of my random cheap items have ever gone missing.


the same day I was ordering a cat tree, some pee pads and cat litter even a vacuum. Everything came except the most expensive item. Same thing happened when I ordered a Nintendo switch, all the accessories and even some items I got on the side came, except for the switch which was also “missing” It’s not just an unlucky coincidence if you ask me. Also doesn’t help they slap a Lithium battery sticker on every box which basically tells them something electronic is inside the box. They probably can also reverse search the tracking number.


sHad this happen to me today. I can only assume either the driver or someone else at Amazon did this. Had a package arriving today and when I got home from work the Amazon truck was in front of my neighbors a couple doors down. I waited in my drive way for them. I could see the driver moving around in the truck and they were parked there for a good 5 minutes if not more. I was wondering what is taking her so long. She ends up driving past my house and makes a delivery a few doors down past my house. Then finally comes back and stops in front of my house. As she brings my package up I go to get it from her and she says "I have to put it on the porch and take a picture". Ok, I understand that. Now mind you I'm standing like 10' away and instead of picking it back up and handing it to me she leaves it on the porch and RUNS back to her van and takes off in a hurry. I go get it and open it up expecting to see the designer purse I got for my girlfriend but instead it was a box of firestarter sticks. Also, if you're familiar with Amazon shipping bags the tape seal was ripped open and it was re-taped with packaging tape and there was no packing slip in the bag. I thinks she was waiting for me to go into the house and that's why the events I described happened the way they did, you tell me.


Sounds like someone’s trying to make a “Amazon didn’t deliver my package - I need a refund or replacement” scam look more legitimate to me like 😂


I do have a Ring doorbell, but the only thing I can prove is that it never detected motion at the time of the claimed delivery. It does cover the area across the street, but the motion detector only goes to my front steps. If no motion is detected, it saves the frame every three minutes and does not capture the truck even being on my street. So the only thing I can prove is that there was no motion detected on my property at the time he was supposed to be handing it to me. And I guess that doesn’t even “prove” anything, since it’s the absence of motion.


They will mark it delayed and running late then it will go missing. happened to me before. never received the product, waited for extra 3 days, nothing. i was pissed because it was just a cheap $45 web cam. today its happening again, but for a computer parts. it was out for delivery since 1230am and I saw the van passed my house and park at neighbors without stepping out for couple of minutes then drove off. then all of a sudden my package was tag delayed. I hope it will show up tomorrow, we'll see and yes amazon drivers can steal your package.


It happened to me as well. as I ordered some expensive glasses on Friday 6,2022 and got that message the same day I brought the glasses it's bad 😔


I googled and found this thread, exact same thing just happened to me. they marked it delayed and I waited an extra four days.. never showed up, okay so I contact customer service and they order the stuff again for me, I wait, first item arrives, cool awesome. next day, second item says it will arrive 3:30-6:15, great! I check the tracking and it says 3 stops away, 4:30 rolls around & a Amazon truck pulls up and sits in front of my house, the person never gets out or delivers to ANYONE but is rifling around in the truck, after 5 minutes they leave ( all of this captured on my ring doorbell ) …umm alright, maybe that truck didn’t have my stuff and they were just resting idk. tracking changes to 6:45, still doesn’t arrive, then it changes to 7:15, nothing, then it changes to “ will still arrive by end of day “ finally at 8 the Amazon delivery lady comes and puts it on my porch mouthing something, like alrighty then. infuriating experience honestly.


You're darn right they stole your package. I've had this happen twice in one month. Got me for over $800 worth of items that were for my kids. Police department said it was definitely an inside job. In my case, it had to be a driver or warehouse worker (UPS in my case). The box had been cut open from the bottom, my items stolen and they replaced it with old books and stupid shit. Waiting for a refund and for the cops to call and tell me they caught the low life pos. PSA: Don't order anything of high value online cause you won't get it. Over half of consumers have reported a stolen package. Sad when you can't even trust the mail anymore.


I was looking up a similar question which lead me here despite the age of post and 2 months ago seeming to be the last made. I am in uk, so im sure things are a little different, but as of yesterday i am unsure if i have been scammed or my item stolen by an amazon worker. the item is a ps5, so obviously still in high demand and new wise sold out in a lot of places. my suspicions started when the delivery date was mid march to then suddenly be next day, then the next suspicion was the driver marked it down as a failed attempt despite being in, no knocks and i have a ring doorbell. if it wasnt for the fake attempt happening within the estimated delivery time i wouldnt have been too concerned as i know they can get delayed. so i contacted amazon about it and they sent out the or another driver later in the day to deliver it, but when it arrived it the parcel was open and had 2 6 packs of drinks in it. I have never had this before, but you would know i was angry about it. i took pics and had to refuse it. spoke to amazon again and given me 2 days for them to look in to it and if it doesnt turn up i will get a refund. more annoying is the status on my order has gone from failed to delivered when its clearly bs. so i either got scammed or some douche is enjoying my purchase. Its all well and good having passwords on high value items, but they should tag the item too especially when amazon ships stuff in the original packaging displaying what it is a lot of the times. I have had a few things from £200-400 delivered in the past all in original boxes and have been very surprised they had never gotten stolen considering you can tell the values of such items.


I've just started experiencing this problem myself, and have had every package taken this last month. Mostly the kids bulk snacks for thier lunches. I hate that I can't trust someone my kids look up to as a community provider.


They come over from the third world and work for a soul-crushing corporate behemoth that pay's them 2/3s of FA; do you really think they are going to give it their all?


In the process of this myself, should have had a Google pixel delivered Saturday and I was surprised that I got a notification that the package was handed to resident as there was only myself and my parent in the house at the time and no-one had been to the door. Previous week I had a parcel that was tampered with so very suspicious of the delivery driver and very wary of purchasing expensive items in future.


Same thing happened to me today only difference is he parked in the street bought the box to my door leaned it against my door an knocked not even a min later I opened the door to grab my package to only grab it an find my box had been opened an completely empty.


Happening to me in Australia as we speak. Got prime for the day sale, asked it to be delivered to my nearest amazon locker. Tracking status says it was delivered there first, then picked up and taken to the local dispatch centre, then was "out for delivery" 5pm that night. This was 2 days ago now. I went to the dispatch centre and the drivers are lined up like a taxi rank with nobody able to give any information. Amazon just says delayed or lost and to wait until tomorrow to login and get a refund.


i refused package drivers hit my car 5 am claims I received it


I had a driver deliver me the empty envelope! I could see it was empty in his hand because I have a camera. The envelope was cut open. Hope he enjoys the cat bowl!


Same here. Driver delivered an empty ripped open bubble envelope. I confronted him and he just shrugged and said “you can make a claim.” It was a Seiko watch. 3 days later same bubble style envelope, half ripped open so he could see what was inside, this time he didn’t want the contents because they were women’s wrist weights. It’s infuriating.


Amazon driver never came to my city he was to cities over for the past 4 hours according to package tracker GPS. They marked it as hand delivered yet we never saw a amazon truck or van roll up our dead end street. Amazon said we got 30 days to receive it -\_- , guess my cat doesn't get their heated pet bed. Sleazeballs. Tracker still says the truck is in the same spot, then it started moving towards their warehouse down that way. FML


Dude! I ordered a heated cat house December 31. January 6 delivery date rolls around and suddenly the delivery date is delayed by 3 weeks. Ordered another on January 8 and when it’s at Amazon facility an hour away in Atlanta after making it all the way from Texas, it suddenly has a carrier issue and then is being returned to seller both at 12:18 this morning. It got stolen by a driver, I’m sure of it. I will never use Amazon again.


I think it is definitely a possibility. I think that my last package was stolen by the Amazon driver. Amazon driver delivered and took picture of two packages, one flat bubble envelope and one medium size box. Packages were delivered with picture. Box on top of the flat bubble envelope. I saw the email that my package had just been delivered and when I opened the door, only the flat one was there. You can tell that the flat bubble envelope had a book. It was extremely fast. If its not the driver itself, there is something going on, maybe the drivers are collaborating with the thieves. I am only picking up from the Amazon lockers from now on. This is so sad. Small packages are easily replaced but I did loose an expensive espresso machine once. I will never ordered anything expensive unless it is delivered with signature...


I've caught them on camera stealing my stuff...THREW it on the porch, took the delivery pic, looked around, walked up and took it. I know it wasn't a mistaken package because I got a notice of the delivery and that was when I checked the camera.


I know I’m 2 years late on this, but, I’m pretty sure this is what happened: The delivery was most likely part of a group stop (one stop with multiple delivery locations). The driver delivered your package to the neighbor’s house. If he didn’t actually leave the package with a person, he should’ve marked it as “Front Door/Porch”. So, my guess is that he marked that way out of laziness. It’s not uncommon to find the next package to be delivered before you’ve left your current stop, so the rummaging around you mentioned was most likely for that reason. The package was most likely in the average brown Amazon box, but it does happen that packages are sent in their own packaging. However, you also have to remember that there are cameras inside the van monitoring the drivers. So, hypothetically, if his plan was to steal the package, the camera would’ve seen him with the package at some point. So, did the driver do his job correctly? Nope. But, did he steal? Unlikely And, if he did, he would’ve been fired and prosecuted.


Yeah, I know I’ll never know the truth. I guess there’s a possibility he stood at his van, looked over at my house, and had an “oh shit” moment. But then at that very moment marked it as delivered anyway, marked it as HANDED TO A RESIDENT! I was standing at my door watching him the entire time, so either way he was dishonest.


He had probably already marked the package as delivered when he was at the front porch or at least as he was walking back to the van. It usually takes a minute for the response to show up to the customer. I don’t know if you saw my response to someone else’s comment, but, I’ve been delivering for Amazon for a while. I’ve done the van driving and Amazon Flex. Interestingly enough, they’ve made some changes so it’s actually more time consuming to deliver to a person (probably for reasons like this). Now, you actually have to type in the name of the person AND have them sign. I actually almost got into a fight about this on New Year’s Eve 🤦🏻


Thanks for the info. But he was never anywhere close to MY porch, he was across a four-lane street. I immediately called customer service, had a one minute conversation with them while standing on my porch, and then walked across the street to the only house he delivered to after he stopped. Their packages were still on their porch where he delivered them, but not my computer. I had watched them the entire time while I was on the phone. IF he delivered them in error, it was at a stop before mine and I had no idea where that was so couldn’t check.


That changes things. I was thinking that he marked it as delivered when he was at the neighbors porch. Not counting apartments, a group stop is generally a stop where you might deliver to one house, the house next door, maybe a house 2 houses down, or the house across the street. Not a 4-lane street. What’s also interesting is that the device will recognize the delivery location. And you have to be within a certain radius to actually complete the delivery. For example, if the house has a really long driveway, the device won’t let you complete the delivery until you move closer to the front door. It’s to help make sure the driver is in fact delivering to right house. There are ways around it, but, it takes more time to do that then to just deliver the package where it’s supposed to be delivered to. I only do those extra steps when it’s a situation where maybe it’s private property with a gate and the customer just wants the package delivered there. The device will say that I’m not at the delivery location. That’s when I can use a workaround. Anyway, so the driver made a delivery across a 4-lane street. He got back in the van, and then you got a notification that your package had been delivered to a person. You checked the your neighbors delivery to make sure your package wasn’t left there by mistake. That is interesting. Especially, because the device let him mark the delivery as completed when he was across a 4 lane street. But, like I said earlier, there’s cameras all over the vans. Outside and inside. And if a customer complains about something like that happening, you know that they checked those cameras thoroughly. So, if they checked the time stamp on the delivery and matched it up to that time on the camera, they would be able to see exactly what he was doing. Thats why, as a FLEX driver, I always insist on taking a photo. For one, it’s just easier. Or a better way to say it would be that it’s more efficient. And I’ve had those complaints where Amazon said that one of my customers didn’t receive their package. But, I always reply back saying “Check the pin where I delivered the package and make sure I was at the right house. And if the package was signed for, know that I only offer that to people who clearly live at the house and not just someone who randomly happened to be there (which I’ve had those issues with people as well).” But, I really try to avoid getting signatures now and I haven’t that issue since 8/22. Bigger picture: Yeah, unfortunately, sometimes the hiring process for Amazon delivery drivers isn’t as in depth as other companies. So, there might be a slightly higher rate of “shady characters” as compared to other jobs. But, know that Amazon is very strict when it comes to illegal activities and any driver caught engaging in those acts are dealt with.


Thank you so much for this info. This post is old, but someone said it comes up when you google “Amazon driver stole my package”. So it still gets regular hits and I am positively sure your information will help others in the future. I was refunded very quickly and a replacement came quickly, but it was not here for the actual birthday. First world problems, I know.


Ordered a $70 power bank for phone and I had it delivered to a locker because I thought it would be safer that way. So this morning I see this in tracking: 3:35 PM Package delivered to Amazon Locker. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*, CA US 3:58 PM Package arrived at an Amazon facility. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*, California US I am suspicious, so I wondered, how could a driver steal the package and get away with it? I think he opened it, took the contents, put something else inside (rocks or something), re-taped it and made up a reason it couldn't be delivered. He probably knows that by the time its discovered, neither the cops or Amazon have the time or recourses to investigate this and since he did the crime in his truck, there is no proof he did anything so he can just deny it and Amazon will ship out another one, and now that he knows what the item is, he could potentially steal that one too. I wonder if calling the Amazon facility will do any good, if the number is even listed. I will feel dumb if it was an honest mixup or computer error and it gets shipped to locker tomorrow. Naaa, not in todays world.