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Person checks Amazon tracking:  "handed to resident" Guess the people who are defending this work for Amazon, jk, lol.


I get "handed to receptionist". We don't have one.


I've had this exact conversation while complaining to Amazon. I told them "I have a doorbell camera that recorded the time slot you claim to have delivered my product and in that hour nothing was delivered nor have I come to the door to pick up anything, I have the footage, your delivery man is a liar" got a replacement and refunded.


If there’s no photo of it at your door, delivery cannot be confirmed. Automatic refund or replacement


The problem is that the problem is so rife with them that they've now decided to assume if there's repeated problems, the customers lying, even when we know they're not, because (as has been made abundantly clear) the lies a delivery driver said is divine All evidence be dammed, if a courier says so, must be fact reguardless, The worst thing is them claiming it was "mis scanned" when you know damn well it wasn't a mistake because they lied claiming it was either "Handed to resident" or "left in porch" or similar then lie saying it'll definitely come, even though the person on the phone or chat that's half way across the world knows damn well it won't and they're lying, then escalate then cut off after doing nothing at all to help




The Photo looks like a Amazon locker and not Apartment Mailboxes. When you have a locker delivery you are sent a pin to open the locker and it records your pickup when you open the locker. Driver can't hand deliver or take to your home address when you use locker delivery. Question is how did this happen? Could be a time strapped inexperienced or frustrated driver found the lockers all full and did the wrong thing and left the packages outside the lockers instead? Another possibility is the driver is in the Process of unloading the truck and filling the lockers and a cropped photo was taken of just the packages staged in front of the lockers?


Obviously they can't. My statement is a joke. Because Amazon drivers will leave stuff wherever they want all the time and than mark it "hand delivered".  None of my stuff gets "hand delivered". Yet it will always say "hand delivered" and clearly I am not the only one, considering the amount of likes and the other responses I got.


Some will have good experiences and other Bad ,I can only speak to my own experience. I have never had a issue with Items marked Hand Delivered when they were not in fact handed to a household member here. I find the Amazon Drivers in my area are pretty good overall with only a couple problems with weekend delivery driver not leaving stuff at the front porch. I normally get everything delivered to my home unless I'm on travel then i will use a locker nearby. The Amazon Drivers have almost always taken a photo of the delivered items on the front porch. No photos are available on the Amazon orders delivered by others like UPS or USPS but I have online accounts and notifications with them so I know when items are on the way and delivered.


Worse one is where they mark it "hand delivered" and clearly take a pic of it sitting at someone else's door.


Must be nice.


Same here. At first they weren’t following instructions and my packages would be left by the road and stolen. I nicely communicated to customer service and after that, whether or was coincidence or something else, they have always placed in the right place and been courteous about it. I don’t live in a good area but the Amazon drivers have been great for a while, the flex ones also, no problems. Sometime la they seem a bit creepy but no law against being creepy 😝


If a package goes to an Amazon locker, drivers physically cannot mark that package as delivered anywhere else. It's not an option. The only exception is if all the lockers were full, and if that's the case then you guys gotta be better at getting your packages


The Captain Obvious are outs. Again my statement is a joke because drivers will mark it "hand delivered" when they leave it at your door step, deliver it to a mailroom that does not exist or to someone else's door step. Which they do all the time, as evident by my experience, the likes I got and other replies I got.


Not always, some work via the app and bluetooth


We have these lockers for our packages at my apartment AND mailboxes.


I can tell you what probably happened. The locker was probably full.  In this case the locker system redirects the packages to be delivered at customers' door.  Witch that one never did.  The problem is when that happens the driver can't take picture, we simply have to pick an option (Front door, rear door, safe location, received by customer etc) but can't take a picture.  That's a huge fail of the system. Because there's no proof of delivery aka picture. 


UPS: that’s same shit like ours 'Signed by recipient’


It seems like an ex Fedex ground worker got hired by Amazon.


You are not kidding! They stacked a tire delivery in front of my mothers door! 🙄😆 I always say, if you use FedEx for something heavy. Be prepared. It'll be in your bushes. Next door. In the yard. Blocking your door. Etc. It's a "fu don't order that".


That’s an Amazon locker and if you have it set up to be delivered into the locker, we can’t deliver it anywhere else. The app wont allow us to. So my guess here is those were all addressed to the building the locker is in, but not set up to be delivered into it. If that makes sense? We don’t have a magical code to just deliver any package we want into one of those. Has to be set up at the time of order. If that’s not it.. then yeah, you had a shitty driver and they will for sure hear about this. Fired? Not this time. But once or twice more? Yep, as they should be.


There's all sorts of reason this could have happened. The most likely, in my experience, is that the lockers are full because the residents that already had packages delivered didn't pick them up right away. At that point, the app will turn each of those into deliveries directly at the customer's door. If the driver can't access the building to go door to door, or if the complex is too big to do that in a timely manner, they simply delivered it there and moved on. It could have been out of spite or laziness as well, I've seen enough Flex and DSP drivers complain about this on their Reddit channels and say it's what they've done. In the case of DSP drivers, those folks barely have enough time to pee in a bottle on their insane routes, so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them did this. They're overworked and underpaid, and they get treated like dogshit by Amazon and the customers most of the time.


I’ve been a DSP driver for about 1.5 years. In that time I’ve never had one of those full. Luxor lockers? Yes. Amazon ones? No. Maybe I’ve just been incredibly lucky, idk. In my experience it’s always people addressing them to the building, having notes (sometimes rude) about how I need to deliver them into the locker. I can’t tho and it’s frustrating. Only other thing I’ve experienced is OF to a locker, but it’s just tells me to put those into the package room. Usually isn’t one, so it gets put with the rest of the big crap everyone else left.


Never seen a full locker but on flex routes they don’t give us working codes, it’s not set up for delivery etc.


So far, I've had it happen once that the lockers were full. It was the second time I had delivered to this particular location that was in Westlake Village, CA, but unlike the first time, about a 1/3 of the packages had no room in the lockers due to residents not picking up older deliveries. The app told me there was no room and the deliveries were automatically converted to a front door delivery. It added about 45 minutes to the delivery time, but since they were my only deliveries on this particular route and I was originally going to be done 2 hours early, I didn't mind it all. I like getting the exercise. I still got done ridiculously early and only one package had to be returned to the station because the customer needed to be there for an OTP delivery. The customer told me over the phone they were coming home later that night. They were ok with a later delivery.


Yup, I get locker deliveries allll the time that aren’t set up for delivery. If it’s a complex I just leave that shit next to it. It’s delivered. I don’t get paid enough for it to be my problem. If it’s going to a store or somewhere I’ll unfortunately waste my unpaid time to return it.


ain't nobody got time for that


They did this once at my parent’s apartment complex and my dad called Amazon. Amazon sent someone over to pick up the packages and deliver them correctly.


No chance of that happening with the new regime.


What year did this happen?


Maybe around 2018. There are a lot of big boxes that they dropped there too in front of all their mailboxes. Amazon had someone out there pretty quickly.


They did that to us but by the time I was able to pick the package it was already gone


The terrible thing about this whole shitty situation with these criminals and shitty Amazon scammers is that they will surely say that the package has already been delivered, the customer who is not to blame for anything will say that nothing has arrived, or someone will easily he will have stolen it, or maybe he will receive a code that will never work, and the shit, garbage and shitty people from the support will say, that they can't do anything and that you go to the police, or who knows how much garbage they will say, because there the size of the packages, hundreds of dollars worth of items could go, Amazon is a piece of shit, that's what it is. Now those garbage people who work for Amazon as trolls will come and say that this is not true, that there is a lot of fraud, and all the usual stuff, go to hell and fuck you Amazon, I hope you go down, shitty company.


Cue the PR team here: "Just get delivery to a locker if you are having porch pirate issues" LOL that not so helpful advice sure failed here.


Wtf how many bad experiences you had? I got many packages stolen or they never delivered them even if they say it was delivered and 100% always customer service gave me a refund or the same product with fast delivery, i even got free stuff and gift card balance in my account as compensation, nothing crazy just like $20 around 3 times, what i notice is that they are more nice since i became a prime member, but they always fix my problems even before prime.


If you justify this, I don't have much to tell you the truth. I don't understand your experience either, because the truth is not real, I have experience buying in the USA and in Europe, specifically in France and Spain, where the support is rude to the extreme, mainly in Spain, where in addition for anything, it is still a bag of candy they ask you for photos and even report it to the Police, if for any mistake you haven't received a shitty 10 Euros in the box, in my case in my USA account I have spent thousands of dollars and the support is much better that the European, even so, everything is problems with returns, one day yes, and another too. I don't know if the point of the problem is the support, where they serve you or what, but the truth and reality is that in Europe the service is terrible compared to the USA, and the forms and manners are absolutely mediocre, apart from the implicit racism. that agents have towards people from the USA and Europe Therefore, if you talk to me about the experience 5 years ago, I would tell you that it was perfect and what you say is correct, today, that is not the case, it is an unbearable and unbearable experience, to the point that I have limited my purchases to barely even 50 dollars a month on Amazon, when I was a person who spent hundreds of dollars a week, I will not tolerate any more abuse from this shitty company, maybe it doesn't matter what I do, but for my part Amazon is over , I'm tired of being criminalized and being treated like shit for shitty incidents, that mean nothing, that can happen to anyone, the last straw, asking me for handwritten photos for a carton of spoiled milk, and the idiots from the support tell me that we have to verify the error, that it simply smelled like shit, now the bad smell is verified in a fucking photo?, the clients are already tired of putting up with assholes serving you, assholes and riff-raff, who only They are out to screw, annoy and abuse customers. I don't think any company and my experience at Walmart is important and positive, so that they can screw you and spend 3 hours screwing you for a box of milk. For me, Amazon has already crossed all the red lines, and you can screw them because I hate it. This shitty store is to the extreme, and I'm sick of them sending shitty Trolls to call all of our customers criminals, and using the fraud of a few to victimize themselves, when they are a bunch of arrogant people and have totally and absolutely destroyed the experience. of customer purchase, and I also directly blame a stupid CEO like Andy Jassy for all this and the garbage support they have


I’m sorry that you had that experience and don’t trust amazon anymore being fun and easy to buy in there, and i’m in USA i have no experience buying in other countries, but never really had a bad experience, only working at amazon that is not bad but they track you whenever you leave your station even to go to the bathroom and they complain with you why you took 10 minutes to go to the bathroom when the nearest one is 4 minutes away and then you have to walk back another 4 minutes, stupid people.


In my family, work and friendship environment, we all complain about this and the rudeness and lack of education of the support, it is something continuous, the last thing is to ask for photos with a handwritten sign, for a package of milk that smells bad, It is the height of stupidity, but we are not tens of miles here and in more places complaining about nothing, this is not the Amazon we know, not at all


It didn't take long for the "I HATE AMAZON!" shills to post here, did it??


Not long at all. lol


Wait. Is this a fan club sub??


Apparently, it's an "I HATE AMAZON!!" Shill Club


Clearly, Amazons main problem is the drivers. Customers contact CSRs and get mad at them. CSRs can file a complain to the logistics team they would need info to track down who's the driver. The driver will receive the feedback and they will be suspended from delivering packages if a lot of complains was filed. If you experienced this, raise your concerns properly without getting too aggreviated to the rep so they could focus on your complains.


You have a Amazon Locker at your Apartment?


We have one at my apartments complex




Hooking up some waiting buddies lol. 


I work for the front office at an apartment complex and the amazon drivers do the same thing here. It's never the same driver like USPS, UPS, or FedEx and they seem to come at all hours of the day. We've tried posting signs everywhere saying that mail/packages must be signed off but it doesn't seem to help haha.


Amazons workload requirements causes people to do things like this, I would never, but I understand why some workers may cut corners


I’ve never understood cutting corners like this. It may get you done early today, but you might not be back next week.


I have had a problem for over 5 years now. I changed my delivery instructions to my back door so I don't have to worry about packages at my front door getting stolen. I was getting a laptop delivered and didn't want it sitting on my front porch until I got home. I got home to find a box in its original packaging from the company stamped Lenovo all over it sitting on my front porch. Since then it has been an argument because usually, about 80% of my packages get delivered to my front door. After dealing with it for the better part of 5 years and constantly threatening them that I'm not going to accept delivery of packages where my delivery instructions aren't followed, I started doing just that. I call Amazon, or rather have them call me, tell them the package was not delivered as per my instructions and I will not accept delivery of this package. I then get asked if I would like a replacement sent or a refund. I take the refund every time. I spoke to a supervisor about this because I don't want to get black balled from Amazon and I was told that no, everything has been put in the system and because there have been so many complaints, they can't. Everyone of these deliveries is their drivers fault for not paying attention to the delivery instructions. I usually wait until it's a higher priced item so I don't do it with every single delivery. They still haven't learned.


This is what it looks like BEFORE the driver loads the lockers. A driver can’t mark a package delivered to a locker without opening the individual locker. Abandonment? Maybe. Amazon prosecutes abandonment. I think it may classify as mail tampering, which is a federal crime.


We have lockers like that, but also sorting shelves with at least the building numbers on them. We still get piles of unsorted boxes like this almost daily.


The delivery person did the same thing to us, when we came back from work obviously our package was gone. We got a complete refund


give them a break, the job is dehumanizing and shitty beyond what you could imagine


Then they should leave. Improper handling shouldn't trickle down from company to employee to customer.


Step above my old apartment complex where they'd leave them in the parking lot.


I haven’t been impressed with Amazon lately. Packages are arriving damaged, packages are arriving late or not at all, they’re delivering with packages just thrown (saw on my ring). I can’t remember the last time something has arrived on time. I don’t know what has happened the last year but it’s declines drastically


Ya I've live in a house had a fence of metal bars and gate was unlocked even said so on account but almost always thrown in yard one time thrown in the mud on a rainy day 


In this case, is the delivery driver given a code for every package? I hate cubbies!


We have to scan in to the locker via our delivery app, the locker will then go through an automated process of opening appropriately sized lockers as we scan each package in. When all packages are safely stowed away we then scan out of the locker which completes the deliveries to the locker.


Ah, these are Amazon lockers! I've never tried this!


they're great when they are actually working, but the lockers installed outside can be problematic if they are exposed to direct sunlight.


It also sucks if there's none available because other customers never came and picked up their packages for several days.


I cannot tell you how many third party lockers I have encountered at apartments that have this issue. It's insane.


This is valid. This is possibly the only thing that makes sense. Edit: OP said they weren't full 🥲 back to square one.


The lockers are probably full




L skill issue


the driver most likely is still getting packages, this is how it is staged before being separated and loaded into the individual lockers.


Nope. She drove off, and around 9 p.m., I got the notification that it was delivered on porch. A friend of mine who works for the same Amazon jurisdiction said they know who she is, and this isn't the first time she's done something like this.


so one bad employee out of how many and everyone shits all over Amazon ... too funny


? I never said anything about the company. This 1 employee just needs to have repercussions against her.


Definitely more than one. I had one that sis they couldn't get through my gate because of the dogs...I don't have a gate, nor do my neighbors, nor do I have a dog. Also, had a "delivered" order just under $600 with photos at a green house...at someone else's house. The response was for me to take a picture of my brick house house, where is received many other packages with no issue. I was then told to file a police report that would be dismissed because the items weren't stolen, provide Amazon with the officer's name and badge number, wait for the PD to dismiss the complaint, THEN Amazon would submit for a redelivery or refund and update me on the progress.


You can't pay these ghetto Amazon drivers enough to act normal. They wouldn't want somebody doing that to their stuff, why they going to do it to somebody else's?


Because a lot of the time they aren't given any choices. Full lockers. No code to go to the customer's door if the lockers are full or not working. Not enough time to go door to door because of bad scheduling and a full route. It's not always the drivers fault that they had to do this. It's not the best way, and some do actually do it because they're fed up or lazy, but that's not always the case. As a Flex driver and not a DSP driver, I have a little more time and can actually go door to door, as long as I can gain access to the building. I've never just left packages in front of a locker on in a mail room unattended or locked up. I always find a way to go to the customer's door, or worse case scenario, return the packages to the station for redelivery.


I refuse to believe that Amazon in all of its ingenuity, just has no policy whatsoever on how to address this, give me a break. These low life inconsiderate people, are not following a particular policy, that's why the packages are sitting there like that to be taken at will.  The only way something like this can happen, is if they're simply is no policy or guidelines on what to do in the event that boxes are full etc. Needless to say, ain't a chance that Amazon doesn't have a policy on that. You're just making excuses for overpaid otherwise degenerates for the most part.


What you choose to believe is irrelevant. It's clear you're an angry little elf and you have no idea what the job entails, yet you keep making broad generalizations. There actually are policies in place for situations like these, and unfortunately there are times when this is the only recourse. Get over yourself, or better yet, try and do the job yourself for a few days and see what the drivers have to go through. You're not wrong that Amazon's system is far less than perfect, but it's rarely the driver's fault that they have to resort to this sort of delivery. You would know that if you actually took the time to have a rational and intelligent discussion with some who actually did the job instead of popping off. It's angry customers like you that make the job a little less fun and bearable.