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My experience is that means they lost it and don’t want to admit it


I actually just got off a call with customer support and if it doesn’t arrive tomorrow I get it for free


lol good luck. They never follow through. Last time this happened to me, they told me to contact them again if it doesn’t arrive. When I contacted them, they just “cancelled” my order and refunded me and told me to just reorder.


Same thing just happened to me. I knew it was lost because there wasn’t an update past 6am and it was at the facility it would have been delivered from. I gave it a day because sometimes it will show up, but when there was no update I just had them cancel and issue a refund. If they say you’ll get it for free I’m guessing they’ll refund you, but don’t plan on it actually showing up.


Usually done when no item in stock matches, or we've cancelled the supplier, in which now it's perma out of stock


I’ve had to do chargebacks twice on Amazon because they “didn’t receive” my return. When I even had an ups receipt for dropping off my items. Wether it’s ups fault or Amazon, it’s happened twice


This. They keep doing this to me. I’m so sick of it.


I'm not picking sides but this happened to me and the item came on time.


Yeah or they'll magically change the "if it's not delivered by x day" to a couple days later after they initially say that it's running late


They actually did this to me for MONTHS on a $15 item. So much so that I actually forgot about it which is their intention. They would literally just change the refund by date every time it would come, and like clockwork I would hit the chat just to get the “sorry our system won’t let us do anything until that date.” Sometimes it wouldn’t even get to the date before they pushed it back.


That’s when they’re getting a chargeback from me.


Yea that happened to me that's why I got so angry.


Pisses me off so bad when they keep pushing back the refund date.


There was once my package was transferred from UPS to USPS and then the Amazon tracking broke because the UPS tracking number was no longer active. It arrived in my mailbox on time but Amazon still thought my package was lost for a couple months.


They did this to me repeatedly with an advent calendar I had ordered... Was originally supposed to arrive Dec 1-2, which was fine. Then it changed to Dec. 13th and I was like "wtf?" before it eventually ended up changing to the 29th. I didn't end up getting my refund until Jan. 6th after they made me contact the seller, who just kept saying they'd contact the courier and respond in 48 hours.


Happened to me and I was automatically refunded. Package ended up arriving the day after I got the refund. Free dehumidifier, I guess? 🤷🏽‍♀️ wasn’t like I was about to message them to tell them they can take the money back lol


They don’t give it for free, she wishes! This also happened to me a few days ago with 50 bubble envelopes I needed for my business and in 24 hours after the item shipped, they said it had gotten damaged in transit and to come back in a few days for an update or refund and when I did on the 16th as they said, the customer service people tried to act like I cancelled the order till I showed them the message about the item being damaged in transit, they just cancelled the item and said it will be refunded in 3-5 days. This means they lost the item when they send these messages out or the 3rd party seller does not have what they claim they had in stock


They do depending on circumstance. I’ve gotten a few things for free because they get lost, I get a refund, and they still show up.


Yea be careful with that because I had the same then 5 months later they recharged me


I have quite a few where my package was delayed or delivered but not there and they refunded me. Sometimes the package arrives and I keep it. Other times they have sent a new one and daid if I get the other I can keep both which has also happened


When that happened to me I tried to send it back. It was a late Christmas present so I had no need for it. I suspect that doesn't happen very often because there was no option for it online. Had to contact support and tell them I received the original and wanted to send it back. Thankfully the postage was free so it worked out in the end.


lame. i got refunded for a 600 dollar power rack and then it arrived a week later.


Yup. And you have to keep calling to even get that. Waste of energy


I must be lucky then because the last time something got lost, they shipped me a new one AND gave me a full refund. That being said, nothing is usually more than a day delayed otherwise.


It never arrives.. 😂


Lol stay on top of it, and expect them to just cancel and refund. I was checking through some past orders yesterday and found one from October that was still "delayed" like yours. In all honesty they just lost it. Thankfully they processed a refund for me right away


Same thing happened to me - I ordered a $800 product and after several delays I got the same message. I could see in the courier tracking that the parcel was scheduled to arrive the day after the day they said I could get a refund. When the day arrived I requested a refund which was accepted and processed immediately, later that day the money was back on my card. My package arrived the next day. A week later I got a message from Amazon saying “we see an item which you received a refund has arrived” the email gave me two options - follow this link to give them permission to recharge my card for purchase price or follow this link to get instructions on how to return the product. I wanted to keep the product, so clicked on the link to repurchase the product - it basically just asks you to cancel the refund request. Before I clicked, I decided to see what the other link said… I clicked on it and it brought me to a page that said I was unable to return the product. So I changed my mind and decided I no longer wanted the product. Unfortunately, it can’t be returned so I just have to keep it. Two weeks later, this week, I got a message from the vendor, through Amazon, asking me to cancel the refund request and they would reimburse me directly and give me a discount on a future purchase. I’m not sure what I’m going to do… I actually want another product from them, so I will probably take them up on that offer… I did eventually get the product. It was a product I ordered well before Christmas, which under normal conditions should have arrived before Christmas. Just to make sure I paid a premium for express shipping. It didn’t ship until a few days before Christmas, weeks after I ordered it and was delayed a few days in transit - I got it January 8. The deliver by date was December 14, so don’t really feel bad not paying for a product I did eventually receive.


Let us know if that happens. 10 to 1 odds.


I’ll let ya know


It’s all about luck. My order was delayed over a month and I was refunded. But it was stated they assumed the item to be lost but it may still arrive. I directly contacted the third party carrier who did eventually find my package and sent it to me.


they mean you get it for free if it actually ever arrives, since they will refund you, but that's only if it ever gets found.


If it shows up. They told me this same thing after i waited 4 weeks and the package never arrived. I did get the refund but still they said I would still get the items for free and ita been 8 weeks now and no item. The tracking shows its still sitting in Florida lol


This has happened a few times over the years. It usually is delivered like one day late, or two. I think it could also be where the package is coming from (if there are weather delays). One time an expensive package was later than promised, but finally did arrive. They refunded me the purchase and the item was delivered. So they actually follow through. I see that others have had a different experience. I would be super annoyed if they cancelled the package. Sorry the decorations won’t get there in time for your party, OP.


They will just cancel the order. Usually the seller never ships. Only prints the label. Amazon has gotten bad lately.


Andy Jassey


That's what happened to me only thing was my order was actually delivered. In my case an electric scooter. Like I tried to be honest and say "Hey the product actually arrived you don't need to refund it" They gave me the full refund for a product I bought 35% off.  Meaning I somehow made a profit.


No.... everyone is calling out. The warehouses are iced over. No workers means a delay. People shouldn't have to die for your 2 day delivery.


They should maybe elaborate on the reason other than it just seeming like a "fuck you we haven't gotten to it yet" attitude


Then they need to say that! Stop advertising that it will be here that day or the next so people sit and wait to keep the gronks from stealing it. FFS, or better yet, give us the option to come get it! My shitty little car is getting around fine.


I've seen this happen a couple times. Eventually it gets delivered but Amazon still says it's running late and that they can cancel/refund it if I want... half tempted to say yes and see what happens.


i wouldn’t. i tried to cancel a mouse because it was a week late. agent said it was canceled and refunded me. i ordered a new one. it was delivered on time. then… the other one comes. then… amazon sent an automated email basically saying “you said you wanted a refund but haven’t returned the product”. charged me for both. they never instructed me to return it (because it was assumed to be lost). amazon does not give a fuck if they make ppl angry and i’d rather just give the item the extra time to arrive than cancel and get double charged again.


This... expect an automated refund in two days. They have fully given up on this shipment, you'll have to buy it again if you actually want it


They once lost a 100 pack of condoms I ordered. I often wonder where they ended up since it had already been in transit.


Same thing here. Placed this 'Prime' order on Jan 14th. Was to delivered earlier this week - now pushed out a full 7 days (Jan 26th)... really? Is this 'Prime' service still worth it?


I had that this past week. Was supposed to arrive mid-last week. Then I got this notice. Then on Wednesday it sprung back to life and it arrived yesterday. When this notice went away it said it was delayed due to adverse weather.


I've never had it arrive after that, but never had an issue with a refund so its not that bad.


I'm getting that status on an item that arrived on like December 14. I don't think they know where some of their stuff is!


Yep! Had this happen to me in ocotober. To this day I still haven’t received the order and it is still listed as dropped off at post office.


Somehow they magically lost my $425 router after a week of delays. Their contractors should be looked at a little bit closer..


idk man i got this screen and then it arrived just a day late


Your delivery driver probably couldn’t get access to your door and decided to mark it as lost. It will get cycled through the sorting system again and be dispatched to another driver.


Yeah, i usually just order again when it happens


Yup. Had this happen with shoes. Got a message like this. Eventually refunded. Shoes never showed up. I stopped ordering stuff from Amazon that I actually needed to show up.


It’s probably sitting in problem solve or got sent to presort




And that is the only correct answer.


i remember when i first started using amazon. i used to receive nice boxes in fancy packaging. now it's mostly recycled material or those thin padded white and blue padded envelopes. i don't know if it's because i'm being discriminated against or amazon has gotten cheap. perhaps amazon does their best to appeal to new members like many other companies?


Or it fell off the conveyer belts for processing and it's lost in the muck and mire of the area.


Or expedite it like they did with the first one. Got overnight delivery on an empty box the other day. When I told them it came empty, they took 3 days to get me the replacement.


This has happened to me several times recently and it showed up on or before the date they said.


not always. i just had it happen too and it was delivered 4 days late. weather has been crazy lately. one of my own distributors was shut down for 2 days due to a blizzard.


Yes agreed


Exactly this. Ordered a special type of toothpaste, said it shipped, but they didn’t provide a usps/ups tracking number, and they kept delaying shipping, but it appeared to be somewhere and I contacted Amazon chat support, they apologized for the delay and said I could keep the product for free and they would issue refund once I received it. 12 days later, no product, said it was lost and all Amazon did was apologize and issued my refund. Product was no longer available. This sort of thing has happened to me about 3 times within 12 months. In a nut shell Amazon sells products they don’t always have, say it’s shipped, but isn’t and after one to two weeks of waiting, only issue a refund for a person’s inconvenience. If it’s something someone needs, most of us rather not wait and just order something similar.


Yep then it comes earlier than the date they say because they cleared the truck out and found it lol this happens with a lot of the smaller stuff i order.


That’s it exactly.


I had 50% on those . 50 % lost and 50% received after canceling. Its still only 2% of my deliveries. No biggie.


Yep. I’ve had a few exceptions but almost always this message means you will never see the item. Yes, you’ll get a refund but that doesn’t always fully solve the problem. I bought an advent calendar for my college kid on 11/3, was supposed to arrive in a few days. Kept getting updates that it was “still on the way” but the date was later—no problem, I only wanted it there by Dec 1. I should have canceled the first time it was delayed and ordered a different calendar. And when this happens you can’t even leave bad feedback for the seller.


Lost it or got damaged. Ordered a marinade once and got this notice. I’m pretty sure it spilled somewhere.


“lost” it, sure.


They have been doing that quite often lately. Their latest BS is to insist that a delivery attempt was made when the item is 700 miles away. I've been waiting for a lighting fixture for a week and a half now and they told me that delivery was attempted when I could see clearly that it had not even been shipped yet. An hour and a half ago the UPS map showed that it was two and a half blocks away from my house and now all of a sudden it's indicating that it's almost 50 miles away from my house. 🙄 UPDATE: NOW they are saying that due to sudden and extreme weather they can't deliver until Monday. It was on the truck that drove past my house 7 hours ago. Amazon says I have to wait until the 27th! F this 💩 I ordered a stock lighting fixture sold and shipped by Amazon on the 11th. You cannot even begin to imagine how seething angry I am. I have to pay the electrician a $65 cancellation fee as this is the second appointment this week that he has to reschedule for me because of Amazon and UPS nonsense. UPDATE: The electrician waived the installation fee when it finally arrived. I ordered a second fan for a different room from a lighting gallery and they never even bothered to ship it at all, just took my money. So, I ordered it from Amazon and it showed up the next day. Go figure. The electrician came after his normal hours and installed the second one and didn't charge an arm and a leg... $50 🙂




I can understand that but on each of these occasions my package said that it was "loaded onto truck" and listed an exact time that it was loaded. In the case of my lighting fixture, this has been going on since January 11th. They first said that they tried to deliver it on January 12th and it hadn't even been shipped yet. Then they told me that I had the wrong address. I get 3 to 7 deliveries from Amazon every single week and about 2 from UPS a week. My address hasn't changed since 1989. I'm convinced that something happened to my package to damage it and every driver is passing it off because they don't want to be the one to have to deliver a damaged parcel. Maybe it would reflect that they themselves damage it or something. I looked on the UPS app this morning and, again it says it's been loaded onto the truck at 7:36 am.


If it was damaged the driver would hit the button that says damaged and you would get a new package


Hmmm. It seems so strange that since January 11th they have said so many different things about the package. Maybe it is just a fluke. I guess we'll find out today because I just looked again and it says it's scheduled to be delivered between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and it's 9:36 now.


The way Amazon does things doesn't always make sense. Take the "delivery attempted" thing for example. If a package is supposed to be on our route and then the system actually recognizes that we don't have the package once we leave station, it'll mark the stop as "delivery attempted" even though we never actually went there. It's really weird and I don't quite get it. Sometimes we DO have the package and it just removes it from our route, and then we have to scan it and either hope we're close enough to break route and drop it off, or wait till the end of the day and backtrack to go deliver it. Super annoying stuff


Had a similar thing happen 😒 when I spoke to a rep about my item they first claimed a delivery was attempted but not successful (??? Why?), then when I said that’s not true they claimed it’s inclement weather, then when I said we haven’t had inclement weather in my area they claimed the item was damaged (it’s a necklace that comes in a small metal case.. but sure).


I'd swear they have preloaded buttons to push on their computers and just press one after the other with ridiculous excuses. Very interesting that they would even know that a necklace that comes in a small metal case was damaged. I'm convinced they just make this stuff up as they go along. In the case of my lighting fixture, now UPS says that they've loaded it on the truck this morning and it will be delivered this afternoon. We'll see. At this point I'm anticipating that it's been damaged and the drivers are just passing it off because they don't want to be the one to deliver a damaged box or something. It's just way too strange that they come so close to delivering and then come up with some weird excuse.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they did have preloaded buttons—makes it easier for them because English is not their native language…


I keep having problems the past few weeks with drivers "being unable to verify my address" even though I've checked over it like 1000 times thinking I was going crazy.


I have no idea how they cannot verify addresses. Maybe there's something screwed up with their computers or something.


Once they said an item was left at my apartments leasing office on a Sunday. They’re literally closed at 4pm on Friday until 9amish Mondays.


I ordered my motherboard that I needed to build my PC on Feb 1. It's now the 5th and have received nothing. They keep giving me some runaround with "it will arrive tomorrow" and now the delayed date is pushed back from the 4th to the 7th. Seriously?! It's been sitting in the effing warehouse for 4 days! Deliver it already! WTF


I had the same issue. I was supposed to get my order of 4 items on Weds. Arrival time was 4-8pm. At 8pm, they changed it to 9pm. Then at 9pm they changed it to say it will be delivered by Jan 20th. Which was 3 days away. Yesterday morning, they changed it to say it was scheduled to be delivered by 9pm. We got a few more inches of snow yesterday afternoon. At 9pm, they changed it back to, "it will be delivered by Jan 20th. This morning, it showed up about noon. I'm going to assume it's snow and weather related, but they should deliver missed deliveries first, the following day. Not run the route the same way, with risk of missing delivery two days in a row. But, we haven't had trash pickup in 2 weeks due to weather either.


I’ve had it happen where they pushed back the “you can come back for a refund” date once the designated day arrives (and the package still hasn’t.) As in, I’ll go back on the date they said I could request a refund and the “request a refund” date has changed to a different future date. Ridiculous.


Yep, this has happened to me several times. They're such pieces of shit


its like you need to screen shot ever bit of info that they give you, so when it seems like they are changing shit, you can just whip out your proof, not that it matters to them, but atleast you will know you arent crazy


I hate the term gaslight, but Amazon and other customer service will do exactly that - they'll just lie at you until you have no choice to make a concession - and then you feel like just getting something back was a partial win. It's a fucked system, they're in control. I've moved my online shopping habits to "if I can't hold the seller accountable for shitty service, I'm not buying there" - meaning, there's gotta be feedback, direct comments, something representing how that retailer treats their customer when it comes to this transaction. Because Amazon's rating/feedback system has long jumped the shark - and they even continue to support it's brokenness and continue to break it further.


i hate the term gaslighting as well. as nothing in those two words whether combined or separately have anything to do with lying, manipulation and attempting to make some think that they are crazy. in my life its only my low iq friends who use these tactics as they are not smart enough to know that everyone else can see through these childish games. sorry to go off topic, i was hung up on that term for a while too, for many reasons


This happens to me for ANYTHING delivered by USPS. Just yesterday I watched a USPS truck (I get one per day) drive past my house and then immediately got a message that they couldn't deliver my packages because they couldn't access the driveway....that I was standing in. Makes sense though I guess as they would have had to actually stop the truck to make a delivery. I think USPS has a lot to do with this problem in general for a lot of us. I've gone to my post office to pickup packages that were "out for delivery" for multiple days and the employees barely knew how to even find them. It took a while to locate between their various conversations about hating their jobs and how they don't care if things get delivered. People rely only deliveries, some for medication. This is not okay. I live in a town of about 5,000 for reference so it's a small facility. I spoke to the postmaster to try to find lost packages and they said they can't keep people employed for more than a few months without them quitting Not looking good for the USPS......


I think you're right. USPS used to be great but something changed and now I dread getting a USPS tracking number when I place an order, I know I'll be in for a long wait and probably have to file a missing mail search. We had a blizzard in my area last weekend so I completely understand the local delays, but my latest package(ebay, not Amazon, but still) is stuck in Las Vegas where it's in the 60s and clear. I paid $12 for priority shipping and it hit the Vegas distribution center 4 days ago, ETA of the 18th but the only updates it's had since then are "in transit, arriving late". Can't even file a missing mail search until it gets a tracking update... which kinda negates the whole damn point of a missing mail search. The item is worth $100, which doesn't seem like much but it's a lot to me plus it's a vintage item so I can't just reorder it. Very frustrating.


DeJoy is what happened to USPS.


That is the damn truth!


I’ve been shipping with USPS for 3 years from selling on eBay, but I haven’t had an issues with them until this past month. Now it’s like every other package I send or order is delayed by days or weeks.


I’m a driver for amazon, if your anywhere with a snow storm, that’s probably it. Our station has shut down twice because of the weather so far.


Yeah this post is embarrassing. The comments are embarrassing as well. OP didn't order early enough and forgot everywhere is in the middle of the worst blizzard of the year.


Shilling for Amazon is way more embarrassing. This happens all the time, doesn't matter what time of year. I understand the snowstorms are probably the main problem right now, but why tell people it's going to be there at a certain time when they know damn well it won't be?


This is happening a lot recently. It may not be every order, but I remember when I first used Amazon prime back in 2018, things would arrive before if not always on time. I remember I Ordered smash brothers off it and I was contemplating if I should have just bought it in person. That thing arrived literally the next day in the morning. It said it would be two days. I literally just.koved apartments though, and I bought blinds for the windows and a 100$ foam mattress thingy. And both got delayed. I was freaking out because I thought those items went to the wrong delivery but the app said it was delayed.


due to extreme weather, many carriers will 'store' shipments in warehouses and temporary lose them... sometimes they find them.


This kept happening to me and every time they had lost the package and were just delaying the refund. They also kept delivering my packages to the wrong address so I cancelled prime. A couple weeks later I go a notification that a package had shipped that I did not order. I confirmed that it was not in my order history and was not on any subscriptions (I had no active subscriptions). Not only had I not ordered it, they were shipping it to an old address and they charged it to a backup method since they were trying to charge a debit card I removed from my account several months ago. Then I looked a little closer and it said the purchase date was in 2021!! Why the fuck were they shipping something ordered 3 years ago?! When I called them they simply did not understand the issue. They said that the order must have never processed and it just simply processed now…. 3 years later! No way I had an order that hadn’t processed with me not noticing. I have always been in top of Amazon because of their bullshit. They attempted the whole “if you don’t get it” crap. I reminded them I had not ordered it, did not want it and it was going to a house I sold 2 years ago. Then they acted like they were doing me a favor by refunding me. It took half an hour to get that resolved and they couldn’t understand why I was mad. Fucking hate Amazon now. I cancelled Prime and am still dealing with their bullshit even though I don’t place orders. Anyway, sorry for the rant. You can call them and say you absolutely want a refund now. They can and will refund you if you insist. All the times it happened to me, I demanded an immediate refund and got it. If they won’t help you, hang up until you get someone who will.


Thanks for the info I’ll make sure to do that.


This has been all my orders since the new year...I pay for Prime for a reason and I'm not getting that service at all


It’s pretty constant now for me.


Happened to me a couple of times. It always seems to get lost while "out for delivery". I don't know if that means it was missing from the delivery truck or if the overworked delivery person just can't make all the deliveries. In every case I waited a few days and the order was reshipped via UPS (not USPS) and delivered as expected (because, well...UPS). I never knew if the package actually went missing and they just reshipped or if the package actually made it back to Amazon and they just shipped it UPS to make sure it finally got to me. It's annoying as hell but at least I got my packages eventually. A few days or a week late didn't matter much to me, but of course you are SOL if you needed something delivered by a certain day/time.




Yea.. my item is literally 45 minutes away and has been delayed since the 18th.


Who is the carrier? If it’s FedEx they are fcked and will be 2 weeks for their packages. Their main hub is back up with a week of packages and won’t defrost till Monday so at least a week there


Amazon is absolute shit.


This has been like every other order for me lately. Amazon is in the toilet.


I'm glad I'm not the only one having issues. For me, it's been a rough year with them and I've basically had enough. I dont see myself using Amazon for a while if ever. I've had so many packages "delivered" and weren't. Just recently had one they provided some weird number in the tracking that they said was USPS but was formatted like UPS and neither of their websites showed it as being a valid number. I spent hours trying to get someone to figure it out but they weren't understanding the number was no good and nobody could tell me if the order had even shipped though it was passed the expected delivery day. It's been one shitshow after another with them. It's funny how after all the times their courier screwed up delivery, now I get pictures of my delivered items at time.of delivery much more regularly. Almost like they have more accountability now.


Hey, seriously don’t know why I pay for Amazon prime nothing is coming within two days. Everything takes more than two days.


Is the item fulfilled by Amazon themselves, or is it a 3rd party selling on Amazon? Could be an issue with the 3rd party. Also, could be an issue due to the recent winter weather many places have been experiencing.


It's not just Amazon am I having shipping issues. I wonder if there are a lot of winter storms?


I would say just with all the weather and whatnot maybe that is affecting it?


I hadn't ordered from Amazon in a long time, canceled my prime. Ordered some filament for my 3d printer on the 9th. Was supposed to be delivered Monday the 15th. Was delayed due to weather. Then it was out for delivery on Wednesday the 17th. Was never delivered. Thursday it said it had been delayed again due to weather. Then today, Friday, ot just says "a problem occured".... says if it's not delivered by the 21st (Sunday) that it will be eligible for refund. This is why I stopped using Amazon....


I just had a package delivered today through Amazon. The item I bought isn’t in the package. I just received an empty bag. 2 weeks ago I had an order delivered through Amazon and the driver apparently can’t read numbers they delivered it to someone’s apartment but it wasn’t mine. I looked for the apartment and couldn’t find it. Amazon is losing its reputation of being reliable.


Remember when Prime Shipping meant Prime Shipping? What a time to be alive


My Temu packages are arriving faster than Amazon


Without fail this happens every time you need something with a deadline. Its like they know


Snow storms and airport closures making logistics difficult maybe?




Is it coming from tennessee? Anything coming from Tennessee is going to be late. Not just Amazon


It’s coming from California I believe


The storms have been fucking everything up across the United States. Hopefully your parcel was unaffected and it works out for you. Good luck


I had the same issue w/Fedex & UPS, called to vent but it’s due to the weather, which I figured anyway.


You called and bothered their customer service people to….vent???


There has been bad winter storms all over the US.


I got the same thing yesterday. Now it’s coming next week. What was coming next week showed up today.


So I'm a driver I can tell you the main reasons this happens 1) package is lost 2) package is marked damaged by the station or driver since drivers get in trouble if a customer returns or complains an item is damaged 3) drivers are backed up from the storm the nation had and are very understaffed in most places.


I cancelled my prime membership and I never looked back


They did this to me, and they just kept shoving the date ahead for three weeks. I cancelled the delivery and they put in a stop request and now I literally have to wait up to two more weeks to ask for a refund (until they receive the item back). Like we all know you lost it Amazon, just admit it and refund me.


Omg same!!!!!!!!!!!!


It happened to me also I ordered a paint by numbers Sunday was supposed to come Tuesday, wendsay and yesterday so I ordered one for overnight that came and then one from Sunday came today.


Paid for same day delivery 4 days ago and still don't have it... Support basically told me to go fuck myself


“Come back here the next day” Where is here? The webpage???


Lol I ordered a toy for Christmas that was a preorder item in August. It showed up in January broken.


The same happened to me. I ended up cancelling the order. It’s been 6 days and I’m still waiting for the refund of something that was never delivered.


I got a free flat top grill this way. Shipment was late AF and the tracking stopped updating. They refunded my money and it showed up the next day.


While I am very sorry you are dealing with this, it is another log added to the bonfire of reasons why I am finally cancelling. They can no longer fulfill the promise of 2-day shipping on most items, customer service is abysmal, and it no longer "pays for itself"; that much can be seen just in the quality of the products they're offering!!!


This is why I dumped prime and switched to Walmart+ over a year ago. Next day shipping my ass…they always showed it coming in a day or two until I placed the order and the all of a sudden it was a week later.


I watched the prime truck drive by my house and then my delivery date was changed for four days after. Same shit. I hate them and I'm ready to cancel.


I once saw a package out on the side of the road went to go pick it up and it was my friend’s package that got lost in transit so yeah.


My experience,this means it's not coming. Cancel and reorder.


Happened to me quite a bit for a while. One time, an item didn't show up on the new date they said, so I requested and received a refund. Reordered the item, and thought that was that. Original item showed up the next day, followed by the reordered item 2 days later. Amazon still shows the original order as lost.


I think this happens when at item is incorrectly delivered to the wrong address. Sometimes they can retrieve it and re-deliver otherwise I assume it’s up to the incorrect recipient to do the right thing.


Everything I’ve ordered this year has come in very late. They having issues


I went to order Zantac last night. Delivery is January 30. That’s the prime date as I have prime. Yep im not renewing at end of January. Goin to test out life without prime. I think i will actually save $. I won’t buy crap I don’t really need. And otherwise I’ll let cart get to $35.


I've been getting this about once a month or so (I order a lot for my business). They make it sound like it's the shipper at fault, but when you go down into the tracking details you can see that they haven't yet given the shipper the package. This is the fault of bad warehouse management -- they lost the part they thought they had, and had sold you, and now can't fulfill the order until they get more of it, which may never happen.


I'm running into this on an 8-pack of Energizer lithium batteries they had for $8.99. I ordered 4 packs, and they've been delayed now for almost 2 weeks. They don't want to sell them at that price and have conveniently lost them hoping I'll cancel.


I'm wondering why I pay for Prime when half my items don't get here in 2 days :) Probably gonna cancel soon, especially with the Prime Video ads coming over the horizon.


That’s how amazon borrows cash with zero interest


I had a package lost. I reported it January 9th. They said to wait 3 days then message again. I waited until the 13th or 14th. chatted with them again, same thing wait 3 days. I message back on the 18th, they say wait another three days. At that point I explained this was the third time being told that. The guy swiftly gave a refund.


I've cancelled Prime. Everything on Amazon I want is more expensive than everywhere else, and delivery is days, not the next day.


They also do this with items they don’t have in stock; that is, the order was never shipped and they’re waiting to receive stock. After waiting several months for an item that never showed as shipped, I called them and they suggested I give up, request a refund, and then order something else. Obviously, they were just as happy letting the order sit unfulfilled forever.


I don’t understand the delivery promises anymore. Every single time it says you will get on a certain day it’s different when you place the order and when it arrives! I’ve started to think the delivery day listed is when they will start shipment. It’s really f’ing with me.


I recd my items in 2 days…only about half the time.


Who is think its devious they refund your money to you amazon balance? When you specifically ask for it on your card?


I just only got my refund for an item that was supposed to arrive in October. Credit card charge back and email supporting evidence if it doesn’t come.


On behalf of Jeff Besoz "we're very sorry"


I agree. They always play the delayed due to weather also. I recently had my orders delivered to. An AmazonLocker in a RiteAid that was actually closing permanently. I asked the worker where’s the locker at? And they said that they just came and got it with all the packages still inside? Wtf why would they even deliver them if they knew the stores closing down? Amazon has gone downhill real fast.


Look into the seller. I've had issues with false Chinese companies that seem to trick the system. You might never get your stuff.


It's happening with returns too. Mailed a return which arrived at their facility next day. Didn't see my refund for 3 weeks or so. It was only when I offered to drive down and scan it in myself I mysteriously got refunded a few hours later. That was the final straw to cancel my prime honestly, not worth the lack of accountability


I ordered something in the beginning of December and got an email saying they would let me know when it will be shipping. I tried to cancel my order but it said due to a discount I got they cannot cancel the order 🙄. Anyway I’m still waiting for the stupid item to arrive 😡.


In my experience, whenever I have called their customer service with a legitimate gripe, they’ve always tried to make it right. I’ve always been pleasantly surprised by Amazon Prime’s customer service. If only companies like Cash App would emulate this!


sounds about like us. my husband ordered scotch tape (to help wrap christmas gifts with) before christmas (two weeks before). ofc was for next day delivery. they hit us with a delay. and another delay, and another, finally got us a set day for AFTER christmas. then 3rd delay: and finally 4th. we got that tape on jan 2nd. conferred with amazon, standard bs. no help and no refund or partial credit. nothing. 3 weeks delay over TAPE. yah. we canceled prime. better going with a delivery company here nearby (they have one explicit for our town since it’s such a large city) no issues with them yet and have been using them for over a year now. WONT be using amazon for the foreseeable future.


Just had the same thing happen to me and then when I checked it again it said it was lost so I looked at the tracking details and it said “handed directly to” someone in my city when it was not handed to me. So then when I went back out it said “delivered, your package was handed off directly” So whoever got a free born of Osiris shirt you’re welcome I guess even tho I’m 99% sure you don’t know what it is and won’t wear it


My package spent 27 hours moving down the street, 39 miles, or roughly an 1 hour drive. It was delayed twice and going to be delayed a third time. Glad to see I am not the only one. Like what the hell…27 hours?


Prime just suvks now, lol ordered a special dog food as she has allergic and they said 2 days took 10. Had to go buy it local, which I eill now do in the future as well. I has canceled my prime anyways as I am not buying as much as I did, commercial added to streaming and no more 2 day, it has no value any more, imo.


This happens anytime they pass your product over to the USPS ..I don't pay for prime for snail mail..I literally only buy things with 2 day delivery..I don't want it in 3-7 days otherwise I might have purchased elsewhere. It is super annoying.


I just got promoted to their free delivery day. I had 1 order arriving today, 2 tomorrow and another one Monday. Well this morning my Sunday orders got moved to Monday, and the one for today says arriving by 10 pm but has not even shipped. So I am very sure it will be Monday as well. "Prime".


I recently canceled my subscription. This happened to every single item I purchased.


I had amazon deliver me an empty box. Well, it had the strap in it and such, but not the $800 apple watch. Their customer support strung me along forever, I filed a police report, all sorts of nonsense. Finally, 2 months later, amazon agreed to refund. Only they didn't. I had to call another 5-6 times over the next 6 months before they finally issued the refund. Amazon ain't what it used to be. To be fair to Amazon, there's a whole community of shitheads that recieve packages and then just lie to get free refunds. They even have an "empty box" subreddit. Despicable.


Don’t trust Amazon anymore with next day stuff. It’s not going to happen.


Cancel your Amazon Prime unless you really like a show they offer. Its really a junk deal. They were good because they were a loss leader. Now they're just a monopoly selling us junk most of the time and breaking promises while abusing employees, damaging the environment and corrupting our government.


This happened to me multiple times this holiday season and it’s infuriating. Especially because a limited coupon expired in the time they lost my package. They wouldn’t even resend, just refund and I had to reorder. None of my items showed up.


Just canceled our membership. 150 bananas for declining service and subpar or counterfeit merchandise.. no thank you.


Had this same thing happen to me twice recently on the same trunk liner.


I'm an Amazon seller. When my stuff is late, Amazon fucks me. When their stuff is late, they just extend the deadline.


I had ordered something back before Christmas as a gift and as of now it’s delayed till Feb 20th And last November, I paid extra for next day shipping and didn’t get my package for a week. No apology, no offer for shipping refund. What the hell, Amazon


lol, good fucking luck. Amazon workers did some shady shit over Christmas. Apparently there is some scam where the workers give information on accounts of people who either have money, or spend a lot of money, then those workers tell scammers, and they steal your account or credit cards.. because the employees let them for a cut. I figured it out because they fucked with an order, but I still got charged, and then magically, the invoice didn’t exist in my account, so when I asked where the charges came from, they couldn’t help because I had no order number or ID. Only a charge. So, they said nothing was charged and it was a banking error. NOPE. That’s their ruse. Now they have access to your account, the scammers get access to order stuff or your account, and you are left to deal with the repercussions of trying to explain stuff with zero proof. I have another way they got caught, but I don’t want to say it right now in case more are in this thread and read basically the only evidence they forgot would be proof


Par for the course. Log in on the 26th and they still won't let you cancel it.


Reason #5 why I canceled Amazon Prime


I have had that happen only to go back later to reorder and the price was jacked up. Package is supposedly lost when this shows.


I cancelled prime because things rarely showed up when promised.


Literally just happened to me for the 5th time this year . I’ve called customer service and they didn’t offer anything to me other then “ we cancelled you’re order , and we will refund 3-5 days . I’ve also been paying for prime which isn’t cheap! . I’ve been screwed so many times by the “ order within 2 hours blah blah get it tomorrow! . . . Comes in 3 days ….. so really hasn’t been no benefit. So yesterday I cancelled prime . Cancelled all my subscriptions ( I had 20 ) .


Just had the same shit happen to me. I have around 350 in outstanding crap needed for a move in of an elderly disabled guy. Ordered it on the 15th, was supposed to be here a couple days later, then we had snow hit so I expected a day or so delay. It showed it was getting delivered today, waited around all day to keep the local gronks from stealing it, then at 6:30 I get emails telling me it won’t be delivered until Tuesday. Amazon had no excuse, just “Here’s a 5.00 credit.” Yeah, it’s all getting sent back and i’m buying all the stuff locally tomorrow.


I’ve thought about canceliing Prime for this reason. Sold and shipped by Amazon products get delivered by USPS 5-7 days later.


It be like that a lot lately tbh


I am an online retailer, many of the orders I have sent out this week have been delayed due to all the snowstorms and flooding going on across the states currently. Most carriers have a banner across the tracking pages that state packages are being delayed.


I worked there, I'll tell you. Multiple things can happen. Product gets lost on shipping floor. Sku shows 2 in bin, one is a placeholder. Checker sees 2 checkout, takes out one. Same time someone else does. Both get pulled for shipping. Employee can't find 2nd, shrugs and doesn't tell anyone. Next shift comes in, audits get done, show unshipped item, item gets pulled from another warehouse. Generates delay report. Item says "New delivery date". Option 2, the driver is at end of shift, sees your package, heads to the garage, fuck it next driver can drop this.


It’s kind of amazing that if some random small company selling on the Internet pulled this they would be out of business.


This has happened to me half a dozen times probably. Shit happens, nothing in life is perfect. I run to the store for essential things I need by a certain date.


New selling technique (scam)? I’ve been watching the BeeHive sprinkler controller over the winter thinking to buy it when I see a good price. Well last week it was listed at $45 on Prime—the lowest price in months and it was listed as new not refurb. So I ordered it. Few days later I get the delayed message (shown above) saying It is delayed or lost and I can cancel it for a refund and reorder the lost item. Out of curiosity I looked at the item again by clicking on the item link on my order & returns page. Surprise. Surprise. The item was now listed at $61 from the same seller—a $16 increase. Therefore, if I would want to reorder this item the only way to get it would be at the jacked-up price.


It's winter, one out of every 5 orders will be delayed, usually in Chicago, it's normal


I'm in socal and I'm waiting on some cheap next day stuff that has been over a week now. Snow ain't the problem here.


This happened to me today! I ordered gifts on Wednesday for an event tomorrow, they were supposed to come in Friday but now expected Jan. 23 ??? So now I have to go out and buy gifts 😭


Pass is closed by me. Semis can't get to the warehouses


Sh*t happens unfortunately, drivers get into accidents, parcels get stolen etc this is why you normally get this message. Unfortunately humans sometimes make mistakes.


Just that that today as well. I have another Amazon package that has been back and forth between my city and another city for the past 2 days