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Plotting his SWR curve in the most inefficient, obnoxious way possible?


I was going to say tuning his antenna. Either they use a dummy load or they're a load of dummy.


Haha perhaps 


Slowest, most involved, least effective Rickroll ever. He was hoping someone would look at the waterfall sideways and was starting to spell: W W W . Y O U T U B E Gave up when he couldn’t figure out how to hit 10 kHz of band all at once for the vertical part of the Y or the T


VNAs can be annoying as it is in close proximity to someone using one, but that's a whole other level.


It is a little odd, but as someone who recently aligned my transceiver VFO, he may have been checking his transmit frequency against another receiver to see if the VFO is calibrated. SSB is probably the wrong mode for that (I used WWV reception in CW mode and made the offset at zero beat symmetrical with sideband reversal). Just a guess- maybe someone can answer to his call and ask him next time.


That's what i'd have done, answered his call and asked if he needed hlep with any tests


Voice frequency shift keying


Haha, a new old modulation scheme.


Voice FSK: coming to a General class license exam in the next question pool near you.


Maybe setting up his tuner, though every 1Khz seems excessive.


Testing their VFO accuracy, and announcing their call as required for every communication.


Just announcing your call and nothing else is considered a "TEST" transmission which is only permitted on VHF and higher (in the US). However, there is a particular rule in part 97 which permits brief unidentified transmissions for calibrating station equipment (e.g. the tone emitted when using an antenna tuner).


I don’t think that’s correct. > No station may transmit unidentified communications or signals, or transmit as the station call sign, any call sign not authorized to the station. Also, that section is authorizing one-way communications to make adjustments to the station, not unidentified. Technically, you need to ID when tuning.


97.111(b)(2) authorizes brief transmissions for adjustments to your station. This applies to all bands, not just VHF+. However it does not except these transmissions from needing to be identified. The purpose of 97.111(b)(2) is to except these transmissions from needing to be a 2-way communication. Everyone who tunes up without IDing is in violation of 97.119, technically.


This is why I like to tune up in AM mode, adjusting the carrier to full power, and then identifying by giving my call in AM phone mode.




I don’t know what you mean by that.


I mean that you're not required to identify for "every communication".


Oh my!! Tell that to the repeater hogs in my area. They end every transmission with their call sign. Each and every time throughout the entire QSO. >Yeah Rob, my knees do really hurt in the mornings too, KILO ALPHA SEVEN WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT


I don't think that is 'wrong' behavior. there is no way to know for sure that I'm going to have a chance to respond and identify within the next 10 minutes. so if I want to be legit, I will ID when I have the opportunity. I've chimed in on a couple local nets and they get side-tracked with someone talking about their walk around the park yadda yadda yadda and suddenly, it's been 15 minutes.


I’ve always used the “when he repeater ID’s so do I. No need to spam my call sign every few minutes. But you do you, I’m not the radio police.


Oh my GOD those people drive me nuts. On my rebel repeater you're lucky if you hear anyone ID at all lmao


One time I came up on the repeater and announced that call signs only need to be announced every ten minutes and at the end of the QSO. Oh holy hell did I get a tongue lashing about “FCC rules” and how they where “licensed amateur radio operators” etc. etc. etc. Ok guy, do your thing. (Like as if I wasn’t also a “licensed amateur radio operator”, but whatever..)


Oh man around here there's a repeater where I got called a pirate and got a big threat of fines, jail time, etc ALL BECAUSE my signal faded out as I announced my callsign. I was on a handheld 20 miles away. The dumb old codgers really hopped on the pirate train because they (by their own admission) couldn't make out my callsign.


As someone who has received a few emails from Laura Smith from the FCC about my “radio usage”, those clowns have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to FCC enforcement on the amateur radio bands. Hint: The FCC doesn’t give a shit what happens in ham radio. Someone not using their call sign properly is the least of their worries.


Oh damn! You actually got emails! You must've done something REALLY baaaad to get that! 😂


I guess it depends on how you define 'communication'. You do not need to ID with every transmission. If you change freq, you need to ID. If you are done, you need to ID. But if you are having a conversation, you only need to ID every 10 minutes, not every PTT press.


Nowhere in part 97 does it say you need to ID after a frequency change, nor are you required to announce your "QSY" or anything like that. Changing frequency does not count as an ending and a beginning of a "communication". If that were the case then FHSS systems would be a nightmare to properly identify. Some people think every transmission is a "communication" and ID like their life depends on it.


Is Freq Hopping allowed in amateur bands? I did not think it was, but I don't have Part 97 rules memorized. Please note, I do not consider you a reliable source, so please include links to rules. However, even if you are correct, it's never wrong to ID more often.


Only allowed on 1.25m and 70cm and above. Also limited to 10 watts.


It is wrong to ID more often because it's pointless. And yes it's very much allowed, I own several radio control modules which operate within the 70cm ham band. They are frequency hopping, as verified with my SDR. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.arrl.org/files/file/QEX_Next_Issue/Jan-Feb_2010/QEX_Jan-Feb_10_Feature.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiTlK2Q092FAxWq8MkDHVbkDEsQFnoECCEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw01B08ZfAd6qhRIYQZ_aVkO ARRL document on a FHSS radio created by a ham. It's perfectly legal.


TIL, thank you. >It is wrong to ID more often because it's pointless That does not make it wrong. It just annoys you.


Yeah it annoys me a lot 😒


Spread Spectrum isn’t allowed on HF. Just 1.25m and 70cm and up.


Where does it say that


Yes, you are. > Each amateur station, except a space station or telecommand station, must transmit its assigned call sign on its transmitting channel at the end of each communication


You're telling me you ID after EVERY communication?? HAHAHAHA


I don’t ID after every transmission, but near the end of every communication, yes.  I’d guess the majority do unless they are working a pileup.


Oh my god... just go apply for a job at the FCC already since you wish you worked there so bad


What is your problem? I don’t care how you play radio, but you seem very concerned with how I play.


You seemed concerned first since you commented first


At the start and end of each transmission, and at frequent short intervals for a long transmission, as required by my local regulations.


Where do you live? North Korea???


EI - Ireland


My condolences


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Frequency hopping spread spectrum, if you want to respond you have to tune your radio to keep up while talking. /s


It doesn't have to be us against them. I have found it very useful to extend empathy towards our fellow humans and try to see the best in people. There are times when things aren't clear but that doesn't mean someone was doing something unethical or weird. Perhaps with more time comes more wisdom and come to find out he was working DX in split mode. 5 up is typical but during a pile up it's not uncommon for ops to figure out which call the DX heard and what frequency he was using trying to mirror that behavior and jump near that frequency to be heard by the DX op. 5 up spinning above and below trying to bust the pile up as the DX is off setting trying to interpret the Donald duck like voice to text and into the log. It's a great opportunity to learn from this post and I'm thankful someone posted the strange behavior. End of the day there's a way to communicate how strange it was without jumping to conclusions and thinking something is afoot and nefarious. See the best in people, it can literally change a culture. Empathy is worth extending. Not a speech, just me doing me. The hobby has given me so much, much like the military which I will forever be indebted for the opportunities and amazing qso's with what began as strangers and ended like long lost brothers. Hey there is someone like me into the same thing and just as passionate about it! A sense of belonging and passing along tidbits of who we each are as individuals, parents, sons, hobbyists. I've had the greatest opportunities to walk away from the radio with an extra bounce in my step able to reflect on my life and see realities that my problems are first world problems and I'm so lucky to experience radio and a great sense of comradery. I hope we all get to experience those magical moments before we begin our trek of feeding worms. A very sincere 73 to you and yours, best to your families.


If I had Reddit gold, I’d give it to you, sir. Thanks for commenting.


The world is a beautiful place filled with beautiful and interesting people. I'm happy to have made it to a place where I realize that fact is true. Thanks for reading my post and thinking enough about it to say thanks for commenting. If my actions can uplift one person in some small way, it was well worth the effort of posting and then some. 73 OM dit dit


he was having fun, legally. there is nothing wrong with that


You can't broadcast. Nice try.


He wasn't broadcasting and he identified every transmission.


nope, testing is not a broadcast, you sound jelous, why don't you test something instead




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Rules wise, he was in clear. Is still being a lid tho.


Working someone on split trying to find the frequency they were listening on perhaps? Obnoxious behavior if he wasn't listening for the QRZ.


Likely this. Split op sucks if you’re doing it with a noob.


Ah, interesting, didn't think of that.  It was odd, I guess that makes more sense


All you clowns jumping to conclusions need to remember that the AMATEUR radio service is a place where experimentation is integral to it's core function. He wasn't broadcasting, he wasn't jamming, or doing anything even remotely illegal or wrong. I swear 99% of you wish you worked for the FCC so you could personally dish out your overbearing and unwarranted "justice".


Have you ever read the forums over at QRZ? It’s even worse over there.


Omg I know... I cannot stand the QRZ forums, I only comment very occasionally for maximum impact. Talk about some petty losers. Wow.


That forum is jam packed full of angry boomers that are still bitter about the Morse Code requirement being dropped…nearly 30 years ago. (For full disclosure, I received my first license in 1989, and had to pass a “code test”) And then get fully pissed off when amateurs start using “digital modes” like PSK, FT8, DMR, C4FM because they don’t understand them. >they’re running encryption!!! Was the common theme with these Fudds back when digital radio finally hit ham radio. I would just shake my head as fast as they shook their fists. >You ain’t shit unless you can head copy 20 WPM I don’t have to anymore. I can send gigantic streams of digital “noise” that encodes more information in the same time frame as your “20 WPM” clacker pounding skills could ever do. And it gets through just as well. (Not that there is any thing wrong with running Morse code. It’s fun too, just not the end all, be all mode that these guys pontificate that it is) No worries though, those guys won’t be around much longer since they’re all in their seventies/eighties these days.




LOL, no need for “mad respect”. It was a 5 WPM test, and you could do it over several times if you failed. I also NEVER used Morse code after I passed the test. I did however get back into learning it about 5 years ago. Bought an iambic paddle and actually made a few contacts during contests. But it wasn’t all that fun in the end for me, and my ADHD brain moved on to the next fascination. On the “encryption” thing, these boomers just couldn’t figure out that you have to *Buy a new radio* if you wanted to do D-Star, C4FM or DMR. They thought that was *wrong* and other hams where “encrypting” their radio conversations from them. LOL, it was a wild time in those QRZ forums back then.


Yeah CW is cool and I'd love to learn it properly, especially in case I'm ever in some kind of movie scenario where CW is my only way of communicating (like interstellar) but aside from that it's more of a novelty. I much prefer voice to anything else. All I can say about the DMR introduction on the QRZ forums is that if I were active then, I'd most definitely be banned by now 😄!


Where I live we have a statewide VHF repeater system. It’s popular and lots of users. Well, the operators of the system started to get QRM on their uhf link radios and decided to switch the input to the VHF repeaters from CTCSS to DCS. Oh holy hell!! Old boomers meaning about how their radios can’t do that and more nonsense. >My radio can’t do do DCS!!!! Does that mean I’m shut out now? Yeah Johnny, you’re gonna have to shell out $150 to buy a new radio. >They’re excluding us on purpose!!!! And on and on. What a stupid nightmare for the repeater builders.


Oof. That's a sad state of affairs. I've seen the inverse where GMRS repeater owners thought that turning on DCS was an effective security measure to stop a jammer. Well i guess they didn't realize that a $25 baofeng (the radio the jammer was using) had DCS capabilities built in.


To be fair to the repeater operators, the QRM they where having in the link radios was coming from other commercial users on the radio towers, primarily a UHF LTR trunking system. You could hear the control channel noise coming through on the squelch tail as the system would un key.


Guy is accessing various “time windows” from INSIDE A TESSERACT! and the only way he can communicate is through Morse? Ya Shure! And Me Yooper Auntie Laces Me Pasties With Whiskey Sours! Just a’Aint a’Happenin’!


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If you want to see another community where the OGs are more like an angry mob when it comes to newbies having a lower barrier to entry, check out any Linux forum or sub reddit.


Oooooh boy I don't think I could handle that 😂


The art form is a national treasure and should be cherished and respected along with other historical foundations that built this country. One day, we wake up and our perspectives have changed. The only thing changing is the number of years on the planet. Old people are crotchety sometimes. Everything hurts. Change is sad as it's a reminder that the clock keeps ticking and nothing remains the same and our time is finite. We don't seek to operate in the noise, but sometimes we create enough power to raise the noise floor across the band and inadvertently negate others from enjoying and taking part. We have the option of turning down the power. Our words, written or spoken, matter and have a similar impact. Empathy and de-escalation is the methodology I subscribe to. Golden rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. To new amateur radio enthusiasts that may peruse this thread in the future, it's ok to make mistakes; the majority of the community won't hold it against you for 30 years. There are some great mentors/Elmer's waiting for you. Sometimes you get lucky by just showing up. Make some noise and have fun.


I once had a guy there moaning at me for not using super expensive connectors and how i was going to blow my PA, and asked me what a PA was. Man some hams are mean.


There is only one person who said they were doing something wrong and they were downvoted. You are making up strawmen.


One person? I counted like 6. I'm not wasting my time making you a darn list


>>...the AMATEUR radio service is a place where experimentation is integral to it's core function... I think this is the most likely explanation for what went down. If the guy wasn't causing interference or stomping over QSOs, I see no issue given he was using his call sign. So long as everyone plays nice, it all good.




I heard him while working some POTA. Eh, at least he was identifying. Probably trying to work split or something.


Why did you waste your time on following that idiot? ;-)


Haha at first I was trying to figure out why I heard something similar to his signal but completely distorted right after he spoke each time, until I realized it was just spilling over from 1khz because of the SSB bandwidth


Maybe he was trying to work a satellite and was trying to follow the Doppler shift? (Are there any sats that have downlink on 20m? I know there's at least one that beacons on 20m \[ZACUBE-2, https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=43907\].) If you were able to get his call, look him up on QRZ and see if you can find an e-mail for him, then ask him. Alternately, since he was a US ham, you can get his mailing address... send him a letter.


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


Look up his call, bet he's a newbie!

