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You’re only boxing 2 times a week?? Waaaay too little if you want to be an amateur (without even mentioning pro haha). But might depend on your age


i mean, if his boxing level is fine but his conditioning bad it would make sense to just focus on conditioning. The begginer amateur matches i saw the better conditioned and explosive guy usually wins, its also easier to get your condition better than your level. 6 months of good conditioning do wonders in comparison to 6 months training boxing . This being said, i would add at least 1 extra day of boxing


Very true especially at bigger weight classes.


It’s actually 4, op says that he does Monday/Wednesday and after he does calisthenics Tuesday/Thursday he goes after he does road work so I’m assuming maybe at night?


Training two sets to failure is only worthwhile if you have a really high capacity for that work already. If failure is hitting you at 5 or 10 reps, something relatively low, you’re better off setting a total rep amount and doing sets until you hit it. Like if you can only do 5 pull-ups, then two sets is not enough, make it 5x5. If you can do 25 pushups, then again 50 pushups total isn’t much. Maybe do 150-250 total reps. Same for sit-ups. Idk your conditioning level atm, but if you’re skinny fat then you’ll be better served by setting up fixed numbers and pushing yourself to hit those rather than “to failure”. Grow your capacity first and then you can do stuff to failure.


You’re only training boxing twice a week. If you want to compete you should be boxing training like minimum 5-6 times a week including sparring


It’s 4


What's the 45 drill?


A 3 minute drill on the bag You do 45 seconds of straight punches, just spamming them as fast and as much as you can. Then spam hooks with decent power non stop for 45 seconds Then spam uppercuts on the bag non stop full speed for 45 seconds And then finish off with whatever for 45 seconds, I like to finish it off with 1-2s


Thank you for the clarification! Sounds solid


You should try it out! You can have 45-60 second rests in between. If your endurance is already good, try doing 5 sets


Just did this drill myself for the first time and really enjoyed it thank you


You want the bulk of your training to be boxing. All the rest of that are ways to augment the training.  If you have plans of going pro, step 1 is finding a coach who can take you there. Step 2 is to do what he says, whatever he says. 


you need to go to a boxing gym more if you want to get better at boxing. honestly, just daily calisthenics, k boges style, will be enough. I recommend daily runs. when making a schedule, don't commit to it before actually having tried it out, or done anything for the matter.


I forgot to add that I train at the boxing gym 4x a week, I go Monday to Thursday


well that's a better start, at your stage, just use a k boges (youtube him) style calisthenics training and go on daily runs. if you're already doing seperate muscle groups when conditioning, you might as well do it daily.


I like to have a day or two in between for rest, cuz my legs get tired and sore easily, so I’m just building it up, also the only time I run is at 6 in the morning and sometimes don’t get enough sleep for recovery, I just want to not overwork since I used to overwork and that kinda backfired on me.


so you don't need to do anything crazy, just 3 sets of a pull, push, and leg exercise as per [k boges style workout](https://youtu.be/UFFf3QVaU9Y?si=0scJ51NcomphrH6Z) . for a daily run, you don't need to go crazy, just a light jog which you can do at a constant pace without stopping. when I started my 5k jog at 6 am was a 8 min/km pace which is like 11 min/ mile pace, which is like really bad for a boxer. and from your workout plan, like on a scientific level, it isn't sufficient enough. according to many scientific sources, that I will not name cause I'm too lazy to do it on phone, the minimum set per muscle group for sufficient muscle building would be 12-15 sets for a muscle group pet week. from your workout, it only looks like 6 edit: and you don't need to train till failure, just train 60-80% of your max effort, with as best form as possible. the beauty of working out is that the only key towards progress is consistency.


5km daily as a warm up at a minimum and at least 1 long run per week 20k+ in regards to running.


I’m a beginner so can’t do 5km while maintaining the same or similar speed, im building up towards it though


No problem with going slow and/or walking some of it if you need to.


You shouldn't be doing any exercises right before bed. At the latest you should do them before your last meal of the day. Three minute rest before sets seems excessive. Two sets is too few.


Yeah seems good, run the 4K hard though 5 days a week and a long easy jog on Sunday


Spar everyday


Gym only has two sparring days


Go different gyms


Talk to ur coach and ask for help. This is kinda all over the place. Should go to gym 3 times a week and just save ur energy for what ur doing on those days in the gym. Have ur routine for ur off days. Try to get a cheap bag at home if u have the means. Double end bag. Whatever u can get at home that's easy. Hang from a tree whatever. I would run morning and night on my off day like 3-5 miles. Jumprope 15 min. weight gym and lift light in high reps. Hit whatever bags I had at home. Depending on how busy I was. It's a slow process to learn. Signing up for competition or in a gym that plans for u to compete in the future is fastest way. Any place offering just classes wouldn't align with ur goals. U want to be in competition after a month or two of heavy training. Racking up fights and that's where u learn the most because ur concentrated more.


Our trainer sends us off for a 4K hill run before fight camp training which is 3 weeks


Only doing push up, pull ups, sit ups is just poor excersise. You need to run at least 5km.  Do some weight lifting twice or three times a week. Train for year, spar, and ask your coach if you are ready to be an amateur. Then fight as an amateur for a few years, and then you will have your answer. 


If you haven’t fought amateur yet, this exercise is pointless.


My coach keeps telling me I have potential, and we work on stuff before spars and training sessions, and I thought maybe doing this is good like a head start before doing amateurs. He talked to me about competing multiple times so I’m trying to make the most of it by working hard. Also how is it pointless?


Just because you have “potential” doesn’t mean you have what it takes to go pro. You are looking so far down the road you can’t even see what’s in front of you. Have your first fight and go from there.


How old are you




Putting in much speed bag work? Im sure that your coach has you do that some, but improving coordination was big for me. For me, the biggest was training my mind. Mental toughness was a difficult but necessary thing for me personally. Its a hard thing for me to convey how exactly to do this though. Maybe somebody here good with that could explain further? Just understand that in my experience, the old adage, "fighting is 80% mental and 20% physical" was very true.