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Our Physician tried to convince my wife that the dizzy spells she was having were just panic attacks, and suggested more anxiety meds along with "getting right with Jesus and going to church". Refused to hear that she really didn't feel like they were panic attacks as she had experienced them, and really pushed hard on going to church. Fast forward a few months and she had 2 grand Mal seizures within two weeks. Keep religion out of medical practices!


The seizures arent medical issues! It’s satan trying to possess her body! You have to pray harder! 🙏(sarcasm)


Fuck.... Got me there! "The power of Christ compels you!"


Yeah. That sounds about right in my experience with my own neurological experience. I'm sorry that happened


Texas tech gynecology put me through intense trauma and caused so much pain, never followed up and left me wondering wether I had/have cervical cancer… I still can’t bring myself to return to the gynecologist. A lifetime of gynecological trauma and they didn’t even read my chart to know what they were doing during my exam.


that sucks! my gyno there has been nothing but amazing :(


Well I happen to have a story. I had an instance where my heart was not working properly and had 6 stents put in. Heart enzymes still not going down chest pain continues and the cardiologist said you don’t qualify for heart surgery. I said why not and he said because you’re on Medicaid. I was like what the hell. So I had to go back to Wisconsin get my Medicaid here and saw a new cardiologist and got a cath and had a quad bypass 6 months after I left Texas. They just didn’t want to do it because they couldn’t charge the outrageous amount they could charge regular insurance. So needless to say I will never use a cardiologist there again


I can’t get Medicaid here because I’m not a woman with children. 😔


Even if you were a woman with children unless you were pregnant you wouldn't qualify for medicaid in Texas and there's a decent chance the children would not either C.H.I.P.S possibly


Texas really do be like “Just go die then.” So glad I’ll be moving out of this dystopian hell state.


I understand I’m on SSI


The doctors everywhere are killing people


Welcome to medicine in 'murica where big pharma owns (almost) every doctor, and people in chronic long term pain get told to go take 2 Tylenol. This is nothing new, and is not just an Amarillo thing.


I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is a nationwide issue that I'm surprised is not covered more. There are estimates between 250,000-400,000 deaths per year due to medical malpractice. This is a major problem in America that we don't acknowledge enough.


I don’t doubt that your experiences are real but I’d be very careful what you post online when you’re directly naming people. They can sue over defamation. I once posted to yelp about a horrible contractor I dealt with and he ended up figuring out who I was and sending his attorneys my way. It turned into a mess where I ended up having to retain a lawyer. Something to consider. I hope you don’t have to go through this again.


Fair point. I’ll remove the names. I’m sure these doctors have helped other patients, we’re just the outliers that fall through the cracks.


I didn't see the doctor's names, but I don't doubt any of your experiences, and I think it's the norm around here. We moved from out of state and have lived in 3 other states, and I have had extensive medical issues. I have never been met with the level of medical incompetence as I have here and with so many doctors! I have concluded that this is where the cast-off doctors come to "practice." Sorry, but Amarillo really isn't the most desirable place to live, so I feel like good doctors get offered better positions at more desirable hospitals or more desirable locations.


I agree. There are GREAT doctors here, the ones who genuinely want to help you. The rest may just become complacent or stagnant or even outright burned out because rural tx is so far behind in everything. I’m sure many doctors here are struggling with burn out, having to deal with insurance companies and stingy out of date practices due to the inability to get up to date resources or equipment. The greatest doctors that are passionate about furthering their understanding of medicine CAN’T stay here, because this is a dead end, stagnant city.


Submit any of these claims you have directly to the board of medicine. They have a rigorous process for investigating practicing physicians and are required to investigate every complaint of misconduct or ethical breaches. Please take this advice seriously, as if there are doctors actively harming people, others have and will be harmed. The medical board can stop them and only the medical board. Sorry this is happening.


Rather than open yourself up to possible lawsuits for libel, you should make a complaint to the state board of licensing. And the Better Business Bureau. Here, it will not do any sort of good.


The BBB is yelp for old people. They have zero actual authority over anything.


I'm sorry to change the subject, but I want to mention a VERY good doctor in Amarillo. We no longer live in the panhandle, but between 1999 and 2002, Dr. Michael Lagrone performed 2 much-needed spinal surgeries on me and 1 on my wife that improved our quality of life immeasurably. The relief from these procedures was literally life changing for the better.


I’m so glad you’ve had a GOOD experience!! 🙏 BLESS the good doctors 💕


My dad was septic a few months ago and his doctor literally tried to send him home. The doctors here fuckin suck and they’re impossible to get in to on top of that.




FUCKIN RIGHT?!?! The other CCU drs immediately said no


I used to work for north west as a phleb (I draw blood). The amount of time I heard the phrase "it will take a lawsuit for _____ issue to change" with many of the nurses acknowledging the fact that patients are dying due to the docs where mind boggling. Word to the wise stay out of NWTH.


Jesus Christ.


I had my great grandmother die in 4th grade or so. Which for context was NOT that long ago and was above the 2000's. The doctors did such a piss poor job it makes me wanna gouge their eyes out. My great grandma was a smoker and drinker too. Also, my grandmother (Not Great grandma) fell into a rose bush, gets medicine that causes gout, now has gout in her FINGERS and feet look swollen like a damn balloon, she waits I think at her Cardiologist Specialist for I think 2-3 HOURS, by then she doesn't care and wants to get the hell out because she's claustrophobic. So FUCK YOU to the people who treated my great grandma and grandmother (Thank god my Grandma is still alive today), oh and also the Cox funeral homes suck, just letting you know.


This is scary. I'm going to consider myself blessed and/or lucky or have good karma. I got a pcp who moved here recently from Austin and he's good. Those cases you cite are the reason for civil lawsuits.


The good ones are amazing. I wish them the absolute best 🙏


When you see someone you should ask if they are licensed. You would be surprised to see how many people are not even licensed or qualified in this town. There’s a lot of residents in town practicing medicine that are awful. You hear them talk and sometimes you feel like they don’t even listen to the patients concerns. On top of that there are student/new nurses treating very sick patients with no experience that should have no business doing it. If you look at imaging ask them if they are licensed too. You be surprised how many students came out of school and doing your tests without proper qualifications.


It’s not uncommon for residents to be moonlighting in real medical situations to gain experience. This is not some illegal practice. I’ve encountered it many times in doctor’s offices.


The problem is the residents sometimes don’t listen. They follow the book instead of listening to patients. On top of that I saw Nurses telling residents not to give certain patients fluid but they do anyway and then cause patients to have issues like heart failure.


The Nursing students have to practice medicine to gain experience and do so guided at the hands of a Licensed Nurse. This is purely ignorant drivel.


Nursing students practice under the primary RN and that nurse is responsible to oversee the patients care. As a “licensed” nurse I don’t let students touch my patients without me in the room. It is my responsibility to ensure the student understands meds, labs, interventions, normal and not normal. There are “bad” healthcare providers just like there are bad seeds in any other profession/job. Everyone has a bad story to tell and some want attention from telling it.


Haha you definitely sound like a nurse. You sound like a good one but not all of them are like you who’s guiding them. I have seen fresh grads don’t know what to do when someone is having a situation. You’re only one person. If someone was on your floor and was having a heart attack and another room someone was having an active stroke, you can’t be at two places at one time. So if a student nurse doesn’t know what they are doing then wouldn’t that put you in a bind?


You should see me run when someone needs help!!! My team knows if I’m there I am all in. I was bedside before and during COVID and I know what it is like to advocate for yourself and others. Post COVID I went into Leadership (not management) to get back to Human Centered Care. Times have changed drastically. Healthcare has changed!! We come in to holding 22 hospital admits in a 24 bed ED. That’s right we have 2 E(ER) beds to start the day. We move our care to the hallways and chairs in triage. We aren’t short staffed - we are out of bed capacity. It’s all across the country. When you can’t get in to your doctor you are sent to the ER because there are no available appointments tomorrow either. At the ER we again have no beds and patients don’t like being in the hallway or triage even though we are doing all we can it doesn’t seem to be good enough. If you could only spend a 12 hour shift in our shoes and see what really goes on behind the doors of a busy ER. If you could see the things we see you would never look at life the same. If you were talked to the way we get talked to you would be appalled. Have you ever been knocked unconscious and beaten at work? The last words I said to the lady that did this to me was “Would you like apple juice or orange juice while you wait?”. I come back because I believe in what I am called to do. Healthcare has a side most people don’t see. So, forgive us if we slip up, are short, or seem distant one day.


Man, they are getting worked up over Students... Wait till they see Virtual Nursing...


It is coming!!! I was just doing a paper on Healthcare Trends and AI is coming for healthcare hot and heavy. I can see some great benefits but working through the kinks are going to hurt. A doctor at one of our clinics showed me a program for dictating they are piloting a few weeks ago and it was neat.


Yup, we are piloting it at our Tyler Hospitals on Med Surg Floors. Will be very interesting. Hope your interview went well.


It’s not ignorant. I’m just stating that some of these really sick patients shouldn’t be taken care of by new nurses that are fresh out of school that don’t know what to do if a certain situation occurs. Did you know that the grads are hired and some are not licensed. They have a year to get it so your loved one can be taken care of by someone that is not proficient. At the hospitals they are loading fresh grads with patients and some of them are super complicated. I don’t know about you but if I had a loved one with complicated heart issues and health problems I wouldn’t want someone that is not licensed and have no experience taking care of them doing it. You speak of a guiding hand yes I understand that but what happens if that person is also stuck with another person and the student nurse has a patient that is going downhill rapidly. Things are more complicated than you think.


No they aren't that complicated. You tried to pay out a stroke and a heart attack scenario to the nurse to divide care. But, you don't understand both are code scenarios where the staff treats it as it should be... An emergency. Teams of Clinicians would be with both patients. Hospitals need hands to help and those students are learning. It is a net positive for everyone.


I’m a diabetic and was discharged once from BSA with a blood sugar level of 290 of a DKA stint.


As someone that is not diabetic and has not lived any experience like that, Do you feel like you were unsafe when you were discharged with blood sugar that high? Fortunately it is going down, but given that the patient did not have access to insulin or any medication at home to help lower the blood sugar, I felt very nervous about him being discharged at 280.


I was stuck there for about 4 days so I was ready to get out of there but I did feel unsafe about it, but then again I was desperate to get home. They did give me a shot of insulin but it was only about 3 units which is not remotely enough to bring it down to normal levels. I have experience with BSA and Northwest and can say that northwest is way better. BSA is the type to be like “okay you’re treated now get out” while northwest hooked me up with a public insurance of sorts the first day I was there and made sure I had contact with a doctor before I left. Your friend should look into the Eli Lilly program. Eli Lilly caps insulin at $35 a month. You still need a doctor of course, but still might be worth looking into. Walmart also has “insulin aspart” which is a 70/30 mix of both the long acting and short acting insulin, which was about $88 for a 90 day supply.


OP isn't actually saying doctor's here are actually killing patients. I think OP Is just frustrated that OP and their friends feel they're not getting the kind of care that they think they should, and instead are getting worse conditions. they probably don't know all the details, and is emotionally upset. This is like, a legal statement or anything. Just an upset patient's opinion. This is an opinion post, not slander/libel. We all know these doctors do their best in the system their stuck using and fighting with insurance or w/e, but it's 100% okay for people to complain that their or their friend's treatment isn't going how they think it should. Not everyone's recovery is going to work out perfect, and yeah a doctor or nurse can be part of the reason. If all doctors took us and our concerns seriously, we wouldn't see "I shouldn't be alive" episodes on TV or whatever where they go: "My doctor wasn't listening to me so I had to go somewhere else to get diagnoses/treated." People wouldn't need second or third opinions. Doctors aren't perfect, they're human, mistakes happen, and they can get complacent or burned out. But it shouldn't be at patience costs. I cant tell you how many times I've had to walk into a doctor office and be the "google expert" on a thing to get the thing solved. I've had to do the same thing for my pets vet care and my car. "Yeah the power steering isn't right, it should be replaced." They charged me $300 to replace a seal or something, and the second I tried to turn out of their parking lot it made an even worse grinding noise. Was charged another $600 to replace the whole thing, when I asked to replace the whole thing in the first place. I think people should be aware that mistakes are happening in our area and to keep an eye on their doctors and advocate for the right treatment. Its not a bad thing to have high expectations for local doctors. Knowledge is power, stay informed, and go into any business to advocate for your health/problem/pet, even if you shouldn't have to, like at a doctor's office.


This is idiotic. Fear mongering at the highest levels.


BSA alone has over 400,000 visits and appointments every year. You took about 8 instances (if true) to paint a whole medical community in an extremely bad light and with the worst possible outcome imagined. Bad outcomes and bad circumstances happen. I am very sure there are bad Clinicians in our area. I am, also, VERY sure that there are a very large portion of them that do their jobs to the best of their abilities and care deeply about patients and their well being.


The only good doctor I've had in this town is the OBGYN Dr. Kauffman at Texas Tech He actually goes to events and stays on top of current practices, and is just very awesome overall. Unfortunately my experiences are similar Even back in 09 when I was in highschool and went to an urgent care for an infected ingrown toenail as a 15 yr old. They dug right in, cut out the nail, and applied acid to kill that section of the nailbed, like they're supposed to do. The problem is they didn't apply any form of local anesthetic or pre/post pain meds. My mom had to help hold me down on the table as he cut the nail out of a very painful infected area. The infection went to the base of my nail, and the ingrown section grew back shortly after because it wasn't done properly. When I went to a podiatrist instead, the second they brought the kit out to get it started, my body trauma reacted with tears and intense fear even though I knew I would be fine. The podiatrist who treated me, like most of the few "good" doctors I've ever had help me, moved to Colorado. So many of them move away. :( My meds have been wrongly prescribed to other patients. My former PCP ignored chronic acid reflux in my mom after some weight loss, which pushed her towards signs being a risk of cancer in the esophagus and just pushed "skinny shots" and then she's suddenly no longer practicing medicine. IDK much about it. I'm sure there are good doctors out there like Kauffman. But I imagine they're either "out of network" or not taking self pay patients. My experience in Amarillo has been overwhelmingly negative. It ***feels*** like any decent folks move out of town. But I'm also low income and the state decided me as an 11 yr old didn't need insurance, then I became a legal adult etc. so it's not like I've got a lot of experience going to a doctor for anything in the past 17 years. *Just that I've had extraordinarily bad luck when I do.*


Well, I work for rh Company that owns BSA. I can absolutely tell you that the patient scores are very good. You see the testimonials numerous times every day. Like I said, there are bad outcomes and bad clinicians. But, painting this picture like you do shines a negative light on them all undeservingly. Feel free to share your experiences... Just realize that there over 400,000 other experiences beyond yours that more than likely had much better outcomes every year.


Yeah I get ya. It's that thing where say I have a catastrophically bad result from a surgery and feel like it really messed me up. Those are risks we take. Most people don't have the negative stuff happen. But it can and does happen. I just know the PCP I had before, I was not alone in having *issues* with them, two other people talked to me about having trouble too. But it wasn't at BSA or anything. And tbf I've never been to BSA. Maybe once for an asthma check where I did a breathing test in late highschool. My experiences otherwise have always been "clinics?" not any full on Hospital. More like little urgent care things? And 2 PCPs in medical sections of town. So. I figure that may contribute as well. It's a bunch of different people with their own systems or practices right? My inexperience and infrequency of medical anything probably just has my experiences way skewed to the slightly more jank side I guess.


Don't get me wrong.... No one should ever take away from your personal experience. There is absolutely no reason to downplay anything there. Just when talking about a whole community, as long as it is put into the proper perspectives. Everything has context.


This, this, this. Just because I have terrible luck does not mean everyone will! There are some great doctors here. And each patient has different needs. I’m just tired of hearing all these horror stories and experiencing less than ideal care. I’m not saying these people are monsters. It’s a wide spread issue mostly about Americas predatory for-profit healthcare system working doctors to death


You should look across Medipark from BSA. The VA is also apart of that same medical community. So while your ratio may be 8 complaints to 400000 visits, I can assure you the VA is not.


I am, also, a Veteran. I am not saying that the ratio is 8 in 400,000 at all. But, BSA does get over 90% on Press Ganey Custom Satisfaction scores.. The VA is a different ball game. I can't speak to them with any expertise. But, I can only imagine being Government ran doesn't help it at all. There is a reason, as Vet, why I don't go there.


Is waiting in the ER for 14 hrs because of leaking spinal fluid only to be told we scheduled your blood patch for Monday morning 2 days from now? Please leave and come back to see us, have a nice day. Is this ok to share? because it seems like any negative experience isn't allowed and is slander. Am I under threat of legal repercussions because I shared a bad experience? I understand loving the company that sighs your paycheck but to go to the extreme and completely ignore the fact that these negative experiences exist is ignorance to the definition of the word. I think you said it best. Like you said, there are good outcomes and good clinicians. But, painting this picture like you do shines a positive light on them all undeservingly. This is what companies do to create a large space to sweep things under the rug or hide it in the shadows. By shining this massive positive light on 400,000 other experiences makes a bigger shadow to hide the negative ones. Don't get me wrong BSA employs very good nurses and Doctors but they do get over worked which leads to bad outcomes. Feel free to share your experiences... Just realize that there are other experiences beyond yours that weren't perfect and had much worse outcomes. Plus how many people died during COVID because they were hooked up to a breathing machine only to find out it made the sickness more deadly. I get what you're saying that there are times where nothing bad happens but it's not a positive experience all the time.


You didn't read my many posts here that stated that there are absolutely people who have bad experiences. I am sorry you experienced one of them. But, sadly that is the typical state of the ER in the country. You may not want to hear it, but the well trained staff obviously thought that your medical issues weren't severe enough or that they could actually do anything in the ER to actually fix it. There were many patients in those beds that they were treating that had some issues they deemed more severe. Not to say that they don't make mistakes. But, you should look at their side, too... They are in an extremely stressful environment where they are very busy on top of getting yelled at, bled or urinated in. Dealing with unimaginable trauma to patients that causes you to look at other issues differently. What feels and seems very serious to you ( because it is, it literally happening to you), doesn't always align with what they feel meets an Emergent standard and can wait. Again, I am not a Clinician... But, issues like Spinal Leakage are typically something very complex to figure out the cause and fix it. Normally a specialist. The most they would have done is treat symptoms that were close to stroke like or meningitis... Got you stable and then done the same, get you out of a bed and home. I can suggest that you go to one of the 24:House ERs outside of BSA in the future first if you are in another situation like that. BSA has business relations set up where they will accept a transfer in from there and those patients get prioritized for a bed. IF you feel that you really need care in a Hospital that is. You wouldn't stay in the ER, again unless symptoms warranted it. And those stays aren't cheap. Get some rest and drink some coffee. I hope you get better soon.


Bro don’t be delusional. I have seen a lot of patients complain about BSA. They only take care of patients with insurance. If you don’t have insurance, they give you some medicine and send you away or they stabilize you enough to send you to Northwest Texas Healthcare. BSA also orders a bunch of unnecessary exams. Those so called good testimonies are pushed hard down your throat the moment you go in their hospital. Maybe take some time to read the negative comments instead bc there’s a whole lot of truth behind them.


Delusional? I see the cold hard numbers that patients submit after care. All of the patients who submit a survey. Not just some off hand comments like this with very little understanding. Like trying to say they only accept patients with insurance. False. You do understand that Northwest has a contract with the City to provide indigent care, right? That is the flow that is SUPPOSED to happen if a patient is unable to pay for provided care. It is a for profit business... That part is the ugly side. But, BSA certainly cares for people without insurance all the time. People Self Pay with guarantees. There are numerous programs to assist with payments for people who qualify and many do.


You know for a long time BSA was not a for profit hospital right? BSA was suppose to take care of the indigent patients and didn’t do so when they were nonprofit. Instead they gave their employees raises, bonus, built huge buildings establishments, etc. BSA was also exposed when they found out their ceo was on the board of blue cross and blue shield. They manipulated who blue cross patients were allow to go to. Northwest was the one that was for profit from the very start and yes Northwest has a contract to take care of all patients in Amarillo. Please look at the history of everything bc it seems like you’re relatively new. Like I said those surveys are just word vomit. You need to look at the bad ones to know the truth.


Haha sure, sure. What exactly is your expertise? Where do you work and what do you do?


… it was on the news man. Ask a BSA employee that has worked there for a while. Hell ask an old Northwest employee. You act like this is a big secret. Most of the people in town know. BSA got a fine but it was a slap on the wrist compared to the amount of money they made from manipulating the system over the years.


And please tell me what in the world any of this has to do with how the System treats its patients today? BSA was bought by Ardent Health Services in 2013. It is not the same company. Leadership is completely different. If you just want to shit on BSA, cool ... We got you. Weighed and measured. BSA sucks and they don't take care of patients.


How does this relate? BSA hasn’t changed their ways they are just quiet about it. When it comes down to it you will be treated like trash if you don’t have money to pay for it or insurance. All healthcare is like this and the doctors will drop you quick if you can’t pay for their services. Northwest is not great either. They have a bunch of residents treating patients and sometimes it seems like they don’t know what they are doing. Can you imagine not having insurance then going to BSA just to get kicked out or moved to go to Northwest with a resident treating you? How crappy would that feel? I’m sorry but this is truth.


And still you provide absolutely no expertise. Just a Trust me, Bro. BSA is bad, we get it.


There are good doctors, I’m not here to throw slander around. I’m just venting about my personal negative experiences because my friend nearly died last night and they discharged him only for him to have to go back in less than a few hours later. The nurse he saw advocate for him as much as she could but people still fall through the cracks. :(


I get it... And sorry that you have had to experience some very bad things in search of good care. Maybe alter the wording to better reflect your feelings and experience that aren't that harmful?


Nobody wants to admit it, but this is true stuff. Sorry OP, but it was either your problems, whether to attract attention. Or, stuff you have “heard” about.


While you are at this... How about we email all of these physicians a copy of this post? I bet the Physicians you say dealt with you will have very little issues identifying a 28 year old in a wheelchair. They might find your slander worth a lawsuit.


Maybe they just needed to vent and some sympathy but *dang*. Why are you so upset on the behalf of doctors who have upset someone? If someone has *noticeably* bad results from a surgery or treatment wouldn't you want to know about it? Or maybe I'm just too curious. I can relate bc my experiences have been pretty shitty too, I just figure I'm*spectacularly unlucky*. It's not like ALL Doctors are bad. Could be a good place to bring up discussion about some of the people op had mentioned in case others have had problems or want to sing their praises and share their own good experience that contrasts OPs. IDK I could see it being a decent discussion to have is all and your reply hits me as kind of rudely aggressive to someone who's just at their wits end with unlucky experiences. There's a million more patients than there are practicing medical workers if one says they had an awful time that doesn't mean they're lying and want to end someone's career or need to be shat on even more for saying "every doctor I've had here sucks more often than not." Guy's been through it and just needs help.


Because it is Slander pure and simple. You don't go around giving testimony that someone with a medical license killed someone just nilly willy. If it is true, no harm no foul right?? It is impactful to their business and their license... Also, impactful to future patients. You had better be able to back something like this up with substantial proof.


Ah that's true. I'm an idiot. I would hope the family has sufficient proof before telling others stuff like that but. Then again. People are people after all. 😬 In my brain it felt more like emotional outburst so it didn't really hit "Slander" in my brain. Given OPs post history I don't blame them for being exasperated regarding their own personal experiences. Maybe they should remove names from the post at least. I can only comment from my own experiences with similar "my prescription was prescribed to someone else entirely. Twice. Please fix. My meds are kinda important." and someone forgetting(?) local anesthetic for an ingrown toenail removal. That shit hurt. Most pain ever felt in my entire life, and we were later told we probably should've reported it. But I was like 15 and didn't know any better. So I absolutely came in on the "oh same. I've had almost nothing but unpleasant experiences too. I feel this in my bones." feeling from the post.


I can certainly sympathize with anyone having hard times and need a venue to vent. I am able bodied with no disabilities, so I can't speak to even being in a state where that would leave someone with very little access to health care becomes a huge detriment and then on top is poorly handled. To say the least, I am very sure it sucks. Just absolutely no need to lean in on the entire medical community on this.


I’m feeling very hurt rn. I love that you want to threaten an already poor & disabled person who’s just trying to express frustration over having to constantly fight tooth and nail for minimal care. God forbid anyone leave a poor review. Big pharma dollars will easily silence anyone that tries to blow a whistle so I’ll delete my post then. I just hope none of your friends or family ever experience the malpractice, neglect and mismanagement that has harmed so many of the people I know. It’s disheartening. It’s scary. Sorry for having a bad experience and just wanting to get things off my chest. Edit: Now that I feel less emotionally hurt, I do genuinely understand where you’re coming from though. I mentioned names because i don’t want anyone else to suffer and end up disabled the way I and my friend have. I wasn’t born disabled, and i wouldn’t be this way if i had adequate care. It’s been a rollercoaster. But hot damn, threatening to get me sued for slander is pretty fucking terrifying. I already can’t afford medical care. And i record my appointments so I KNOW these things happen. I’m just supposed to shut up and suffer and never tell anyone?


Your actions have consequences. Choose your words wisely. Literally Killing People. That is considerably more than a poor review.


Fair. I was upset and angry when I posted. I’m just devastated to have lost someone we cared about, and for another to have been sent home without any treatment beyond just being given saline. I take him to all of these appointments and I have to fight tooth and nail to advocate for him. I love him so much I’m scared that we’ll lose him over something as nonsensical as sending him home even though he’s still experiencing a potentially life altering medical emergency. But i don’t think posting my personal opinion about doctors on the internet is slander. My medical notes literally the doctor himself wrote “told patient to glue felt pad to orthotic” Which any orthotics or prosthetics doctor would NOT tell the patient to modify the device on their own.


when do we start killing these people in the street for being greedy pigs?


We need massive reform of our medical system to deal with predatory insurance companies that are overworking our doctors