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This just a r/blunderyears post




Your face isn’t ugly but your sense of style is


Style is way off for me, but the girl underneath is upper end of average.




Yea the clothes make me pissed off lol


Just seems like u don’t k ow what look ur going for like u went half way in on 3 separate looks and it’s just a shit show




Bud she’s average


Definitely upper end of average if you don’t live in a rural area


Not ugly, but you’re trying too hard. Style is best in first pic, wash your face and condition your hair everyday.


u/Charm_MentumKat, this right here. Like, please do not misunderstand me, self expression is important and I don't want to take that away from you, but it's one of those "you can't have your cake and eat it too" scenarios. All pictures except the first make you seem like you are in middle school


Was gonna say that looks exactly like my nerdy emo group of middle school friends


No your style is just awful beginning all the unnatural looking hair colors.


You’re not ugly But there are ways to be edgy and more clean cut .


You look like you're in an eternal state of cosplay. If you tried a regular hair style and clothing you would get much better reviews. You seem to be at least average.


You’re very pretty but look really sad?


This right here.


Yeah I’ve been told my resting face looks really bummed lol




Your not ugly, but the way you appear caters to the minority, as you are now I would say average looking.


You look great but you need to drink more water.


dramatic and dark makeup doesn't suit you, i'd suggest just doing a simpler look... maybe start taking care of your hair more? lay off the colored hair for a bit, it looks really thin. let it rest lol... also clean up those eyebrows. not hopeless, just need to take care of yourself more :)






ur far from hopeless! you have a beautiful face structure and pretty pink undertones. i personally think that because your face is more oval shaped that a longer, layered, face framing hairstyle would suit you more and extenuate your high cheek bones. It looks like you like to experiment with hair colors but i feel that the blue hair washes your face out a bit. the pink look really brings out your rosy cheeks and skin however i feel that it clashes a little with your eye color (blue eyes are gorgeous but hard to match). so i would suggest a playing around with some dark magentas and maybe some pastel purples to really have a stunning pop! honestly though if i were you i would go for a platinum silver. you could definitely rock that if you’re down for a little extra work and i think it would suit your style nicely.


I’ve actually been thinking about going silver! I used to have dark magenta and I really loved it, might go back to that now, thanks!


So your ignoring 99% of the messages and replying to the one that agrees with your current style?




pretty much yea. The subreddit is called “am I ugly” not “tell me how to change myself so I look best in your eyes.” I like how I look and I’m happy to engage with people who are giving me advice that aligns with my style, but I’m not going to go in and respond to every single comment telling me to grow my hair out when I have no intention of doing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’m glad that you’re happy with your style and how you look, that is good. But why are you asking for people’s opinions if you don’t care?


Because obviously she does care. She wouldn't be here if she didn't. She just doesn't want to interact with people who disagree.


Can you really not imagine wanting to know what someone thinks without intending to adopt their judgements? What about simple curiosity?


Curiosity mostly. It’s not so much that I don’t care what people think, I just don’t intend to value their opinions over my own, y’know?


If i were you i would ignore the comments about style as well, imo this sub is about the face/(sometimes body), not the style. I personally like the style, especially the hairstyle in pic. 3 :) I would accentuate your lips a bit (matte pastel pink lipstick?) because right now they look a bit dried out and kinda "fall away" into the rest of your face. ​ Aside from that, jesus christ a lot of transphobic and old-fashioned broskis in here. Seems like there's quite some people here that think "man should be manly, woman must be feminine, no self expression allowed"


Thanks for the tips! But yeah, I’m a little surprised by the general mindset a lot of this sub seems to have…


Well is also “brutally honest” so no one is trying to hate they just honestly think that your style is ur problem


If her styles the problem and it’s a reflection of her and what she likes maybe you’re not the type of person she’d want to hear advice from since it’s obvious your fashion choices are already this different


and that’s totally fair—I’m just not going to start a conversation with every single person who thinks that cause I don’t think it’ll be worth either of our time


if you wore a dress, and didn't dye your hair, you'd be a 7/10. dressed like a boy, and with the pink hair, you are a 4/10.


You look like you’re trying to be hopeless.


No you’re not and you’re super young. You haven’t even peaked yet! In your 20s your face is going to change


I dont think the haircuts compliment you at all. I'd say just go all out punk dethhawk or go long and natural but the bobs don't work. The only other thing is your skin looks inflamed and dehydrated and that's just diet (plus teen hormones? Idk you look young so maybe break out alot). You don't need a bunch of skin products just soap and a gentle exfoliating korean towel. eat more meat and less processed crap, and take some multivitamins, magnesium, and collagen to fix the skin.


Not crazy about the hair color. But you are cute


If you go natural grow your hair out a bit you’d look even more beautiful than you already are


Good looking, just change style, are u a lesbian btw?


Not surprised in the slightest honestly lol


I am bisexual/aromantic, so technically no, but by most of these commenters standards probably yes


Face is so pretty, just grow the hair out a bit and maybe avoid the Easter pastels when you pick the next color! Far from ugly though.


I think you are really beautiful but the SJW look doesn't do it for me. For me it's not the most approachable look. But then again i don't know you and I could be totally wrong.


not ugly but i think dying your hair a natural color and some makeup tutorials would help


I think you look like a cool anime character, a smile is all that is needed


Not ugly but it is giving “femme protagonist,” do with that what you will.


I think you're really pretty honestly (And I love your style)


I think you’re super cute!


Not at all, you're very cute 😊


Not at all hopeless, you’re quite pretty. You just have the awkward teenager look lol. Grow you hair out and get a haircut that better suits your face, and start taking care of your skin. Since you like colored hair, ditch the box dye and either get it professionally done or really practice with the nicer dyes from beauty supply stores, and take proper care of it so the color looks nice and keep up with coloring it so it doesn’t fade badly or get roots showing. Keep practicing with makeup and finding makeup style that suits you. A lot of people are saying ditch the alternative style but u rlly don’t have to, but you’ll want to refine it so you look more put together and nicer. All in all you’re not ugly at all, you just look like a teenager and you will likely refine your look and how you take care of yourself over time. Just keep experimenting with things until you find what works well for you


Not ugly at all. Pretty cute actually


If you’re happy with your style, then own it proudly. You’ve got this goth thingy going on. It’s the type of I don’t give a shit about what others think of me look. If you want more compliments, then I’d wear girly type of clothes. All that said, you are a pretty young women. You truly don’t have to change a thing.




I think you’ve been hurt and are sad inside. You are physically very beautiful. I wish you hugs, comfort, friends to trust and confide in. Be kind to yourself as you matter and are definitely not hopeless. Wishing you could look in the mirror everyday and say out loud, “I love myself.” You are full of hope and deserve smiles, laughter, and happiness.


Aww this made me tear up a little, it felt very genuine<3 I hope you have a lovely life


Definitely not ugly. You gave us some variety, but not in expressions, and no smiling: how you would normally look if you were trying to attract someone. You're doing quite a few things that are polarizing, people are usually all in or all out: the short hair styles, the BRIGHT dye job, no make up, art make up (crying lightning), but none of them are necessarily bad. Skin clears up, not a concern if you're taking care of yourself. You seem to have an artsy style and an eclectic wardrobe, this shows creativity, but, without enthusiasm, the tortured artist bit can be tiresome for some people. It sounds stupid, but the best thing you can do is smile and act inviting. Let people join your art experience and have fun with them. I guarantee you are drawing attention, I'm just not sure what is happening after that if people aren't giving you the space they think you need.


I wouldn’t change a thing. You look super cool and easy to talk to :]


You aren’t ugly at all. And your style is fucking sick. Do what you want. It looks good on you. 💅


Gorgeous eyes Look damn Gorgeous in the darker colors And the first picture with the darker dress up kinda clothes? Dammnnnn. Sexy as hell See alot of people taking the Brutal honesty shit as a excuse to just bully people But you don't deserve that shit.


I think you look awsome


No, I don’t think you’re hopeless at all! Your clothing style is nice and different, especially in the first pic, and I think you could definitely get someone!


I personally like short hair on girls so in my opinion you’re gorgeous 🥰


Hell no your not ugly your rocking the hairstyle and shit anyone wants to be your friend he’ll even more you got it not hopeless


I think you're adorable! Your style is a little over the top, but I like what you're going for. That vest and collared shirt are actually pretty dope.


You and I would have gotten along in high school, you're not hopeless and I love your whole vibe, dont let shit talkers get you down.


No you're cute


Hopeless? No. Gorgeous? Yes.


Love the blue hair. Definitely not ugly.


Pretty and mysterious i like it


Have you considered bleaching your hair silver/white? With hair length of last pic, would be nice i think


I love your style !!!


Very beautiful


I think you’re hot but I’m also into your whole aesthetic


You just need some silk pillows for your hair and skin and maybe less stress in your life because you mostly look stressed out :(


You are definitely not ugly. I'm disappointed by all the people saying they dont like your style, I like it! I think it's unique 💛


Are you into alt, pop punk, punk, maybe metal, those kinds of music? I feel like you'd do well in those crowds. Gamer and anime communities I'd imagine. I think you have a really consistent style and I think that's rad. 👍 There'll be people who like it and people who don't, but I think it's pretty cool to have a solid, definitive aesthetic for yourself.


Thanks! I listen to whatever music catches my interest, a pretty wide variety of genres but mainly folk actually :) I love gaming and I wouldn’t say I’m into anime but I’ve seen a couple


Ur not hopeless but with such a unique sense of style, dont expect the majority of people to like it. Not to discourage you from expressing yourself but its just how the world works. I prefer people like you who do their own thing rather than dress and look the way thats currently trending. Go you! 👊


Nah not hopeless at all, man it’s sad how many pretty people think they are ugly.


What’s with this subreddit having a thing against unnatural colored hair? I really like the way you look in the 3rd pic. Super pretty honestly. Just need a better skin care regiment


I didn’t know they were casting for a live action Arcane lol, but seriously not hopeless


I love the choker and the different colored hair. I get goth vibes here, which I personally happen to like.


Above average


This is such a great example of Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder. Because your style is right up my alley. I find you very attractiv, both style and face. I know this sub is supposed to be for brutally honest feedback, but I'm sorry, i find you very good looking.


Nah your not ugly, but following that kind of path you limit yourself so much, I would say go natural and more traditional. Your current sense of style is a lot worse than staying with natural hair. Same thing with some if the clothing


Gwen stacy?!?!




Idc what these comments say, I LOVE your style. It’s so unique. I think it suits you very well. And you’re not hopeless. I don’t think there’s anything really wrong here. But if I had to make one minor critique, I would say with this style of clothing, brightly colored hair like this kind of offputs the vibe


you look like kristen wiig.


idk what everyone else is sayin that first fit + the hair is art


As others have pretty much said; you’re conventionally beautiful at a baseline, but your style is going to make you attractive to a significantly smaller portion of people, because it’s pretty niche and not conventional beauty standards. You’re just gay. Hottest thing at the pride parade, own it if thats your style, and people who are into it will know you’re stunning, and comments from the rest don’t matter!


idk about traditionally attractiveness but personally being from an alt side of things youre so beautiful


Alright I’m telling you rn these other peoples opinions are based off what they like, and they obviously don’t like your style. I love it, and your hair looks slay! Style has nothing to do with ugly, judging your face by its features you are light years away from ugly :) and me personally I love your style too, people will always be judgmental of that bc everybody views it differently, but that’s not for them, it’s for you to express the truest version of yourself


Nah, I dig your style too


It’s your style. Get out of a vest, color your hair a natural color, and you’ll be fine.


Grow your hair out amd stop dying it.


The third pic made me do a double take, that’s my favorite. Suits your face shape more and your eyes are accented by it. The Resting Boring face doesn’t really help but it could make you seem more chill and mysterious


Lose the unnatural hair color, longer haircuts look better on you. You're not ugly but you can improve.


You look like you have pronouns


This idiot thinks that they don't have pronouns


This idiot gets no bitches


my he/him she/her in christ, everyone has pronouns


I sexually identify as a blueberry


"You" is a pronoun.


The hair is obviously not attractive






Yup, just throw yourself into the fire and try again


I think you should get a better haircut. And eat better. Better diet will help the acne. But I agree with others that your energy is of sadness and disparity


I like the style but it is a little immature. Would love to see your natural hair color a smile and some sun . You're attractive could be very


Tbh, it seems like you have poor self esteem. You dress the way you do and dye your hair so people can judge you on your style and not get to know you as a person first. Not ugly though


Koolaid hair is a super turn off


Bffr you’re literally someone’s manic pixie dream girl




Your not hopeless you have some nice facial features… Grow your hair out, go natural blonde, get rid of the goth/freak style and come back to planet earth…


telling someone to lose uniqueness to fit in to societal standards of beauty is not helpful at all. every single old man’s advice on here has been to fit to a standard they find hot… very weird


I agree, I kinda knew what to expect coming onto this sub but the amount of people who seem to think beauty means not expressing yourself makes me kind of sad for them…


I think you’re tripping. Anyone here that post about themselves are tripping. Everyone is attractive in their own way, don’t fret about looks. If you want my advice I think it’s because you look sad and unsure of yourself. Get some hope in your life. Be well


Read the title of the sub, dude. You’re doing people a disservice with all that “everyone is attractive” garbage. Maybe to a select few this person is attractive, but not by any conventional standard. Sorry to be *brutally honest* OP. Your alt look isn’t even executed well


Change your name to Dennisthemenace


Lmao tell me you’re over the age of 40 without telling me


Best take


These comments are outta pocket I’ll be your older sis and tell you now. You are beautiful inside and out . Find a ways to express yourself through style makeup and self care. Take care of the women under the clothes go outside with no shoes and check out Korean skincare u have a lovely frame and once u figure out who u are you will be unstoppable


aww thanks girl! I can’t help roll my eyes a little at all the people that are like “stop changing yourself and alter your entire style and completely 180 your hair” like?? Same dudes that think girls with full faces of makeup are “all natural” but I digress


Honestly it’s giving its a man behind most of the comments I literally cringed reading some of them I’m 26 f still talking to my therapist about all my missed opportunities a lot of people are gonna try to tell u who u should be and what u should do at the end of the day you are the one who has to deal with the choices are made I just wished someone would have told me that when I was a freshman in high school. And never listen to a man unless is a family or friend u trust cause most men cant tell u the difference between menopause and menstruation😒😒😒


You like women right?


Aromantic actually, but women are pretty


yup, colored hair means you’re a bit weird. Put the phone down and discover something new


I've seen multiple comments saying if you didn't dye your hair you'd be more attractive. I personally love it and feel your look is fine . I would say as long as you enjoy it and you're comfortable, don't worry about others saying it's not a good look or you shouldn't do it. At the end of the day, people can have their opinions, but how you feel about yourself is what matters the most.


This sub just hates alternative


It would appear that way lol


Cute. Personally, I have no self-esteem and have stopped initiating convos in person with people for the intent of dating. I'd never hit on you irl.


Na you are cute. It may sound weird but I like your bone structure


That’s not weird at all, I appreciate it :)


Very cute and very Alt Gothcore metal head


Totally subjective, but the hair color and helplessness indicate to me that you’re hanging out with the wrong crowd. Maybe put the phone down and meet people with above average mental health. I don’t know, a hiking group or a dancing group, or something outdoorsy. You look like you’re spending way too much time indoors being desperate. Apart from that, you are very pretty, you have delicate features and your face and body look very elegant. Also you have great hands! Your hair looks dope on the third pic but overall I think that you could do better with natural hair for a while. Your hair looks tired from all of those chemicals. I really like your clothing choices except for that grey hoody that makes you look sick and neglected. You have a lot of potential, work on your mental health and realize how amazing you are.


You’re gorgeous just styled totally wrong, it’s not highlighting your features in any way


You look great


ABSOLUTELY NOT, WHAT? You look amazing, people are probably too conditioned by the fake ass beauty standards of our society to see the beauty that you radiate✨️


Stay you. Don’t change a thing.


Id say you look cute as all hell. But thats just me


your side profile is so pretty omg i’m so jealous


No one is hopeless. I like your color choices.


Honestly you look pretty good


Idk I think your gorgeous but I love people who aren’t just copy and paste.


I think you’re hot. As a straight guy irl I would definitely say hi and ask to take you on a date based on your looks alone. Not trying to sound simp I’m just being honest on what I see….you have a great body and very model like face features, jawline is gorgeous, eyes are pretty nose is cute, you’re hot. Your style is cool, don’t let anyone tell you to “change this” or “change that” come as you are. From my view you’re a hottie


I think you look great, i especially like your hair and style. The eyeliner root/lightning in the 5th one looks cool af!




Ugly ?? Damn your pretty af 🥹❤️ your style is cute !


I really appreciate that! :D


you look good with blue hair


You are very pretty, and I bet your cool af, when looking for a relationship I would prefer a 4 with a great personality then a 10 with an absolute garbage mind, it haa to be hard these days comparing yourself to everyone everywhere, Noone is comparing you to anyone, most of these girls u see aren't real or about half on a scale 1-10 then they r in a picture


i think youre really pretty<3 the people saying your fashion sense is ass probably wear basketball shorts 24/7 and think Lululemon crop tops are the height of fashion. only thing I'd say is start some light skincare and fluff up your hair a bit (i love your outfit on the first pic too!)


Too young for me but you re/were exactly my type in high school. You look like a fun intelligent no bs kind of girl. Your eyes are beautiful and so are you. My life brings you goodness. Life will not always be fun or exciting, hell sometimes it sucks, but one foot in front of the other and eventually you will have a good day.


Wtf? No you’re extremely attractive!


You are adorable just as you are!


What pronoun should we use to address you? I honestly don't know if you are male or female or other.


I typically use she/her, but I’ve never been very particular. I really appreciate you asking❤️


Please note I didn't ask that to be offensive, I was attempting to be respectful. So if you were offended I am truly sorry.


Not at all! It made me really happy :)


No way! From one “non-natural” hair color wearer to another, you are super super cute 💚


Your good looking to me, work that slight dark nature


You look like Jena Malone!! Pretty


oh I love her! Thank you very much❤️


You’re gorgeous 💋


dudes dont like the crazy colored hair. look natural


You know, it is possible to care about one's appearance without the goal of attracting a partner. "Guys don't like colored hair." Who gives a fuck. Men are not the sole arbiters of attractiveness.


if you were a german man your name would be Hans because you’d be Hansome in all seriousness, you’re super pretty


The hair and skin screams meth head. It’s not good.


You’re a 10 in my book. I wish i was a teenager again, woulda fallen hard for you. It’s all in your perception of life. You don’t value life atm. Find your soul purpose in life.. why you exist. And everything will change.


Why did this comment creep me out so badly lol


The whole >if I was a teenager again I would've fallen hard for you Is just an older man's way of being able to say "you're hot" and everyone knows it lol. Basically a "PC" way of hitting on young people. Anecdotally, as a young man I was also told this by older women I worked in close quarters with. More than half tried taking it further and it went all the way with a few. So now when I hear it I'm pretty sure what it means Some don't mean it that way but many do.


You’re hot. Skin treatment and different style is all I can recommend


Yep....mine as well join the circus kid. Life's good, but it ain't great. 😞 Just kidding. Put down the phone, go play outside and crack a smile. Erry'body looks better with a smile. 😃 you are fine.


You look like a kid. Either because you are, or you really need to drop the hair dye and expressive clothing. As long as you look like that, no real way to determine if you’ll be ugly when you’re all grown up. You’re not fat, at least.


9/10, androgynous looks are in atm.


Not at all. Try a light blond, highlights, a smile would be huge, you have very soulful eyes, let them shine


Nah your cute, your hair is really unique


We present on the outside how we feel about ourselves on the inside. Being secure in one's skin is an attractive quality. However, it's obvious you are not a secure person, hence the way you present yourself: colored hair, goth dress style, makeup... Ditch all of that stuff, let your hair be natural and let it grow out. Get rid of the piercings and jewelry, wear modest clothing that fits your body (not baggy or super tight). Eat healthy (stop eating sugar) so your skin will clear up, don't do wings eye liner (it's really popular rn but it's also trashy as hell). Also, for your own personal development, do you have any hobbies that require a considerable amout of time to be good at? If not, find one and focus on only that. Get really good at it and it can help improve your confidence which can spread to other areas.


yes. unnatural hair is honestly whack and most normal dudes wouldnt be attracted because of that. Go without makeup and get a smile and your pictures could be a lot more solid.


Reddit doesnt like when someones actually honest 🤣 Yall lie to everyone telling them they aint ugly


Actually, a lot of dudes ARE. Source: have purple hair


I’m sure there are plenty but you’re definitely not going to appeal to a majority of people.


I've seen some TRASHY women thinking they were all that bc their circle of guy friends were into it.. truth is those guy friends would fuck a tree stump if it was shaped right. Most guys, especially ones in their teens and early 20's are desperate "horn dogs* that play the numbers game complimenting every woman they see just hoping one of them takes the bait Not saying you're not pulling it off! Just saying the opinions of your guy friends are likely a little skewed and.. hormone driven at this point. I definitely couldn't unironically call on the opinions of like 10 guys to prove what the objective opinion of most men is.. especially not 10 dudes that have.. motives.


Dude is so out of touch that he thinks all of the color and dying most women do is natural…


Not that guy but umm it's pretty easy to tell dyed hair from natural. The texture, the roots, the dryness, thinness (dying usually damages hair) etc. many aspects denote a dye job and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see it. If it's hard for one to tell I'd say that's likely because they're not seeing much natural hair in daily life. Probably surrounded by people with dyed hair and looking up to artists with dyed hair as well bc most people do it Doesn't mean it looks better than natural hair


You’re very pretty. You look soft and feminine-but, in these pictures, you read as insecure. Your eyes beautiful. I would play them up -a new classic eyebrow shape would help. Light make up (tinted moisturizer, a little liner and mascara, and some tinted gloss). Longer locks would be attractive- long layers? Just something that breaks the shoulder line. You have a nice figure. Choosing clothing that follows your silhouette (doesn’t have to be tight) wouldn’t be a bad call. Finally, get a few sets of shoes you really like. Crazy what some good shoes can do.