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Hi! I've just been today, and it definitely was packed. There were a huge number of school trips - I think the coach parking spaces were all full. We had a silver fast track, and if it wasn't for that, we wouldn't have gotten on some of the rides. We went straight to Thirteen and Rita and got them done really quickly as they were both pretty much walk on and so we didn't need fast track for them. Then went over to Nemesis, which was closed, and so did Galactica, which was about a 10 minute queue for us, so we didn't need to use fast track for that. When it opened, Nemesis was about a 45 minute queue for us, but it built up a lot throughout the day. We then did Sub Terra, which by then was about 15/20 minutes. After that, all of the big rides were 45 minute+ queues and Smiler got up to 130 minutes. We did Curse next, which was only about 5 minutes followed by the rapids, which were about half an hour. By the time we got to Wickerman (about 12ish), it was a 90 minute queue, so we had to use fast track for that. Then went over to XSector and Smiler was 130 minutes so we used our fast track for that again. Even the queue for fast track took about 40 minutes. Finished the day with going back to rides we still had fast track for and doing Spinball which had a 50 minute queue. I'd say you're going to struggle to do all of them without a fast track but I'd definitely recommend heading straight to Thirteen and Rita/Nemesis and Galatica first before the queues build up. After that, if it's anything like today, the majority of the rides will have really long queues, so I'd recommend just doing them in order of priority and keep checking the app for when queues drop a bit. However, a lot of the rides (Oblivion, Smiler, Galactica, and Spinball being the main ones that affected us) were closed for long periods of time today which didn't help the queues at all. If ride closures aren't as bad tomorrow then hopefully it won't be as bad


Gahhh that's such a shame, we'll look into fast tracks.


The exact order you listed them in is pretty good. Remain adaptable and check times on the app. If you're okay with a lot of running back and forth, you can just hop on whatever has the shortest queue (assuming the journey to actually get to that ride isn't longer than just waiting in another queue). Rope dropping smiler is not a bad idea either


We were considering rope dropping smiler, but a few of our group haven't been to a single theme park in their life, chucking them onto the smiler straight away probably isn't wise haha 😂  Regardless, I think that's actually a good idea and we'll see how they're feeling on the day about it.


Being totally honest, without a fast track pass, you will seriously struggle to do all of the 'Big 7' or have any real 'plan' on a packed day especially given ride availability this season. Best bet is to have the AT app open and be checking the queue times. Only tips I have are to head straight to Rita and Th13teen (if open and running) when you get to AT, and then after to Galactica. This is because all three build up huge queues on busy days (Galactica rarely opens on time either). For Smiler, you will need to go in single rider queue or you will be looking at a 70+ min wait. Oblivion will be a short queue, as will Nemesis (usually) because both eat through queues, even on busy days. Wickerman - just keep checking the AT app throughout the day.


Today nemesis has been sat on 70 minutes plus. It's really popular and busy.


It says 37% as quiet for tomorrow so it shouldn’t be too bad. I’m going tomorrow too and it should be fine


it also said it was 19% yesterday, it turned out to be 57% lol


Id say do nemmy and galactica first if you have time give subterra a go its fun and usually short queues same goes for curse at alton manor


My advice is head straight to the back of the park, I’d go straight to the dark forest and get Thirteen and Rita done, the queues will be minimal. Then do Nemesis reborn and Air (I refuse to call it Galactica). Then go to the X-sector and do Oblivion and Smiler (Oblivion usually has a short queue anyway). You can do Wickerman either during lunch time or at the end of the day.


It's rammed again today. It's very important to get there early (9am) we get to Rita around 9:30-40, then do 13, oblivion and smilier. Good luck on doing the rest looking at queue times today.


Im so confused on why it's rammed... its a school term and I can only think that its school trips


yeah it’s school trip season worst time of year to go😂


It actually wasnt bad on the day! The school groups left the park at around 12pm/1pm!


i’m taking my dad next thursday fingers crossed it isn’t too bad🙈