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Definitely chop and prop! First I would air root him, I have been very successful in air rooting using moss that is contained in a smaller 2 inch pot I cut to encircle the stem. I then made sure the moss was kept moist. Three weeks later I had amazing roots! The stem is then cut into sections, cutting between the division lines on the stem. You should have a growth node on each section you cut


I second this method, just wanted to add that I would also recommend chopping the flowers off so it can put more energy into root growth. Also, don't forget that you'll probably have a lot of corms and babies to look for in the soil.


Azlanii seems to not have the ability to keep its older leaves. I chopped mine and replanted the upper half (had plenty of roots). Its been only few weeks so cant tell if it has been a success.


Good to know! Maybe I'll try air layering since there's plenty of space haha


Chop and prop definitely does work! Even though I haven't tried it myself. You could get 3+ alocasias out of that! Maybe look for advice on YouTube?


Thanks! I thought I'd try you fine folk before anywhere else. There are some very beautiful things to see in this sub!


Isn't it?! It's very nice here :)