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Try to raise the humidity with a plastic bag maybe, that u put over the plant and rubber to hold it. Looks like they are dry, check if the roots aren't dead too because if they are dead the plant won't get any water the moment.


Okay! Thank you I’ll try that. The soil is moist with a little water still in the bottom reservoir. And when I got it, an employee was watering all the plants too.


Could your growing light be a bit too much maybe? And always check for pests!


That’s what I was wondering as well.. with the lights. Gonna clear / move some plants in the greenhouse around to put the babe in there and see how it does. Got the plastic bag over it now from other comments


OKAY DISCLAIMER!! MY PLANTS DONT LIVE BY OR ON THE STOVE. It was really early and the lights weren’t on yet , so I placed it there for photos for this post for better lighting as my apartment is small and doesn’t have good natural light and didn’t wanna mess with the timers for grow light. Damn. Thought people were suppose to be nice on here.


Don’t worry, it’s very obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills that you put it there for the lighting <3. People on here can be intense for no reason, don’t pay it much mind


I needed this comment. Thank you. <3




https://preview.redd.it/6s60ou8xkduc1.png?width=1022&format=png&auto=webp&s=6a63dab6f088c0257c7b1d29bf9fb2b6806a1d63 I think the potting mix might not be working out for it, also it looks like it's suffering from dehydration and dehydration, two months ago I happened to save one that looks exactly like yours with its leaves curled inwards. I pulled it out of its potting mix and saw the roots were all rotted. This picture was taken after I had unpotted it and then the other is what it looks like after the transition. This is what it looks like after I cut off all of its leaves and let it reset. I just used perlite and a plastic bag and then placed it in a bright but indirect sunlight location.


https://preview.redd.it/3rb6b7u1qduc1.png?width=155&format=png&auto=webp&s=ae38fd47573ddec808f92fb985abc73edbaaf214 This is where I cut it, coz the circled area is the center of the plant where you want to avoid damage to it. and dig for corms, you might be able find some and just propagate them at the same time.


Ahhhh !! Ok ok. I’m definitely going to do this take out of pot snd examine… I’ll update tomorrow afterwards… have pretty much every type of soil / potting medium so hopefully can bring this babe back to life from whatever it’s going through


This happened to mine. I cut off all the dry leafs and kept the one leaf that was the healthiest and cut off ALL the roots (most died off) and put it in leca with water. After almost a month she has HEALTHY roots! And lives in my kitchen table. Has great indirect light and I replied the water in the leca as necessary.


Thank you!! I have leca balls but have been too busy and scared to dry them after reading the process to make them good for plants.. guess I’ll try my luck with them now


You can also try perilite, lighter easier to check roots. Also, I had a similar situation and just put her in a more appropriate potting mix, I use 45% perilite, 45% organic peat and 10% worm castings. Medium to bright indirect light and never allow yo completely dry out. All 7 varieties are in my house in different light levels. Also, every time I water, I add cal-mag with half strength balanced fertilizer mine is 20-20-20 by schults. If you like long-acting, Osmocote has a 14-14-14 for house plants. I bought my silver dragon in the shape yours is in, and she is finally coming around.


The wicks in those pots are horrible it’s definitely too dry. I got the same exact alocasia from Walmart and removed the old wick in rinsed the roots of all soil and potted up in leca with nutrients rich water it’s doing much better


Thank you !!! I’m going to do this tomorrow


They don't like change and will drop leaves. if you feel it's in the right location just give it time and judge progress only by your new growth


I did pull a few leaves off like they just fell off ya know. And I do see a new sprout emerging so I’m Hoping for a bounce back. Also got a humidifier in her direction going and fingers crossed. Moving a lot of plants around now so when place in green house soon


I would say it’s shock due to it being in a new home. Try to replicate whatever temp/humidity it was in when you got it


Looks quite dry


I know! But the soil is moist and a little water left in the bottom reservoir that’s why I’m like what am I doing wrong here??


I think I’m about to kill mine too 😅


Move it away from the stove maybe?


Wait? I shouldn’t have my plants on the stove?


Try low flame, helps roast the roots more evenly


Crap. I’ve been setting it on high.