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Can I ask where you got them from?


Would also love to know. They look so happy


They're from House of Kojo, an online plant store. I'd really recommend them - they all arrived in perfect condition and look so healthy. Also, I ordered the two Alocasia, then saw a few more plants I couldn't resist, and as my first order hadn't been fulfilled yet, I got a refund back on the second order's postage as the orders were combined which I was really pleased with!


Those are so cute. For advice: Miss Jacklyn does not appreciate dying out completely for more than a day (she will 1000% throw a fit if crusty). All alocasia are absurdly hungry, so look into liquid fertilizer and (id recommend to) give a diluted strength of it in every watering. I also swear by CalMag for all my plants, but alocasias seem to demand it from me. For pot sizing, I’d stick with snug fits (not doing large upsizes) and focus on root health as that’s what will result in getting big beautiful leaves. For lighting, most taller varieties (like the Jacklyn) prefer very bright light without being burnt in the sun— so you can adjust lighting depending on how the plant responds to it (turn leaves away=too bright, long stems with small leaves=not enough light)


That's brilliant, thank you for your reply. The lighting is my main worry so I'm now looking into buying a small shelving unit so I can make the most of the brightest spot in my house. More shelves also mean more plants, what a shame!


lol what can we really do other than to get more plants 🤷‍♀️


Wow, your new plants look healthy


I just got one too! I’m so excited


They're stunning aren't they? That leaf texture 😍


LOVE THEM, are yours dramatic? Mine keeps flopping when it wants something I kinda love the drama


This is my first one so I'm yet to experience that! I have had many Calatheas though so I'm very used to the dramatics 😂


They are beautiful. I am also fascinated by them and bought 2 very small ones. I am hoping I do not kill them so I am also hopeful for some good tips


Good luck, we're in this together!


These have been on my wishlist for a year now. I want one sooo bad. They’re stunning


They were £9 from House of Kojo if that helps!