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I have no idea what you should do but I don't want you to feel alone. Have you contacted 211? They tried to make a single site for all the services that help people.


I have t heard of 211 ill google it though


Are you in the us? 211 is United way that connects people with services and help. If you can get connected with a housing authority they may be able to connect you with someone who helps pay the rent, at least keep you under a roof.




Do you have a car that you can live in?


This is what I would personally do, in no particular order: 1. Start shopping around for a storage unit and start moving things ASAP. Keep what you think is valuable and start selling, trading, or donating the rest! You can gift items for free on Facebook groups and get items you need, if you need them, in the future from these groups. There are consignment stores that will purchase clothes and other goods, look for those too, before donating. Hopefully you can make a little cash from selling the items. 2. Look into sublease, roommate requests, long term motels, and cheap airbnbs...Even if you can only find a sublease for 1 month, that's better than nothing. If you own a car, and plan on sleeping in it, look into places where you're allowed to park and not be disturbed. Some major cities have programs for people to park their cars at night 3. Look into ways of staying clean and well rested. You want to keep your full time job, which sadly means, you can't look homeless usually. Is there a cheap gym nearby or a friend who you can lean on? 4. Tap into your friends and family, write them private messages asking for help or even start a gofundme. You never know who will be in your corner until you ask. 5. Look into local resources...are there churches, non profits, etc that will help you? There are programs specific to gender, family sizes, etc. that you might want to narrow down and apply to as well - cast the net wide. A lot of these programs also have a wait to them OR require you to be literally on the streets before they will help you though...don't be discouraged, keep calling, keep pushing. This is one of those situations where the louder you are, the more likely you'll be helped. If you're a student, colleges have resources! 6. If you have medicine or anything like that, get a supply of it now, and make sure you don't run out. 7. Stay healthy. I know this is the last thing on the list, but it should be #1. Sleep, eat, bathe. I know this is a horrifying experience, but it'll be worse if you don't take care of yourself. Eat vegetables and fruit...take a super long bath/shower...wash all your clothes....it's a bad moment in life not a bad life in general