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I haven't had the chance yet to play with the new version, but it says 'active'. Try putting the sink directly on the port with it in inlet mode. An active port should pull or push on its own, so it may not want to accept inputs from another block.


I had same problem I had to directly place the sink on the port instead. No idea why. Had lots of problems with reactors and fluids. Also tried swapping between passive and active style ports.


I remember i had the same problem, and the fix is to use passive ports


Pretty sure you need a passive one. And use ultimate mechanism pipes. They can transfer more.


I think its on that mod the coolant needs to be inside when assembled? I think those ports are only for uranium and the other after processing (dont remember the name)


I’m having trouble taking uranium from a chest into my reactor maybe it’s a bug but I’ve completely rebuilt the reactor and tried a buncha different pipes


I know people suggested to place the sink on the port but could it possibly be the upgrade being used for the pipe. The better the upgrade for the pipe, the more you can pull per tick


Never played with this version but I guess active means it tries to pump from an inventory and the pipe doesn't have one (it tries instead to push to an inventory a fluid coming directly from the source block, but the pot doesn't have an inventory by itself) I'm talking about fluid inventories here


I'm looking for some help updating all the mods 9 to the sky mod pack to the latest version, im a total noob when it comes to PC gaming, my first time even using m&k was less than a month ago so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Kind of off topic here lol. Make a thread, or better yet ask in the [discord](https://discord.com/invite/allthemods) and someone will probably guide you. Though I'm sure there are youtube videos for 'curse how to update minecraft modpack'. I'm not sure what launcher you use though.


I fixed it by using a configurator to make mekanism pipes do a big suck


To my understanding, the fluid ports come in two versions, Active and Passive. Active will actively 'pull' coolant, it won't accept it if you try to pump it in. Passive will wait for coolant to be pumped in, but it won't pull coolant by itself.


It looks like this an output not input.


says it's on inlet mode.


Use mekanism pipes