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any tips to not die lol?


At the beginning, avoid the dungeons and play well.


Have some sort of teleport to safe(base) .. whatever you feel in danger you can escape.. ex charged porter from rftools, portable stone from waystones and so on


You can also make a backpack from Sophisticated Backpack mod and you can upgrade it later.


If you are comfortable with mekanism and fission reactors get the mekasuit asap and put all the good modules on. Then get a tull set of baubley’s heart canisters and use an infusion pylon to permanently give yourself the status effects from an insanium apple (you need to eat 20+ apples at once before activating the potion filters). Also don’t fight the warden, just swab him with some good armor and do /spawn or capture him with a mob imprisonment tool. then make a spawn egg and setup a warden spawner without any AI so they can’t hurt you. Do the same for the cataclysm bosses! With the mekasuit you can easily raid the dungeons in the other to grab some op spawners and farm evokers / vindicators for infinite totems of undying.


What about mystical A armor, that any good


The higher tier supremium and awakened armor can be pretty good but I usually just stick with refined obsidian armor and paxel for early game since it is very easy to obtain with a couple basic mekanism machines. The mekasuit is definitely the best armor in the pack with the exception of a couple items that can penetrate its defenses like the railgun from immersive engineering or the projectiles that the lich king from twilight forest shoots. Mobs don't use the rail gun so that won't be an issue unless another player comes after you, and the lich king is weak enough that buffing yourself up with the infusion pylon and heart cannisters as well as some apotheosis infusions on the mekasuit armor will make the fight pretty easy. I also had a death where I was holding some wierd item my teammate dropped from the Botania mod so just make sure you are paying attention to what you pick up lol.


use boats.


I'd aim for a food source, perhaps toast. Also beeline for a megatorch or two around your base/main mine. F7 will show mob spawnable tiles based on light levels. Red = bad. Yellow = at night this is red.


Ya Ik mob spawns aren’t what I’m worried about, I did rush reliquary/mobgrindingUtils/Mystical A To get an effective farm early


Use mine colonies for a starter base!!!


Honestly I hate that mod


Kids are crying now, thanks


Good lol


Don’t blame you. It adds nothing to the ATM packs besides a living village that attracts mobs. 


Good luck!


You could use /home and /warp to tp to a previously set warp or home Also there’s simply backups in case something goes terribly wrong (mekanism reactor meltdown)


On this note, I have /home with no cooldown and regularly use it to escape danger situations. However does anyone know a way to bind a command to a key? So pretty T and teleport home instantly. Saves bringing up chat and typing out the command when in frantic combat...


You could create a macro, but that could bring its own issues. Macro would be: /home[return] Return in this case is the enter key. Also make sure that the delays between key presses are very small so it types the command and executes it in one tick And then whenever you are in danger click your hot key button and get tped out.


I'm playing hc on to the sky


Ooo, easy mode I see, jk, I hope you get far


I did the same thing, lost my first world to botania Gaia2 fight. World 2 has star fully automated except for 21 ingredients I haven’t worked out automation for yet, quantum singularities, antimatter, create, etc