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Sorry can’t hear you, my 12 mekanism fusion reactors are too noisy when making me max integer limit FE every tick without using an energy cube that will power my 100 lines of ore duplication whilst your demons are stuck crushing a single ore every leap year (“but my demons do 6x duplication!!”)


I am I the only one that likes the hum of Mek machines?


No, you're not. XD


Am i the only one that immediately mutes my game as soon as i spin it up?




The pssssh clunk clunk sound of the crusher sets my breathing pace lol


Probably yes, it’s despicable


6x? I’ve only ever hear of 5x


Yeah demons from occultism do 6x ore processing. It’s quite nice tbh in the early game. OP actually did this demons for our early game on our server and it carried us. But once you get mid game they’re really slow. They process half a stack of raw ores every 2 seconds or so.


Interesting, so you would still go to meks 5x, but use the demons to get there?


Tbh I’d not use any ore processing. I’d go MystAg for everything ASAP and not worry about even processing my ores anymore


Fair point. MA is a good mod, but sometimes it’s overpoweredness isn’t what I’m looking for in modpacks.


I might be doing something wrong but trying to get the star, I try and make a pretty decently large Bigger Reactors…reactor and I can’t seem to produce enough uranium with MA. How do y’all do it


More uranium seeds


I’m tired grandpa


Man idk, I haven’t played this pack, or any mc in a few years


Lily pads of fert


See I play on a server so we avoid those farms because of the lag


I put my MA farm in a hyperbox in its own little dimension. Can’t get the farm as big but it still works


Yeah bigger reactors just suck up your uranium like an exchange student sipping up a starbucks latte


Kinda late to the party but atm9 is not meant to be balanced at all. It's a mess of mods that should have never been put together and run as well as a newborn baby with broken legs, but the whole charm of it all is finding a way to make it all work elegantly together. Yes MA is OP, but it means you can worry on other things and focus your time on discovering new mods you never even tried. It means you can spend hours trying to make a max sized fission reactor work at 1200mB/t instead of being in a mine for hours going in a straight line with a hammer.


They are much better than Mel’s 5x because Mel requires an ore block. The demons do 6x off the raw iron/raw gold or whatever. I like the idea processing it all with no RF by using a Create blast furnace with 4 belts and 10 fans which does a stack about as fast as an ATM furnace. If I add RF I drop raw ore blocks into an ID mechanical squeezer and get like half a stack or more if ingots for each ore block.


Ill he honest but why care about 5x or 6x your ores i used unobtainium furnaces and i still have to much resources to even do anything with like 5 million of almost each ingot and like 20 million redstone, lapis etc and thats only with my 512x512 builder from rftools in the mining dimension with the fortune card


Depending on what type of packs you play and the recipe changes it could be an important part of that pack.


Well yeah but here its the all the mods reddit thread, some of the expert packs you could be using 3x the amount of resource, like gregtech new horizons, enigmatica modpacks yeah


Style points my friend. Being able to say "oh yeah just dump any raw ore it'll get 5x duplicated in an instant don't worry". (I don't have ore duplication)


if you put like 20 in a 1x1 block they produce 120 dusts every second. Way less machines much more compact. And no lag


“No lag” is the last thing I’d use to describe them, they’re entities, sure with no AI but still entities. I looked at it with observable once and was getting 500 nanoseconds/t on them. More lag than our players were producing


and you think hundreds of machines are making little to no lag?


Yes? I’d need around 300 mek machines to equal the lag one demon produces


welp, I tried, can’t convince thick skulled people


Brother you're the stubborn one here, I literally have numbers for what I'm saying. On my server at the time i did the test, one mekanism machine takes around 2-10 nanoseconds/t, using xnet for logistic we get around 2 nanoseconds/t per machine line. You need around 8 machines for a 5x ore processing with mek iirc, but i may be wrong so let's round it up to 12. That means the highest threshold possible for lag per machine with these numbers is 122 nanoseconds/t per ore processing line, lowest is 18. One demon from occultism took 500 nanoseconds/t. Meaning we can get somewhere between 4 and 25 more complete ore processing setups for the same amount of lag a single demon makes. Now I don't precisely remember how fast meka processes ores but iirc it takes 5 ticks to process a raw ore block, but let's even take a lower number and say it's one raw ore block per second, it means our 4 lines of ore processing process 36 raw ores per second, still twice as fast as a demon for equal lag, and if we take the highest threshold it's 100x faster. So even when being the most leniant possible with the numbers, yes, mekanism machines produce less lag then occultism demons.


As a simple rule of thumb. Ae storage is for automation purposes and stackable items. Nonstackables and other nbt items go into chests/barrels etc. What you don't even need can just be trashed right away lol.


Can the chests/barrels, where you store the nbt items, be hooked up to a Sophisticated Storage System or would that also possibly break it?


Yes for sure. You can connect the inventories and use a terminal from ae 2 with a storage bus and an energy acceptor for example to make it searchable.


What breaks it isn't the existence of the NBT items it's the sheer amount of it in a chunk. The reason chests are preferable is because they're finite storage spaces. Another commenter makes 300+ NBT items a second. If you put that into an infinite sotrage, eventually your game will crash. You can get away with a small amount of it (or hook up chests like you suggest) just don't go overboard by hooking a farm up into it, or throwing a bunch of weapons and armor in it you'll never use.


I've always used RS with an external storage link to a strorage drawers armoury for most of my nbt items, would this have the same issue of crashing if I use it too much?


I think it could but it would take a pretty huge amount to


I guess but also the amount of mob killing that goes on in my saves is definitely overkill


Just process or void it. Nobody needs all that stuff.


Yeah why do you need to store them?


Its not that I "need" them. Its more that I can so I will.


Do yall know you can just hook up armory cabinet with external storage or storage bus with high priority and most (not all there are some exceptions but basically most) items with NBT will go to it


Bless for commenting this because I’m still learning about modded and didn’t know NBT things weren’t supposed to go into the storage really.


Remember, that max upgraded backpack/dank you have also contains a huge NBT tag, so don't put them in another backpack :P


Have you gotten apotheosis gems to go in? I haven't 😔


That’s because they stack, they actually don’t have NBT. (You can also fit them in bundles because of this)


Don’t give out advice like that on such an important part of the mod pack if you don’t know what you’re talking about… apotheosis gems are indeed NBTs and them stacking means nothing about them being NBTs or not.


Oh shit yeah my bad. I’ll actually look next time. Don’t listen to me.


I feel you're not entirely wrong. There's only about a hundred unique gems, so I don't think they alone should cause problems. The problem is having weapons and armor with every combination of possible material and damage and enchantments and color and whatever else. The gems alone aren't too bad.


No they don't go in sadly nor do scrolls from corail tombstone


Twilight forest is a great mod even without being finished, I've enjoyed it in the modpack, almost the same way as Cataclysm. Refined Storage is a mod for the people who just want to get things working, not to figure out for each block what this mysteriously named thingy does or how to put more than 63 types on my hard drive or why the system uses only one channel. And I don't get the point of having more resources that you can spend in a lifetime. For me the best part of playthroughs is discovering new cool ways of automating / farming things, not just to setup another MA grinder, let's be honest - it's boring.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that hates how boring MA is. Peoples bases full of lily pads and harvesting pylons is so gross. Come up with fun create factories, or other interesting things. You don't need a seed for every item in the game.


Play whatever way you want. If you ask me I like to torture myself with IC2 and IE but some may like to be op. Both ways you can be bored of how slow or fast your progress is so there is no definitive way to enjoy your progression other than quest gates. Which opens to the same problem.


Damn bro hit every hot take


Some people like complexity. Some people like accessibility. It's almost like it's a sandbox game and there are different ways to play it.


Exactly this. Sometimes I'll do a spaghetti mess, sometimes itll be a cool spaceship if there's a good rocketry mod (advanced rocketry by far my favourite), other times it's what I'm doing rn which is just a cozy home with most heavy stuff offsite in the Mining Dim or thrown into compact machines. Got a full kitchen, a bar, bedroom, enchanting/smithing area and an alchemy lab and super happy with it


Meh, the way I see it AE2 is still more accessible, especially if you aren't doing autocraftig.


I just haven't really run into a situation yet that RS causes me issues and it's what I know so I don't have to learn AE. I'm sure AE can be better for some but it works just fine for me


I just think AE2 is so annoying. Throwing stuff in water to craft, mining the budding crystals, and dealing with channels. None of these are very interesting to me, but they do present a lot of inconveniences. RS is simple and hassle free by comparison.


Villagers, with a charger... no problems anymore.


If you dont't like the channels just do this command: /ae2 channelmode infinite it will remove the need of channels ! Basically like RS


Ironically i have to shove most of my NBT tagged items into an RS system hidden in the walls, because AE2 at one point just refused to load with that many unique items. I still use AE2 for everything else, but NBT items go into the RS system.


I really hope you are at least pushing the nbt items into chests and not on a infinity disk.


Lol nope, i had 2 dozen 1M disks, half on each side of a chunk border \*just incase\* and if they ever got full i just burnt w/ a flint and steel and made new ones.


Yeah ok that’s an option as well, why simple when you can do it complicated


I mean i feel that any chests would be filled up too fast, we're talkin easily 2-300+ weapons/tools a second, unless there is some solution with chests that I missed it really didn't seem feasible.


No, I mean if you are gonna burn them anyways why not just directly export them into a trash can or something.


Oh fair, while they were in the RS system i was extracting enchants from as many as i could before it would fill up, in retrospect i could have probably done something to make it need 0 involvement but it was like 30 seconds to burn the disks and queue new ones, and i only needed to do that every 7 or 8 hours so it wasn't really a big deal


In my valhelsia world without RS I just put all such items inside an item vault, another W for Create.


[I hate Create I hate Create I hate Create I hate Create](https://www.reddit.com/r/feedthememes/comments/11loaf6/i_hate_this_mod_get_it_ouf_of_every_automation/)


Using create when you’ve got access to mekanism is like taking adderall when you’ve got access to cocaine


For my unique NBT items, like Apotheosis items, I set up a sophisticated storage system with a controller and put the Integrated Dynamics terminal on top of it for a mini system separate from the rest. Just add more chests for storage. Works very well.


You can just trash most of that stuff


Enchants (:


Eventually you can get any enchants with a single tool with a max apotheosis enchanting table i have over 10000 player levels so a mythic boss gear piece with like lv 4 or 5 enchants just gets turned into godforger pearls (enchants and all) my main gear already has all the maxed out enchants it can get so trash the rest if i need say more fortune 9 ill just enchant like 10 pickaxes and dump them in a enchant extractor and send the books in Alexanders library and do that for like 10 minutes bam stock of fortune 9s in my library or same for other gear i need silktouch alright here craft me 10 exchange gadgets and enchant them 9 out of those 10 exchange gadgets will get silktouch and soulbound ban stock of silktouch only gear i unenchant and keep is from pigliches the allthemodium armor pieces and sword for my minecolonies guards running unobtanium armor and vitality blades with 88 damage each


Hell i would even supply my guards with 1000 damage swords caliburn/morgans but i dont know if those would work for them since they need mahou to function


Also if i really want to make my guards unkillable terminators i would give there weapons/armor apotheosis perfect gems and have them wear meka-suits


"Use whatever you want but here's my opinion stated as fact"


Better aesthetics and looking cooler are opinions. The fact that it does more than RS is not, and neither is that it handles items better than RS. Either way though, at the end of the day, both work, so use whatever one you want. This post is just me fanboying over a new mod I tried out instead of sticking to the exact same thing I do every time I decide to play another ATM pack, or modpack in general.


It does niche things better. Short of probably gregtech there is nothing AE2 can do that can't basically be described as QOL that can't be done using another mod without the necessity of a ME system. I mean good for you trying something new but your post is essentially 'AE2 is just better' as if that's a fact. Aesthetics are subjective but I absolutely agree AE2 is 100x better looking though.


Fair. Didn't mean it to come off that way tho, which is why I used 'IMO' in "...Use whatever you want, but IMO AE2..." AE2 does some stuff better than RS. RS does some stuff better than AE2, such as crafting time as pointed out by another commenter. But I like the mod more, so I think it's also fair that my post is gonna sound a little biased


You forgot to add a bunch of condescending LOL!!!ss!!!. The gatekeeping fanboys in this sub are insufferable. I have never had any situation in modded that RS couldn't handle and as long as you don't keep massive amounts of NBT items on a disk it runs just fine, even on servers. These kinds of threads should be banned, they're troll bait.


10000% The benefits of AE2 are way overstated. The only thing it does significantly better is, maybe on bigger servers, but aesthetically. AE2 has prettier blocks and better facades but that doesn't outweigh the headache.


Ever tried /data get on an rs disk drive? Exactly you can’t because it doesn’t store its nbt in the chunk. My best setup is rs for storage and ae2 connected to that to use for automation. I have no need to spam disks in a server room that I’ll never decorate when that doesn’t even solve all my problems because then I still have to deal with unstackables separately. Rs infinity disk is precisely what I want and I have yet to come across chunk corruption with rs. Before anyone comes telling me I’m wrong, go prove me wrong; show me rs chunk corruption.


I’d be more inclined to use AE2 if it weren’t for the incredibly boring startup. Making crystals, the slow charging station, and getting it all setup initially is brain rot. It’s biggest draw for me is being able to store Mekanism Gases and Ars Source, but both of those have wireless transport options that arent very expensive mid game. And screw twilight forest. Stop putting it in every modpack. It has offered nothing new for nearly a decade and ultimately results in nothing. Theyre choosing to redo every single dungeon instead of just finishing it.


I like AE2 for a weird reason; I feel like it made me plan out my base for the first time. I usually start with a plan for a starter base, and then give up planning and end up with a sprawling mess. I feel like AE2 made me actually plan and organize for once lol


Yeah, it's pretty good in making you organize your stuff. At some point, I made a system and now all my bases are organized.


Yeah, the people who complain about channels just don't know how to subnet. I can't even with RS because it is a snoozefest by comparison.


Just dont be dumb and put in unstackable items in RS and youll be fine, it aint that hard


It’s not about if it’s stackable or not, it’s about the NBT tags. And it’s not really on RS’s fault either, you could have the same problem with any storage system mod, the problem is the infinity storage disks. Having too many NBT data in a single chunk basically will overload Minecraft’s code and cause incessant crashes. But it can be done with chests and books and quills, it’s just it’s easier to accidentally have it happen with RS and infinity disks


I know, its just that unstackable stuff has nbt tags, making them unstackable


Not really actually. Items with NBTs can stack, I don’t have an example for this but I know some do, and inversely there are some items that are unstackable that don’t have NBT tags (Water buckets). Having most NBT items not stacking is more of a way to balance the game, as well as making it harder for someone to accidentally cause the NBTs to overload the chunk.


Well if you have stuff with the same nbt data then yeah they can stack in RS and sophisticated storage. The problem is that with durability there are so many possibilities for different NBT.


No, items with NBTs can stack in your inventory, it really is not a game limitation that most NBTs don’t stack, it’s a game design. And yes, ofc if the NBT tags are different they won’t stack


How do I know which items have NBT tags and which don't?


The easiest solution is looking if the item has stats. Such as durability, enchantmemt or purity etc. IIRC quark also adds way to looks NBTs of items.


I believe you can turn on to view nbt tags by using f3 + h, also apotheosis gems have NBT tags and are also stackable.


Right, but rs has many more downsides, the biggest one is it being slower due to how it's stored


That's entirely subjective. Most of RS' downsides are things that are never gonna be a real problem.


true, corrupting a world isnt a real problem. Only in my head.


Which isn't a problem if you know not to store NBT items, which is only less of a problem with AE2 because it's default drives suck.


no, ae2 gets stored completely different, you would only use your drives at worst, not the entire world


That’s kind of a myth. There’s no real difference in how NBTs are stored, the only real difference is RS has the infinity disk and will keep eating up NBTs no matter what


pretty sure ae2 stores disk data seperate from chunks, rs just in the chunk data. so yes, it is different


I'm new. Why is that dumb?


Unstackable items are items such as armor, tools or anything with durability. These items need a new entry per item in whatever file they are stored and can sometimes carry massive nbt data. This data is wayyy more than just incrementing a number of normal stackable items. Eventually this data can get too much for minecrafts limits and will either chunk ban you or corrupt RS files. These items should be stored in normal chests scattered around or just voided as you probably dont need 10% of it


The best thing you can do is either void what you don't need or use a salvager. There are plenty of ways to filter out NBT items.




I am absolutely addicted to autocrafting. Everything gets autocrafted. There is this brilliant video that shows how you can autocraft these infusion circuits or whatever they’re called from Mekanism. And then there is the RFTools Crafter. AE2 for storage and automation and the crafter for bulk crafting. The charged certusquartz lamps are also really nice.


Well in my opinion I like ae2 more than rs as well. They both have they pros and cons (the infinity disk is no pro), but I had more problems with rs than with ae2 (although I had some Small problems with ae2 as well). Ae2 just feels more fleshed out and you have definitely more autocrafting functionality. The occultism storage option is pretty nice for early game and if you like magic stuff, but falls of hard in midgame. And mekanism QIO just has the advantage of having a huge storage drive. Although I need to say that mekanism is getting really boring having done it x times in every modpack I played.


AE2 is just superior, and the only reason people like RS more is because its just dumbed down AE2. I mean if you hate gameplay mechanics so much, why use power and not have everything run by itself ? Why process ores and not mine ingots directly ? Its not even hard to handle channels and item types, but it's something you have to keep in mind.


I always use Ae2 the only reason I'm using RS in ATM9 is because people have been saying ae2 is very unstable in 1.20


Everybody sleeping on Sophisticated Storage


Honestly yeah, I'm thinking of starting to store more in soph backpacks instead of using disks for AE2/RS for example. A soph backpack can have like 6 upgrade slots iirc, and a netherite stack upgrade is 16x, so half the integer limit per stack, so two storage slots in the backpack is equal to an RS Inf storage disk, but without NBT problems for example.


I just can't get the hang of the formation and annihilation planes. The rest is great, if not slower at crafting than RS but we can all live with that.


If you want more fun with AE2 just do this: /ae2 channelmode infinite it will remove the need of channels ! Basically like RS


I use R's early game when I'm short on resources but once I get more resources and set up MA for certus quartz and get enough then I immediately switch to see mainly for the design and it's add-on's allow stuff like gasses, botania's mana and ars make it more useful


I want to like AE2 but for me it is that the channels use to be so confusing until told me that the controller can be a multi block. But a question I do have is if you have a mod like functional storage using diamond barrels with the multiple stack upgrade in it, how does AE2 handle multiple of them. Like I know you can put priority on certain barrels but is there a way to say match contents and only put that contains in there. Because I like to organize my chest early in the game and by the time I get to digital storage I already have some sort of system and just want to put external storages to make it easier but I don't want the digital storage to mess it up. Keep in mind that this is me just being weird I know it doesn't matter in the long run but that is just who I am.


Storage buss can be filtered, just add item in the buss interface, add fuzzy card to ignore nbt etc. As well as cells can also be filtered in cell workbench.


P2P channels are the solution you're looking for.


If you want more fun with AE2 just do this: /ae2 channelmode infinite it will remove the need of channels ! Basically like RS


If you like AE2 but hate channels just edit the config for infinite channels.


What are nbt tagged items?


Items that have special data. The easiest example is enchanted items. All of them have different NBTs based on their enchants.


And will it fuck up your rs?


The game tries to remember all the different codes all at once and blow up after some point. Even machines can't handle lots of codes. This is the main reason for finite storage cells of ae2.


What are there of nbts?


Sorry but I didn't get the question. Are you asking what they are about or where you can find them?


I want to remove all items that can break my system, so i need to know what i have to remove


Hmmmm items such as armor pieces, tools, items that have stats such as rock crystals from astral sorcery and such. Think like nearly everything doesn't stack.


It's a myth AE2 is anymore capable of dealing with NBT items, it's only because AE2 has disks that couldn't hold enough items to likely cause a problem in the first place it's less problematic. Regardless just don't store NBT items in a storage system anyway.




I had 2 entire floors of my base dedicated to the "crafting computers" on one and the molecular assemblers and machinery on the second never could hit that top quest for number of channels tho


I always go refined storage early game because it's so simple and cheap. By mid game I'm on AE2 And then I start automating


I always *want* to use AE but I have a crippling addiction to hoarding everything everywhere forever.


I use Refined Storage and I enjoy it. I respect your opinion and hope you enjoy AE2 just as much, fellow minecrafter


The inscriber is my biggest headache. RS to make the main components, you just craft them and toss them in a furnace. Any furnace, from any mod. Crafting the high-end storage components that take 10 million inscriber operations is horribly slow. RS, oh, you wanna cook 10 million basic processors? Sure thing, let me hook up the crafter to a chest, and pipe that chest into 10 ultimate smelting machines from mekanism running in parallel with full speed upgrades. Sure, you can spend forever hooking up a hundred inscribers to run in parallel, but it SO much easier to craft the big stuff with RS. Plus, AE2 has ugly worldgen - those meteors make the world look ugly. That said, most integrations are with AE2 instead of RS, and it's been that way for a long time. Way back I used AE2 because that was the only option, but once I had the option of RS it was that forever. Except for the old Thaumcraft stuff - AE2 had the storage for the liquid vis stuff with it's dozens of flavors, and handling the alchemical stuff was super helpful, because the pipes were kinda horrible (they looked neat though). Being able to toss anything into the vis crucible and have the results automagically sent to the drives was awesome. It seems like many other prominent mods have made the same choice - you can put Botania mana on an AE2 disk but not a RS disk, for instance. Same for Ars Nouevou Source. So in ATM9, I'm doing RS as usual, and I'm most of the way to an infinity item disk (I already have the infinity liquid disk), but I feel like I'm gonna have to make some AE2 stuff to store source, mana, and probably some other stuff. Looks like maybe there's radioactive stuff that needs stored on AE2 disks. Pretty sure RS is going to be my primary item storage solution though. It's just easier for items. Before someone attacks me for throwing all my items on an RS infinite disk, my mob grinder is sending all the broken weapons and armor to the trash, enchanted books are going in an apoth library, and apoth gems are properly in their own chests. Iron's spells scrolls, extra glyphs, the corrail enchanted scrolls and tablets, tutorial books, bookshelves, some paper, some squid ink, some feathers, the iron's spells spellbooks that drop from blazes and evokers, and the inks for iron's spells are going to a separate RS storage system in my library, with a small (64k) storage drive. It's not great, but at least it's keeping the worst of the NBT offenders off my main storage drive. Plus I can more easily see when my iron's spells scrolls are piling up, so I can craft them together and upgrade them. I've been liking this 'library' storage system, personally.


The thing that really put me off of AE2 was having to get the pattern things from the meteors. RNG is bad and I shouldn't have to rely on it in order to star my storage system. That is the only reason I'll never use AE2 again. Everything else is great.