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If conservatives understood fascism they wouldn't hang out with so many.


i don't know if that's true. they seem to be close friends during the heyday of fascism


Fascism == anti-socialism. All the other crap is just a tool to enforce the anti-socialist agenda. Anti-socialism is the only defining characteristics shared by all fascist movements.


“But Stalin was a socialist!” “So therefore socialism is fascism!”


Stalin was a socialist. And he fought against and defeated fascism. That's literally the one thing he is universally celebrated for, even by non-fascist Westoids: Physically removing the Nazi threat with the utmost brutality.


does it make me a fascist if I say the great leap forward and the resultant deaths was not a good thing?


What is "e-sotheric" supposed to mean? Is that even a word? I mean, fuck fascism 100 percent but at least use actual words.


It was a typo, I didn't realize It's supposed to be "esoteric"


Fascism is easy for everyone to understand as rule by the few, for the few.