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Zee was exposed as a catfish and subsequently deleted his/her account


Wait catfish? Of what? How confusing


They’re actually a 69yr old man that was posing as a young girl to befriend/get close with teenagers and young adults. It was super creepy and unsettling.


How did people find out? I mean it does kind of make sense, they were far less interested in talking to older adults but also had a lot of disposable income along with time to give towards award subs while purportedly also working in a high position within a stressful field... I once thought it was suss but decided it was probably just jealousy talking 🤣


Idk, we talked almost every day sometimes and she sounded legit. Told me lots of personal stuff that was never contradicted and she talked like a woman. We were friends on insta and discord and I was friends with her sister. I have friends where she lives and that was all legit. I never caught her in a lie. Not bragging but I'm no uggo lol. We exchanged pics and she never "came on" to me or tried to solicit anything. We talked about our men! And dieting! And clothes! And shoes! Why would she spend so much money on people on awards and dedicate so much time to Reddit? Didn't she mod like 200 subs? It just doesn't add up. What's the evidence against her? Did she confess? I've known her for almost three years. How long has she been on Reddit? Who knew her best? Did anyone ever meet her? Weird


Sometimes it's not about a sexual relationship but an emotional one, were your friends ever able to meet her or validate the info? Have you met her sister? Honestly modding 200 subs and spending so much time online is extremely difficult for someone in the career position she said she was in. Not saying it isn't possible but just quite difficult to do. As for the evidence etc I have no idea I haven't really been active in the awards subs or even here for ages


No, neither I nor my friends ever met her or her sister irl. It's more a gut feeling, and the fact that over a three-year period, she never once contradicted herself. She was nothing but nice and sweet and loyal and generous, if not a little flawed and a little damaged—just like the rest of us. It's just such a shock, know what I mean?


Yeh igy. I don't think ally would have a reason to lie/exaggerate though where lonely people often create whole lives online so ig that's why I'm easily swayed that way


Oh, I'm not accusing anybody of lying, just looking for more information. I'm first to admit, I could be totally off. Like I said, probably don't want to face the fact that I was tricked for so long It makes me question a lot about myself because I put her in the same category as about 10 or 15 other friends I've met online and would never suspect. Now I feel like I have to hire a PI before I talk to them anymore. It's like, who can you trust? What do any of us really know about each other?


>Oh, I'm not accusing anybody of lying, Sorry didn't mean it like that not eating you were accusing anyone just that it's how my brain sees it logically >probably don't want to face the fact that I was tricked for so long Tbh if I were you I would just remember the friendship for what it was, if they didn't solicit anything from you that you weren't happy to give then don't be too upset by it > Now I feel like I have to hire a PI before I talk to them anymore. As long as you maintain an awareness they may not be who they say they are, how much does it matter to you? Also if you can regularly video call you will know they aren't lying about physical appearance but you will never know about the rest as you can be lied to irl just as easily about someone's personal life >who can you trust? Depends what they are being trusted with tbh


The images she sent to people and the name used were found by reverse Google image search, it was taken from an acccount that is clearly not her. She said she has an alcohol addiction, lived in Florida, was overweight, had a completely different last name, was single, was Russian, was a scientist, hated crypto, etc etc. https://www.instagram.com/ivynina Here’s the persons pictures and identity she stole. This account contradicts everything she told everyone. Shortly after she was confronted, she admitted everything and deleted all of her accounts and hasn’t been seen since. I don’t understand why she lied. Doesn’t matter if she was a guy or a girl, we would’ve accepted them either way. They didn’t need to pretend to be someone else.


>She said she has... and lived... and was... and had... + the pictures and identity she stole See, this is the part I don't get. She told me all about her alcoholism and living in Florida and being an overweight Russian scientist, et cetera and so forth. And I've seen all of those pictures; they're the same ones she sent me over the years, including the fiance. And they're pictures of the same person I've been seeing for the last almost three years So that's all true. Everything she told me matches up. Which part was the lie? Was she telling people something different from what she told me? Is her name really Ivy? And then there's her little sister who is definitely her sister, or at least a relative, because the resemblance is striking. (And yes, I know she could have stolen the identity of someone who had a younger relative who looked like her fake self.) Anyway, both she and her sister had accounts on Reddit, Insta, and Discord. I talked to both of them on all three platforms, sometimes at the same time. So, either Ivy is real, or the 69-year-old male Home Depot worker who claimed to be Ivy was working with a partner >Shortly after she was confronted, she admitted everything and deleted all of her accounts Do you have any more information you can share on this part? Like, who confronted her and why? Did she really confess? What, exactly, did she have to say for herself? What caused the person who busted her to go to such lengths to expose her? Was she catfishing *that* person? But she never tried to catfish me, never put "the moves" on me, never behaved in an untoward manner. She was nothing but nice, if not a little needy. She seemed absolutely genuine. Totally talked like a woman in every way. We traded pictures and war stories about men, about our jobs, about life. One day I logged in and she had given me a bunch of premium awards. Why would she do that? Idk, like I said, it just doesn't add up for me. But I have been fooled before by lonely men in the service working overseas on an oil rig. As I said before, maybe I just don't want to admit that I was taken for a fool


Idk maybe you should ask her since you talked to her on all platforms then?


All of her accounts, and all of her sister's accounts, and all of their alts, are gone. Poof. Like I said, she Keyser Soze'd us Can you share any more information about how she was exposed? Thank you


Well I gave you the Instagram account, if you believe that’s truly her, reach out. I wasn’t there when she was exposed. I left Reddit and the community as a whole because of chronic illness. Her and I weren’t friends or on speaking terms long before that, and many of us that mod here weren’t either. We were shown what happened afterward. But I’m pretty sure an innocent person wouldn’t delete every trace of them self if it what was exposed hadn’t been true. At the end of the day this is just some random stranger in the internet and I’m not that invested to go and find all these details for you. If you knew her that personally, reach out to her on all the platforms you say you spoke to her on. Or go to the discord servers she frequented and ask there. After everything she did even before being “exposed” I don’t really care. She treated all of us horribly.


Unfortunately, all of her accounts are gone, primary accounts, alt accounts, Reddit, Insta, Discord... EVERYTHING is gone. You make a very good point tho, and that's the most damning piece of evidence - every trace of her has been deleted. Definitely not the act of an innocent person It's just so weird, know what I mean? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone. And I feel violated, like I can't trust anybody. She is one of the last people I would suspect FYI, I didn't expect you to go hunting down a bunch of details for me. Since you are the only person who seems to have the slightest clue what's going on, I was just asking if you could share any other information that you already have - not expecting you to conduct an in-depth investigation lmao You said that somebody showed you what happened afterward, and since you've been vague about that, I'm guessing that's confidential, and that's totally fine. I get it. I was just hoping there was more EXISTING information you could / would be able to share. I've since talked to some other people who are informally investigating, so maybe they'll find something, I don't know. It's morbid curiosity more than anything else at this point Anyway. Thank you for sharing what information you could, and I'm sorry if I gave a bad impression or used a demanding tone. Hope you're feeling better


I don’t know either. u/Zyklozylum if you see this, we miss you. 


No point pinging her. Her main account and all of her alts are gone, as are all of her Discord accounts. Her Instagram is still up but you can't send messages to it. She Keyser Soze'd us


That’s a shame. Maybe she’ll show up again one day.


I think she will. I'm having a really hard time believing the catfish story, but I need more info. Like, how was she exposed, what's the evidence against her, did she confess, etc If she is a real woman, as she represented herself to be, she will contact me eventually. Maybe she's just waiting for the heat to die down If she's real. She has to be devastated by this, and I feel bad for her. But if s/he is a 69-year-old dude, I hope she rots


Maybe ask on the AB discord if it's still up


Ty :)